The joy of color

Acrylic paintings of winter and birds

Color is a big part of any artist’s work if they paint in color. We love some particular colors and we feel uncomfortable with or even dislike and hate other ones. I am very much convinced, though, color is secondary to value, otherwise black and white drawings and paintings wouldn’t make sense. Color gives my paintings mood and, sometimes, it’s the main element of the artwork. Usually, change in color will change the entire painting. I work very hard to achieve color balance and fine-tuned transitions in my art.

There’s more to art

However, people often notice only color, especially when art is viewed online. The online display has gone through many devices and you can see art also using whatever device you have. The most affecting factor is the size. 10 x 10 in art looks the same size as 10 feet by 10 feet painting online. The impact on viewer is totally incomparable because we have taken away all presence of this art. There is so much more to art than color. Lines, brushstrokes, edges, smoothness or extreme textures, story the painting tells and subject of it.

Unchanged nature: subject of my art

For realistic and semi-realistic art, color is interpreted depending on our subject. I’m looking for warmth in my art, as well as energy which makes us happy, maybe thoughtful, but not upset or more depressed. Therefore, I choose to paint nature. I love unchanged nature: flowers, wild flower fields, creeks, country roads, old country barns, small birds which I can watch in my backyard. This subject is very inspiring for me, and I’d say for everyone who looks at it. About 3 decades ago, I was very much in painting posters with faces and figures, I have done a lot of fashion images, too, but at some point, it became boring and moved on turning to nature.

Original, exquisite and recognizable

Early on, I made it my point not to get influenced by anybody else. It was easy before the internet came around since one cannot be present everywhere. After I moved to Canada, I realized that artists were literary copying photos sometimes. It had been the hugest no-no back in Europe. I still feel like it’s not a good art when one has to copy, trace and pretend this comes from the artist, and not from computer, printer and projection device. Therefore, I’m always trying to distinguish myself from the crowd. Many of my paintings are imaginative views of non-realistic settings, but I like the subject to be recognizable. I also want people to notice immediately that I have painted one or another artwork.

My painting techniques

I use techniques which I have developed during many years of creating art. Nowadays, you can find out quickly how somebody does whatever they do, but I prefer to go for my own discovery. My textures are most likely created with different tools and mediums. My color mixing definitely doesn’t fall into the regular color wheel dependence. I believe every artist has to find their own color palette because that will work always. I do not follow the trends, but frequently, some part of my art hits the trendy side anyway.

I currently sell originals only

The displayed images are of original paintings. Original means this painting is exactly as I have created it. My brushstrokes and my original color transitions are visible and touchable. That also means you can feel the energy and my touch. Original art is alive with everything that’s gone into it. I am very meticulous about what I want in the painting, even when it is a small painting with simple subject. I work tirelessly until I have achieved exactly what I wanted my painting to be. The images have a bit too much blue and green than my art. I use grey, brown-grey, but camera gets colors differently. What you see depends on settings on your device also.

Birds and other enjoyable themes this season

It is great one can rotate paintings on their walls. It is also fantastic one can create displays of large collections. Prints are fine for some areas and specific rooms, but when it comes to classiness and elegance, originals beat prints 100%. Classiness is already built in the original art, so you don’t need to add extra work to make this art look impressive. I have to display some paintings more than just one time for a few reasons: lots of people never read or look at something closely, attention is the hugest deficit nowadays, and holiday season is short. This type of paintings is sold only during holiday season.

Art prints

I can offer to select printed art products from Fine Art America site which has a huge choice of products which can be viewed in 3 dimensions.

Art collections by Inese Poga

My winter collection:

Winter paintings by Inese Poga

Enjoy! I hope somebody loves my art so much that they are willing to go a step farther and purchase it. The special offers are here:

Original paintings for winter holidays

Space for improvement

Bullfinch and cardinal paintings

Space for improvement and skills

I wish the New Year brought back the importance and significance of real, high quality art. When we say: state-of-the-art, we mean something exclusive, outstanding, novel and unique. When we look at all entries on different internet sites which are labeled “art”, there is frequently mediocrity, lots of attempts which do not present skill or mastery, and numerous repeated concepts, e. g., eyes, lips and hands. I see lots of space for improvement there. Subjects, such as back-lit trees, sunsets, starry night skies and silhouettes are also in abundance. However, even a repeating concept is not that bad as long as the execution is skillful and shows some unique artistic touches.

Make it unique and unforgettable

Therefore, I’d love to see hand-made art as something exclusive, outstanding and unique. Just like in any other area, we are witnessing unnecessary self-criticism when a very good artist asks social media visitors how to improve an already great painting (unless, it’s an attempt to get more publicity) and complete lack of any self-criticism. Art should be seen more as something which cannot be repeated or copied by anybody for that matter. Also, designs and wall-filler pieces are also referred to as art. While it is a decorative piece like sign or poster, or framed wallpaper, etc., it isn’t really art.

