This is the time I live for: spring is in the air and so much beauty will wake up just a few weeks from now. The awakening of nature feels like a renewed energy raining from the sky, shining through the window and reflecting from the mirror-like puddles. Birds cannot stop their chirping and I, too, go with all this hectic spring rush.
My art is happy art
I have been painting all seasons, however, the biggest portion of my paintings shows greens, bright and soft colors of spring flowers and the blue tones of transparent spring sky. Clouds come and go, and one can be very sure that the sun won’t be hiding for long. The sun will open buds, grow grasses and bring many flowers to blooms. My pencil, brush and pastel stick are unable to stay in paint boxes, they beg to be put to use. Whatever I have decided to create, I know it will turn out to be something happy and inviting for eyes, soul and heart.
Simple subjects: messengers of spring
I do intend to start some more serious painting, but quite frequently I am interrupted by very simple and routine things around me. I love watching birds and the moment when a bloom opens. I can observe the sky colors and moods for hours. The same goes for mystic ways how trees grow their twigs and branches. When the heart is so full with spring emotions, I have to become part of this awakening mystery in the nature.
Peaceful, large watercolor, 20 x 16 in or 51 x 41 cm. The original is simply stunning.
This is an Easter nest, pen and watercolor on paper. Robins and their nest
Spring watercolor painting of chickadees and apple blossoms
Easter lilies, large watercolor painting, 24 x 18 in or 61 x 46 cm
Large watercolor painting of yellow spring daffodils, 24 x 18 in or 61 x 46 cm
So much art, get some
I will publish more uplifting and happy watercolor and acrylic paintings soon: I am very pleased to share some of many paintings which are forgotten while preserved in boxes and folders. They have been created over the course of quite many years. Art takes time, but I don’t think any other experience comes even close when one feels the painting is done and what was a white sheet of paper, is now a live story and delight for eyes.
Apple blossoms, the messengers of spring and hope
It’s spring and new beginnings. Enjoy spring paintings and get ready for Easter which is not far either. I usually sell some art around this time, hopefully, this year won’t be different. However, since I’m not back in Ontario yet and I am posting this from Europe, it will take a moment. Most medium size size watercolor paintings. Just contact me and I will let you know:
Watercolor paints: easy to take with you, easy to use
I love watercolor paints because they are compact, light and easy to apply whether painting outdoors or indoors, while traveling or working at a comfortable desk. When traveling, I do not use paint in tubes, but rather in tiny containers or pans. Therefore, I can make use of my watercolor paint set which I am taking with me everywhere, just in case some attractive subject happens to be around. The same goes for a few small (approximately 11 x 14 in) sheets of firm, quite heavy Arches or Saunders-Waterford watercolor paper. It is archival quality cotton paper.
Spring in nature and in art
Spring is a moody season in Latvia where I spent this month. Snow mixes with rain drops, but hopefully, the white cover will melt soon. The forecast says: by the weekend. I had not planned to travel this early, but that was what I had to do. From what I saw on the current news, spring does not want to arrive in Southern Canada either: temperatures might be not that low, but we will have to wait for some time until grass turns green and buds on trees are ready to pop.
Paint spring before it arrives
This is the time when we can have what we are longing for by simply painting it. Imagined spring or spring around you: there is always something great to draw or paint. One more great feature of watercolor is its ability to cover paper fast. I use lots of water to create soft color transitions. Small landscape can be done in half an hour. Still life or floral painting will take longer, but not the entire day.
Early spring flowers: your best subjects
Around March, I would be happy if there were already the first snowdrops, crocuses and similar early bloomers showing above the tiny grass stems and sprouts. I’ve seen that happening, but not too often.
My art is based on drawings. I am too good with drawing and always have been, therefore, I don’t think I will ever switch to completely abstract painting. Watercolor requires some planning, therefore, value sketch in the actual size is the absolutely best reference.
Drawing for watercolor painting
If you are new to watercolor, you should know that drawing can and most often should be done on some other paper. I use for that purpose the transparent transfer paper which is attached to a thick white sheet of firm paper. To transfer drawing onto watercolor paper, I use simply daylight. That way, I have hardly visible, accurate pencil lines, but initial drawing serves me as a value drawing. That helps deciding where to apply whatever color.
