What it takes to complete painting, fall art show

Fall art show, studio sale, don’t miss art deals

Fall art show is here. Buy art from the artist. It will be original art and it will come at a lot less than buying from a gallery. Studio sale offers plenty of art at great prices. 3 ladies already responded. I am genuinely thankful for their support, and I hope they like their paintings, however, taking into account the large number of items for which I do not have left any wall space and any storage space, I would need much more sales happening. Please, take advantage of very affordable rates and keep shopping.

Perfecting my own style

I work a lot and hard to create my paintings. I know how much easier it is to make abstract art because that takes origin only in one’s imagination. Artists sometimes simply try to comply with market trends also. Unfortunately, I am not in abstracts that much, I prefer more challenge. I have developed my own realism style which is not a copy of photo, but artistically enhanced realism.

Creating art takes time and patience

When we look at a painting, it seems it didn’t take any time or efforts. It is due to the fact, that good art shouldn’t exhibit artistic struggles and technical difficulties, but mood and atmosphere of the painted scene or subject. When we get past such struggles, the genuine creation happens. Some of my paintings took 2 years to bring to a stage when I liked them. In average, each painting takes about 1 week to month to get it to the point when I am  satisfied with it. There are smaller watercolors which only take one to two days to accomplish, but any larger work requires much more time because most of my paintings are rather representative than abstract.

Showing groups of paintings

My paintings are usually series of related images. Bright flowers will match the other floral paintings. Soft and tranquil fall colors appear in many paintings of this season. Noteworthy are also tree and birch paintings which work very well together.

Fall art show
Fall art show: a few of pink and white flower paintings

Fine Art America site for art prints and other art products:

Art collections by Inese Poga

19 Replies to “What it takes to complete painting, fall art show”

  1. Such a nice collection over the years, I ordered your kitchen still life sketch and I know it will fit in nicely. I hope you will get better soon. So many ups and downs of life we do the best we can. You inspire me to get back to blogging!

    1. Thank you so much Diane! I really appreciate you did that because I can see now how much I had left behind any advertising and making people aware I exist. That is very nice from you. I hoped, as well, the only results were some likes so far, but it still is a reminder that I have not discontinued my art.

    1. Thanks Christian! Realistically, I’m not trying to do reality, but when something looks real, is nice, I mean, it causes somebody to experience the things which are painted. Happy 2017!

    2. Thanks so much! Your posts were very interesting to read, I certainly will return to them. I am very glad about meeting you online on WP< because it feels you have a lot to share and say, and I always love learning. I wish you also blessed, wonderful, creative, healthy and happy 2017!

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