Watercolor: good choice for any style artist
Watercolor has been one of my most favorite painting medium options for more than 5 decades. I still have a few of my first paintings somewhere, deep in my numerous art folders. I was about 10 years old, I was drawing very well, just like I do now, but my watercolors were not sparkling. I come from a family which didn’t have any relationship with art. In the neighboring house, an artist was renting a room. Her watercolor paintings were way larger and way brighter. They had more volume and more contrast. I asked her to see her paints. She showed me the most fantastic box of watercolor paints. Back then, they were Leningrad watercolor paints which later transitioned to St. Petersburg, and then White night paints. The difference was astounding. Clarity and saturation of pigment charmed me on the spot.

Why to invest in good art supplies
Ever since I tried St. Petersburg watercolor paints, I always tried to find them and use. When I relocated to Canada 18 years ago, I had only a tiny paint box with me, but I quickly realized I will need more paints. So, I shopped the brands available in North America. Expensive they were, the artist grade paints, but they didn’t come even close to my favorite brand. Now with all the Russian issues, I’m in trouble again, but I hope to get some replacement paints. The most understated feature when learning to paint with watercolor is the quality. That refers to quality of paints and quality of watercolor paper. With bad paints and using them on a bad paper, all we can get is unsatisfactory color and contrast, plus bad paper simply cannot take layers and corrections and it buckles and warps. It is limiting.

Captures of fall using watercolor washes and fine detail
Importance of good watercolor paper
Good watercolor paper is very expensive in Canada. The 300 lb cotton cold pressed paper comes to almost $30 or more (with taxes) per 1 sheet. Sheet is approximately 29 to 30 inches x 22 to 23 inches depending on brand. The use of bad paper and weak paints might be the main reason many potential watercolor users give up. Well, I am using sometimes non-cotton papers, too, but no other paper compares to the real thing when you need to apply a wash, gradual wash and fine detail. I prefer using the large size and full-sheet paper since there’s no way to paint something meaningful on tiny size paper.

Autumn leaves and sunflower, both are 20 x 16 in or 51 x 41 cm
Fall colors for beginner artists
Fall season is a great time to consider painting in colors because it is very simple to apply warm and cold opposites and create something great. It is easy to use more abstracted style or add definite detail when necessary. Inspiration is everywhere assuming you get a chance to be in an area which has trees and other landscape elements. Even a few leaves can create a good composition and then you can just add fence, brick wall or washes for background. It is definitely more rewarding to use real things as models for painting. Not everybody knows how to use photo, and your style will emerge sooner when you are not affected by pre-set colors and composition. You have more freedom.

Relaxing experience with watercolor paints
I usually do not participate in challenges because days are filled with numerous tasks as it is. I cannot be sure I will have enough time to paint something of decent quality every day. For me, it makes sense working when the time is right and I don’t feel rushed. People who have similar conditions to mine, frequently experience depression. It comes and goes, and can be of different severity grades. I noticed, however, a few days ago when I finished up the Fall tree on lake shore, I felt simply excellent. For me personally, painting with watercolor is an extremely relaxing and calming experience. Creating the bright color transitions makes me feeling way better than usually. I could say, using bright colors cures and soothes upset mood.

Birch path is large, 30 x 22.5 in or 76 x 57 cm
Dark colors without actual black in watercolor
I never use black color in watercolor painting, and I do not like dark watercolor paintings also. The reason is simple: black color indicates areas absent of light. If you are in a totally dark and black space no light waves are coming through. Generally speaking, I don’t like dark spaces, dark clothes and dark living environment. From the practical painting perspective, black color can make other colors muddy in watercolor painting. For extra strong values, we can use raw umber (very dark tone of brown), Payne’s grey (almost black blue), sepia (practically black with brown undertone) and mixes of dark blue, dark violet with other colors of your palette. The safest combinations in my experience are with Payne’s grey.

Art classes for adults in Ajax, Ontario
While there are many art classes, it’s so that lots of them are the paint-night type where there is no actual learning. Good painting takes time and skill. You might want to paint more abstract art, but you still need to know how your paint pigments interact and what your brush, sponge, other tools and materials, as well as paints can do on that particular paper you’re using. Every type of paper acts differently. With globalization, art classes have become part of online domain. However, I’ve never met a student who was able to paint whatever they had intended after watching online instruction videos. In reality, you need to obtain some habits which facilitate painting. My art classes are different. And I provide students with skills which root in my many-decades-long experience.

