Spring paintings in acrylic

Old weathered barn in spring landscape with yellow daffodils

Spring paintings feel like a good choice when nature awakes

When else if not now to engage in creation of spring paintings? One can tell how much I love spring by just having a look at what I have painted recently: spring flowers, spring scenery and spring landscapes. I think I feel seasonal changes on a mental level very strongly. I cannot imagine I would be painting snow right now. Still life in that regard is the most neutral subject, but I felt I needed something more impressive.

My personalized realism

Most people believe I paint reality, but I do not. I use quite frequently real things, like I used real daffodils for the front part this time; however, I always beautify the reality and make any subject my personal reality. That means I give the subject my colors which I love at that moment, enhance the layout, and add extra contrasts or values, just to make everything more of what I experience at that moment.

Nature does not always cooperate

The truth is the spring has been slow again in Ontario. We even had very winter-like weather a week ago. Therefore, to facilitate the feeling of blooming and warmth, I just paint it. I decided to mostly post one image at a time whenever possible. Most people never read posts, so, they only have a glance at the featured image and move on. That is why most paintings, advice and images which are in the article go unnoticed.

Taking pictures

Taking pictures with iphone  is very difficult. The extreme contrast is fine for any regular pictures, but not art. My solution is taking pictures with backgrounds, extra items, paints, brushes and similar. That works for the most part, but the painting area one works on, can be very messy sometimes. I mean, there are paint tubes, dirty paper towels, plates with leftover paint, brushes, sponges, jars with dirty water and all kinds of other things. Therefore, some pictures look messy by accidentally displaying some item which completely doesn’t fit the view.

Just imagine how it looks on my wall

My pictures still display more contrast than they should. Everything is usually well-balanced in my actual painting. I work in layers and for many hours in order to achieve the color balance. As you know, acrylic paints, at least the ones which are available in Canada, become much darker as they dry. One has to calculate that in when applying paint. It can happen so that sometimes white or yellow paint is very weak, and fixing the value imbalance requires extra work.

Available for purchase

Any of paintings are available from my studio. Paintings which are displayed in this post are 16 x 20 inches or 41 cm x 51 cm. I have to mention that because pictures look all the same on the internet. Anyway, enjoy the Daffodil barn and spring paintings! Daffodil barn got lots of great comments on Facebook and Fine Art America site this time, in particular, in acrylic artists’ groups. Please, see links to other posts and FAA sales site.

Register for painting classes, including private classes, from here: Registration for painting classes

Previous post about recent acrylic paintings: New acrylic paintings

Art collections by Inese Poga

Enjoying spring nature and presence of painting subject

Nostalgia, acrylic painting by Inese Poga

Spending time with spring nature

Spring is already here. Art studio is a place which is always in bloom. Art studio has all seasons at once, and spring is presented to a high degree. Spring also means, one can take a canvas or sheet of paper and head out to be closer to the big awakening. Spring nature is an excellent subject! How much time do we really spend in nature and with it? Only with nature, without checking your phone or texting, or listening to music instead of bird songs? The research finds that it is a very insignificant amount of time compared to what we spend in a car and indoors. So, head out!

Outdoor drawing and painting

Outdoor drawing allows not only being close to the nature, but also experiencing a great presence of our subject. Many people use plants, flowers, leaves, blooms, trees, and other live natural subjects in their art. Being able to create a good reference drawing comes from observation. Outdoors is the best place to observe all growing and blossoming things and to understand how they change along with seasons.

Being close to the painting subject

Outdoor painting teaches us how to use fewer art supplies, but use them more effectively. Being in a close distance to our painting subject and having a chance to observe it is an extreme bonus. All tracing and photo editing software can never compare with direct observation. It is because of the presence. Any painting you do using real things and looking at the real painting subject will look more convincing. We can definitely feel the presence of painting subject or lack of it in the finalized art.

Direct observation and drawing

I feel that my duty is to teach other people enjoying things which are not costly, but rather a true source of happiness, pleasure and satisfaction. It would be tough going through life without art and beauty.

Daily drawing practice

We can keep our brain flexible and our cognitive function in great condition by simply drawing and sketching every single day. Just like you go to the gym, you need to engage your brain to its capacity with pleasurable things like art even when out of work and school. Observational drawing and painting is number one brain booster.

