How painting boosts mental health

Boost mental health painting

Mental health and creativity

Mental health is as important as physical fitness, but having flexible, fast acting and flawlessly performing brain is more important than anything else. Drawing and painting are some of the best things we can do in order to increase the brain activity, improve our memory and become more confident, self-aware and efficient with making decisions. It is needless to say that drawing and painting are calming, relaxing and rewarding.

Boosting brain performance and creating more

Every line and brushstroke we put down on paper or canvas comes from the brain impulses and activity of neurons in certain parts of the brain. Your hand doesn’t move on its own, it’s guided by your perception and the ability to transform visually and sensually perceived information into individualized personal experience. This experience is reflected on paper or canvas as you draw or paint. It is a very complex process, and we tend to think there are mysterious powers involved. I sort of want to remove the magic aspect from creativity, just to keep things simple. Inspiration will add the magic, but we have to start from the basics.

Seeing and being able to recreate what you see

Most people do not see the surrounding world as an artist does. So, the first task is learning to recognize all the multiple aspects of transforming a simple visual image into art that exhibits the artistically applicable features of this image. How do we do that? What do we need to see and notice in order to paint and draw?

Echo of image in the brain

Anything we draw or paint must find some echo in the storage space of our imagination. Such space of stored images is present within any memory and it is based on associative knowledge and acquired knowledge. Anything we create always relates to our fundamental knowledge of this world. Yet, the drawing or painting we are doing has specific subject, specific theme and atmosphere. It is a scene like no other because it always presents individual features. No two apples are exactly the same, no flower copies the other one exactly line by line, not to mention faces, landscapes or complex views.

For our mental health, acrylic painting,

Personal experience and personal decisions

Since most people, who learn painting or drawing, believe that getting all information from the outside and simply following somebody without making their own decision will do the job, the first artworks usually do not come out that great. While we are sketching or blocking in the basic shapes or lines, we should already try to decide why everything is where it is, and why composition evolves as it does. The reason we place the objects on our paper or canvas as we do, should be based on a decision. We should also decide early and plan for effects which we create later.

Decision making is as important as application of art tools

Adding paint or other elements is always based on decision-making. We decide about values, shapes, edges, washes, and we need to apply color if it is a color painting. Our brain has to make these decisions fast. Most mediums require using relevant timing. If we hesitate too much with watercolor layering, it simply will be too late to achieve flow of watercolor that makes such painting outstanding. If we are too slow, the acrylic layer we worked on, will be already dry or tacky and we will have to return to it later.

What is blocking our ability to paint?

There are two main things which are blocking our ability to proceed with painting or drawing when somebody attends or watches a class. We believe that instructor has made all decisions for us and our task is to blindly follow and to repeat what we see; and we are trying to do everything without any knowledge of why. There is no reasoning, no decisions which arise in our own brain.

Do you know what you do?

For instance, when I ask what a particular student is doing with some particular part of the painting, a very frequent answer is: “I don’t know”. How come? You have to know why you want one part dark and how to achieve that. You have to decide whether your subject is small or large, whether it has lost edges or sharp edges. Basically, we have to decide what exactly and why exactly we want to do.

No brushstroke without goal

The biggest issue is aimless brushing around, moving paint all over the canvas or paper until any distinction is lost and everything has become the same color. That is the result of not making a decision. When we decide that clouds are large and grey, we use paint to achieve this and so on. It’s obvious that only acting based on decision can contribute to implementation of our intentions.

Art instructor is not a magician

The art instructor or art teacher isn’t a magician; they cannot affect directly and immediately the way your brain works. They hope you pay attention to what they say and demonstrate and you will make your own decisions based on this advice. However, if you do not know the answer to why, what, when and how, the progress is noticeably delayed. Therefore, I also advice doing value sketches. This does not slow down, but helps tremendously with planning and deciding on what, where and how we paint.

Decision making for other areas of life

Eventually, the decision making we learn in the classroom allows us becoming more efficient with decisions in other areas of life. Everything we do should be based on decision, not impulse and lack of thinking. We should not have to admit: I don’t know why I am doing this. Unfortunately, nobody can provide you with a dose of understanding perspective, values, shapes, contrasts, layouts and other elements as a capsule or tablet to simply swallow and apply.

