I have found five stages which allow becoming an artist. For illustration, this post includes beautiful images of summer art in watercolor.
Learning is a gradual process
Learning how to draw or paint is a gradual process. I have noticed five stages of learning process which result in being an artist. It is the same as with manual writing: the more you write, the less you have to think about the technical side of writing a letter. Once you are past the first attempts and know all letters, you can put your efforts towards expressing a thought. The less you think about how to do that, the better your story.
Developing manual drawing and painting ability
To some extent, drawing and painting are similar activities to manual writing. You have a concept and you use graphic characters and signs to turn your concept into visually perceivable and readable text. At first, you learn writing letters. You put letters together and you have a word. You line up words in a sentence. You study grammar and style, and your sentences become better over time. After long hours of practice and after many attempts, you are able to write a story or a poem. This poem is what people can read and understand. The same goes for drawing and painting. Becoming an artist takes time.
Practicing techniques
The more you draw and use your brush, the less you have to think about how to use your brush or pencil sufficiently. You feel that you can show the story behind your painting and focus on expressing your emotions, not struggles with getting the main shapes and values right or achieving contrast and good composition.. Drawing and painting become processes which progress by hour if you keep practicing.
The first stage
You draw something, paint something. You try, but either brush or pencil does not want to do what you tell them to. Many lines have to be erased and brush stroke does not work yet. This is the encouraging stage: I could draw or paint, but this will require work and learning. Long way yet to being an artist.
The second stage
You decide to draw or paint a particular subject. Artwork is satisfactory, but the successful parts are good because you got them right accidentally, not intentionally. You mention frequently: I’m not going to touch it again, otherwise I will destroy what I have. The stage of accidental success. This stage will motivate you to move on.
The third stage
You have a plan, and everything goes accordingly to it, but some areas of painting do not work. You work over parts of drawing or painting for many times. Subject could have less or more detail, colors could be much better. There is little distinctions in values. Your artwork shows mainly the same values all over. You notice still lots of flaws. The almost-certain stage. You know you can do it, but practice is necessary, however, you feel like an artist!
The fourth stage
You have decided to draw a rose. You go outside, find a flower and draw a rose that looks like a soft, gentle rose. You decide to add color to it. You mix and test colors. No rush. It works out well: no part is too strong or too weak. Brushstrokes lay on smoothly. You are very satisfied with what you have achieved. A month passes. You look at the same painting, and you definitely see that, it could have been better actually. The potential excellence stage. You are very aware that there is still space for improvement.
The fifth stage
You are not flying on clouds. You know that any painting subject takes work and some planning. You allow yourself making unexpected and unplanned steps, too. It is meant just to keep the hand sensitive, to keep your eye observant. You have no absurd expectations. You have become master of the process, the artist. You can paint anything which comes to mind.
To know what works
You do a value or color sketch. You transfer the drawing onto paper or canvas. You do the color test. You create dark and light color palette for the particular painting. You have your favorite subjects, but you step out of comfort zone. You know exactly what effect each color combination will provide you with. You know exactly where to place details in order to make your composition work.
Painting according to your plan
You start painting in a relaxed manner. You know it takes time, but when this drawing or painting is done, it will be exactly what you want. You raise your bar with every painting. You look at your first drawings and paintings and you say: what was I thinking! That is when you have arrived at the mastery stage. You can do it. You can achieve any results you want. You have no limitations in what you draw or paint. Finally, you are in charge. Rushing won’t take you to where you want to be faster.
Watercolors of summer nature to inspire

Summer barn, just finished watercolor 15 x 20 in or 38 x 50.5 cm

Summer barn watercolor painting, 15 x 20 in or 38 x 50.5 cm

Spring creek sketch which I used as reference for the large watercolor painting

This sketch became a large watercolor painting afterwards

The final spring creek painting is much larger than sketch.

