First painting of Summer place series and more daisies

Summer place 1, acrylic painting by Inese Poga

This time, I’m presenting Summer place 1 which actually started the series. This painting should have been posted right after the Summer place 2 which is shown in the previous post, but I got done very little these days. That is especially true about posting pictures, but not creating paintings.

I wish I had some clear vision about all this situation and where it is heading, but it is quite difficult at the moment. I’ve run out of acrylic paints. I ordered some, and the waiting has been about a month so far. In normal conditions, I do not ever prefer online shopping, but it is the only option right now. I’m also waiting for some other things which are essential for me because the previous computer died and I lost good software which I cannot get back. The realization that I have left not that much good watercolor paper and I will be still missing some acrylic paints because I simply forgot to order them the first time, makes me feel not good.

To create good art, I use high quality art supplies, often the best available. I do not want to waste these good canvases and papers and paint on them with leftover paint. The shipping might be faster when ordering online in other countries, but it is quite slow in Ontario.

There is one more important aspect to all of this: I love giving live art classes. They ended by the second half of February. I had to take off my art show halfway through, and without any physical showings, I just haven’t managed to sell anything either. I took off the “Buy now” buttons for a moment because I just would not be able to handle and cover the shipping right now, in particular, for large paintings which many of them are. In fact, I do not have tiny paintings. To somewhat facilitate my presence online, I intend to widen the social media circle and I updated my website nicely, too. More work will be done, but I’m not rushing it.

Springtime is usually spent in the garden; therefore, I can devote less hours to art. I always appreciate interest in art and people, who have bought it. This time is stressful for many people and bloggers. I would be probably wrong to expect somebody trying to buy art at the moment. Meanwhile, there is so much of it that lack of space is becoming a serious issue. We have moved almost every year for a while, and carrying around large numbers of sensitive paintings is very difficult. Sometimes art gets damaged, sometimes I’m struggling.

The Summer place 1 is an updated canvas. I had painted the fence during previous year, and it just never looked as a completed painting. I added more trees and drew in the building, and it came to life immediately. I do frequently travel in my thoughts and imagination, that includes time traveling. Summer place 1 looks like that adorable place where I spent my youth.

The white daisies were updated, too, because the previous version needed a facelift. I find that it is much easier to paint on textured or previously painted canvas. Acrylic is such paint: the more we add, the more layers we build, the better it looks. Any of my paintings take about a few days to a few weeks to paint. Photography unfortunately cannot capture the transparent layers or halftones, and that annoys me slightly.

Art collections by Inese Poga

I have numerous Mother’s Day cards and paintings, from which the most viewed was Rose for my mom.


Please accept these lovely flowers

Spring daffodils, watercolor painting, ink and watercolor painting

Flowers are nature’s mysterious beauty that is so easy to reach, to enjoy and to give as a gift.

Where do flowers come from?

From happiness.

How did they get their fragrance?

From love.

How can they be so beautiful?

God allowed them to use any color and any shape to remind us

Beauty is timeless but lasts for a short while.

I hope all moms received plenty of flowers today. They are a thing of extraordinary beauty, and they can say everything without words, just like art.

I also hope you are showing your love to your mom while there is still time enough, and you are not too late with your “I love you mom!”

It is so easy to love a small child; it takes more than superficial attraction to love genuinely very old people. To understand them and to appreciate, and to be grateful they are with us. Moms of people who belong to my generation are getting close to 90.

Thankfully, my mom is still doing lots of good things, sewing and gardening, not to mention small daily stuff like dishwashing, or cleaning. She loves flowers, so I sent her some, although, the Ocean is between us, that cannot stop us from exchanging some words on the phone or over Skype. The distance has the ability to make things clearer and more valuable. Simple words can get a new meaning.

Well, I was not very productive recently, but I have made some watercolors for cards, something unsophisticated, but sincere.

Happy Mother’s Day to every mom, grandmother and great grandmother! I hope your kids, grandchildren and great grandchildren are blessings to you.