Lake tree watercolor is 24 x 18 in or 61 x 45 cm
Adult artists in and around Ajax, Ontario! You might find your passion this fall season engaging in creation of colorful watercolor art. Calming, soothing and very uplifting! Especially when the days get shorter. Thanks and have a good fall season!
Absolutely delightful Inese! You capture the beauty of autumn with paper and paint! I can see why painting calms and relaxes you!
Thank you very much Carmen for taking your time and stopping by!
It is, indeed, the most calming and relaxing experience for me. Well, pencil drawing is also like that, but this way I can immerse myself in colors.
All the best to you!
How beautiful!
Thank you very much Cindy!
These are just gorgeous paintings!! Many of them, especially the aspen paintings, remind me of home here in the mountains. I love aspens and I ADORE sunflowers! That is a very lovely painting of them as well. Thank you for sharing your beautiful vision. Your paintings are very heart warming to me. Painting and creating soothe my soul too.
Thank you so much Tania Marie!
I was struggling abnormally with picture taking this time, but I am quite satisfied with the look now.
Where you live, it’s aspens, but where I come from, it’s birches, LOL. Well, they look quite similar, especially on a painting. Aspens have even nicer and larger leaves which reflect light extremely beautifully. Birch is more on the burnt sienna color side and leaves are tinier, as well as trunks can be darker and sometimes grey-black all-over, except for tops.
It doesn’t really matter what is painted as long as you feel like you do about these paintings.
I love all fall colors, and these subjects just perfectly match the mood. Sunflowers are also one of my favorites. There’s one more watercolor on the way.
This morning, we have all ground covered in bright red, yellow, orange and rusty leaves. What a beauty!
It is true that such paintings can brighten up any room, and I suppose any soul for that matter.
Thank you for your wonderful comment!
Ah! Thank you for the clarification on the trees. I love both Aspens and Birches. They each are so lovely. Yes, the bark is different on each too I learned. Like you I love the fall colors and I’m glad we share a love for sunflowers.
I bet it is just gorgeous there right now. I can see it in my mind’s eye, what you described with the colors on the ground. Wow! Enjoy the beauty!
It’s fantastic. I will post some pictures on lifeschool blog, maybe tomorrow. This neighborhood probably never looks so good as in the gold of October. My park is awesome. Soon leaves will be gone, but we are bathing in colors at the moment.
Thanks very much for your nice comment!
These are beautiful, Inese!
I pray all’s going well with you and yours.
I have not been on much as I had to go to the hospital again, and had quite a bit of trouble both before and after.
Love your pictures!!
Thank you very much Robbie!
We are on the mend currently, things are looking better.
I am sorry to hear you had to spend some time at a hospital again. Hopefully, your conditions improve that much that you feel better and more comfortable.
You’re such a good friend, I feel sorry for all the health troubles you’ve gone through.
Pictures warm me and make me feel better, both painting them and looking at them, so it’s a great thing to engage in.
All the best to you and your family! Hopefully, things improve.
I’m so glad you are feeling better, Inese.
I’m feeling better. I finally got some medicine that helps!
Thank you, I think of you as a good friend, too.
I’ve gotten somewhat used to having trouble. I just dislike having to go to the hospital, but I’m afraid that’s going to be my new normal.
I can believe that pictures warm you, it shows in your work-it’s beautiful!
Blessings to you and yours, too~💖🙏
That’s good news for you! Nobody likes spending time at a hospital, but sometimes we just cannot avoid that.
It’s really difficult at the moment, financially. There’s also the age issue.
I’m not sure what else I can do, but nothing is really working at this time.
Ok, got to do some chores today, not that I want to.
Have a great Sunday!
I’m so sorry you are having difficulties.
I REALLY know what you mean about chores, ugh!!
Praying you have a great week!
Thanks Robbie!
I am trying to figure out what else to do to make things happen. It’s unclear at the moment what direction to go.
All is quiet and I just slowly move on. Who doesn’t have difficulties? Especially with all the global troubles and unstoppable inflation.
Have a good week, too!
I know, it’s a little worrisome, isn’t it?
I pray things will become better and more clear for you.
Hugs and blessings, my friend~🙏🤗
It’s probably not if, it’s just when, but it might take a long time.
All the best!
I pray things aren’t too slow.
All the best to you, too!
I don’t know what to say, the perception right now is such that nobody wants to spend anything.
When somebody works on their own like I do, they get no visibility in the ocean of paid promotions. Meaningful promotions cost money, and so it goes. One cannot spend what they don’t have.
The town where I have resided for the last few years is really bad for arts. Plus, art generally has lost its appeal and value due to many aspects, but especially no-skill-art and globalization, as well as too many internet places selling prints of anything. It’s probably the worst time ever to try selling something. At least I cannot remember when it was like this crisis.
This week is already almost over, haven’t done much. We will have some warmer and brighter days, maybe I will have more energy.
Which I wish you, too!
Inese, I hadn’t really thought about it, but I can see where the arts have taken a huge hit. Things are just so topsy-turvy right now.
Promotions/promoting is so important but mid-boggling expensive!
I hope things get better soon.
I, too, hope to have more energy-thanks for the wishes!
Have a wonderful weekend~
Well, it might take a few years before everything gets better. Or not, that depends on extremely many aspects, including global.
