Sunny colors in spring landscape with barn

Spring landscape painting with barn

Why do I paint what I paint? Why this landscape? I have done commissions when somebody else orders the painting subject and colors. However, when I choose the subject, I look for something which feels like me, and I go for it. I pay no regard to all classic or whatever painting rules. Instead, I usually guide myself with what feels right and suitable to me. That includes deciding when the painting is done.

This particular painting was started last year, around this same time. I did the first layers and left it since other things came up and I had to deal with them. As I have mentioned before, I have quite a lot of paintings which are in their initial stages. I don’t push myself – if I don’t feel like completing some painting, I leave it alone.

Recently, I decided to add some layers and see what I could do with this landscape. It looks good and has lots of appeal in the final version. Each painting undergoes numerous transitions, from the first blocked in layers to final details. I regret that colors are both, more yellow and bluer, and the red tones are sort of missing on photo.

I paint what’s around me and what I know well. That is would be – forests, parks, backyards, creeks, trees, plants, flowers and garden. These subjects are applied in different combinations from still life to landscape and everything in the middle. I am not close to large water, and I absolutely do not have any mountains here. However, nature provides me with endless inspiration, especially trees and plants.

Just like always, I love checking out how the black and white version of this landscape looks. I think it is quite impressive, with all values in correct places, and certainly, it’s possible to see the landscape, barn and daffodils clearly. One can tell it’s spring even without colors.

The situation with art materials and paints is very tough here. I have run out of most good quality paints; there’s no white paint left. I just use what I have, but I will definitely need to get some new art supplies from somewhere soon. I dislike internet shopping a lot, and I always preferred to see in person what exactly I was buying. No such option here right now.

Enjoy my new spring barn landscape with white daffodils and weathered fence. It looks sunny on the wall, indeed. Also, this view takes us to a beautiful day when blooms are out and leaves are opening. Let’s hope we get into the nice spring weather sooner!

All black and white version art prints, as well different size and format art prints are available from Fine Art America

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Spring landscape for cold winter days

Spring landscape with creek trees and reflection

Sunny spring landscape – spring in our space

We in Ontario are having all kinds of whether these days – from bitter cold and raging winds to melting snow and weak, but encouraging sunshine. White switches to dirty grey and to bright brilliant blue in the sky. While we are impatiently waiting for spring, more sunshine and green color covering the boring grey, it’s fantastic to engage in painting spring landscape. I do it every year now. I used to paint some snow scenes also, but not any longer. Many reasons for that.

The colors of awakening

As I mentioned in the previous post, green color symbolizes harmony and balance, just as it appears in nature, therefore, increasing inner calm. Spring landscape on the wall makes us feel better while it is still dark and cold outdoors. Everybody who uses colors has experienced the uplifting effect of sunny shades and satisfaction with life. Those, who are not sticklers for the result only, can enjoy the meditative process of using colors in many ways.

Memory and imagination instead of photos

This particular spring landscape was started about a year ago. So, it sat with other unfinished paintings and patiently waited for the final touches and paint layers. The good thing is, we can restart acrylic painting at any time, change things around, adjust colors or repaint the areas which don’t fit. I recently don’t use photos; I rather go for the scenes which are stored in my memory. Over the years, the memory grows and grows, and it is easy to recall anything what I would like to implement in a painting.

Painting trees from observation

I love painting trees and using them in my landscapes. In fact, my huge backyard has numerous trees and I watch them consciously and subconsciously any time when I am outside. I teach painting trees in my art classes also because there are so many bad paintings and wrong landscapes with trees. We have to remember that there are always spaces between tree branches and leaves don’t appear in cloud-like formations and lollipop shapes. The best thing to do is observe and then paint.

Paint quality or lack of it

Since the art store in our area closed down, it was the only art store, I am usually running out of paints and other supplies. I am happy that brushes last quite long time. This spring landscape required using white in different combinations. Unfortunately, Liquitex professional Titanium white paint is bad, it lacks in pigment saturation and, thus, causes problems when mixed with other colors. I find that paint quality has gone down big time since the beginning of this century. Apparently, also in this area, profit comes first.

Positive aspects of painting

I hope you enjoyed looking at my spring landscape. I have 4 more I am working on. Last year was not in count because I spent the biggest part of it recovering from injuries. I have big hopes that this year is going to be much better. Nevertheless, painting is always calming, improving mood, taking away from any problems one might have. Stick with manual painting even though, there will be people who will use the stealing AI to come up as if with their own art. Manual painting does good for you and your brain. What counts is the human mastery, not the AI application.

Go big and be certain

I hope I have inspired you to also paint something in nice colors. Such as spring flowers, spring landscape, creeks, lakesides and awakening of the nature. We have to always remember that the art we create becomes us. There’s no point in copying, tracing and trying to recreate somebody else’s artwork. With every brushstroke our artistic ability grows. With every new painting, our hand-brain cooperation becomes more effective. And, please, go big. The teeny-tiny paintings make no sense, and no way you can learn painting like that.

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Vertical, smaller version and black and white version are available as art prints.

Creek in fall colors and rushing stream

Autumn creek, fall colors watercolor painting

Love challenge

Many years ago, I had done some rough sketch with watercolor pencils on a 24 x 18” Arches paper. Probably in 2009 or 2010. We used to travel a lot back then. The sketch was of a creek with trees in fall colors. While the photo of step 1 is very white and light in value, the actual sketch was not. You might know that it’s not possible to erase watercolor pencil lines. I didn’t like everything in that sketch, but I love challenge. I decided let’s try to make out something of this creek in fall colors.

