Creation as art therapy

Colors for art therapy

Harmony and balance – main goal of creation as art therapy

To regain harmony, balance and self-fulfillment, many people are trying to find simple ways to cure their stresses and change the rushed lifestyle in nowadays unforgiving world. The most healing, as well as most accessible path is using creation as art therapy. You don’t have to be an artist to find huge satisfaction, calmness and feeling whole again since creation of art, painting, drawing, sketch is already art therapy. If you never tried, maybe you should do that right now while it’s cold and not that great outdoors.

The healing potential of creation as art therapy

The healing aspect of creation is based on the idea that it involves mind, soul, emotions, feelings, activation of memory pathways, harmonizing movements of hand with brush or pencil, thus, stimulating self-expression, intuition and getting in contact with person’s inner self. All of that gives us a chance to free ourselves from never ending stresses, being in competition with everybody else, and getting rid of emotional blocks. The other aspects of creation of art are ability to focus, improvement of memory and decision making.

Relaxing creativity

Creation as art therapy involves fantastic relaxing potential. Especially, if you prefer using color as the main feature in art. The colors we feel as ours, disclose the subconscious state of our mind and lead to transforming experience. Creation of art involves all of our brain processes, and that manifests as a healing effect and feeling of inner balance. Participation in art classes is one way to facilitate the creativity and learn how to implement it in our life.

Power of colors

Each color possesses unique energy which affects us. Working with colors releases different energies. For painting, we usually go either with color of our subject and reference, or choose it intuitively which is what I do most often. Choice of color can be frequently subconscious – we feel attracted to some colors and avoid using others. The same goes for subjects which we feel are ours.

Blue and green – colors of life and harmony

Blue color calms and facilitates peacefulness decreasing stress and anxiety. Look at the blue sky, which represents endless calm. We surely can paint sky and water as blue as we want. Green color symbolizes the energy of nature, harmony and balance, healing and increasing the feeling of the inner calm. Green color means life and renewal, just like in spring everything comes back to life. Green is dominant in nature during spring and summer, it’s the most healing color, the best art therapy.

Orange and red for passion

Orange color is the color of enthusiasm, living energy and creative intentions, it gives us vitality, helping to open our mind to new ideas. Red color activates our energy, power and passion, especially passion to live and create. Red color also can be a manifestation of subdued emotions and inner restlessness. I have rarely used only red, orange or yellow, but these colors are very essential for fall landscapes where they are represented in abundance.

Yellow for joy, purple for magic

Yellow color is associated with joy, self-awareness, mental clarity, it facilitates positive attitude and perception. Yellow brightens our space and sparkles up feeling of pleasure in our mind. Having different shades of good quality yellow paint is absolutely crucial for any painting. Purple is color of spirituality, intuition and depth of soul. Color of mystery and magic. I have rarely used purple as a dominant color, but it’s useful for softening green. Purple has its place in art therapy.

White and black

White means clarity and purity, new beginnings. White is unavoidable in art. We need to brighten and lighten other colors, and pure white is very important for watercolor and acrylic painting. Black color represents completeness and strongly indicates value, shape and form in art. I don’t use black color in watercolor at all, but as a mixing component in acrylic. Strong indication of values is important in any painting.

Painting, creating and using colors

When we create a painting, we rarely use paint straight from the tube. It’s important our painting has light and dark values and warm and cold colors. Therefore, most often it is a mix of colors and different shades. Yet, the overall impression usually shows a tendency towards some particular color palette, like I love combining all kinds of green with blue, white and yellow. Fresh and uplifting, at the same time, emotionally loaded and peaceful. Fall paintings have numerous red, orange, yellow and mixed shades. Saturated colors, warm, bright and vibrant.

Different preferences

I have written before about my grey and subdued color periods, as well as blue, green and red. Over time, the perception of color becomes very refined. The color choice usually reflects the mood of that time. Grey looks fantastic in art. Sometimes less color makes painting much better. However, there are seasons when I feel I need the brightness, the strong, bold colors. Nobody says we have to stick to something one. In art, we experiment, explore and test. Time spent painting becomes meditation and art therapy.

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Interpreting your vision when painting

Bluebell forest, acrylic painting

Art and creative side of us relates to our ability to interpret our vision, our perception, our emotions about what we create to a great extent. I personally strongly disagree that everything is art, for the simple reason that it isn’t. Empty frame isn’t art, and a piece of wallpaper, just because it’s in frame isn’t art. Are a few paint blotches and a few unrelated brushstrokes art? Is our vision that poor or our ability that degraded that we are fine with not only animated and undeveloped shapes, but practically nothing?