The best medication for mental issues

Drawing and painting are the best medication for any trouble, but especially mental issues, such as depression, grief, persistent, obtrusive thoughts and anxiety. We shouldn’t ignore the importance of new and challenging activities as brain fitness exercise. While one paints, they also completely forget about things they are addicted to: food, snacks, alcohol, drugs, smoking and devices, as well as phone. This gives us the much-deserved break from mind pollution.

The immediate result of painting is not the ultimate goal

It is often assumed that the only goal of drawing and painting should be the immediate result. We should not forget that here is so much to gain from the process. If you stop being concerned about the result, you will find out how rewarding the process is. Everybody achieves good results if they practice and keep painting, but certainly the process of creation is the one that deserves to be finally acknowledged and considered the main part of creativity. Along with feeling relaxed, trouble-free and happy, you will also create art that becomes better and better over time.

Picture taking

I tried to take pictures side by side, just to keep colors more relevant. My phone camera has too much contrast and my pictures come out extra bright. They have strong dark contrast which is not present in art. The real paintings are well-balanced. That is a good reason to make a trip to my art studio.

It’s not only color which is not true on photos, it’s also contrast, but especially the size. Size makes a big difference, but it is impossible to see that on the internet.  Everything from very large to very small art will seem to be the same size.

Spring, barn Nostalgia series, 24 x 20 inches, or 61 x 51 cm, acrylic on canvas

Anyway, enjoy the new art, and you are welcome to attend my popular art classes.

My art products and prints of paintings on Fine Art America:

Art collections by Inese Poga

Personalized creativity

Spring flower paintings

Personalized creativity eventually becomes our style. Creating is learning, and learning means living more intense and enjoying something new every day, our personal way.

We create us

Any creation involves saying something about us. That’s how we are telling others what our point of view is. True creativity is never copying and reproducing, but taking an idea which lives in our imagination or was just born in our mind and bringing it to life.

Reproducing versus creating

I regret seeing how plenty of art instruction is meant to teach not principles, techniques and understanding, but to reproduce a popular concept or successful image which everybody is painting or drawing. We have numerous back-lit landscapes, starry nights, tree projections in the sky, human eyes and lips. A painting subject which is already so much worn down.

Personalized creativity

Creativity is great not because we can do things that other artists have done, but because we can create everything exactly as we want, as we have intended and imagined, and it becomes our personalized creativity.

If you can draw, you can draw anything.

We can use any subject and make it our own.

If you can paint, you can paint anything.

We can use any color and make it the most important color for us or the viewer.

We have endless opportunities to express ourselves.

Learning is an ongoing activity, and it’s erroneous to assume somebody knows everything about everything. Experiment is the best teacher of all: how do we know if we never try?

The helpful mistakes

Mistakes and errors are an essential part of the learning process. It’s silly to be afraid of mistakes and do nothing. Perfectionism most likely lives inside many minds, however, but that doesn’t mean anything less than perfect has no value.

The circle of knowledge

Imagine that everything you know is within a circle. As you grow older and become smarter, the circle grows and widens, too. However, the interesting thing is that the more we know, the longer becomes the line that borders the unknown space which surrounds the circle which contains our knowledge. That’s why we just keep finding out things that we were not aware of. That is also the reason for asking more questions and finding more answers.

Creative exploration

Exploration with pencil, brush and color goes a long way. There is no end to it. The more we have learnt, the more we become aware of things we still have no idea about. It makes sense to make your style very personal from the very beginning. You do not want to be the second if you can be the first one. Therefore, copying art is not a good practice. You would not copy somebody else’s poem or song? Would you? The same is true about art.

Some of my recent watercolor paintings:

Art blog articles versus photo blogs

I have been on and off from blogging due to personal matters, but, hopefully, I will manage to post something more during the upcoming months. Painting takes much longer than to write an article, a short poem or to snap a photo. I sometimes spend months on a single painting. I could post progress images, but when I have the momentum, I do not want to interrupt it. Sketches and drawings might take just a few hours. However, such photos need to be edited and adjusted to be visible.

