Sunny still life

Sunny still life by Inese Poga

Sunny still life on watercolor canvas

Sunny still life is a painting which I started on January 1, 2013. I got busy, and this canvas was collecting dust (literally, it was hard to get rid of it) until now. The other day, I was going through different pictures and thought: why not to finish up this still life? “Sunny still life” was intended to be painted in pastel. I had painted two smaller pastels on canvas from the same set-up in my studio, and everybody liked them and later bought. I used watercolor for the base layer. However, this isn’t a watercolor paper. It is watercolor canvas.

What is watercolor canvas?

Watercolor canvas is supposed to be a surface which accepts watercolor paint. In reality, it doesn’t. Paint comes off extremely easily, and it doesn’t stay on. I can lift paint, but to get more of it on, is not going to happen using regular technique. I bought this watercolor canvas exactly 8 years ago. My hope was I could use it for watercolor and then hang without a frame. Frames are always a problem, and they become an issue when one has very many paintings.

Getting realistic image on watercolor canvas

Watercolor canvas is very difficult with somewhat realistic image since we get only one attempt in covering an area. I think it would work when pouring on very thick watercolor paint, but there is nothing much of a thin layer. I still decided to complete this painting. The truth is, I feel obligated to finish all paintings I have started. I don’t know if they still sell watercolor canvas, but this was the only one I ever bought. Thick watercolor paper is so much better for realistic paintings, but it needs a frame, unfortunately.

Excellent quality paints

After lots of attempts cheating paint onto canvas, I got somewhat saturated colors.  This painting is 24 x 20 inches or  61 x 51 cm. I always paint around edges, just like with any painting on canvas. I could accomplish this because I use pigment-rich watercolor paints. I use St. Petersburg watercolor paints, and I’m absolutely happy with them. Over years, I have tried most brands, and I must admit, nothing on the market compares to St. Petersburg paints.

I think the mood is really sunny, and therefore, the title of this painting is also “Sunny still life”. This is how the painting process and experiments started: Experimenting with surface and medium

Other than that, I am preparing materials for online art classes and my watercolor painting book. It is a very lengthy and time-consuming process. At least for me. I am a bit slow because there is so much to do in the garden.

Art collections by Inese Poga

Stay healthy, purchase some art. Many people are doing really well during these COVID-19 times.


Still life: essence of art

Still life with fruit and flowers, watercolor

Subject I love: still life

I have painted numerous still life paintings over years. It was not my most favorite subject when I was young, but I fall in love with this subject as time passed by. This genre usually works well for me: set up some things which can be found in the garden or fridge, find some cups, bowls and add a few flowers or leaves in absence of flowers. As you know, whenever possible I do not use photos because camera always distorts the image to some extent and the image is never what human eye can see.

Still life tells a story

Still life always tells a story, and this story can be read quite easily if and when the viewer wants to. It is by far not only shapes and color; it is much more than contrast between live and organic shapes and handmade items. Still life reflects my current opinions and my current emotions. It can express everything we are willing to disclose.

I started this particular still life 5 years ago. I had everything I need to set up something quite attractive. I did a rough value sketch in the actual size which is 22 x 30 inches or full sheet of Arches watercolor paper. I transferred the drawing onto watercolor paper and moved to first washes, just like always working from the back to the front.

This is how far I got in 2015, drawing from a setup in my studio.

I only created a few washes and left the painting alone for practically 5 years

Restarting the process

I suppose, I got busy afterwards and the items of my still life simply went bad. I did not have time for about 5 years until recently.

After I moved into my new Ajax place, I had to sort out all numerous art folders. I found a few started paintings, all on large size Arches watercolor paper, and I decided to do something about at least a few of them. It took me about 3 days to bring the painting to its final stages.

Lack of reference should not stop us

The sad thing is that I could only reference the rough sketch. I obviously used my memory and imagination, otherwise it did not work. Working from life results in more vivid and lifelike painting. However, if there is huge interruption in the process, completing such painting can be challenging. It is not only because I do not have the same setup, but also because we change over time. Our perception changes, our color preferences change and, finally, the way we work changes. Therefore, it can be tricky to pick up the process where it was left so many years ago.

I took the risk, and I think the result is great. It is a very large painting. It took the entire table length to somehow accommodate it. I also had quite hard time taking pictures with iPhone because of the size.

Masterclass: new way to learn art this fall

This fall I am starting master-classes which will take place once a month. These will be classes for people with experience and they will be designed to elaborate a particular subject and master-class will also include extensive demo and explanations.

I would like to give art classes that genuinely teach somebody, so, that they have artistic freedom creating their own art. I find that most art classes teach students nothing. It is mostly just some design which is executed with paints. Learning is a great way to stay young and keep our brain flexible.

Sign up for FALL SEMESTER art classes

See more of my still life and other paintings on FAA:

Art collections by Inese Poga