The ability to draw and paint reflects our ability to interpret the world, our life, the planet, the universe as such. Our universe at that. While modern art tries to convince us that the shapes, forms and interpretation of a five-year-old is all there is what we call art, it isn’t true. When somebody starts learning manual writing, their lines and shapes are never perfect. They are all over the place. Some people never get beyond that. Why? They have no interest in perfecting it, they are simply unable to because their brain doesn’t process multifaceted things in more than one dimension.

What is a normal painting process? We have an idea, maybe view, maybe image and the next step is to figure out how we turn this vision into an image perceivable not only by yourself, but others, as well. That means planning underpainting, background, choosing our personal color palette. That is not what somebody tells you, but how you feel about it. Normal painting process involves composition, the most important part, feature or color which will be dominant, the abstract layers and the well-defined front ground. It also involves volume, contrast, values and all tools which create that: perspective, atmospheric and linear, shadows, direction of light and so forth.

Many art teaching sites say: no experience required. That would be fine, you start somewhere. However, if it is just a painting in one sitting, there’s just way too much information to be absorbed. Secondly, painting greatly relays on our physical ability and knowledge how to move brush, how much paint or water to use, what brush to use and the mostly neglected – brush cleaning step. Don’t clean the brush? All colors will be muted, muddy and not bright. It is an automatic step; we develop it over time.

Therefore, I always advice to start with a simple image which allows developing brushstroke, use of paint and color. One thing about people who just started to paint is – they never use enough paint. So, I repat numerous times, use more paint, use more paint. You cannot paint with empty air or water. The other problematic area is that we paint at first what is behind and underneath. We don’t use the final color, we build it up, layer by layer.

Nobody can learn turning their vision into decent art within a few hours. It’s just not possible. We allow our brain to process all information, and we also have to develop the automatic movements of hand. It takes time we get our hand to do what our brain and vision tell us. Therefore, at first, everybody paints like a small kid. No flowing lines, no great color transitions, it’s all rather very animated, simplified and sort of rough. Do you want to go further than that? It depends on whether you want to create something which says – you, your subject, your vision.

Deep down, we always paint ourselves. Even when we are painting a landscape, a still life, a floral, a building or portrait. It should be us not only by the choice of subject, color palette or type of brushstroke. Basically, it takes time to learn how you can turn your vision into artwork which is yours, start to finish. My experience says, it’s better to learn from your own errors and achievements than trying to copy somebody else’s work. The only way to be you also in your vision is simply to do things what are close to you and your personal perception of the world.

The attached images are of paintings created over longer time, not like yesterday. I have had hard times posting recently because of my health issues, but I still think these paintings deserve attention and maybe can inspire somebody else to keep trying until it all works. Every painting probably should be the featured image, unfortunately, with so many, I cannot choose just one.


New painting season and art classes

Fall landscape paintings

New painting season to match changes in nature

As the seasons change and the fall makes us feel its presence, a new painting season starts. I switch from summer projects to abundance of sparkling colors and more autumnal subjects. For students who take the brush in their hands for the first time and for experienced artists, it is a great moment to submerge oneself into this fantastic experience of creation. The nostalgic feel of something going away, the thoughtfulness of nature preparing for sleep, the dance of leaves in the backyard and harvest on the table: this is an never ending inspiration for poets and artists alike.

Wide choice of medium and subject options

The new painting season is going to be rich in colors and painting subjects. All media capture fall colors well. Watercolor does it with bright washes and brilliance of pure color, like the transparent fall sky and the gold and red of leaves. Acrylic allows for numerous layers, thus polishing the painting to a perfect fall art. We can use pastel and pencil also, why not? I hope I and my current students will create something impressive. We already welcomed the new painting season with the first set of acrylic painting classes.

New season of painting classes

Painting classes have always been popular. I used to have participants who attended my painting classes every week, month after month, and so for quite a few years. That was before the online classes and tutorials started to take over the internet space. The advantage of art class as opposed to tutorial or paint night is very significant: art classes teach you to use tools, explore surfaces, many techniques, as well as painting and drawing subjects. The goal of art classes is to teach you to become independent and to be able to paint or draw anything afterwards.

The story told by trees

During this new painting season, we will allow trees to tell their story, allow the brush to dance on canvas. We will use sponge and fan brush because that’s a very fantastic way to capture fall nature. One just needs to know how to go about that and what colors and in what sequence to use. I love watercolor, I love acrylic painting, and there’s nothing wrong with color sketch or simple ink or pencil drawing. However, the new painting season will be devoted to new type of art which will shine not only through composition, color choices, but also new approaches and techniques.

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Summer landscape – fantastic subject

Landscape paintings

What to paint in the summertime? If you are in the countryside, traveling or live in the suburbs, I believe it’s impossible to avoid painting at least a few landscapes. What do we include in the summer landscape? Everything which speaks to us or says loudly: it’s hot, it’s wonderful, and it’s summer. My summer landscape is based on my surroundings and what I see outdoors. My private park has numerous wildflowers, and it is actually rather wild with huge old trees, various greases and plants.