Slow spring

Spring is slow in Southern Ontario, but the first blooms are already in buds. and I saw a few crocuses showing their lovely colors outside. Their colors were bright and intense. Spring rewards us with intense colors and fresh air. There is always 1 hour or a bit more to spend with beauty and colors. It isn’t even that hard to find that hour.

Part of my art for sale:  Available paintings

My artistic products on Fine Art America, and you can view them in 3 D, rotate and turn upside down, etc.:

Art collections by Inese Poga

Decorate with beautiful art for spring season!

How and why to use watercolor for spring flowers

Floral art by Inese Poga

Watercolor paints: easy to take with you, easy to use

I love watercolor paints because they are compact, light and easy to apply whether painting outdoors or indoors, while traveling or working at a comfortable desk. When traveling, I do not use paint in tubes, but rather in tiny containers or pans. Therefore, I can make use of my watercolor paint set which I am taking with me everywhere, just in case some attractive subject happens to be around. The same goes for a few small (approximately 11 x 14 in) sheets of firm, quite heavy Arches or Saunders-Waterford watercolor paper. It is archival quality cotton paper.

Spring in nature and in art

Spring is a moody season in Latvia where I spent this month. Snow mixes with rain drops, but hopefully, the white cover will melt soon. The forecast says: by the weekend. I had not planned to travel this early, but that was what I had to do. From what I saw on the current news, spring does not want to arrive in Southern Canada either: temperatures might be not that low, but we will have to wait for some time until grass turns green and buds on trees are ready to pop.

Paint spring before it arrives

This is the time when we can have what we are longing for by simply painting it. Imagined spring or spring around you: there is always something great to draw or paint. One more great feature of watercolor is its ability to cover paper fast. I use lots of water to create soft color transitions. Small landscape can be done in half an hour. Still life or floral painting will take longer, but not the entire day.

Early spring flowers: your best subjects

Around March, I would be happy if there were already the first snowdrops, crocuses and similar early bloomers showing above the tiny grass stems and sprouts. I’ve seen that happening, but not too often.

My art is based on drawings. I am too good with drawing and always have been, therefore, I don’t think I will ever switch to completely abstract painting. Watercolor requires some planning, therefore, value sketch in the actual size is the absolutely best reference.

Drawing for watercolor painting

If you are new to watercolor, you should know that drawing can and most often should be done on some other paper. I use for that purpose the transparent transfer paper which is attached to a thick white sheet of firm paper. To transfer drawing onto watercolor paper, I use simply daylight. That way, I have hardly visible, accurate pencil lines, but initial drawing serves me as a value drawing. That helps deciding where to apply whatever color.

Spring tulips in many colors, watercolor painting which I completed while in Latvia

Painting in layers

I paint in layers starting of with mapping my painting and leaving marks wherever I decide it is helpful. I know people who paint one segment start to finish and then move to the next one. I prefer going all over the painting with first, second, third and more layers if necessary. That is the way I like it.

Ready to create painting of spring flowers?

Are you in mood for some creativity and relaxing moment with paints? Do it in watercolor and don’t be afraid of water! If it won’t work out perfect, no problem. Start over and don’t put any limitations and pressure on yourself. Spring flowers and landscapes will make you feel happy. The well flowing watercolor paints can capture softness of flowers beautifully.

For art classes, please sign up here: Registration for art classes

To decorate for spring, you might check out my art prints which come at a reasonable price from Fine Art America.

Art collections by Inese Poga


Watercolor flowers: serenity and hope

Roses for my mom, will she see them

Sad as I am today, I can only paint some flowers.

Sometimes I can forget the reality and sometimes it is too persistently reminding that nothing is going to be as it was.

I did not have any energy left to sign the most current flower painting yet, but it is watermarked.

I look at this painting and think about spring and things that won’t be the same.

We are always in a different place in space. We travel so fast it would be strange to hope things never change if everything else does.

To me, painted flowers are like music to eyes.

Poetry to mind.

Water to the desert.

Hope in hopeless moments.

Beauty when everything is frozen and dark.

Light in the middle of night.

11 x 14 in (28 x 36 cm), watercolor on Arches watercolor paper.

I hope you will love it.

Other recent flowers: Roses from me to you

Some more:  Pink watercolor flowers