How value drawing can help
Why should you spend time on value drawing? If you do such drawings large or full painting size, it will take quite a lot of time, from a few hours to a few days. However, these value drawings will be all reference materials you need. I have added many photos of my very large still life drawings, so that you see what I’m talking about.

Drawing for watercolor
I started to do such large size value drawings because my goal was to eventually create a watercolor painting. As you may know, watercolor paper is very fragile and painting does not look good if there are lots of visible pencil marks or even worse. Erasing damages watercolor paper. I do such drawings on tracing paper. That is because I use a specific drawing transfer technique which allows seeing my final drawing very well without applying graphite pencil too much. It saves me work afterwards and prevents my paper from damage.

Large is great
I make these drawings large, to be more exact, the actual painting size. I usually paint full-sheet 22 x 29 inch ( 56 x 74 cm) watercolors, and sometimes a bit smaller acrylics. The drawings shown in my photos are 22 x 29 inches ( 56 x 74 cm) and 20 x 24 inches (46 x 61 cm) .

I usually do these and similar drawings in class, 20 x 24 inches (46 x 61 cm)
Value drawing is a guide and a map
All answers to questions which arise during the painting process are in the value drawing. I love painting from real things as opposed to photos, and if the subject is sensitive, such as flowers, food, fruits, vegetables or moody nature scene, I have to use something which quickly captures the subject. I obviously cannot get done a large painting within a few hours. Therefore, instead of taking photos, I do value drawings and sometimes value sketches.

Camera doesn’t replace visual perception
Partially, I don’t rely on photos since I got my first camera not that long ago and I was very much used to draw everything what other people were taking pictures of. The other aspect to that is the way any camera distorts the subject or view. My eyes perceive it much better than any camera would, and I create a composition on a fly.
Photographic visual memory
I don’t know whether I was born with it or whether I just developed it, but I only found out quite late in my life that I have literary photographic visual memory. I simply did not pay attention to that when I was young.
Advantages of having great visual memory
School was easy for me. I memorized everything extra easy, and I added an analytic approach to memorizing things. I am still able to remember lots of text just by looking at it. That helped me enormously when studying at university. I personally think that my visual memory comes from drawing. I was drawing everything whatever I saw since age I cannot even recall. Parents told me about that. It was a surprise because there were and are no other artists in my family which is actually quite extensive.

Memory can be improved at any age
I do believe and have seen that visual memory can be improved to a great extent. What happens in real life is that people most often don’t use their memory and brain. The more support from devices we have, the less we use our own memory. That is disastrous and leads to early memory loss.
How drawing helps keeping excellent memory
It is obvious that one can have all kinds of reminders and lists on their phone and computer. However, there are people like me who never ever compile a list or use a reminder. I’ve never forgotten any appointment or meeting in my entire life. I never make any lists, neither shopping, nor to-do lists, not even invoicing or student lists. It is all comfortably filed in my head.

My most recent drawing, 20 x 24 inches (46 x 61 cm), it can be used for any painting without any photo reference
The reason I love drawing
I don’t draw to only exercise my memory. I draw and paint also not because of likes or social media comments, followers or any other feedback from fans. I draw and paint because that is my way of life. I live in a visual world where everything is a painting and any view is art. That is the way I see the world and life.
Multiple and various uses of value sketch and value drawing
Having a value sketch or value drawing is of big advantage, not only because you have a perfect reference and guide, but also because you can use this value drawing with any painting media afterwards. You can go ahead and complete it as drawing, pastel painting, transfer to watercolor paper and paint with watercolor, transfer to canvas and paint with acrylics or oils. You can reuse it and flip it, as well. Finally, you can use any part or fragment of value drawing, as well as create a composition which consists of value drawing elements

Any of these drawings might become paintings, this one is 22 x 29 inches ( 56 x 74 cm)
It is a preview
It also serves as a sneak peek. It is clearly visible what works well in your composition and what not that much. Therefore, it is possible to correct everything while you transfer the drawing, so, that you do not have to deal with issues during the painting process.
Test your values
Test your values turning the image of painting into black and white. If it still looks good, your values are correct, and so is the contrast.

Uniqueness of our drawing style
Drawing is like handwriting, and our personal style is like our handwriting. It carries the specific features of our character, nature and mental abilities. It is possible to describe one’s nature by simply looking at their drawing. It is and it should be unique. Don’t trace photos, it is so much more rewarding to simply look around and see.

Still life is beautiful and teaches all drawing aspects
You don’t draw because you haven’t tried to do it right
When somebody says: I cannot draw, that actually means they are not interested in seeing the surroundings or the subject. How much one has noticed becomes only visible when we ask that person to draw it. While everybody is under impression that we can see everything, that is not true. You will only start seeing what is around you if you will try to draw it: all shapes and shadows, and relationships between lines.
Whatever we can see, we can draw
It does not necessarily have to be a real thing. You can see and imagine with your internal vision, and that should work as if drawing from reality. You build up the directions for your hand in your brain. If you are not trying to challenge yourself, your hand will create inaccurate and sloppy lines. In order the hand would draw what we are seeing, we pretty much have to become that particular subject in your imagination: the tree, the apple, the blossom and even the bowl, and even more so if you are drawing a figure or face. That is why most artists are quite recognizable from portraits they paint: all of them carry some features of the artist. Confidence is a big deal, too, and we can become confident only by doing.
These are only lines on paper, but what fantastic illusion of an attractive, appealing and impressive reality they create!
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