I wish summer stayed with us longer
Summer days are running away so fast that it is pretty clear: this summer is almost gone. It is certainly the best time to grab our paint box, some paper, pencil or brush and go outside. The weather isn’t too friendly in Ontario this year. I cannot recall so many heat waves and so many days without a drop of rain while I have been living in Canada. My mornings are spent at a clinic, afternoons – trying to get back in shape, but painting helps staying well.
What to start with?
When people ask me what they should start painting or drawing with, my answer is very simple: draw and paint anything around you. There is nothing better than drawing from real subjects and real places. Once you get used to it, you will notice how everything is more vibrant and more realistic when we paint from life.
Use real reference materials whenever possible
Lots of instructions start with: take a picture. I would love to say, however, do not take any pictures, but set up a still life or do a reference sketch. If it is a large work and you are afraid you’d forget the scene, you might also take a reference picture. The problem is that most people want to copy their reference photo instead of just using it. I might sound like an old vinyl, but it’s so silly to copy the photo and then pretend you painted it from scratch.

Chickadee in summer shade, watercolor, 12 x 16 inches or 30.5 x 41 cm
If you can draw, you can draw anything
The next thing which matters is this: once you learn drawing, you are able to draw anything. This happens because you have perfected your visual perception, developed eye-hand coordination and your hand starts perceiving impulses from your brain. Drawing happens as if on its own, and all we have to do is relax and observe.

The backyard, 12 x 16 inches or 30.5 x 41 cm

Create your personal color palette
Is it important to stick with colors which somebody else is using? Not at all. It is much better to explore and develop your personal color combinations. I also find that paints of different brands act very differently. My favorite watercolor paints are St. Petersburg artist grade paints. I haven’t seen any other paints which have such transparency and allow mixing colors easy. The secret is the natural and pure pigments they use as opposed to many paint manufacturers which cheat and replace pigments with fillers and binders. That means chemicals which do not enhance color or its purity.
Important art supplies
I usually use just one large round size 12-14 brush and one size 6 round brush for any up to 20 x 24 in watercolor painting. Along with paints and brushes, an extremely important part for watercolor painting is paper. When I am asking my students, why they are using this really thin and bad paper, they’d normally answer: they are just learning and it’s not worth to spend money on a good thick paper. This is a wrong assumption. Every paper acts differently. The thinner and lighter papers do not even absorb paint. It floats on the surface and creates ugly marks. It is also quite easy to lift paint, but not that easy to add more. My favorite paper is Arches. However, paint keeps traveling through layers of paper even quite a while after paint application. I am using other heavy, cold press papers also.