I should put together my poetry book and some painting materials. It’s just so that there are too many things to straighten out. We still cannot find where some things are, lots of them are still in boxes, that’s half a year after we moved. 2024 we most likely will move again.
While the weather is good I have to clean up outdoors. With all numerous trees, leaves are causing trouble. Colors look nice, but piles of leaves need to be taken care of until snow starts falling.
So, I’m busy with house chores. Just working.
All the best to you!
I;m sorry you may have to move again, Inese. I know that has to be very frustrating.
I hope you get time to do something with your poetry. Leaves never seem to be cleared up, do they?
Our weather here has been wonky! we had nice, 70-80 degree weather until last week, when for 4 days it never got much above 40 and was in the 20’s and 30’s at night. Then, back up to the 70’s. Tomorrow, it drops again. It’s like a roller-coaster!!
Have a wonderful week~
Well, we move every second year or so in average. If you rent, you have to move frequently, sometimes before the year ends, that’s just how it is. No permanency.
That hurts everything I do a lot. Starting over so often makes everything very difficult.
Generally, nothing is really happening at the moment.
It’s getting cold here in Ontario, especially, the night temperatures are low.
I hope your health is better!
I know what you mean about renting!
I’m sure it is extremely hard to have to be starting over so frequently.
I’m sorry it’s getting cold. We had a couple of below freezing temperatures here at night for a few days, and now it’s back in the 70’s during day and 40’s during the night. Very pleasant. (Won’t stay that way long, though!)
I’m doing okay. Saw the doctor Thursday,not a great report but could have been much worse.
Take care!!
Well, November in our area could be much colder, but, thankfully, we are staying above zero, that is Celsius, not sure how much that is in Fahrenheit.
Good to know that you are ok.
Have a good weekend!
Gorgeous, Inese. The colours are spectacular. I miss those fall colours of my youth. It’s mostly evergreen where I live now.
Thank you very much Jo-Anne!
It is impossible to stay away from the colors outdoors at the moment. I was just standing outdoors this morning, and there are flames of orange and burnt sienna, and red, and sparkling yellow tones on the ground and on trees. I happen to have very many trees in this large park which is here. The raking will be something I’m not looking forward to, but everything is breathtakingly beautiful at the moment.
I just cannot resist putting some of these colors on paper.
I know your books are doing great, so all the best to you personally!
Just outstanding and beautiful paintings Inese.. LOVE all the Autumn colours, its been a while since I used my paint brushes, but your art inspires me to get out my watercolours again…
My own crafting with Yarn, and getting fingernails dirty in the Earth as we harvest and winter dig has overtaken the need to blog for a while again…
Hope all is well with you, and thank you for your lovely visit…
Wishing you well my friend <3
Thanks very much Sue!
I think these paintings came out well. I think we all adore the sparkle of fall colors before the darkness takes over outdoors.
It’s very nice to know you feel you should get to painting something, too.
Lots of work for me, too, so definitely, blogging suffers. There are only that many hours in a day.
I’m having big space issues. Throw out couch and put in 2 hibiscus plants? Keep couch and remove TV? I need way more space to give art classes. The online version doesn’t work for me. Compared to the professionally taped videos, it’s like nothing. The thing is people who cannot even paint, have teams and producers and so forth. I think it’s quite crucial now to have help which I don’t.
You probably remember time when one person could do everything. Some promotion, some advertising, getting lots of attention because you do things well. That’s impossible now. One person cannot do everything. So, I just keep putting on some art on my blog. Not frequently, just like you said, there are so many other things waiting for our attention, plus, daily chores. Oh, it’s a lot. Prevents me from painting, too.
I take about 100-150 images of each painting, at all kinds of light. Still, impossible to get them good enough for different sites because of different formats: vertical, horizontal, with background, without. It’s tedious work, but I manage to some extent.
You have a nice blog anyway, it’s pleasure to read it. All the best to you with all your many undertakings!
Yes not enough hours in the day even when we time manage lol..
I appreciate all the work it takes Inese.. and I am always amazed at the quality of your images never mind the skill of your amazing artwork to begin with..
Many thanks also for your compliments.. Sending love and Blessings as we juggle the things we love to do.. <3 <3
I was taught to always do everything the best way I can. I am very sure you also do the same. It takes extra time, extra work, but it’s worth it.
Your blog is one of those worth reading. We’ve stayed in touch for many years now, and I value that. It can be not that often, but that doesn’t matter. We do our best and that can sometimes be not enough, but there’s still great value in that.
Have a great weekend!
I love the way you’ve captured the shape of the maple leaves. Beautiful!
Thanks very much!
I did that in the process. At first I had them totally abstract, just washes, and they didn’t look good enough, so I added some definition.
Have a good week!
Well I think they really work – very well done!
Thanks very much!
Such a pleasure to receive a new, nice comment after a not-that-great day!
absolutely gorgeous!
Thanks very much Lovie!
Hope you well my friend 🙏💙
Thanks for asking!
Everything is fine, as you can see painting and drawing whenever I can.
I hope you’re fine, too. Some day, I will stop by. All the best to you!
Be a pleasure take care my friend 💙
Always busy with household chores, but there will be some free moment when I can respond to my blogger friends.
Love the colours!
Thanks very much!
I’ve been very busy in the garden recently, so I will follow up on comments and likes sometimes later. I appreciate your comment.