Geranium is a healing plant, my mom told me to have a geranium plant always at my workspace, window ledge or in living room. Its energy is simply uplifting, and it blocks out bad vibrations and cleans air. How can you not love the geranium blooms? I have two kinds of blooming geranium currently: the pink rose geranium and bright orange-red geranium; besides, the red is more present, altogether looking like one of my most favorite colors. Well, pink color is great for painting. It’s also easier to photograph than, for instance yellow or red.
I started this painting not only because I adore the fluffy, colorful blooms and well-shaped leaves of geranium plants, but also because I wanted to create support material for art classes. Most students who’d love to learn painting, cannot really draw. Therefore, they normally trace photos or print-outs. It must be tough, and, thanks to my early devotion to drawing, I can draw anything on the spot. I created outline drawing of a large bloom and added a few leaves. As it appears, the drawing paper (it was actually some kind of newsprint I think, large sheets) was a bit smaller than my watercolor paper.

My painting composition looked fine as outline sketch, but after a few first layers I could see that something is missing, so I got a reference leaf and drew it in the upper right part. I kept adding layers, and the flower which actually consists of numerous small blooms came more and more to life. Around layer 5 I think, I discovered that the bottom part needs something more, so I added half of a leaf and small corner of as if leaf.

While it is step 1, step 2 and so forth, each step took quite a few hours, and the entire painting – about 8 full days. I hadn’t counted on all parts requiring so many layers. The paper isn’t Arches again, it is Strathmore 400 series which comes in this size I like 24 x 18 inches (61 x 46 cm) and which I had available. You cannot create very attractive washes on this paper, therefore, I intentionally left the background white. Certainly, if you want washes in your painting, you have to use cotton paper. There is no comparison how wash looks on Strathmore paper which is still very thick and firm, and on Arches which is at least 140 lb.

I do most parts of painting with my number 14 brush. I’m so happy it has still the fine tip, but it has started to wear down. Well, I have 3 of the same brushes, and two are useable. Not only it is faster, it is a lot easier, too, to cover an area with paint and add some other color to it. I do not like a few things with watercolor – using masking fluid and using very dark colors. I never use black in watercolor. For that case, there’s Payne’s grey, we can use Sepia, purple, indigo and so on. That allows creating gradual transparent color which looks almost black, but shaded black.

I love the transparency of watercolor, and I do aim for flowing lines, as well as colors which do not hurt, but have a soothing quality. I didn’t have Opera pink color which is extra bright and can be used for such flower paintings, I simply couldn’t find it, therefore, I used what I had, many shades of dark red and Carmine, plus some purple and blue, although, it isn’t well visible on photos.
It’s beauty which always touches me, the elegant shape of leaves, the fragile softness of petals. If you paint, add some heart onto your painting. Don’t worry always about the technical aspects and perfection. Having heart in art is already enough and that feature makes it shine and stand out among others.
Pansies, click on image for article

