Please accept these lovely flowers

Spring daffodils, watercolor painting, ink and watercolor painting

Flowers are nature’s mysterious beauty that is so easy to reach, to enjoy and to give as a gift.

Where do flowers come from?

From happiness.

How did they get their fragrance?

From love.

How can they be so beautiful?

God allowed them to use any color and any shape to remind us

Beauty is timeless but lasts for a short while.

I hope all moms received plenty of flowers today. They are a thing of extraordinary beauty, and they can say everything without words, just like art.

I also hope you are showing your love to your mom while there is still time enough, and you are not too late with your “I love you mom!”

It is so easy to love a small child; it takes more than superficial attraction to love genuinely very old people. To understand them and to appreciate, and to be grateful they are with us. Moms of people who belong to my generation are getting close to 90.

Thankfully, my mom is still doing lots of good things, sewing and gardening, not to mention small daily stuff like dishwashing, or cleaning. She loves flowers, so I sent her some, although, the Ocean is between us, that cannot stop us from exchanging some words on the phone or over Skype. The distance has the ability to make things clearer and more valuable. Simple words can get a new meaning.

Well, I was not very productive recently, but I have made some watercolors for cards, something unsophisticated, but sincere.

Happy Mother’s Day to every mom, grandmother and great grandmother! I hope your kids, grandchildren and great grandchildren are blessings to you.

 Please accept these lovely flowers as a small thank you for everything you are to my every single day!

Beauty never ends, flowers will live as long as we do and they will keep inspiring us. Always.

Poppies pop and red color to lift our moods

Poppies and other paintings

Red color is eye-catching and warm. Poppies is a much-loved subject in art classes, and since November is the month which many people in Canada associate with poppies and Remembrance day, we just couldn’t resist and painted some, too.

Red color must be fantastic for lifting up one’s mood because I cannot remember when else we were joking and laughing so much.

Flowers and easy flowers, such as poppies, are excellent painting subject for beginners. Also, while red color is supposed to be difficult to scale down and up, it still works very well as contrast. We have painted poppy fields, individual poppies, bunches and arrangements with poppies: every time these paintings come out nice and attractive.

The best part of being able to create is probably that we only depend on our intentions and goals. There are no limitations in subjects or ways to create something. It is almost an absolute freedom, and pretty much nothing but our personal situation can be a set-back. Freedom in creation means doing what one wants and prefers.  If it is technique that doesn’t work for you yet, you will just have to practice more.

Work in progress adult painting class

Red is an attractive color. More so, if you want to explore all shades of red. Painting flowers is easier if you start on canvas which has already a layer of paint in medium dark color. It also saves time because you have to work on the dark and light colors without worrying white spots between some parts. Secondly, acrylic paint is applied easier also on a previous layer of paint.

Our classes are listed here: Art classes

A few of paintings for sale: Shop art

The endless waiting for spring: flowers of my dreams

Floral watercolor paintings by Inese Poga

Waiting for spring and creating flowers of my dreams

It’s still chilly and nasty out here in Ontario. The rain is just pouring down in cold streams tonight. Not a good background for happy thoughts. Although, we should appreciate the fact that it is at least not that cold anymore. One step at a time towards the warmth and spring.

I remember my first spring in Canada: it was so sunny, so overwhelmingly warm, everything blossoming; and insanely uplifting green was everywhere. I had already all the garden planted and coming up around this time. That was 10 years ago. We have experienced quite bad weather conditions since then, and, no, I do not assume anymore that Ontario weather is any better than Latvian.

Soothing colors for spring mood

Floral painting to cheer up upset minds

It is no secret that we are already desperately hoping the weather forecast will have some good news for us, too. I recently looked at some of my paintings, and I don’t think I am going to paint or draw winter again any time soon. Instead, I am about to do way more florals, I worked out some nice flowers on the hill concepts, and when it is November I will paint autumn trees, distant skies and fog.

Since all my thoughts are in spring, with spring and about spring, my sketches, drawings and watercolors reflect that. These sketches or pen and watercolor images were all started as demonstrations. Since they are all in soft, soothing colors, they are flowers of my dreams. I am aware I have too many demo works on the go, and most of them get never finished, but that’s just the way I am. I cannot have one single class without demonstrating something. This something gets developed, and later it seems: it’s probably worth putting in more work.

I thought these could be perfectly used as images for greeting cards.

The spring rose, pen and watercolor painting in very attractive and soothing colors

Spring lilies on white, very beautiful watercolor painting

For soft and gentle flowers, all shades of pink is probably my favorite choice

Pen and watercolor, Spring daffodils painting 12 x 12 in or 30.5 x 30.5 cm

It’s been also mostly dark, so it’s hard to catch a good day with a normal daylight to get proper colors on my photos because any type of electric light does not allow to have them as in reality. I hope you love what I have created, and maybe I have inspired you to do some floral painting, as well!

Sign up for art classes here

4 piece commission for beautiful room

Acrylic painting for home design, red flowers

I did recently a commission of 4 artworks for wonderful clients. I do take on paintings for commission if you had not known that! My clients told they were unsuccessfully looking for a group of similar paintings for quite a while. Therefore, I got to paint four 24 x 18 inch paintings for an attractive living room. Everything else at their place was done, only walls needed  refreshing accent pieces.

Red wild roses painting, commissioned art

These paintings actually had more functions. They had to serve as a bridge for the chosen color scheme between 3 rooms, add the finalizing touch to the walls and simply bring more life to the fairly neutral settings. The living room is connected to an open upscale kitchen area and to the dining room on the other side.

4 commissioned paintings

All 4 paintings needed to be similar, but have slight distinction in the layout of painted objects and background color.
My client was extremely satisfied because these paintings really made the look of this room more complete and more saturated.

View in room settings

It felt, they started to live and breathe in this room right away. Adding groups of paintings makes a lot of sense, and they can often suit the style better than one large painting in a medium size room. It’s an easy way to update, change or refresh the look of any room.

My clients told they’d send me a picture when paintings are on the wall. I suppose, they are going to look even better.

Finding inspiration in poppy fields

Poppies and other paintings

It is not a secret that some themes and subjects are easier to paint, and especially, if the artist is just starting out. Poppy fields or wildflower meadow definitely make great subject. After engaging for a few classes in two landscape paintings, we decided to paint poppies in a landscape, just for fun and for the love of color. So, we created background for poppy fields, then added flowers on top of that and finally adjusted some values.

This theme was liked a lot, and all students started their paintings without any complications, extreme difficulties or unpleasant surprises.

Everybody told, they really enjoyed this painting and subject.

The excitement was so great that these paintings got finished by students during the following class, which was the last class before I left for vacation.

Adult group painting poppies

Students are using artist grade acrylic paints, so, these paintings will last. We had a chance to check out paintings done with students grade paints, and colors had lost they brightness in just 3 years. We are referencing drawings, pictures, and sometimes real flowers to help our imagination with color choices and composition.

Students have freedom to choose whatever color or its shade they prefer, in order to create their paintings in a way they love it.