 Please accept these lovely flowers as a small thank you for everything you are to my every single day!

Beauty never ends, flowers will live as long as we do and they will keep inspiring us. Always.

The perfect gift for Mother’s Day

Floral paintings by Inese Poga

Something different for Mother’s Day

We all know mothers who have brushes, paints and canvas;  however, canvas is not on their easel or painting desk. Art supplies are pushed deep in drawers or hidden in storage boxes for the day “when I have more time”. We know life is hectic; there are so many duties, obligations and tasks to deal with!

There’s more to life

Many years ago when I was in my thirties, an older lady was my friend. I was wondering often how she got everything done and still had time for concerts, trips and visits to friends’ places. She told me this. “You know, dishes, laundry, cleaning: that is something endless, there’s always more of it and there’s never time enough to do it perfectly. I chose to simply take some time off when I need to and nothing too crucial has happened so far neither with our dishes, house, nor clothes.”

All the beautiful flowers blossom at once

Good advice

“I realize, my house is not perfectly polished at some moments, but do I want to say at the end of the day all I did was cleaning, washing dishes and doing work around the house? There’s more to life, so I just had to disregard not that urgent stuff and make nice things happen for me.” I followed this advice and ever since I had weekends for doing something more than just routine duties.

Learn how to say “No”

One more thing is that we have to learn saying “No”. I have no time for this, and, no, I am not going to this event, and, no, I’m not watching this. No, my dear family, I will not be cooking tonight since I have my art class. That’s exactly how it works. Once in the studio, you are out of reach of all troubles and nuisances and annoying daily obligations, even phone conversations, bills and other provocative and stressful stuff.

Perfect gift for Mother's day
Painted flowers last longer

Some mothers already have it all, and it is not that easy to find a perfect gift for them. The best gift nowadays is time for oneself or time for doing something peaceful, relaxing and enjoyable. Gift of experience works very well. You can give your busy mom a gift certificate for art classes, and this gift will last for quite a while.

Orchards in bloom, acrylic painting, it is on my mom’s wall and she looks at it frequently

Gift certificate for art classes is also a perfect solution for children who cannot spend a fortune for Mother’s Day, but would love to still give a meaningful, valuable gift which does not get eaten up right away and does not wither within two next days.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day to Every Mom on the Globe

Floral watercolors by Inese Poga

How to send greetings on Mother’s Day across the ocean? I’m on one side of this globe, my mom is on the other. We talk on the phone, and we meet in person every two years. The distance does not scare me as long as I know, I will hear her happy voice on the other end when calling. The best thing is to know that my mom simply is and exists. She is going to be 82 this fall, and I hope to meet her around that time.

We have one celebration in Latvia, that I’m missing here, in Canada. This day is called Angel’s day or Name’s day. My mom’s name is Irena, and her Name’s day falls together with Mother’s day this year. This is a nice reason to send her double greetings.

The older I’m getting, the more I have started to understand and appreciate my mother and everything she has done for me. I notice more and more features we have in common. I sometimes catch myself acting exactly the way she always is.

There are 2 grandmothers, 3 mothers, 2 daughters and 3 grandchildren in this family. How many do you think we are? (Answer at the end)

Too bad, we are never expressing and showing enough love, respect and appreciation to some person while that person is still around. I am never regretting things I have done, things I haven’t done, money I have spent, time I have wasted, but I will always regret I did not say my dad how much I cared about him and how much I loved him while it was still possible. He has passed away now, and there won’t be any more opportunities to do that.

That’s why I’m calling my mom as often as I can, I’m saying her all the best words I am able to find, and I’m showing her how much I care.

White lilies are my mom’s most favorite flowers. I was painting this pastel, and many memories came to my mind, and many good thoughts were implemented in this painting.

This is for you, mom! Happy Mother’s day!

I wish, every mother on this planet experienced how much-loved, appreciated and honored she is.

Happy Mother’s day to all Mothers!

Answer to question: We are 5: my mom, me, my daughter, and 2 grandchildren