Quantity versus quality

We have become a society which values quantitative results more, for instance, number of followers, likes, comments, sales, profit, number of created items, and so on. Chasing quantitative outcome, as in an article a day, painting a day, poem or song a day decreases quality because such creativity becomes obligation. Creation itself is directly the opposite. It is a summary of efforts, inspiration, trials, errors, discoveries and sometimes futile efforts. Eventually, such attempts result in what we call art. If you have ever created something, you know that creation also includes doubts and corrections of wrong assumptions.

Creation is not always a smooth ride

Good painting is not created within a few hours. Well, maybe a tiny one could be done that fast. Large paintings can take not only weeks, but months returning to painting every single day. We need to prime canvas, work out the concept, do sketches, color matches, transfer complex drawing and so forth. That can be a smooth or not at all smooth process. Some idea looks great as a sketch, and then I turn it into painting, and it plain and simple does not work. So, I start over. 

Creation takes talent and skills

It’s a lot of work, a lot of skill, and I dare say, talent, as well. For some unknown reason, talent is greatly denied its importance. While everybody can learn everything, not everybody can achieve the top of artistic expression. We mostly hear that creating art is just work and practice. That is not true. I do not want to say that all my art is top-notch. It is normal that some pieces come out very well and some not that much. I also have many paintings which I haven’t been able to photograph in a presentable way, so I don’t publish them anywhere. The difference probably is that I am trying to become better and better with every brush stroke and never stop improving.

New paintings of small birds for bird lovers

I am attaching images of acrylic paintings which picture small birds. They were started as demos for art classes. I certainly added many more layers after class. It is very beneficial for an acrylic painting to apply many layers of paint. These pictures show a background with Christmas ornaments, however, I intended these paintings so that they can be used during any season, not only around this time. I used the ornaments to make colors match more my actual original paintings. Enjoy!

Learning, teaching, promoting

My current focus in art is to promote my own art and to give private classes to interested students. Group classes are great, and through these art classes I have met numerous wonderful people. However, it is an extreme pleasure to help shaping a talent and genuine devotion. Students, who attend private art classes, have certain goals and they are interested in a particular medium, subject or skill. That makes painting and teaching process fun.

Private classes: One on one classes

Apply for art classes: Sign up for an art class

Unlimited path for improvement

Since I give very many classes and do very many demo paintings, I also need to bring the painting I started as a demo to finished stage. That’s why some subjects are not my preferred subjects, yet, it is a space for improvement. I am still trying to do my best and not pollute the internet with inadequate quality art. And, certainly, our tastes might be distinctive, yet, good quality is recognized everywhere.

European bullfinch or redbreast is seen more in Europe. It is the favorite winter bird. My painting displays early spring, and I believe it turned out as good painting.

This is the new version of cardinal couple since there are at least 6 more cardinal and cardinal couple paintings. It is a favorite subject of many students in winter.

Happy New Year and thank you

As the year is almost over, I’d like to thank all blogging friends, everybody, who took their time commenting and liking my articles, as well as people, who bought my art and attended my art classes and workshops. Your friendship and interest in my art means a lot to me, and I am grateful there are so many of you. Happy New Year! Happy artistic journey and lots of new discoveries in 2020!

Art prints and paintings:

Art collections by Inese Poga

Gifts of experience and art

Studio Ajax, Ontario

Gifts of experience can be the perfect choice

It can be hard to find a gift for someone, who has everything, or for somebody, who will not be fine with stuff which is presented just for the sake of giving gift. Gifts of experience are great option. First of all, most people rarely take or use time for their own well-being. They’d do gym, yoga, other exercise or a meeting with friends at the best. There is so much more! That is why experiencing great things is actually better than being happy for a few moments because gift of experience can last.

Need for self-care and relaxation

Adults need relaxing self-care time even more than teens and kids. Most people just rush and run through their day, and they believe that is the only way to live. Everybody needs their chance of simply engaging in an activity which is rewarding, relaxing and life-improving. Drawing and painting regularly increase focus, decision making ability, not to mention memory improvement. The trial in brain flexibility and memory-associated issues proved that drawing and painting 3 hours a week improved memory and created new brain neurons, as well as longer signaling pathways 75% compared to start-up condition. People, who draw and paint, have better reaction time and keep focus longer.

Participants of art classes report life improvements

I have had numerous talented, committed and diligent students over more than a decade of teaching art in Canada. They created fairly large paintings to decorate their living and work space, as well as took part in juried shows and contests after completion of art classes.  All participants told they gained a great experience in painting and also became better people, who had no more signs of depression and troubled mind. Some recovered from anxiety. Art classes always work as meditation with color and shape since creativity takes over our mind and cleans it. Creating literally swipes your mind clean from disastrous and damaging thoughts, helps with grief and allows overcoming tough life situations.

Available art classesArt classes

Private art lessonsClasses specifically for your needs

When you retire, you won’t do everything

My art classes always bring together people of all ages and all walks of life. We are experiencing the miracle of creative makeover every time when we have an art class. It can be so that potential students put off drawing and painting until retirement. Some people wait for many decades to get started in art while they know for sure they’d love doing that. Life can present unpleasant situations as we get older and sometimes the dream just won’t be fulfilled because of some bad health condition. Therefore, I am suggesting making time now: today, tomorrow.