Spring tulips in many colors, watercolor painting which I completed while in Latvia
Painting in layers
I paint in layers starting of with mapping my painting and leaving marks wherever I decide it is helpful. I know people who paint one segment start to finish and then move to the next one. I prefer going all over the painting with first, second, third and more layers if necessary. That is the way I like it.
Ready to create painting of spring flowers?
Are you in mood for some creativity and relaxing moment with paints? Do it in watercolor and don’t be afraid of water! If it won’t work out perfect, no problem. Start over and don’t put any limitations and pressure on yourself. Spring flowers and landscapes will make you feel happy. The well flowing watercolor paints can capture softness of flowers beautifully.
Children can draw and paint before they are able to speak and anybody can still draw and paint even if they have lost many other abilities. We can express ourselves through art naturally. It is just so that when kids grow up they frequently get engaged in devices and digital devices, as well as they believe there is no more time for art.
Brain fitness
The comparative research in brain fitness and memory boosting activities clearly showed that doing manual observational drawing and painting 2 times a week for a few hours grew the most new brain neurons and wired the brain in the way that it was much more active than with any other activities. Drawing and painting were compared with reading, writing poetry or fiction, researching internet and writing down discovered things, doing mind games and crosswords.
Outstanding visual memory and decision making
My personal experience is that observational drawing develops extremely good visual memory, not simply good and flexible memory, but outstanding memory which does not worsen over time and with age. Drawing and painting boost attention and focusing ability to a high degree, and most importantly, one becomes master decision maker because that is what drawing and painting is. Every single brushstroke and line is based on numerous decisions. At least, it should be. The memory improvement occurs when we absorb the subject visually, and our brain sends a signal to the hand with brush or pencil . That is also active brain exercising.
Style, decisions and originality
Curiosity and necessity are frequently the main driving forces of discoveries. Creativity is the base for any solution we find along the way. Since anything we create must originate in our personal perception and be based on our own decisions, one cannot ever learn drawing or painting by watching somebody else do it. As they paint or draw they make decisions which we are unaware of.
Be curious explorer
I have noticed the following. Most people who are about to attend art classes have new art supplies: new paint tubes, new sets of paints, new brushes and new paper and canvas. Everything is unopened and not used. The first time they open their paint tubes is in the classroom, therefore, nobody knows what their paints and brushes are like. It seems surprising to me. How do you know now what that particular paint or brush will do? We should start with exploring what we have.
Quality or lack of it
We have numerous art supply manufacturing brands nowadays. Some are fine, but some sell such bad quality paints, brushes or paper that it is hardly possible to use them. Just like with many other products, art supplies often will be: “you get what you pay for”. That is why you should always test everything.
Curious as a kid
Look at kids what they do with a new box of paints, pencils, markers or crayons! They open it as soon as they can and start using immediately. Kids are curious and they are creative naturally. What is stopping adults? It is hard to say, but they should try being as curious and as creative with their new art supplies.
Testing art supplies
I am strictly advising: test every color, test every brush, test every paper and canvas. Do it before the class. Open every tube and paint some areas with every paint color in your set. At first, we do this using each color separately. For watercolor, we add more water, then less water to see what range of tones each particular color gives. For acrylic, use a small bit of water and wash the brush with warm water and soap afterwards.
Testing two colors
Next step is to test two colors together, for instance, every other color with blue, then every other color with yellow, then every other color with red. Larger sets will have many blue colors, many red colors and at least 3 to 4 yellow colors. That gives you numerous shades and transitional colors. That will also allow seeing what exactly you have. Be curious, be creative and that will allow you to start out easier.
Creating your own color swatches
It is not important to use any color charts or wheels, but it is important to know what the colors you have are and how they behave when mixed. Create color swatches from all tubes you have. Add to mixed color swatches. That way you know what you have, what it looks like and whether it is worth using it.
