Five stages to becoming an artist and summer art

watercolor painting, landscape painting

I have found five stages which allow becoming an artist. For illustration, this post includes beautiful images of summer art in watercolor.

Learning is a gradual process

Learning how to draw or paint is a gradual process. I have noticed five stages of learning process which result in being an artist. It is the same as with manual writing: the more you write, the less you have to think about the technical side of writing a letter. Once you are past the first attempts and know all letters, you can put your efforts towards expressing a thought. The less you think about how to do that, the better your story.

Developing manual drawing and painting ability

To some extent, drawing and painting are similar activities to manual writing. You have a concept and you use graphic characters and signs to turn your concept into visually perceivable and readable text.  At first, you learn writing letters. You put letters together and you have a word. You line up words in a sentence. You study grammar and style, and your sentences become better over time. After long hours of practice and after many attempts, you are able to write a story or a poem.  This poem is what people can read and understand. The same goes for drawing and painting. Becoming an artist takes time.

Practicing techniques

The more you draw and use your brush, the less you have to think about how to use your brush or pencil sufficiently. You feel that you can show the story behind your painting and focus on expressing your emotions, not struggles with getting the main shapes and values right or achieving contrast and good composition.. Drawing and painting become processes which progress by hour if you keep practicing.

The first stage

You draw something, paint something. You try, but either brush or pencil does not want to do what you tell them to. Many lines have to be erased and brush stroke does not work yet. This is the encouraging stage: I could draw or paint, but this will require work and learning. Long way yet to being an artist.

The second stage

You decide to draw or paint a particular subject. Artwork is satisfactory, but the successful parts are good because you got them right accidentally, not intentionally. You mention frequently: I’m not going to touch it again, otherwise I will destroy what I have. The stage of accidental success. This stage will motivate you to move on.

The third stage

You have a plan, and everything goes accordingly to it, but some areas of painting do not work. You work over parts of drawing or painting for many times. Subject could have less or more detail, colors could be much better. There is little distinctions in values. Your artwork shows mainly the same values all over. You notice still lots of flaws. The almost-certain stage. You know you can do it, but practice is necessary, however, you feel like an artist!

The fourth stage

You have decided to draw a rose. You go outside, find a flower and draw a rose that looks like a soft, gentle rose. You decide to add color to it. You mix and test colors. No rush. It works out well: no part is too strong or too weak. Brushstrokes lay on smoothly. You are very satisfied with what you have achieved. A month passes. You look at the same painting, and you definitely see that,  it could have been better actually. The potential excellence stage. You are very aware that there is still space for improvement.

The fifth stage

You are not flying on clouds. You know that any painting subject takes work and some planning. You allow yourself making unexpected and unplanned steps, too. It is meant just to keep the hand sensitive, to keep your eye observant. You have no absurd expectations. You have become master of the process, the artist. You can paint anything which comes to mind.

To know what works

You do a value or color sketch. You transfer the drawing onto paper or canvas. You do the color test. You create dark and light color palette for the particular painting. You have your favorite subjects, but you step out of comfort zone. You know exactly what effect each color combination will provide you with. You know exactly where to place details in order to make your composition work.

Painting according to your plan

You start painting in a relaxed manner. You know it takes time, but when this drawing or painting is done, it will be exactly what you want. You raise your bar with every painting. You look at your first drawings and paintings and you say: what was I thinking! That is when you have arrived at the mastery stage. You can do it. You can achieve any results you want. You have no limitations in what you draw or paint. Finally, you are in charge. Rushing won’t take you to where you want to be faster.

Watercolors of summer nature to inspire

Summer barn, just finished watercolor 15 x 20 in or 38 x 50.5 cm

Watercolor artist

Summer barn watercolor painting, 15 x 20 in or 38 x 50.5 cm

Spring creek sketch which I used as reference for the large watercolor painting

This sketch became a large watercolor painting afterwards

The final spring creek painting is much larger than sketch.

Spring creek with white anemones, 24.5  x 20.5 in or 62 cm x 51.5 cm watercolor

Self-care and no summer vacation stress syndrome

There is a huge advantage with manual drawing and painting: it is a perfect type of self-care and the best cure for summer stress syndrome when people feel lost and do not know how to spend their vacation. Many feel they have no idea what to fill all free time with, especially, if they cannot book a trip, travel or have a party. I’m inviting everybody to paint!

Apply for art classes: Art classes

Learn in private: Find out more about private art classes

Please, visit my art studio

If you are in the GTA, Ontario and have time in the afternoon. please, stop by at my studio.

My art prints and paintings on Fine Art America

Art collections by Inese Poga

Share the joy of watercolor painting

watercolor painting, flower painting, painting steps

July is world watercolor month! 

