The warm side of the grey scale: conquering procrastination

Moonlight, acrylic painting

The reason I decided not to do any demos on a separate canvas for every class is simple: there have accumulated large numbers of somewhat finished; half-finished, not at all finished medium size paintings. For that purpose, I invented my changeable demo board which can tolerate everything: all kinds of colors and themes. It takes a lot of work to bring these unfinished paintings to some completed condition. On the other hand, I do not always feel like I would be interested any more in either that subject, scene, or the work itself. You know this state: some time later, next week, next month, in the fall, etc. Procrastination is a tough thing to conquer.

We all evolve, it is not surprising that our priorities or preferred methods do not remain attractive forever. I suppose anybody who has done painting or writing over long period of time, has experienced the state when one has to really wonder what was that I liked so much in this picture, scene, poem, article, story or sketch. We have learned along the way, and the former passions pale out when compared to the most recent discoveries or achievements. To some point, that is also true when I think about some people who I was so passionate about 30-40 years ago. Were they worth the tears cried out? Oh my, I have to laugh now remembering the stuff which seemed like a tragedy back then.

The same laws of affection and love regulate my overall attitude to themes and objects which I would like exploring closer and drawing or painting. The colors I loved 30 years ago are not matching the color scheme I feel comfortable with at the moment. I would not say my drawing style or general approach has dramatically changed, but there certainly has been movement and development. I am one of those people who just took the pencil and started to draw, it was very simple and easy, and everything just fall in place as I moved the pencil around. I don’t actually use eraser when drawing, unless I would like to place something significantly higher, lower, more left or right. My mom had preserved portraits and illustrations I did when I was 10 (that’s 46 years ago), and I don’t find anything wrong with them. I suppose, I dared a lot because I had not studied anything art related. It was all fresh, all from scratch, and thus, totally unaffected by any other opinions.

These were my reminiscences from far away.

Today, I am facing a lot of work. Some of previous paintings are so highly textured that it is impossible to paint over the initial image or replace it with something else. I have been thinking also about adding some mixed media parts to such works, well, assuming I’d ever have time for that. I am not sorry to through out something which is completely out of line, but there is sort of appeal in previously used canvas. Some kind of challenge, too: is it possible at all to make something nice out of this mess?

That way, I have been adding some brush strokes here and there, and some paintings are actually getting done. Interesting enough, they seem to be unusually grey scale for me. Grays have abnormally huge scale of possible shades. It is interesting to observe what some particular stuff might result in.

The attached images might inspire somebody to also finish up their started works.

It is always fairly difficult to get on the photo the exact colors or look. I’m trying, however, no online image can ever replace the actual painting.


Enhance your personal space with positive energy

Use art for your personal space

Personal space is our most important place

Art can be a miracle that turns your life into positive, rewarding direction. Keep this source of positive energy always close to you, always in your personal space. The birth of a miracle may be not always easy, but there is undeniably some magic in it. How can doing art and painting make one’s life better, more balanced, more enhanced and richer?

The hidden benefits

Along with time-well spent and new skills at every step along the way, there is one more advantage: any artwork can become a beautiful decorative element. It could be just the missing final touch for the room, it could be the accent piece; or it could be the part tying the entire space together and making it complete. This artwork radiates clean, uplifting and positive energy in our personal space or workplace.

Positive energy

The story is actually about the energy: energetic interaction, consumption and release of energy, good, bad and neutral energy. Since energy is present anywhere and in anything, and not even the simplest thought could be made without consuming some of it; the question is as follows. Do we pay enough attention to our nearest surroundings, our closest environment and the dominant energetic features within that space? We really don’t, and we are most often between two ditches: following punctually every newest design trend, or completely disregarding any design  and common sense.

Good color

There are lots of reviews about impact of color, lots of advice how to create a cozy, welcoming space, but what matters most is energy in that space. I do believe we’ve seen this all: museum-like houses or sterile living rooms, living rooms which are collections of one’s past, and top-modern minimalistic spaces.

