Acrylic flower paintings in new settings – art never expires

Large flower paintings, art for sale

Flower paintings in acrylic

As an artist, we always have some favorite paintings. Some of them we don’t sell at all, and some we give as gifts to dear people. Since many of my previous posts were about watercolor, I’d love to post this time a few acrylic flower paintings. This post has quite a few images of painted pink and white flowers. Unfortunately, as we get older, there seems to be less time for anything. That refers to painting, posting, sharing and so on. Somebody told me that we feel this way since we spend more time on any task.

Quality over quantity

I suppose with experience, both life and art, we value quality over quantity. Anybody who’s spent decades creating art, can reflect of the process of discovery. Discovering subject, discovering new color palette, discovering adorable things we didn’t like before, discovering new dimensions of the same old story. I love pure and clean colors, and pink color offers so many shades.

My paintings with past

As the time goes by so swiftly, I sort of regret not painting exactly what I prefer. That’s as opposed to subjects I teach in art classes. I’ve mentioned before that an artwork for juried show, artwork for quick sale, commissioned artwork and paintings which I create as demonstrations – they are all very different by nature. Time has been always a factor, but also my health problems. So, you have to be ok when you cannot do anything at all also. I didn’t paint these flower paintings yesterday, but hopefully got better images of them.

Art is more than copy of reality

My taste doesn’t comply with generally preferred art which we see online. That is sunsets, waves, backlit shapes, too sweet nature scenes, as well as very close copies of photos. I always believed art is more than copy of reality. The latter anybody can manage with enough patience, tools and devices. Not everybody can paint spontaneously or draw without any printouts or edited images.

Relation to reality

On the other hand, I love that my paintings display things which are recognizable. People frequently tell me; they know that or this place in my painting. Well, such place doesn’t exist, but apparently the painting relates to somebody’s experience. Sometimes, the viewer can feel fragrance of flower. That’s why I avoid painting completely abstract art, but I still have a lot of abstracted paintings, especially, the extra textured ones. Also, my backgrounds are not definite.

Everything is art, but I disagree

While all artistic genres – music, singing, acting, writing, poetry – have moved on and aimed for higher goals and more mastery, internet has facilitated degradation of classic art. If you want to see what’s for sale and what’s taught on some skill-sharing sites, just google any term. It can be quite awful and total beginners art. I remember how my students 10 and more years ago were so self-critical. Nowadays, that’s a ready-for-sale art. I agree, it’s easier to hang an abstract on the wall, but it becomes a simple decoration, not always art. How long are you going to look at 2 lines or some big blob of one color?


I always struggled with photos of my paintings because to my sharp artistic eye, the photos have never the exact colors and I usually have to crop off some crucial parts to make the image straight. Nevertheless, let me know if you like some flower or other painting. I don’t think original paintings have ever been so affordable. It’s been a while, and I wish everything was better, but enjoy! With better, I mean mostly the financial side. The creative side is fine, I never have any problem with that.

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Art collections by Inese Poga

Spring mix, staying at home creatively

Rose painting in watercolor

Last day of March 2020, enjoy spring mix

Just like always, time passes swiftly. Whether it is bad or great spring, we go through it. I just couldn’t get myself to the point this time to post something new. I have started working on projects in downloadable format, and that is tough. My previous main computer crashed, and lots of software which I cannot get back went with it. While I had backups for most picture folders, it is sort of impossible to recreate everything which has been carefully put together over the course of 12 years. Every device has its limits, but crashes come always at a wrong moment. Therefore: spring mix!

Poor choices for realistic editing of picture

While there are numerous, I’d even say countless apps and software for manipulating photos and using all kinds of effects on photos, there is practically nothing anymore for simple editing which makes image of a drawing or painting look like it is in reality. The last great editing software was Microsoft Digital Image Editor, but that’s gone now. I still have it on laptop, but my laptop display is so poor that I cannot do any sensitive adjustments on it. My much loved watermark is gone, too. I bought another one which is kind of ok, but doesn’t do the same at the same speed as the previous one. I don’t have many things on this computer yet, so, putting up my content on the internet is problematic at the moment.