It’s probably a good reason for many to participate in World Watercolor Month and share the joy of creating art and using watercolor. Isn’t that great that it has become a tradition already? I read that it started only in 2016, and I believe many people are extra excited about that. I cannot post every day, but I am certainly happy to contribute at least some images and posts.

Manual abilities still matter

While we are swiftly becoming a digital and virtual society which uses devices and apps for everything, there are some things we should not delegate to devices. It’s in our favor to maintain ability to write and draw manually. Manual drawing and painting are extremely rewarding activities which not only make one happy and less stressed , but result in enjoyable art.

My current subjects: summer and nature

Nothing is better than nature, outdoors, gardens, flowers, growing vegetables in the summer. Nature is always genuine and honest. There is no pretense or flirting; that is the most real beauty we can have. I can draw and paint anything, but I have to admit that nature is the richest resource for any goal, any intention, anything in art. Therefore, while teaching and creating art I am teaching people to also love, appreciate and take care of this wonderful resource. Everything is connected. We can only harvest what we have planted.

The dreamy purple of summer pansies

Please, have a look and get inspired by my most recent watercolor project: The dreamy purple of summer pansies. I have posted 3 steps, but the first step is actually to transfer the drawing or draw with very light lines on watercolor paper. I used Saunders-Waterford watercolor paper, but medium to heavy Arches would serve better. The size is quite serious in order to capture flow of lines and shifts of color better.

The dreamy purple of pansies, step 1, painting in first layers on flowers and leaves, identifying the subject and composition

The dreamy purple of pansies, step 2, painting around the flowers and adding more layers on blossoms

The dreamy purple of pansies, step 3, adding more layers on flowers and defining more the background

Join us, create with watercolor

I know how excellent it is when one can use watercolor or pen and watercolor: it can easily become an obsession. If you were always attracted to watercolor, but are not completely sure what and how to paint, you are very welcome to join our watercolor summer painting sessions. Summer is the time to go out and paint nature. Enjoy the summer, get brushes and paint sets, and let us paint!

Link to registration for art classes: Art classes

Link to my Facebook page: Art plus Life page which is Inese’s Art Studio now

Summer and watercolors are inseparable

Summer and watercolor, paint more

A simple way of using watercolor

Summer and watercolor: that is such an artistic combination! Watercolor sketch, pen and watercolor or purely watercolor are excellent ways to paint summer scenes, summer flowers, summer landscapes and simply enjoy the outdoors and beauty. The easiest way to practice painting with watercolor is using pen and watercolor wash.

That enables us creating great composition and not caring too much about pencil lines and perfect application of watercolor.

I said it once and I would love to repeat it: pen and watercolor wash is a great technique for beginning watercolorists. Some like it so much that they stick to this technique and turn it into their personal style.

Save time, paint effortlessly

If you are afraid of drawing with pen, do the initial drawing with pencil. Afterwards, you can draw over with pen and delete everything else. Therefore, we have a beautiful and clean drawing in black ink, and the watercolor paper is not damaged.

The most exciting part is adding watercolor washes, as well as more detailed areas with more saturated paint. We can create a wonderful painting in less time this way because we do not need multi-step drawing transfer onto watercolor paper and it is much easier to know where to use paint because the black outline clearly identifies that.

Real subjects make good painting

Summer is definitely a very suitable time for practicing painting plants, flowers, vegetables, fruit and all kinds of landscapes and garden scenes. I find that implementing fence or corner of a building adds extra impact. White or grey fence looks great with flowers and leaves.

What to do with the background?

There are no strict rules about backgrounds and additional details. Very frequently, less is more. Whenever we can, we should simplify our scene and subject. Whether to include a detail or leave it out usually depends on our style, intention and skill level. Minimalist paintings look as great as detailed realistic paintings; there is no such a thing as mandatory inclusion of detail in a painting. Many beginning artists wonder: what should they do with the background: leave it as is, white, make it dark or add background shapes and colors? That, too, will depend on how you have captured the subject.

watercolor painting, flower painting, poppies
Summer poppies, 12 x 16 in or 30.5 x 40.5 cm

Less can be more

My personal point always is: let the painting or drawing tell you what else to do. It usually does when you look at it carefully and from some distance. Realistically, you should always look at your creation from some distance since being too close to it all the time makes us not notice flaws and strange areas which require improvement. Certainly, step back and have a look. If it is all flat and lacks any contrast, add some.

Don’t be afraid of dark colors in painting

I find that beginning artists are afraid of dark colors. Even when painting with acrylic where there is no threat of painting something too dark because you can always paint over, the first layers and make it noticeably lighter, new artists use no dark color. Having absolutely no dark colors and contrast reduces our ability to add volume and impact.