Testing watercolor paper
It is very useful to test the watercolor paper, as well. We will have different results with different paper. Some papers buckle a lot and some won’t allow applying more than 2 washes. You need to know what your paper does when using water on it. Brushes are also not the same. If you test your brush and it absolutely does not perform, it is quite clear that you’d need a different brush. We only use 2 brushes for either watercolor or acrylic at the beginning.
Some of 2018 watercolors
Being curious and being creative will make art happen
Being curious and being creative is always helpful when doing art. It is so much better to discover your own favorite colors and color mixes than to just blindly follow some rules, charts or somebody else’s favorites. Be the creator of your own style. I am personally against rules in art. We need at least some areas in our life which are free of strict regulations and rules. Art can be that area if you give your imagination space.
It is New Year. Maybe you have lots of new art supplies. Don’t wait to explore them. Always be curious and be creative, try them now. Thanks for reading!
Why should you spend time on value drawing? If you do such drawings large or full painting size, it will take quite a lot of time, from a few hours to a few days. However, these value drawings will be all reference materials you need. I have added many photos of my very large still life drawings, so that you see what I’m talking about.
Drawing for watercolor
I started to do such large size value drawings because my goal was to eventually create a watercolor painting. As you may know, watercolor paper is very fragile and painting does not look good if there are lots of visible pencil marks or even worse. Erasing damages watercolor paper. I do such drawings on tracing paper. That is because I use a specific drawing transfer technique which allows seeing my final drawing very well without applying graphite pencil too much. It saves me work afterwards and prevents my paper from damage.
Large is great
I make these drawings large, to be more exact, the actual painting size. I usually paint full-sheet 22 x 29 inch ( 56 x 74 cm) watercolors, and sometimes a bit smaller acrylics. The drawings shown in my photos are 22 x 29 inches ( 56 x 74 cm) and 20 x 24 inches (46 x 61 cm) .
I usually do these and similar drawings in class, 20 x 24 inches (46 x 61 cm)
Value drawing is a guide and a map
All answers to questions which arise during the painting process are in the value drawing. I love painting from real things as opposed to photos, and if the subject is sensitive, such as flowers, food, fruits, vegetables or moody nature scene, I have to use something which quickly captures the subject. I obviously cannot get done a large painting within a few hours. Therefore, instead of taking photos, I do value drawings and sometimes value sketches.
Camera doesn’t replace visual perception
Partially, I don’t rely on photos since I got my first camera not that long ago and I was very much used to draw everything what other people were taking pictures of. The other aspect to that is the way any camera distorts the subject or view. My eyes perceive it much better than any camera would, and I create a composition on a fly.
Photographic visual memory
I don’t know whether I was born with it or whether I just developed it, but I only found out quite late in my life that I have literary photographic visual memory. I simply did not pay attention to that when I was young.
Advantages of having great visual memory
School was easy for me. I memorized everything extra easy, and I added an analytic approach to memorizing things. I am still able to remember lots of text just by looking at it. That helped me enormously when studying at university. I personally think that my visual memory comes from drawing. I was drawing everything whatever I saw since age I cannot even recall. Parents told me about that. It was a surprise because there were and are no other artists in my family which is actually quite extensive.
Memory can be improved at any age
I do believe and have seen that visual memory can be improved to a great extent. What happens in real life is that people most often don’t use their memory and brain. The more support from devices we have, the less we use our own memory. That is disastrous and leads to early memory loss.
How drawing helps keeping excellent memory
It is obvious that one can have all kinds of reminders and lists on their phone and computer. However, there are people like me who never ever compile a list or use a reminder. I’ve never forgotten any appointment or meeting in my entire life. I never make any lists, neither shopping, nor to-do lists, not even invoicing or student lists. It is all comfortably filed in my head.
My most recent drawing, 20 x 24 inches (46 x 61 cm), it can be used for any painting without any photo reference
The reason I love drawing
I don’t draw to only exercise my memory. I draw and paint also not because of likes or social media comments, followers or any other feedback from fans. I draw and paint because that is my way of life. I live in a visual world where everything is a painting and any view is art. That is the way I see the world and life.