Projects with watercolor pencils

I would like to introduce the use and application of watercolor pencils for beginners in watercolor. It is easy and it is better for people, who are very good at drawing and not that good at watercolor wash control. I read in a Facebook group how people complained that they got horrible results using watercolor pencils. I would completely disagree with that. If you use watercolor pencils sensitively and you have an idea how to do that, the result is fantastic. I have great watercolor pencils which I bought maybe 13 or more years ago. They last long time. I actually use them only in classes. For my personal use, they are too slow. However, one can really learn well everything about painting principles, values, contrast, shadows, shapes, highlights and composition using good quality watercolor pencils which contain decent amount of pigment.

Now is the right time to learn

When else are we going to learn new things if not now when we have to stay at home? Drawing and painting has very good ability to consume all our thoughts. While we are creating, there is absolutely no space for being afraid, scared or depressed. There is no space for being worried and frustrated about the future. It is extremely calming and rewarding process when we let it to be that way.

Floral watercolor by Inese Poga

Stay tuned for home projects!

I wish I could work out the home projects faster and put up them for download, so, that everybody can be creative and busy in a nice way. I know that drawing is the most difficult part for most beginning and even advanced artists. Therefore, I intend to allow tracing template drawings.

Stay safe and create! Have a bit of patience and you will be able to paint with me beautiful spring flowers, landscapes and more!

Inspiration: Light and shadow

Inspiration: Perspective

Art prints Art collections by Inese Poga

How to create better art and flower paintings

Watercolor painting of rose, rose painting

Create better art without getting lost in advice 

We can learn painting and create better art using many tools and sources nowadays. Internet is huge and numerous sites offer tutorials, art classes and online and live workshops. I would like to share a few observations which stood out after talking to students and seeing how they learn. I’m convinced also that successful painting is a combination of many aspects. The other notable matter is that anything we want to be of high quality and value takes time, efforts and practice, and there is no other way to master a skill. I have listed below assumptions and factors which do not result in good art.

Copying colors and image will do it

Lots of people use color charts or try to recreate the exact colors of a photo. With current numerous brands and very wide range in art supply quality, the most important part is not what the photo has, but what works for your painting. Photography has different tools to create impressive image. Drawing, watercolor, pastel, acrylic and oil painting use completely different tools. Only copying colors and image won’t result in great art because that is the input of artist which makes art great. Outline drawing is important, but artist makes it alive with the use of artistic tools and paints.

Using exactly the same colors and drawing will create the same image

Using exactly the same colors and drawing won’t result in the same painting because it is usually not possible to repeat original artwork even by the artist who painted it. Ambient temperature, flow of paint, sloppy or targeted brushstroke, light conditions, air humidity in room or outdoors, inspiration, mood of artist, surge of energy or tiredness are all significant factors. It’s also not important what colors somebody else used because the differences between the same name colors can be huge with different brands. Therefore, the most important part is to test what you have and to see what your paints can do.

Color is secondary, value is primary or otherwise black and white paintings or monochromatic paintings would not make sense. They do, so, value is the aspect that provides image and subject with volume and dimension. If in doubt, you can always create a tonal or value sketch. I do that for complex paintings in watercolor going large scale or exactly the same size what my painting is.

I can paint knowing nothing about color mixing and paint features

You can paint knowing nothing about color mixing and paint features. Most likely, it will take time and many experiments to get to where you want to be. Eventually, you will arrive at all creation-related discoveries, it just might be a time-consuming process. I am talking about years, not hours. Simply, there will be good, mediocre or not satisfying result at first. Initially, all good results come from happy painting accidents, and we get what we get as opposed to what we intend to.

I will learn painting just watching others paint

No, that is not true. Art instructors or people, who demonstrate painting, know what they are doing or at least they should. Quite frequently people, who watch it, have no idea what, where and why is applied. The personal features and ability to apply paint and correct color matter, too. If the art is somewhat realistic, it is very important to be able to draw. We sketch with brush at first, and then we follow with brushstrokes to create volume, shadows, negative spaces and so on. If you can draw, you know better where to apply paint.

What, where and why

In the painting process, we have to answer these questions at any point of painting process. It is very useful to know why you are doing something. Why do you want the background dark or light? Why do you want to place some accent in the middle or in front? Why do you want distant parts cool and the front part warm? Why do you want to use black, purple or blue for grey color? Why do you paint the focal point in the most striking color? And so on. All of these answers impact your painting, later series of paintings, and they eventually create your style.