Patience and practice

We all want our art to be great and impressive. However, if you are new to some medium or absolutely new to drawing and painting, you have to bear in mind: nothing happens right away and with the first brush stroke. I have had absolute beginners who were somewhat disappointed that their first attempt wasn’t a masterpiece. Every skill takes time, efforts and work. However, not being satisfied with the first few drawings and sketches, is no reason to give up painting or drawing. You might be surprised how much better one becomes after a while.

Focus on potential

Focusing on perfection right away will cause you to be disappointed. Any artist will tell you that they have damaged, and thrown out lots and lots of initial sketches, painted over initial paintings, changed the layout and composition completely, switched to a different colors or tools. They have done many things before they have got their first good painting. Not every drawing or painting is or should be a masterwork. It should be a stepping stone on our way to better us, to better art which we have created.  We use our errors as a way of discovering how to achieve what we want and have intended.

If you love it, go for it

It doesn’t matter what somebody says about your drawing or painting. They might not be the best critics or they might also praise it too much.  Practice is practice, we have to spend time learning until we get where we want to be. Regardless of how somebody looks at your creation, regardless of how much they praise or criticize it, you have to be realistic and admit what is wrong and what is great to yourself. That will help keeping your assessment realistic. Do what you are good at. I hear frequently: I am very bad with whatever, I need to do that. Leave that for later when you have more experience. We should do everything we like and love, at least in art.

Application for art classes: Art classes

Copyright notice: Copyright of displayed paintings, drawings, images of work in progress and images of finished paintings belong to artist Inese Poga. The use of painting and drawing images is prohibited if I have not issued a written permission. That includes no pinning policy.

Relocating art gallery, selling art and restructuring website

acrylic painting, art gallery

Moving my art gallery and showrooms

My art gallery is on the move: paintings are traveling to Ajax soon. There are numerous paintings, endless sheets of drawings, sketches, frames, framed and unframed paintings of all sizes.. Due to that, I am offering nice deals on my art at the moment. While I can give discounts to art that is purchased online, the expensive Canadian shipping services make it difficult. The winners are definitely art lovers and art collectors who can come to the gallery in person before the moving date. That is the end of July or close to it. I would like to have a well-organized move. You could help me move, you certainly could by purchasing some art.

Selling my art: getting people to see it

Due to oversupply which is based on art print sales, it is very tricky to make people aware that this is original art and you can touch and feel the brushstrokes and textures. You can feel the energy literally floating around the place. Original art of good quality actually sells quite well, especially in person, especially when price point is intentionally made very attractive. When people get to see it, many love my art and are very willing to spend their money for something that beautiful. My problem has always been to get people in here. The location is fine; however, it is a corner lot. Parking becomes confusing, and there is practically no foot traffic.

Good original art sells

I sold 5 paintings before the surgery. Well, way too less to make this gallery move lighter, but it’s still great. I work passionately and methodically completing a painting. I have paintings which took me more than a year to bring to a condition which I was satisfied with. Watercolors can take up to 3 or 4 weeks, full sheet watercolors. I have been painting mostly large and medium size art. If I could, I would only paint large and very large art because that gives me so much more freedom. I am naturally interested in large-scale paintings. Even when I started out as a kid, my drawings and paintings were large. In average, every acrylic painting has taken me between 2 weeks and a month, and for watercolors that would be 2-3 weeks.

Value and uniqueness

Lucky artists who get remunerated for their input in creation of art! Taking into account the numerous hours which go into my paintings, the selling price is a tiny fraction of the art value. Watercolors are very difficult to repeat, if at all possible, therefore, each painting is genuinely unique. Acrylic is a very slow medium. It takes layers and layers to take the painting where I want it to go. I will not sell sketches and drawings, I will use them on the learning page of my website which is getting developed.

Website’s facelift and new learning page

I intend to restructure and reorganize completely my website; however, it will have to wait for a while with all the intense packing and unpacking. Sooner or later, there will be videos available too, but the current hectic situation does not allow for that. That is the future: presentations, traceable drawings, video suggestions, and I will link this with a Facebook community page where everybody who wants to try the particular subject will be able to post their creations and ask questions.  Live classes will also take place at the new location; however, the number of participants will be limited.

I will still have plants and garden

Plants will come with me, and I have a great deal of them. I intend to dig out my herbs and peonies, irises and similar, the small lilac I planted last year and even lily of the valley. This place is a very amazing one: I have numerous plant species all around. I will really miss some of them, especially apple tree.

Enjoy the gallery, share blog link or pictures if you can

These are the recent images of my art gallery. A few walls and a few displays are visible. These are mostly acrylic paintings, watercolors did not make into this photo session. It feels a bit sad because I had a great art gallery here. It is not easy to find buildings which suit this purpose. Well, just keep in touch! Much more to come!

