How to choose what to paint and barn painting

Barn watercolor

Choosing painting subject

Art instruction and art classes will definitely help because the painting subject is everything or almost everything. Why it is so difficult to choose what to paint? That sometimes takes, hours, days and weeks, even months. I know how some potential artists would procrastinate for long time just because they cannot stop at a particular painting subject, make a decision and start painting. Choosing your painting subject is crucial to get started at all. I am saying: use whatever you have around and take the first photo which makes sense.

Suitable features

When we go through images or sort our memory and imagination, we find the potential painting subject too difficult, too complex or too simple. There is nothing to paint. Nice colors, but bad view, no foreground or no background, boring or too detailed. These and similar thoughts might rush through your head. One of the worst ways to help you choosing what to draw or paint today is just to check out what others do or have done today.

Scrolling through online images

Scrolling through online or your own images can consume one completely. There goes your day and there go the best hours for painting. Internet images will suck you in; you will end up watching lots of YouTube videos which you neither wanted to watch, nor needed. You will look at endless Google images. That is a big distraction which we call inspiration. I will just get some inspiration on this painting subject, you say and nothing gets done.

Just do it

Whether that is a photo or real item, just get started. Just do it: the first line, the first brush stroke. Who cares? You can change colors. You can add or remove the background. You can disregard details or add them to your pleasing. Anything which is related to your computer or phone is here to distract you. Therefore, the only way to paint is to start painting.


No wonder we wake up 4 hours later and we have not done one single line of a sketch, drawing or underpainting. I sometimes think people are way better off going to a class because that will remove all troubles. There will be a prepared image, subject or concept and you just go with it. That image will suit your intentions well.

If class is not an option

Assuming, you are alone and you do not have intention attending classes at the moment. Get a picture, good, perfect or not that great: it does not really matter. The only thing that matters is to get started. Once we are over the starting point, we will keep working. Just take the pencil or pen and start drawing. Take the brush and start brushing. The first step is what matters. After that point you will be fine because the inner “you” will not allow taking a break until you are done.

For inspiration, see the progress of recent barn and spring watercolor

We start with sketch, then do very light line drawing, apply first washes, add more or less color, define more and that’s pretty much it. Total time: about 5 hours. I did not like how the first version looked pale (not in photo, but in reality) the next morning, so i added stronger background and more layers to buildings and front.

Art classes: barn watercolor
That’s how it looks, watercolor on Saunders-Waterford paper, 22 x 16 inches, or 56 x 41 cm.

Art classes

Good luck!