Update your personal space with art

In my opinion, the best and the fastest way to update and adjust a space to our needs is using color, art, textiles and plants. Furniture becomes secondary, and all these previously mentioned things also take care about a great energetic flow and preserve the positive energy. Provided, they have such. It matters what hangs on your walls. I’m not talking about the purely esthetic aspects. Walmart print will have at the best some neutral energy of printer, cheap canvas and paint.

Careful with inherited and old items

Inherited art or an antique item may have both: very positive and extremely negative energy. So can an original painting. Painting during its creation process absorbs our thoughts, emotional vibrations, delight and excitement, or hate, misery and anger; anything. That way, the energy of a painting is equal to the energy artists put in their creation. Most people naturally give their art the best part of themselves by visualizing all these places they are re-creating on canvas: light, wind, flowers and leaves, waves, streams and the atmospheric vibrations in the air.

Use art for your personal space
Always bright, always attractive, always enhancing mood

Painting retains the ambient atmosphere

One thing I can say for sure: the atmosphere during our painting sessions is extremely positive. It’s such a pleasure to grab the shiny paint and just put it on canvas. The classroom itself contains plenty of art in all completion stages: just started, half-done and finished. This contributes to the relaxing state we most often find ourselves in. I mean, it’s very unlikely, these beautiful works could have some bad energy. We challenge ourselves, and the results are more than satisfying.

Monetary value does not affect energy

One more amazing thing is that the monetary value actually does not affect the true energy which some item possesses. That means we should stick with things which make us feel good, not only to the ones which cost a lot and are supposed to be “value”. The monetary value only shows one’s financial power while the energetic value has something much more important and substantial: it possesses the ability to ensure the well-being of our soul.

Art prints from Fine Art America

Art collections by Inese Poga

4 piece commission for beautiful room

Acrylic painting for home design, red flowers

I did recently a commission of 4 artworks for wonderful clients. I do take on paintings for commission if you had not known that! My clients told they were unsuccessfully looking for a group of similar paintings for quite a while. Therefore, I got to paint four 24 x 18 inch paintings for an attractive living room. Everything else at their place was done, only walls needed  refreshing accent pieces.

Red wild roses painting, commissioned art

These paintings actually had more functions. They had to serve as a bridge for the chosen color scheme between 3 rooms, add the finalizing touch to the walls and simply bring more life to the fairly neutral settings. The living room is connected to an open upscale kitchen area and to the dining room on the other side.

4 commissioned paintings

All 4 paintings needed to be similar, but have slight distinction in the layout of painted objects and background color.
My client was extremely satisfied because these paintings really made the look of this room more complete and more saturated.

View in room settings

It felt, they started to live and breathe in this room right away. Adding groups of paintings makes a lot of sense, and they can often suit the style better than one large painting in a medium size room. It’s an easy way to update, change or refresh the look of any room.

My clients told they’d send me a picture when paintings are on the wall. I suppose, they are going to look even better.

Focusing on still life and garden scenes

Part of farmer's market painting

Summer is a great time to engage in plein-air painting.

I recently painted a garden scene called “Take a Rest” with some flowers and garden tools.

I use real scenes and real set-ups to create my paintings, I somehow cannot paint using photos, I just can’t.

First, I do a freehand drawing. The weather was very good for a while, so, I could paint every day outdoors. I had set up the exact items in my backyard, and it was a double pleasure to paint there.

The other painting is a still life called “Kitchen Symphony”.

I had set up all items in my art studio where I have a good light. For my paintings, daylight is extremely important because of color adjustment. Any artificial light changes color.

I think, both paintings came out quite nicely, however, it was very late when I took a photo of my garden scene, so the light might be not that perfect.

Part of the farmer’s market painting

I would love to also mention the Farmer’s market painting which is as large as the previous paintings – full sheet watercolor, 29 x 22″. All paintings are created using heavy, cold press Arches watercolor paper. The look really impressive when you see them full-size and in person. Well, size matters.

I hope you enjoy such art!

More of my still life: Painting still life