New fall paintings and art in progress

Art show, fall painting

New art, new fall paintings, new vision

I have painted recently and completed quite many new paintings, especially fall art and three-dimensional textured paintings. Colors are so bright and uplifting outdoors, and it is difficult to resist not capturing one or another landscape. I have to still work more on making my art visible on the internet. It is not enough to be present on  Facebook and a few print sites, like Fine Art America and ArtPal. Just as I am writing this, somebody ordered a print from Fine Art America, my bright pine cones under snow.

Managing single person business

Realistically, I get to paint a lot, and I create new art and paintings almost every second day. It’s completely different story with putting this art out there and letting somebody know it is available for purchase. I am only one person doing everything. Sites like Facebook don’t get that. They tell me that Walmart started to use Workplace app and their sales grew big time. Well, just think about that. How does one single person’s tiny business compare with insanely huge company, such as Walmart? It doesn’t. I have no employees; therefore, I cannot connect them to my workplace. I find that funny how they apply to everything one-size-fits-all.

Your interest would be greatly appreciated

Regardless of anything, I keep painting. I certainly would love to sell something before Christmas, so that I also can enjoy the fruit of my difficult, time-consuming and labor-intensive work. I usually sell at least 1 painting around this time. I should sell 100  times more paintings this season to make a space for new art, that would be terrific. I sell quite a lot of prints on different sites, but the profit from print and art product sale is like $1-$5. It is very little, yet, it means somebody loved my work so much that they were willing to spend some money on it.

New art and paintings in progress

I have brought to completion two very textured paintings: the “Rocky stream” which is more abstracted and impressionistic, and “Birch light” which was totally done during art classes. I had placed the textures using modeling paste before, since it takes quite a few hours to dry.

Birch light, acrylic painting 20 x 16 inches

Birch light, acrylic painting, 20 x 16 inches

Rocky stream, acrylic on textured background

Rocky stream on heavily textured background, 20 x 16 inches; in fact, all recent paintings are created on textured background. It looks excellent in reality, and texture is still visible on a photo, too.

Fall path,  20 x 24 inches acrylic painting on highly textured background

Some work will be still done on the “Fall path”. Yellow color is tricky with acrylic, and it takes numerous glazes. I think the color combination works extremely well, and it will fit very nicely the late fall mood.

My next art show will be on November 23. I hope local people will attend. I have many pieces of art in different sizes and done with different mediums. There is so much to choose from!

All art products, including many kinds of art prints can be purchased from FAA:

Art collections by Inese Poga

Ajax, Ontario, art classes and winter workshops

As the weather gets cooler and less pleasant, it is great to be part of our student groups. It can be your “me-time”, it can be your stress relief, it can be the best event in the entire week as my students told me. We have created numerous paintings during my art lessons. Some are more finished, some are less done. That always depends on group. Whatever you learn, stays with you forever. Whatever you draw or paint, will always delight your eyes.

Link to art classes and masterclass: Sign up for art lessons

What’s on my easel?

What is on my easel

I had not posted anything in a while, but I have new paintings on my easel. I was feeling quite terrible for a while, though. It seems the early fall weather with abnormal humidity and heat at first and with rains and storms afterwards had really got me. I was keeping my schedule to minimum: I gave all scheduled art classes since I did not want to disappoint my students, but that was about it.

I thought I would finish paintings which I started back in August, but that was not an achievable goal. While painting keeps pain at some moderate level, it was still difficult to stay on top of all tasks and duties which I had set for me.

It usually takes some time to recover completely, and my new website and initiation of the other lifestyle blog will have to wait for a better moment. Meanwhile, we have been working on some new projects. I have been doing some painting, too, regardless of all disturbing matters. I have nice frames for most of these paintings, and hopefully the final stage won’t take too long.

One more thing: when photographed, acrylic paintings do not look right. I am sometimes trying different camera settings, different light conditions, different distances and sizes. I have to admit that only very large acrylic paintings look close to their originals. It is sometimes very annoying because the photo sort of shows completely distinctive colors.

Original art for Christmas and crafted gifts

Christmas art, home page

Many people are stopping by, and my sales are actually better than I expected. I decided to extend the sale until almost Christmas.

I noticed also that many visitors really liked the traditional colors: red, white, green and gold.

Since the previous traditional Christmas decorations were sold, I created new ones in similar style. This time, I used some baskets and more greens.

You might like these ideas, as well. So, get to work.

All you need can be found in the backyard and craft store. I used some dry tree branches and painted cedar branches look great. Add some glitter, make use of hot glue and glue gun, apply tissue paper in your favorite colors, as well as some pine cones and/or fir cones. I am also using a base (for live flowers or for dry flowers), that makes it easier to arrange all parts of Christmas decoration. Arrange your composition in a basket, plate or jar, and nothing moves away from its place.

I start with arrangement of greens, after that, I’m attaching fir cones, pine cones and tissue paper roses wherever they look fitting.

Creating Christmas crafts is a great way to make your home look very festive and welcoming.

Nature materials for beautiful Christmas decorations: what could be more attractive?

Small Christmas decorations can look as good as the large ones.

And paintings look great, too. Original paintings give the special flare and dress walls in an amazing way.

Christmas gift or decoration: bottles rolled in acrylic medium and white paint, oats and then again covered with acrylic medium.

I hope you enjoyed and you are already looking for materials.

Inese’s art prints: Art collections by Inese Poga

Fall Art Show at Camp Samac: Sunday

Getting ready for camp Samac show

Wide variety of art

The Fall Art Festival at Camp Samac not only allows one to explore a wide variety of different artists works, but also gathers many hundreds of people interested in art, crafts and creative achievements. It was not surprising that the majority of artists presented smaller size art, art prints and art cards. Even though, there was a fairly large crowd of visitors at some art displays throughout the show, the most buying activity involved smaller, more inexpensive original pieces and art prints. The impression was that the original art was loved and admired, but not that much purchased.

More than 70 artists

However, taking into account the large number of participating artists (71) and the even larger number of art presented, I must say this event had great success and resulted in many nice transactions for artists and gorgeous acquisitions for art lovers. Certainly, less expensive art and art prints sold faster. Many people were just enjoying the look of art, as well as having conversations and discussions with artists.

Great interaction

We had many thoughtful conversations and discussions, but I only could get a few pictures from this event since photo taking was not allowed. Nevertheless, it was interesting to see what other artists had created. I was new to this event (I’m new even to Canada), and I had no idea what and how should be displayed. My spot wasn’t that good, quite far in the back part, but most visitors crowded around food space and front parts. My paintings were really  eye-catching, and I couldn’t complain about lack of interest.

The two panels which I could use.

Great art show

I was very satisfied with this art festival. This was a great opportunity to get better understanding of the local art scene, make friends, get to know other artists, and sell some paintings. 3 of my originals were sold, and I thought that was great because I did not bother with printing cards or getting art prints.