Who doesn’t love painting during the fall season and applying the vivid and bright fall colors? I haven’t met any nature artist so far who is intentionally avoiding the warmth of golden tones and sparkling red, orange and yellow, as well as rich and saturated earthy colors. I have posted recently many watercolor paintings because I switch from one medium to another, and acrylic art will be posted soon.
Here are Bright autumn leaves, original watercolor 20.5 x 16.5 in
Bright autumn leaves, original watercolor 20.5 x 16.5 in
I have accumulated numerous half-done paintings during the years of giving art classes. While I had my own studio-gallery in downtown Whitby, I sometimes gave art classes and workshops almost every day, including weekends. Especially busy all art classes were during the fall season and that is understandable: subject is so attractive, traveling and garden work are in the past. Most people have free time on their hands and using it smartly is a big deal.

Fall fruit still life, original watercolor painting 11 x 14 in
My problem has always been framing, that’s why I try creating more acrylic paintings because frame isn’t a must for acrylic art on canvas. Yet, I have the need to bring to conclusion any painting which looks promising, especially the ones I have started on very thick and heavy cotton paper which has become quite unaffordable now. I sure have throwaway pieces, too, which I use for color testing and just toss in the garbage.
Still life with onions, original watercolor 15 x 11 in
This time, I’d love to share one big watercolor painting which wasn’t added to my store yet and a few smaller ones which were in the beginning stages. I added a few more layers and brought them to completion. The common feature is subject relating to the fall season or painted during it. If you are blogging for many years, you most likely now how everything becomes invisible over time because attention is on the most recent or most viewed posts.

Bright red Bell peppers, still life painting, original watercolor 15 x 11 in
Fall season has lots to offer, including harvest vegetables and fruit, stunning colors, inviting views and late blooming flowers. The combinations of fall season painting subjects are endless. We can certainly use any style we prefer: from abstract wash to detailed focal points and so forth. Painting nature is an excellent practice for any potential or established artist because it really moves and activates our imagination.
Golden fall reflection, original abstract watercolor, 14 x 11 in
Teaching drawing and painting is an almost impossible undertaking. We can teach and explain many aspects of art creation, but the fact that one knows these principles and techniques doesn’t mean they are going to apply them. Also, there are aspects we can teach, and many other things we cannot. In my opinion, the most important part of creating art is gearing it towards your personal preference. My group art classes focus on personal palette, preferred color combinations and original style: Art classes, schedule and registration
The other area which is practically not teachable is the emotional aspect of creation. That can only happen when we have already good technical skills, efficient brushing and drawing techniques, as well as knowledge of basic painting principles. Blindly tracing a photo is not the key to a successful painting. Understanding all elements of painting and adding our personal touch to every one of them make all the difference. My private art classes focus on that; Classes specifically for your needs
The adorable fall season is here, and all we have to do is let it in! Canadian Thanksgiving is on October 11, here you can find inspiration, click on image:

Have a wonderful time viewing, watching and painting fall colors!
Wow Inese! These are all so beautiful!!! I love fall, it’s a spectacular stunning season full of rich colors. Your paintings show that well 💖
Thank you very much!
Colors come out better on very thick and heavy watercolor paper. I think these peppers I had started in 2013, the others in 2017 or still life in 2018, it’s difficult to remember each one. They are kind of cute because not that big, but I’m usually more in 24 x 18 in or 61 x 46 cm, that’s my favorite size for paintings. I find that size easy because I can paint around all spots which I want to leaves white and it still doesn’t take too much time.
Have a nice weekend!
Thanks, you too!
Doing my best. Time to switch to acrylic painting, otherwise it’s more difficult when heating is on.
Art is always rewarding whether somebody likes it or not, but the process of creating it is frequently the best part of the day.
Yes I totally agree!
Thanks! Have a good artistic week!
spectacular, stunning, rich — yes yes & yes, Maria! great work, Inese
Thanks very much! This time, I think everything fell in the right place.
I think photos are coming out better, too.
In days like today (after the fantastic yesterday), when it’s mostly cloudy and rainy, I cannot take any pictures. Artificial light affects everything not in the best way and causes shifts in color and contrast.
Thanks for taking your time and commenting!
Your colours welcome us all, Inese. You gave a lift to my day – as you always do!
Thank you very much Rebecca!
It is so nice to know!
Colors tell story on their own and then we add elegant lines, and it all comes together.
I hope you’re having a good and pleasant weekend!
You’ve inspired me to do a fall painting…. I’ve done a couple in the past, but perhaps as I’ve painted more I might do a better one. I have to go and take some pictures when the leaves turn..
I won’t ever attain the talent that you have Inese, but I enjoy the process…. I find lately I’ve been painting different friends’ pets… dogs and cats too .
Anyway… take care… Diane
Thanks Diane! It’s so nice to hear from you! It’s even better that you feel these images of paintings have inspired you to pick up the brush and create something new.
It’s pleasure to paint. I don’t paint pets because I don’t have any and lots of people do that. Therefore, I stay away, but there’s nothing wrong with giving your friends their pet portraits.
Very soon, inspiration and colorful views will be everywhere. I live in an area where there’s nothing much, but maybe we will go somewhere out of town. Most likely not because there’s rarely time. The still life paintings were quick captions from real items, students were trying to paint them, too. That was years ago, peppers were started in 2013, onions in 2017, maybe, and the small still life in 2018 I think. The bright fall colors watercolor is just a wash of color, no drawing required, just put on some paint and let it run.
Whatever we choose to paint is fine because the process is the most important part of painting.
Good luck!
Love your work and perspective, Inese. Yes, Fall…I do love the colors but have not always loved the time of year. Now I try to think of it in terms of letting go what is no longer needed…just like the trees!
Have a blessed week…keep creating! <3
I love the fall season for painting, just like I like painting some snow landscapes. My favorite seasons are, too, the warm ones, but that doesn’t stop one from drawing and painting.
There’s advantage in using fall colors in art because of the numerous variations.
I have had SAD, seasonal affective disorder I believe since childhood, but I fill this time with more art and reading and it becomes very tolerable.
You, too, have a good and blessed week!
Thanks, Inese 😊 I suffered SAD for many years too. Now that I live in a warm climate year round, I still notice that I can tend to get a little sad as we move towards winter. But like you, I keep myself busy and I create to keep my soul singing 😊
Yes, it can be tougher than we believe it might get. This seasonal change effect still follows us around.
After I relocated to Canada, I felt it less for a few years, but it very much aggravated after 2016 when the surgeries started to fix my long-ago accident sequences.
Sunny and warm weather definitely helps. I think every single person feels better when it is at least sunny and might be not that warm.
That’s very nice you’re keeping yourself busy and I kind of know that. Your poetry, your art, your essays, they all work well.
All the best to you!
Thank you, Inese. I really appreciate your words and support. I really NEED to create…I need to make things. I certainly have favorite things to do, but if I can’t for some reason do those things I absolutely have to do SOMETHING!! I would bet you are the same way 😉 Here’s to always having the ability to create!!
Make it great!! 😊💜
That is good. Well, I am from Latvia originally. As you might know it was a socialist republic until 1991. There was never anything in the stores. We learnt making and creating literally everything from a very early age. I started sewing when I was just 12 because mom didn’t have enough time for everything. Work and school week was 6 days a week these times.
I think that nothing beats one’ s own creations.
Art is a very special thing. I believe it genuinely cures.
It is the best thing you can do for yourself: create.
Good luck with all new projects in making!
Love the colors and shading of your onion still life. Hope this finds you safe and well.
Thank you very much!
Yes, everything is good.
I hope all things are right at your place!
They are, thank you!
Glad to hear that. I was very busy, but with nothing special. All the best to you!
Hi, I hope all is going well for you. Please excuse my extended absence.
We’ve been really busy, but all seem to bee staying well.
I love your pictures! They are so rice and vibrant!
Missed you, my friend.
Thanks very much for your nice comment!
No need to apologize, I know what troubles you’ve been going through.
It is good you’re staying well. I haven’t been that frequently blogging, too, so I haven’t visited your website.
In the afternoon or late evening, I will have a look and see what you’ve been up to.
You’ve been missed also, and it is great to see you back!
You are so welcome.
Thank you for your understanding!
Sometimes it’s hard to muster up the energy and enthusiasm.
Oh, Robbie, I often have no energy or desire to do anything some days. Pain is another factor, but I sort of have learned dealing with it and leaving in the background.
I know your conditions require steady attention and by any means, medical issues are always restrictive. Even when we keep positive outlook and have convinced ourselves they don’t matter.
I do art as much as energy allows and that’s often the best part of the day, but I cannot do that every day. Lots of financial worries right now, husband cannot get paid sooner than 60-75 days after the invoice and it’s really tough because I cannot practically contribute anything. I will paint until the supplies end and then try figuring out the next steps.
I hope you feel better and are ok and blessings to you also!
Inese, getting old just isn’t fun is it?
I try to keep a good attitude as it’s so important. However, sometimes life does get me down.
Reading has been my favorite pasttime, but lately, even that is getting to be wearing and mentally taxing. I never thought I’d ever feel that way, either
I may take up another hobby-I’ll have to think about that!
Have a great week, my friend.
I usually compare myself with how my parents were around this age. Basically, I think they were working way harder, so I should be also working more. Internet killed literally everything I was doing, so I have little motivation. It’s nothing new I’ve felt not that great always when it gets dark and cold. I never liked snow, even as a kid and never loved being outdoors in bad weather.
That’s what we are getting this week. It’s dark at 5 pm already, so, the shorter the daylight, the less gets done.
I admire your great attitude and I also know how much strength it takes to have such.
The global situation and wealth distribution is so absurdly wrong and people just go for it, use more Amazon for whatever and boost the big guys. I am personally buying nothing because the quality has decreased so much and the price has gone up big time. To lift my moods, I’d definitely need a few millions to end the renting troubles. How to get them? No clue because my skills are not marketable these days.
I hope you are doing ok for the most part and struggles don’t get you too much.
Blessings to you also!
Inese, I’ll respond more next week.
Blessings and prayers to you, my friend~
Absolutely no worries.
Take good care of yourself!
I am fine, I hope you’re good.