Studio snapshots

Spending time at art studio will be your best experience during all dull winter months. Just try it and you will be extremely happy you did!

Art studio is ta wonderful place where pleasure and happiness live, and it comes with your Gift certificate as gift of experience.

Art for kids and art for fun, including decorative holiday art, these paintings could be on your walls!

Gift of art

Art gifts are timeless. They do not have expiry date. Do you really need just a snow or holiday-related art during holiday season? It depends on preferences. Most people collect art which involves certain subject, theme, color or is created by a particular artist. Original and handmade art always looks classier and more elegant than prints. The special flare of personal touch makes it unique. Buying directly from artist means at least 50% lower price than gallery price, which includes even online galleries selling original art. Gallery markup usually ranges around 50%, plus, shipping is done by artist.

New birch painting

New birch painting, goes with chickadees , birch painting is 20 x 16 in or 51 x 41 cm

They are very lovely! chickadees, each 12 x 12 in or 31 x 31 cm

Chickadee with golden branch, 1

Chickadee with golden branch, 1

Chickadee with golden branch, 2

Chickadee with golden branch, 2

Shop original art, all year longOriginal art for sale

SpecialsSpecial offers

Wrap up nicely what you’ve got and add some more if something is still missing!

Spring in heart and in my art

Watercolor painting, robins, nest and eggs

The wonderful time when nature awakens

This is the time I live for: spring is in the air and so much beauty will wake up just a few weeks from now. The awakening of nature feels like a renewed energy raining from the sky, shining through the window and reflecting from the mirror-like puddles. Birds cannot stop their chirping and I, too, go with all this hectic spring rush.

My art is happy art

I have been painting all seasons, however, the biggest portion of my paintings shows greens, bright and soft colors of spring flowers and the blue tones of transparent spring sky. Clouds come and go, and one can be very sure that the sun won’t be hiding for long. The sun will open buds, grow grasses and bring many flowers to blooms. My pencil, brush and pastel stick are unable to stay in paint boxes, they beg to be put to use. Whatever I have decided to create, I know it will turn out to be something happy and inviting for eyes, soul and heart.

Simple subjects: messengers of spring

I do intend to start some more serious painting, but quite frequently I am interrupted by very simple and routine things around me. I love watching birds and the moment when a bloom opens. I can observe the sky colors and moods for hours. The same goes for mystic ways how trees grow their twigs and branches. When the heart is so full with spring emotions, I have to become part of this awakening mystery in the nature.

Peaceful, large watercolor, 20 x 16 in or 51 x 41 cm. The original is simply stunning.

This is an Easter nest, pen and watercolor on paper. Robins and their nest

Spring watercolor painting of chickadees and apple blossoms

Easter lilies, large watercolor painting, 24 x 18 in or 61 x 46 cm

Large watercolor painting of yellow spring daffodils, 24 x 18 in or 61 x 46 cm

So much art, get some

I will publish more uplifting and happy watercolor and acrylic paintings soon: I am very pleased to share some of many paintings which are forgotten while preserved in boxes and folders. They have been created over the course of quite many years. Art takes time, but I don’t think any other experience comes even close when one feels the painting is done and what was a white sheet of paper, is now a live story and delight for eyes.

Apple blossoms, the messengers of spring and hope

It’s spring  and new beginnings. Enjoy spring paintings and get ready for Easter which is not far either. I usually sell some art around this time, hopefully, this year won’t be different. However, since I’m not back in Ontario yet and I am posting this from Europe, it will take a moment. Most medium size size watercolor paintings. Just contact me and I will let you know:

Contact Inese Poga

For original watercolor paintings, please check out this page:

Shop original watercolor paintings

My art on Fine Art America:

Art collections by Inese Poga

Registration for spring art classes: Sign up here

I love birds and Natural Awakenings feature my painting on cover

Watercolor painting of summer meadows

When I started to paint and draw  birds, I unexpectedly discovered a new interesting set of subjects. There was so much to explore! My first paintings of birds were very approximate, animated. I tried to give them some character without getting too much into detail. I’m paying more attention now to arrangement of colors on wings and other feathers and to their external anatomy.

I like most birds, and I really need to love or somewhat like the subject which I am going to draw or paint. That was pretty much the reason I had stopped painting human portraits.

Bird paintings, mounted on wood panels, all watercolors on Arches watercolor paper

Mostly blue background for these lovely birds

They look very attractive, and all paintings are ready to hang without extra frame or glass

Nature has the most wonderful variety of everything, from small to huge, from simple to complicated. I suppose, I will keep studying birds for a while. I do get tired of similar images, though, that’s why the next paintings are three-dimensional landscapes.

Talking about landscapes, my painting “Overlooking the Meadow” will be on the cover of Natural Awakenings Magazine.

Overlooking the meadow, is a large 18 x 24 in or 46 x 61 cm watercolor

Natural Awakenings is a free publication about healthy and natural living that is available in over 90 cities in the US and Puerto Rico, with a readership of over three million. I had my market scene on their cover in 2012, and immediately after that I sold some paintings. Well, if you happen to see this magazine, pick it up for free. They write about useful things there. I also find amazing that they contacted me already 2 times.