Multiple and various uses of value sketch and value drawing
Having a value sketch or value drawing is of big advantage, not only because you have a perfect reference and guide, but also because you can use this value drawing with any painting media afterwards. You can go ahead and complete it as drawing, pastel painting, transfer to watercolor paper and paint with watercolor, transfer to canvas and paint with acrylics or oils. You can reuse it and flip it, as well. Finally, you can use any part or fragment of value drawing, as well as create a composition which consists of value drawing elements
Any of these drawings might become paintings, this one is 22 x 29 inches ( 56 x 74 cm)
It is a preview
It also serves as a sneak peek. It is clearly visible what works well in your composition and what not that much. Therefore, it is possible to correct everything while you transfer the drawing, so, that you do not have to deal with issues during the painting process.
Test your values
Test your values turning the image of painting into black and white. If it still looks good, your values are correct, and so is the contrast.
Uniqueness of our drawing style
Drawing is like handwriting, and our personal style is like our handwriting. It carries the specific features of our character, nature and mental abilities. It is possible to describe one’s nature by simply looking at their drawing. It is and it should be unique. Don’t trace photos, it is so much more rewarding to simply look around and see.
Still life is beautiful and teaches all drawing aspects
You don’t draw because you haven’t tried to do it right
When somebody says: I cannot draw, that actually means they are not interested in seeing the surroundings or the subject. How much one has noticed becomes only visible when we ask that person to draw it. While everybody is under impression that we can see everything, that is not true. You will only start seeing what is around you if you will try to draw it: all shapes and shadows, and relationships between lines.
Whatever we can see, we can draw
It does not necessarily have to be a real thing. You can see and imagine with your internal vision, and that should work as if drawing from reality. You build up the directions for your hand in your brain. If you are not trying to challenge yourself, your hand will create inaccurate and sloppy lines. In order the hand would draw what we are seeing, we pretty much have to become that particular subject in your imagination: the tree, the apple, the blossom and even the bowl, and even more so if you are drawing a figure or face. That is why most artists are quite recognizable from portraits they paint: all of them carry some features of the artist. Confidence is a big deal, too, and we can become confident only by doing.
These are only lines on paper, but what fantastic illusion of an attractive, appealing and impressive reality they create!
There is never too much beauty. There is never too much art. I’ve been to many houses and seen many designer home improvement ideas. A home without art on its walls looks somewhat deserted and empty. That applies even to classy furnished homes. One can have very basic furniture, a few textiles, a few great plants and lots of art and the whole space will look gorgeous.
When I was moving recently and had to take off walls all numerous paintings in the gallery, I could see that many paintings on a wall make the space look much larger. I was convinced about the opposite before.
Crowded versus minimalist
Many paintings do not create a crowded look if they are chosen carefully and art is tasteful and these are originals, not prints. Prints actually add feeling of cheapness to any space which is ok for an office, but not that much for a living space. However, it always depends. Even minimalist spaces look much warmer and much more livable by adding a matching and suitable art.
Flower paintings
Flower paintings are such an enhancement anywhere. Depending on style, floral art can add luxurious and elegant feel or very rustic and homey feel.
Floral art might add more feminine feel to a space that just does not make us feel cozy and well-taken care of.
Why not to create on your own?
Therefore, I would suggest: paint, create or buy beautiful original floral art. Once we have a few tubes of paint and some frames and paper or canvasses, we can create quite a few paintings. The added bonus will be your energy which goes into art and makes your space shine.
Energy of art in our space
Energy in our space is matters. While print will decorate the wall, it will have hardly any energy which circulates around that room. Energy of a printer and paint? That is why we have to choose carefully inherited or antique pieces of art. They come with their energy. We have to make sure this energy is not going to harm us. If we want to have not much impact on our personality, we can choose neutral art or art which displays nice and clam scenes. Floral paintings are definitely carrying good energy and they also have a nice appeal.
Choose beauty
It is as simple as that: there is never too much beauty and coziness!
Large floral painting classes start soon. Sign up from the website.
Original paintings are available for shipping or for purchase in person.
Choose beauty and coziness, especially in the cold season.
Copyright notice: Copyrights of displayed paintings, drawings, images of work in progress and images of finished paintings belong to artist Inese Poga. Please, do not use painting and drawing images unless I have given you a written permission. That includes no pinning on Pinterest.