Focusing on still life and garden scenes

Part of farmer's market painting

Summer is a great time to engage in plein-air painting.

I recently painted a garden scene called “Take a Rest” with some flowers and garden tools.

I use real scenes and real set-ups to create my paintings, I somehow cannot paint using photos, I just can’t.

First, I do a freehand drawing. The weather was very good for a while, so, I could paint every day outdoors. I had set up the exact items in my backyard, and it was a double pleasure to paint there.

The other painting is a still life called “Kitchen Symphony”.

I had set up all items in my art studio where I have a good light. For my paintings, daylight is extremely important because of color adjustment. Any artificial light changes color.

I think, both paintings came out quite nicely, however, it was very late when I took a photo of my garden scene, so the light might be not that perfect.

Part of the farmer’s market painting

I would love to also mention the Farmer’s market painting which is as large as the previous paintings – full sheet watercolor, 29 x 22″. All paintings are created using heavy, cold press Arches watercolor paper. The look really impressive when you see them full-size and in person. Well, size matters.

I hope you enjoy such art!

More of my still life: Painting still life