Paint night or sipping and painting

Many believe that paint night or sipping and painting will teach how to paint. These are entertaining events with a brush and paint, not art classes. The goal of such events isn’t teaching you composition, color theory, values or brush stroke. The goal is to entertain and painting is just an addition to mood, drink or food. I have mentioned many times before how important focus and decision making is for creation of art. Paint night or sipping and painting do not contain the most important learning aspects, such as reasoning, decision making or using your personalized approach.

Everything is art

Everything isn’t art and it shouldn’t be. While many people might refer to a canvas covered with some paint as art, it isn’t always art. You can hang it on the wall and it becomes wall filler. However, you can also look at it after it has dried and canvas fabric has become visible (too less paint coverage!) and try to create something decent on top of it. I wrote in my previous article that calling framed wallpaper art does not make it art. It is a decorative piece, just as an empty frame is.

Aimless splashing with paint

The reality of nowadays is such that we want everything right away, right this moment and even better yet, without much or any effort. Art has never been just brushing around or aimlessly splashing with paint. Art always involves thinking, concept, idea and the execution thereof with adequate artistic tools. Aimless splashing and brushing of paint results in nothing really. One uses a lot of paint and time with no result. I have seen over years people, who picked up art effortlessly, and I have also seen people, who had to spend years to learn. An art class is no different from a regular school class: some students learn fast, some are perfectionists, some are free-spirited, some are not that interested and some simply do not focus or pay attention.

Perfectionism and perfect skill

Perfectionism is disturbing and limiting when it comes to learning. Why? It is disturbing since there is no such thing as a perfect attempt, a perfect error or a perfect search for a new technique and skill. Perfectionism is the opposite of artistic freedom and it has nothing to do with the quality of result in learning process. I hear this often: I am a perfectionist. That is fine, but it does not apply to learning new things. One cannot be perfect with what they cannot do or do not know. Developing perfect skills is more like it, but perfect skill is a result while learning is a process. Learning process involves making errors and being mistaken. Learning process involves searching for the best or most suitable solution in the current situation.

Preparing my solo show

I am working on preparation of my solo art show next month. It opens on February 13. I just finished a few watercolor paintings which I started for November and December classes. Pink color is not a coincidence. It is a very attractive, soothing color which has also big impact and is gentle at the same time. Less people attend shows or art events nowadays since everything is on the internet. I would like to still emphasize that nothing compares to seeing art in person. There are so many devices between the real painting and its image on the internet! Any of these devices totally change the look of painting, so some things get lost along the way. Anyway, enjoy the new paintings!

Better art, flower painting, rose

The elegant pink rose, watercolor on 20 x 16 inches or 51 x 41 cm watercolor paper, the white background enhances the softness and attraction of color in the rose flower

Pink winter orchids,, watercolor on paper, 20 x 16 in or 51 x 41 cm

Magnolia blooms on white, watercolor, 18 x 14 inches or 46 x 36 cm

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Art collections by Inese Poga

Art classes: Register here

Copyright notice: Copyright of displayed paintings, drawings, images of work in progress and images of finished paintings belong to artist Inese Poga. Use of painting and drawing images is prohibited on any website or otherwise if I have not issued a written permission. No pinning on Pinterest!

Flowers and paintings

Flowers and paintings, acrylic flower painting

Flowers and paintings enhance each other

Flowers and paintings are a natural fit. Don’t you think? I started to take some pictures, and there were flowers which I had used for watercolor class as a reference material nearby. Colors came out more balanced, and the ambient impact was flawless.

I decided to sell both: flowers and plants as we move ahead. I think it is a great idea because I have numerous plants and numerous paintings. In fact, I have many hundreds of paintings.

Enjoy the recent paintings

This time, you can enjoy my recent flower paintings surrounded by more beauty of live plants and blossoms.

The beautiful contrast between daffodils from the garden and spring magnolia painting, or maybe it is a compliment?

Acrylic paintings of roses with hyacinths, the large one is 20 x 16 in or 51 x 41 cm and the pink rose is 12 x 12 in or 30.5 x 30.5 cm. It is the same subject, but different look

Lovely colors, lovely paintings: bright white calla lilies and the pink rose

Drawing for the 3-hour rose workshop is visible behind the painting. I painted this pink rose as a demo for flower painting workshop. Colors of painting and live daffodils look gorgeous together.

New priorities in art instruction

I also rescheduled and regrouped my priorities in art instruction. When it comes to art instruction and teaching, I enjoy students, who have genuine interest in learning something new and in developing their skills as opposed to those who just hope that painting paints itself. Everything requires work and efforts. The result of flower painting is very pleasing.