Blue reflexion, summer watercolor painting

Use good art supplies for practice
If you practice on a bad paper, you won’t know how much easier it is to paint on a good paper. Watercolor paper is definitely the most important part of all supplies for watercolor painting. I haven’t done much recently because I am trying to recover. It’s already a month after surgery, but it seems like I will need more time.
Support is always much appreciated
I would appreciate a purchase of any of my original paintings. After such a long period of being out of work, any support would mean a lot. I can certainly offer very good deals on originals; but prints and other products on Fine Art America site are inexpensive anyway. Since people rarely read these posts, this might go unnoticed, but anyway, I hope I can get something sold. Big thank you goes to 3 ladies, who bought 5 watercolor paintings!
My art prints and artistic products on Fine Art America:
Beautiful work, Inese, I wish you much success selling your work, and as speedy a recovery as possible.
Thanks Margaret! It was very difficult to bring these watercolors to some kind of finished stage. It is not easy to sit for longer than half an hour, so I just took some 15 minutes here and there during those few days when my head is not totally foggy from all medications. Well, at least something. It is so nice you noticed these paintings because people rarely check out posts. I am really glad about that because I can also post just maybe once in 2 weeks now because of all treatments and it is so great to hear something good about my works.
I’m glad you managed something; it was obviously worth it! I really hope that all those treatments work well and as quickly as possible.
I hope so, too. As quickly as possible would be some 3 months, that would be just excellent. I simply would love not worsening, but only steady improvement, even if it is very small.
Hi Inese…your finished paintings are so wonderful…I just LOVE your style and fell I would be able to pick your paintings out of a group of others. I am sending you white healing light and I urge you to honor your body during this hard time of recovery. And to be outdoors…even if just a few minutes each day…I know would help you tremendously. Sending much love and many blessings 💚
Thanks Lorrie! Anything which I draw or paint being outdoors or setting up indoors has much more feel and much more personality. I am certainly sitting outside for a moment here and there, but the heat and humidity make the wound worse, so that leaves just some moments in the evening. Every morning is treatment, even on Saturdays, it’s become like going to work. Counting days, but so many yet. Well, curing wounds is an expensive undertaking so I really hope to sell something directly or indirectly. Have no choice.
I will keep you in my heart Inese…hang in there…these are the times that really test us. Blessings ♡
Do they ever! Thanks for your good thoughts and blessings! Much appreciated!
I wish for your quick recovery, and the selling of your art. The pictures you draw are truly awesome. Sheen.
Thanks Sheen! I hope so too, however, I have to count on a few months more. I have not posted them on Fine Art America yet, but have to try to do something because every single day is more and more spending.
Keep your chin up! Inese beautiful works and keep those lovely thoughts of good things coming – you are on the mend which is so important – Wishing you success always
Thanks so much Liz! We found an envelope which said from the fellow artist, and there were 100 bucks inside. We could not imagine anybody else putting this so useful gift in the mailbox. It comes in the right time: straight on my birthday. I am 100% sure that was you because I do not know many people who would do something like that. I also appreciate a lot your wise and kind words. I certainly hope this year will be much better. I am already over the crisis and on the way to recovery.
I love the way you say to paint… it is for me the hardest thing; to pain my interpretation of what I see and not try to be so precise or accurate. I’m working on it though and your words help me to remember to do so.
You have had such a difficult few months. I so hope the healing soon takes place and that you find a method to sell your beautiful paintings. Diane <3
Thanks Diane! Well, I’ve been watching for so many years how some people paint effortlessly and some struggle because they think they have to. I’m usually trying to offer the easiest ways to art because every single person benefits from it. There is Absolutely no substitute for painting, drawing and expressing oneself. Those parents who think art is something very secondary to important subjects are wrong. Usually people who engage in arts tackle and handle everything else simpler and easier, too.
I am very impatiently waiting for improvement. One part heals well, the other could do better, it certainly takes time. I have set September 20th when I expect to be at least to some part ok. I will see how it goes. I am very tired of daily treatments, along with all other stuff they make my life a mess. I can live with that if I know there will be a result. Who knows. I hope there will be.
I hope and pray you will be well soon Inese… Diane
Thanks Diane, I hope so, too.
Very interesting and informative post. Your advice about the colors reflects my thoughts too. Love your Ziiliite 🙂 How are you these days?
Thanks. I’m up and down. I have to restart medications, unfortunately, which I really do not tolerate that well. The health care is just not that good, I mean, I cannot get in touch with doctor and while there are 4 different people sort of involved, nobody is available when I need them. It’s not going right or smooth. I need patience, but I seem to have run out of it. The financial side is really bad, I have to try to do something, but like today again, I cannot even get up. Maybe tomorrow will be a bit better.
That’s awful that you are not feeling well yet. Are you done with your antibiotics?
No, not yet. It’s a huge area which needs to practically cover itself. So, the smallest anything causes new infection. Tough.
You need a healer. I remember visiting one somewhere in Kegums, she did a splendid job.
Well, I don’t know any in Canada. This is just a surgical wound, it basically requires monitoring and switching meds as necessary. The problem is that I don’t get to see a doctor often, it’s impossible to make frequent appointments, it’s more like once a month. Lots of things can happen during that time.
Once a month is not enough, of course.
I mean, I need to see the specialist way more often, not once a month.
Sure you do. It is the same sort of neglect you experienced after your surgery.
Exactly. That’s why it is so complicated.
I really like the old log fences, and amazing chickadee dee dee dee.
Thanks Shawn! That’s my backyard, I have this fence in very many paintings.