My iPhone takes quite dark pictures, although, I have adjusted settings. The light was not perfect, as well. I find that iPhone tries to totally dramatize any picture, so regarding a painting, it becomes very sharp and it lacks the value balance which is present in my real art. While I’m not 100% happy with these pictures, I would love you to still enjoy them. I believe it is an excellent gallery. Well, my art will be displayed online for the most part in the future, but I will arrange a showroom.

More art Originals

Copyright notice: Copyrights of displayed paintings, drawings, images of work in progress and images of finished paintings belong to artist Inese Poga. The use of painting and drawing images is prohibited if I have not issued a written permission.

Art products and art prints:

Art collections by Inese Poga

How to use manually created art as a memory boost

How to use manually created art as memory boost

How to use sketching and drawing to improve our brain fitness

Manually created sketches and drawings can really help. I will try to explain how and why we should use this approach to improve the brain fitness and cognitive abilities.

Manual sketching, drawing or painting when done from real scenes and subjects use our brain efficiently, create new neurons and signal pathways since these activities are challenging, interesting, new every time, rewarding and pleasurable. When done in a group, it also gives one chance to communicate, learn new skills and achieve real meditative state of mind which in turn relaxes and calms.

I am somebody who always reminds: use your brain, keep it flexible, well-functioning and young. Therefore, I am always inviting people to join our drawing, sketching and pen and watercolor classes. There is nothing to lose, plenty to gain.

Artificial intelligence and human brain capacity

The artificial intelligence progresses very fast. It feels there is some new gadget, device or app every day. Artificial intelligence is supposed to make our life easier and more comfortable. We are required to memorize less, to decide less, to search our personal brain storage less because everything is on the internet. We do not have any need to remember or write down things that are important, and we are actually losing the specific ability and muscle groups to use our hand for manual writing or drawing. Fine and extremely accurate movements still matter, so does our ability to perform them. However, the performance of our brain is the factor that matters most.

What happens to our own intelligence?

As somebody who works with people and teaches, I can see that the human intelligence suffers actually a lot. Just in the last 5 years while everybody has been actively using mobile devices, I have noticed significant decrease in attention span, focusing ability, memory and ability to make decisions. All these features are significant brain and cognitive function markers. It feels that AI has a huge boost, but the human intelligence cannot keep up with it. People are getting forgetful, losing focus and their decision-making skills.

Manual drawing and sketching as prevention of memory loss

One of things we still can do, do easily and everywhere is drawing and painting manually by using our own visual perception. We should try no to depend on any devices while engaging in this activity. That is recognized as one of the best ways of keeping our brain sharp and flexible and cognitive function well performing.

Potential benefits

One to two times a week drawing outdoors is beneficial in all possible ways. Who knows that better than me? Time flies and I have created something to show for while being outside and enjoying nature. Small backyard birds are also an excellent subject: lovely, friendly and always around. It might be not that easy to always catch the right view of a bird, but still, – nobody is going to judge. If it comes out great, share it, if it requires more practicing, keep it as a learning experience. And enjoy your memory boost!

It is not that everybody is going to get involved in serious and time-consuming research or high difficulty grade studies which certainly are memory boost, brain flexibility and power. Language learning is a fantastic way of making brain younger again, but it is a very lengthy process before one can really see good results. I know that, too, because I speak at a native level 4 languages. Each one requires a lot of additional work and studies. That is a life-long process.

Overcoming fear of getting involved with a new activity

Much faster and simpler, as well as much easier memory boost is drawing and sketching. Some people start keeping an art journal if they prefer small forms, and that is such an adventure on its own. That, too, will be your memory boost.

Some people worry that they need to do a lot of preparation work before they engage in either drawing or sketching. That is not true. One has to start somewhere, and that is an excellent starting point – from zero. It means actually that there is a whole lot to explore, find out and enjoy. The only thing one should be not hoping for is to become a master within a few hours or days. Years might sound just about right, but who says one has to be a master or professional in order to draw, sketch and paint? I know fellow bloggers who do it for their own pleasure or to have good time.

Some of my pen and watercolor paintings that deal with perspective lines and involve man-made structures

Buildings make a superb subject!

We start with drawing, and I intend to publish guiding materials for drawing and sketching.

Here: making the drawing more visible with washes

This pen and watercolor painting is ready!

The pencil helplines are erased, but using them makes creation of black pen drawing easy.

More watercolor washes, here and there, and the painting is ready

My advice is: just do it! Along with creating art, it will serve as memory boost. After a while, you might have a new attitude towards many things, as well as see how well this is working for you. Good luck!

Link to drawing:  Engage in drawing and watercolor

Link to art classes: Application for art classes