Spring creek with white anemones, 24.5 x 20.5 in or 62 cm x 51.5 cm watercolor
Self-care and no summer vacation stress syndrome
There is a huge advantage with manual drawing and painting: it is a perfect type of self-care and the best cure for summer stress syndrome when people feel lost and do not know how to spend their vacation. Many feel they have no idea what to fill all free time with, especially, if they cannot book a trip, travel or have a party. I’m inviting everybody to paint!
Apply for art classes: Art classes
Learn in private: Find out more about private art classes
Please, visit Inese’s art studio
If you are in the GTA, Ontario and have time in the afternoon. please, stop by at my art studio.
My art prints and paintings on Fine Art America:
Nice painting. I can tell you did not copy a photo in this, your lighting is way more imaginative. And it looks like it is from a memory of a place.
Thanks Shawn! I usually paint rather from imagination, however, I have sometimes reference. When I want realistic stuff, I set up a still life and paint from that. Latvia has such places, I don’t think you could see this in Canada where I am right now. Thanks a lot for your nice comment!
Happy Belated Canada, we were 35C here on Canada Day. But apparently normal 26C weather is on the way. We have amazingly beautiful scenery all across Canada, I just don’t think I’ve ever seen flowers that big.
Well, I live in Canada, too. I arrived 14 years ago. I am baking right now at computer. It has been close to 35 and 36 every single day for a while. I cannot remember when it was a normal day now. Big flowers in front are because they are close and that is to increase the distance between from and the distant part, so, to speak, perspective per se.
I love this explanation of the creative process it is realistic and spot on.I am also moving in a few weeks and not looking forward to it at all.
Thanks Tracy! Well, it comes from my observations.
I know moving so much stuff is terrible. We stayed in this place for 8 years, and everything accumulates. Due to absurd high Canadian housing prices, I don’t think we are staying in the new place for too long. Therefore, I intend not to unpack everything, just the most necessary things.
I do not know anybody (maybe there are people who are ok with moving) who is looking forward to that. If it is your house to which you are moving, that is better, but moving to another rental place like I have to is no pleasure. Whatever way it is, it is better not to have to move.
Thanks for sharing your process of painting Inese. As a writer, I can relate to the stages you share and I know practice has made my craft better. It is through letting go and being in the creative flow, my best work has taken shape. Great paintings, keep sharing your gift!
Thanks Lisa! It is so that today’s perception wants everything right away and ready to serve. When people come to art classes, they quite frequently expect to learn everything within 2 hours. I have spent 50 years on that. I think it is important to point out that learning is gradual, yet, nobody wants to accept that.
Well, I do a lot of writing, too. I’ve been a medical writer and translator for more than 35 years, I work globally, and since I speak 4 languages at a native level, there is always something to do. That takes insane learning because most books, booklets and texts are for medical specialists. I do have to learn with every single new job. It is an intense writing, deadlines are extremely tight. It can be 100 pages in 4 days, plus, I have to comply with all EMA of the EU and FDA standards, rules and specifications, I cannot just type in what I want. I specialize in some areas more than others, and one particular area is genetics and how it affects the way we are, especially how the brain stays young and flexible. I am somebody who developed a photographic visual memory at a very young age and that makes learning so easy. Basically, I’ve been much in research, I have had access to lots of confidential data and, therefore, I think I can come to conclusions which are probably shocking, but true.
I moved to Canada when I was 46, I started from scratch. I am 60 this August, and my stuff hasn’t been put together. I’m too European to be North American. The distinctions are big, and they are really noticeable.
English is not my native language, so, I do not publish that much (on lifeschool blog), but I had quite success when writing in my native Latvian language.
Inese, you are welcome. Perfecting a craft takes time, then again there is no perfection in art. I have enjoyed the process of growth and teaching that. It is good to connect with a fellow writer.
I definitely agree with your point of view: it takes time. Perfection should not be our goal, the personal growth should.
What a beautiful post and lovely pieces of art!!👍
Thanks! I appreciate your kind comment!
I wonder how you are dealing with your Art, work, and moving? 🙂
Well, I will pack all art separately, I haven’t gotten to it yet. I do not paint at the moment, there is simply no time. It is more complicated since I traveling to Latvia straight after we move things over. I need a lots of medical supplies with me, I have to be very careful how and where I pack, so that I can find everything without big problems. Labels help, but I also need to pack separate bags already. It isn’t very easy and there is no fun in trying to manage all of this! I have all reasons to hope that I can catch up with blogs and website and everything else in the fall. Feeling lost is the most experienced feeling I have. I am a very organized person, mess is so hard for me to take because all of a sudden nothing is where it used to be. Anyway, I hope the weather is not too bad where you are and you are taking in the summer! It is quite nice here right now.
Moving it’s an ordeal, I am afraid I got to do the same soon, my landlord is a greedy man, and just jacked up my rent, already too high, since I compared recently similar places, I just didn’t move in order to avoid the ordeal, but since last week he notified me to a 10% increase, I decided it’s time to leave, and let him find someone else to deal with, and take advantage, got enough of him.
Fortunately the logistic will be easier this time since I will move locally, and most of my stuff it’s unpacked yet, mainly books.
You seem to have a lot to do, with your trip to Latvia, on top of it, wish you well, and try not to stress too much.
Wish you well Inese. 🙂
The same here, the rent goes up and up, but the income certainly cannot match that. I regret hearing that you also will have to move.
I am moving also locally, at least that is a plus.
Books are heavy, but easy to pack, I got also a lot of them. I love real books as opposed to online reading, I live the feeling of opening a real book and closing the last page.
I do manage my stress fairly well. When everything is too much, I just let it be. I do whatever I can.
I wish you well also! Do not work too hard and take easy whatever you can!
I will post something from Latvia and I will also enjoy the moment when the moving is over! Oh my, is that ever a pleasant feeling!
The best moments I enjoy on a trip is when the plane takes off, when I arrive at destination and meet everybody, when the plane lands and when I am at home again. That will be the moment to really breath out all stresses, all overwhelming feelings, maybe take a cup of coffee and enjoy silence and the new reality.
Well, we hope to hear from you, despite knowing you gone be very busy, we wish you a speedy move, and a very nice travel. 🙂
Thanks so much! I really really would love this to be a speedy move! I hope travel is ok since it usually is, also some time off everything. I will certainly try to post something. It is hard to say at the moment how it is going to work out. Anyway, I wish you also a good move if you will have to go for it!
Your art is stunning
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