In order to improve oneself, perseverance is important. Life is always full of something, and we are mostly busy, sometimes with the most beautiful things and events, sometimes with terrible issues. We simply deal with that, but not everybody has the courage to take a special time for themselves or to spend it as they wish. There are billions of excuses, and behind “I cannot” is quite often hiding: I don’t seriously want it. I am not willing to make a commitment. I am not sure if I want anything at all. It is so much easier to do nothing. It is less complicated to let everything flow by and to go with the stream. The power of doing nothing is huge.
Who doesn’t know moments of emptiness, moments of weakness, and moments of a complete exhaustion: mental and physical? That is life, and, unfortunately, nothing and nobody can prevent such moments from happening. I know this so well: it can be abnormally tough at times to resist the tiredness and pain. Well, we have two choices: feel sorry and cry or stand up and get going. Here I would like to mention perseverance again. We stick to decisions and goals no matter what.

I am for these, who make everything happen. I am with these, who fight their own moods, pain and helplessness. We have a fantastic tool to make our life better: it is self-improvement. Step by step, one move at a time.
Therefore, I feel extremely blessed that my art and painting classes have brought me together with such sincere, honest and creative people. It is very simple to take a brush and swipe it over canvas. Play is attractive. How about when we want something more? Not only spots and splashes, but something way exceeding basics?

Creativity and self-improvement are both: rewarding and demanding. Rewarding all the way through the discoveries and confusion, giving back things which we never even expected; and demanding because we cannot give up our efforts by facing the first difficulties. Self-improvement requires perseverance, a strong spinal cord and ability to go against the wind. I suppose, life is generous mostly to those, who dare. Dare to overcome at least their own resistance and remove the internal brakes.

I would not call the participants of the Wednesday group students anymore. Some of them have become established artists after attending my classes. I am really proud of that because I care how my students are doing and they try to do their best. I am sometimes telling them: you don’t even need any classes any longer. They answer: we love the group and the atmosphere, and we still appreciate the advice.

The Wednesday class takes a break now. We are meeting closer to the fall again. However, the question that surprises me most is: how do these really busy people always find the time not to skip any single class? Well, the secret is most likely unsophisticated: we can always find time for things we love. I would like to thank all my long-term creative friends and participants of my painting classes. Keep your brushes wet!