Small groups: big attention

My space can accept quite a lot of students, but I decided to have rather individual and private classes or small size groups. That gives me the opportunity to review all important aspects of getting somebody started in drawing, watercolor and acrylic painting. Large groups suit more the art entertainment, like painting in bars and restaurants. They don’t care about quality or skills one develops, but I certainly do.

Experience helps

Also, individual or private art classes require very high level of art instructor’s skills, and not everybody has them. Well, I do. I have huge experience and I have definitely explored practically everything when it comes to creation of a drawing or painting. I am extremely good at drawing, as well as I have worked out my personal watercolor and acrylic painting style. It sure takes many years, not hours.

Preparation of an art class

I  know how people use to think that art class does not require much preparation time. It is straight the opposite. I frequently adjust not only the painting subject, but also level of difficulty, and pay attention to availability of materials and  reference materials. That can take sometimes 4-6 hours. The follow up classes on the same painting subject take less preparation time, but it is never less than a few hours. I have to review what every student has achieved so far, what and why they need to work more at. I switch from one painting subject to another if student or group cannot handle it.

Advantages of private or individual art classes

I believe, private or individual art class is the best solution for people who want to seriously engage in art or feel uncomfortable with other people around them. It will definitely lead to faster achievements and results. More ideas about painting flowers with acrylic: Create beauty

Please, review schedule and let me know if you are  interested in any art classesSign up for classes

I am always happy selling a painting to people, who love art. You are welcome to contact me via Contact page and visit the studio at any time which suits my and your schedule.

Fine art prints: Art collections by Inese Poga

Meditate with color and line and treat yourself with an extremely wonderful experience!

Copyright notice: Copyright of displayed paintings, drawings, images of work in progress and images of finished paintings belong to artist Inese Poga. The use of painting and drawing images is prohibited without a written permission. That includes no pinning on Pinterest.

How does it feel to become a rose?

Acrylic painting, wild pink roses

Rose is a wonderful subject for an acrylic painting. Especially, pink rose.

I always prefer and I always advice others to use real objects, real scenes and live models for their paintings. It’s not only because camera does not see things as a human eye does, but also because of immediate presence.

When somebody aims only for technically great achievements in arts, they certainly stick with photos because we quite cannot distinguish between tiny details when looking at something with just our eyes. I’m not painting or drawing anything I cannot see or which is too small to see. I prefer to go bolder and not to use any magnifying glass.

It can be tough painting flowers sometimes, especially in winter, and real flowers generally do not last as long as painting takes. Anyway, whenever possible using real things has its advantages. They have emotional impact, cause admiration, attraction. This is also something we are trying to implement in our paintings. Technical ability is great, but technically perfect and emotionally cold art isn’t speaking to me. I’m not saying that I always keep working until I have achieved absolutely everything. There is something great about unfinished paintings, too. For instance, a chance to add imaginative characteristics or continue with one’s thoughts. When painting is small, 16 x 20 inches (40.5 cm x 51 cm) inches or so, it doesn’t feel right to spend a year painting it. I sometimes return to a painting after 2-3 years.

Bright red rose, acrylic painting

Bright red rose, it was so beautiful that I sold it right after finishing this painting, 20 x 16 in

Therefore, it feels great becoming a rose. As we paint any petal, we build it and grow it to our liking. Although, it’s just a rose, it has it all: some hidden attraction, some mystery and some color combinations that do not always find reflection in a photo of the painting, but they do become visible when looking at the artwork in person.

Bright wild roses, sold This painting inspired to paint another one in lighter colors

There are lots and lots of objects which can be painted not even leaving our room. People sometimes say: I don’t want to paint still life, it’s boring. That’s totally wrong. That is the best exercise in painting there can be found. People who can paint or draw can paint anything and draw anything from apple to face. Still life is the shortest way to explore values, edges, color transitions and the ways we can create them. It’s the best tool to learn underpainting, sketching and blocking in the main shapes. It’s also the easiest way to learn about lines and their relationships, as well as all kinds of shadows. Therefore, we should never underestimate still life as subject, genre or way of expression.

Pink rose, elegance, acrylic painting

Pink rose, acrylic painting 20 x 16 in. The background colors work very well

Learn drawing and painting: Group art classes

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