Fall still life based on drawing: Fall still life

More about drawing: Magic attraction of drawing

Simple, magic cure for creativity crisis

 Cure for creativity crisis

We are recently hearing about the creativity crisis. How come? Why do we even need to be creative? Everybody who cares about personal development would most likely agree that it is very important to develop our creative side and work on it. Creative activities help easing different mental conditions. Being creative makes life happier by raising serotonin levels and significantly improves our internal balance. Balance is the key to everything: good health, well-being, success and prosperity.

Creative children are more successful

Long-term and wide research shows that creative children are more likely to succeed in any subject and cope with any situation easier. They will feel more confident and less lost if something unexpected happens than kids, who are lacking creativity.  Creative activities can make one’s life more interesting, fuller, more exiting and less stressful.

Letting creativity in

I was reading recently how becoming creative was described as getting into some state of mind and intentionally trying to make that happen. I am very sure it won’t happen that way. Becoming smart, interesting, enthusiastic and creative is not following five easy steps. Becoming creative takes work, efforts, numerous experiments and perseverance.

You have to simply try

Creativity is not that somebody will pour over you, and nobody can actually teach you how exactly to be creative. There are so many definitions, approaches, tests and scores to detect whether you are or are not a creative person. Creativity has to originate from the inside of an individual. It is possible to get advice, technical and practical guidance, but the process is up to you.

Attractive trait of character

Creativity is a very attractive feature, similar to being interesting, imaginative and innovative. Such talent empowers any person. We all desire to be noticed, to be loved and appreciated. By doing something creative, we are opening the doors for love, appreciation, new friendships.

Most people want to be creative

Whenever the talk touches creativity, nobody has told so far they did not want to be creative. I am most often receiving completely contrary messages. People complain their life is boring, dull, it is lacking any interesting or magic aspect.  They would love to become somehow involved with creative things. So what’s stopping them?

What is stopping you?

Many people give up quickly anything which does not happen right away. Some give up activity they just started  because the results did not show after the first  attempt. Some are feeling sorry to spend any money on what they think is simply a pastime. Creativity crisis is associated with other issues, unfortunately.

Spending on creativity

Spending some money on creative activities is inevitable. The least costly thing is probably writing poetry or stories. So, yes, you will have to spend some money on your fabrics or papers, for sewing machine or brushes, for gardening or crafting tools. That is definitely less than one spends on fast foods, useless drinks or antidepressant pills.

Benefits of being creative

Depending on your creative activity, there are also real benefits. We spend much less money for things we have created than bought. The creative mind works like this: I have something, perhaps I’d need a few other materials and I probably could make something great out of it, or I could recycle or upcycle something. The consumerist’s mind works this way: where do I get it and how much it costs?


Where to get inspiration or idea what is the creative area you would like? There are hundreds of options: all craft and art shows, local meetings of writers and photographers, amateur song and dance festivals, amateur theater performances, garden shows, musical gatherings like open mikes, galleries, art and craft stores and departments, fabric stores and more. Besides, there are always people at these events and places who will give good advice on where to start.

Is creativity forgotten?

Surveys and research tell us that creativity is dramatically decreasing, and something needs to be done to reintroduce more creative activities in our families, schools and society. We might have too many opportunities to get everything served on a tray. However, things you create reflect you and suit you the best. Become artistic and creative crisis won’t be an issue.

Never too late

It is never too late to engage in creative things. Local people who are interested in art could join also my art classes and attend the creative workshops. I am not surprised that some of my students love these art classes so much that they return year after year. They would miss anything else, but not the weekly art class. It is obviously doing something good for them!

My experience

My experience after teaching at high schools, colleges, individually, and in groups allows concluding the following. The idea of becoming creative most often is present in the family and it is passed over from generation to generation. Kids, who pick up arts, crafts, sewing, writing, dancing, playing an instrument in early childhood, will most likely continue with creative activities. Teens, who love creative lifestyle and who paint, write, dance, sing, play, have less depression, anxiety and upset moods. They don’t engage in drugs, alcohol and troubles.

Adults need creativity, too

The same goes for adults. People, who are involved in creative activities, are much less complaining about loneliness, depression, feeling lost, seeing no meaning or purpose in life than those, who at the best go to the bar or sit in front of TV. People, who make creativity their best companion, are healthier and more satisfied with their life.

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