Happy New Year!
The new year should make us richer with new ideas, intentions and goals, help us better understand ourselves and never let us down, as we go through our life and this time.

I woke up this morning and suddenly realized how happy I was. There was nothing to complain about. The morning was crisp and sunny, it almost seemed like spring.
I could spend the entire day as I wish. Nothing was hurting me, there were no regrets about the previous day. I had a complete freedom over my decisions and intentions, and the day was just about to start. It was like a promise, and I had no doubts this promise will be kept.
What is holding us back when we are unable to turn our dreams into reality? Small issues, big issues or issues which might not be even existing?
In fact, it is very simple in most cases:
Identify what is disturbing you, and get rid of it.
When it’s impossible to get rid of it, try to handle it in the best way.

My African violets are in full bloom, three are purple, one is pink, and one is white. They blossom every year around this time, and that’s when I paint them.

I have added a few views from my art gallery.
I hope it will be a good year with many new paintings. Enjoy!