We can interpret any landscape in numerous ways. Choosing certain color for wildflowers, buildings, sunny or cool color for grasses, adding trees or water, roads or fences – it depends only on artist where you want your viewer to go. I would like my viewer and art collector to feel happy about what nature provides us with, enjoy the views which might not be around forever. In that regard, I am documenting the natural beauty before we kill the Earth completely. Thee is so much beauty in the simplest summer landscape.

In my opinion, taking pictures of art and then posting them as separate images without background, literary destroys the art. I do that still because many places require to do so. Original art breathes and emits plenty of great, uplifting energy. All devices and cameras take away a lot already, and the small image you can see on the phone isn’t really my painting. It’s gone through numerous adjustments and algorithms. Regardless of that, I hope the energy within my summer landscape paintings is still visible.

These particular paintings were created between 2010 and 2021. There are many more, but one post can include only few images. I believe I already added too many pictures, but – when else to allow color to sparkle and imagination to run freely?  I intend to initiate Studio 65 sale to celebrate my birthday. That’s pretty much the only celebration I will have. Most of paintings are available as originals and also as prints. Originals are available from my art studio in Ajax, Ontario, Canada. Prints – anywhere.

Bright and happy, we could use more of that, couldn’t we?

Wish me well? Maybe buy a small art print or all kinds of things with my art, including puzzles, from my Fine Art America site:

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Have a great summer!

Acrylic flower paintings in new settings – art never expires

Large flower paintings, art for sale

Flower paintings in acrylic

As an artist, we always have some favorite paintings. Some of them we don’t sell at all, and some we give as gifts to dear people. Since many of my previous posts were about watercolor, I’d love to post this time a few acrylic flower paintings. This post has quite a few images of painted pink and white flowers. Unfortunately, as we get older, there seems to be less time for anything. That refers to painting, posting, sharing and so on. Somebody told me that we feel this way since we spend more time on any task.

Flower paintings, pink and white paintings

Quality over quantity

I suppose with experience, both life and art, we value quality over quantity. Anybody who’s spent decades creating art, can reflect of the process of discovery. Discovering subject, discovering new color palette, discovering adorable things we didn’t like before, discovering new dimensions of the same old story. I love pure and clean colors, and pink color offers so many shades.

Flower paintings, rose painting

My paintings with past

As the time goes by so swiftly, I sort of regret not painting exactly what I prefer. That’s as opposed to subjects I teach in art classes. I’ve mentioned before that an artwork for juried show, artwork for quick sale, commissioned artwork and paintings which I create as demonstrations – they are all very different by nature. Time has been always a factor, but also my health problems. So, you have to be ok when you cannot do anything at all also. I didn’t paint these flower paintings yesterday, but hopefully got better images of them.

Art is more than copy of reality

My taste doesn’t comply with generally preferred art which we see online. That is sunsets, waves, backlit shapes, too sweet nature scenes, as well as very close copies of photos. I always believed art is more than copy of reality. The latter anybody can manage with enough patience, tools and devices. Not everybody can paint spontaneously or draw without any printouts or edited images.

Flower paintings, pink magnolia

Relation to reality

On the other hand, I love that my paintings display things which are recognizable. People frequently tell me; they know that or this place in my painting. Well, such place doesn’t exist, but apparently the painting relates to somebody’s experience. Sometimes, the viewer can feel fragrance of flower. That’s why I avoid painting completely abstract art, but I still have a lot of abstracted paintings, especially, the extra textured ones. Also, my backgrounds are not definite.

Amaryllis, flower paintings

Everything is art, but I disagree

While all artistic genres – music, singing, acting, writing, poetry – have moved on and aimed for higher goals and more mastery, internet has facilitated degradation of classic art. If you want to see what’s for sale and what’s taught on some skill-sharing sites, just google any term. It can be quite awful and total beginners art. I remember how my students 10 and more years ago were so self-critical. Nowadays, that’s a ready-for-sale art. I agree, it’s easier to hang an abstract on the wall, but it becomes a simple decoration, not always art. How long are you going to look at 2 lines or some big blob of one color?

Colorful, large flower paintings


I always struggled with photos of my paintings because to my sharp artistic eye, the photos have never the exact colors and I usually have to crop off some crucial parts to make the image straight. Nevertheless, let me know if you like some flower or other painting. I don’t think original paintings have ever been so affordable. It’s been a while, and I wish everything was better, but enjoy! With better, I mean mostly the financial side. The creative side is fine, I never have any problem with that.

Rose painting, pansy painting, flower paintings for sale

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