Garden rose, click on image for article

Thanks for reading! I hope your September has started off on the right foot!
Lovely, Inese…. ❤️
Thanks very much! Pink color is easier to photograph, I’m happy this time how this geranium painting looks in reality and on the blog.
They do look gorgeous. The only thing I don’t like about geraniums is their smell. I grew up with them on the front doorstep and I’ve never forgotten their scent.
Ha, ha, I don’t feel a strong smell from these ones. When I detach a leaf or a bloom, I can feel a smell lingering around, but other than that: they look purely gorgeous.
Well, I hope people perceive this painting visually!
I’m sure they will… lol… 😁
and maybe they are not sensitive to this smell
this is gorgeous!!
Thanks very much Lovie!
I am satisfied with this watercolor. Colors work really well not only on the real painting, but also photo this time.
I am also happy I left the background white because this paper doesn’t allow for creating good washes, so, altogether it’s ready for frame which I don’t have yet.
The painting looks really beautiful❤️
Thank you very much!
This pink geranium watercolor continues the 24 x 18 in or 61 x 46 cm watercolor floral series. There are quite a few paintings already, probably will be more, and this one got a good photo to go online.
Thats a lovely presentation.Thank you for the information.
Well, it’s in my best interest to make other people aware of what I do and offer, so, thank you for commenting!
the painting, as always, is gorgeous — & your description of your subject & process is lovely too, like poetry
Thanks very much for this nice comment!
I’ve been thinking a lot about how to increase my visibility. Have to do something.
Have a good day!
good luck & let us know if you come up with any good tips — I try to remind myself that even McDonald’s & Coca Cola continually promote themselves…
Oh, I didn’t even get to anything yet.
Tomatoes need to be put in jars or at least picked, and pumpkins, beets, etc. Didn’t get that all done either. I painted a reference watercolor for classes, took a few pictures, edited, they were all crooked (iPhone!!!). It takes me a lot of time, especially because I can hardly see anything on that phone.
I need to do website updates, big time, didn’t get to that also.
That’s how it goes.
I hope you have a good weekend!
you sound like me, Inese lol never enough hours in the day, the “To Do” list never ending…
You are right. It’s Saturday night, and I am still working, getting exhausted, though …
I hope you are doing something better!
I wish I could say I was lol. I have to watch out & not invite insomnia…
So far, never had to complain about insomnia. But I am a night person, cannot get going in the morning. I prefer afternoon and night, including late night, except for painting, hence I need daylight.
Don’t work too hard, save yourself for something better!
Your painting is so beautiful, Inese! I just love your work and the way you share it. You can tell that you add your heart to your art!! Hope all is well and that you are busy creating <3
Thanks so much Lorrie!
I was thinking about you, just the other day. It’s interesting how we met here on WordPress, and you are one of those few people who return to my blog, and I return to your blog, and that for at least some 10 years I believe. You were one of the first to catch up with me.
I certainly work towards something which I can be proud of when I create a painting, and I love that it speaks to other people, too, not only on a technical level, but also emotionally.
Everything is fine and could be way better, too, but taking into account circumstances, we are well.
I hope you are staying well, too, and big hugs to you! I will stop by when I have a bit more time!
Yes, Inese…we have been walking in to each other’s lives for quite some time. And that is what I love about being here in this forum. We can separate and come back together and catch up on what the other has been doing 😊
Your work definitely speaks to people and I would be able to pick it out of a large number of paintings because you have a style and it feels alive when you see it!
I am happy that you are doing well…it is important for us to know when things are good…to really live in those moments and be grateful! I am well. We have the Delta variant exploding all around us and a governor who made an executive order to NOT allow schools to mandate masks…it seems crazy really. But I am aware and do my best to stay well…and I am full of gratitude because my I love my life😊 Sweet Blessings, Inese…keep creating!
That’s the best: take your time away and then come back. Unlike on social media: if you are absent for a while, attention is completely gone.
I think so too, that while my subjects are not that unique, the way I love working on them, sets my style apart from the crowd.
It’s too bad such decisions are made by people who lead themselves by political popularity. In times like this, I suppose one shouldn’t wait for orders but act on the most reasonable decisions there can be made. However, kids are kids, and the youngest ones will just go along with what they see and what others do.
Loving life and being happy to be alive is a big part of overall wellbeing.
I think the older one gets, the more they appreciate being alive and enjoying whatever that is life gives us.
Blessings to you Lorrie! I will be in touch!
So lovely, Inese, as always. I love the way you describe how the painting comes together, through a number of layers, and the different ways you blend the colours together. I love the flowing lines and the soft pastels. And I love the advice your mum gave you about the healing qualities of the Geranium plant. I have geraniums outside in the garden but from now on I will have a couple of them in my home too, for their uplifting energy and to cleanse the air in my space. Thank you, dear Inese. I get so much from your posts. Bless you.
Thank you very much!
Mom is not with us for quite a while, and her advices live on. Geranium plant simply looks so adorable, it is a very patient plant and in bloom most of the time.
It’s definitely not surprising it asked to be painted, and I am working on more materials about floral leaves and blooms in other colors, etc.
It is very motivating when somebody likes and appreciates what I do.
Blessings to you, too!
Hi – I like the advice to add heart to art 🙂
and the watercolor geraniums are so wonderful
Thanks very much!
Adding the heart to anything we pursue, always does the trick!
Have a good weekend!
Inese, your watercolor geraniums look so lovely.
Every single blossom is a work of art in itself. So delicate, so fine, so soft and fragile. You succeeded wonderfully in the light shades of color. The elegant shape of leaves are perfect too.
I love this artwork! 😊
Greetings from the bautiful Rhine-Highlands / Germany…
Thank you very much Rosie!
I agree, every single petal takes work and layers.
I’ve seen your great works, so it’s nice you like art in a different style, too!
Well, watercolor can be so many different things and approaches. This type of painting felt right and suitable for my personalized realism purposes.
I do other styles sometimes, too, especially pen and watercolor and abstracted washes plus very definite focal point.
That’s watercolor and it is a wonderful medium. I use acrylic, too, and it’s time to publish some new acrylic art, as well.
Have a good and creative weekend!
Beautiful work. So alive. So inspiring. Happy Sunday.
Thanks very much! I’m happy to hear that.
I hope you have a good Sunday, too!