Techniques I used

I don’t use masking fluid, but rather prefer painting large and even huge shapes so that it’s possible to paint around whatever I need to. Good, firm and thick cold press watercolor paper allows for lifting and adjustment, as well as layering many times over the basic color. Rocks are great for application of salt. When applying salt, one has to be mindful of timing, there’s fairly narrow window when this technique works. If the rocks are really large and the entire painting is large, we can do numerous extra things.

Changing and correcting watercolor painting

The photos of painting steps of this creek in fall colors might not have the exact colors and contrast, however they give an idea of how one can change and improve watercolor painting even when initial shapes are not correct. I’m reading in Facebook groups how people describe watercolor as difficult and something one cannot correct. That’s wrong! If you paint large and on good paper, you can change and correct everything. The best colors to lift are all blue shades, even Payne’s grey can be lifted to almost white paper.

Use live art classes

I teach all painting techniques in my live art classes. I can see that online class doesn’t give one proper understanding of what and how to use, what timing should be applied, how to use paper towel, lifting and layering and what colors work and what don’t. It was a difficult picture to take photos of because of the distinct cool and very warm colors. Their use is absolutely intentional. That’s also important aspect – color temperature.

Imperfections are fine

Just like always, my photos could better, but I am going ahead and publishing the creek in fall colors. The reason I want to paint somewhat realistic watercolors, even imaginative ones is that abstracts are not challenging enough. I’m not worried also that absolutely everything isn’t perfect. When it comes to painting, I’m all for process and for challenge. If it’s easy, there are no thrills for me.

For beginners in watercolor painting

If you are a beginner and want to paint with watercolor, go big. You are not going to ever leant painting with tiny brushes on tiny paper. There’s simply no space for any effects. Also, using tutorials and watching somebody else paint isn’t going to help much. Brush and paints are important, but what matters most, is the hand that moves the brush. I would like to remind how important is value sketch in large size. Contrast and values are what make painting appear three-dimensional. To check your values, turn the painting in black and white. If it still shows the subject correctly, values are right, too.

Enjoy the art!

Summer landscape – fantastic subject

Landscape paintings

What to paint in the summertime? If you are in the countryside, traveling or live in the suburbs, I believe it’s impossible to avoid painting at least a few landscapes. What do we include in the summer landscape? Everything which speaks to us or says loudly: it’s hot, it’s wonderful, and it’s summer. My summer landscape is based on my surroundings and what I see outdoors. My private park has numerous wildflowers, and it is actually rather wild with huge old trees, various greases and plants.

We can interpret any landscape in numerous ways. Choosing certain color for wildflowers, buildings, sunny or cool color for grasses, adding trees or water, roads or fences – it depends only on artist where you want your viewer to go. I would like my viewer and art collector to feel happy about what nature provides us with, enjoy the views which might not be around forever. In that regard, I am documenting the natural beauty before we kill the Earth completely. Thee is so much beauty in the simplest summer landscape.

In my opinion, taking pictures of art and then posting them as separate images without background, literary destroys the art. I do that still because many places require to do so. Original art breathes and emits plenty of great, uplifting energy. All devices and cameras take away a lot already, and the small image you can see on the phone isn’t really my painting. It’s gone through numerous adjustments and algorithms. Regardless of that, I hope the energy within my summer landscape paintings is still visible.

These particular paintings were created between 2010 and 2021. There are many more, but one post can include only few images. I believe I already added too many pictures, but – when else to allow color to sparkle and imagination to run freely?  I intend to initiate Studio 65 sale to celebrate my birthday. That’s pretty much the only celebration I will have. Most of paintings are available as originals and also as prints. Originals are available from my art studio in Ajax, Ontario, Canada. Prints – anywhere.

Bright and happy, we could use more of that, couldn’t we?

Wish me well? Maybe buy a small art print or all kinds of things with my art, including puzzles, from my Fine Art America site:

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Interested to learn drawing and painting? Please, click on:

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or Private art lessons

Have a great summer!

Pastel paintings of vegetable still life and nature

Pastel still life of vegetables

Pastel for still life paintings

Pastel is a unique medium. Using pastel sticks and pencils, we are applying pure pigment to the surface. I love pastel because it is the bridge between drawing and painting.  I haven’t published many of my pastel paintings because they are difficult to photograph. This pastel still life paintings of vegetables and nature elements were done for my private art classes. Many people want to master drawing nowadays. Not trace and copy but learn being able to naturally draw.

The Giving hands of nature is a very large pastel painting: 24 x 20″ or 61 x 51 cm

Great start for good results

Drawing is very tough to teach since for the most part, people don’t see what’s important for drawing, as well are hesitant to put in efforts and practice. First step is to learn seeing, then we start developing our line work, after that we learn what’s important in painting, like recognizing values, applying contrast, shadows and so forth. Still life paintings in pastel are a fantastic starting point. I use pastel surface in dark grey and advise my students to do the same. That covers the darkest values already and is much friendlier surface than white. The same goes for acrylic painting.

Medium which doesn’t expire

Pastel still life paintings allow for many layers of pigments. That’s one more great feature: we build up the value and color as we go. I use Gallery and Faber Castell pencils and pastel sticks, as well as Conte pastel pencils. Each one has its application and suits for one or another step. I don’t have any specific tools and don’t use extra expensive pastel surfaces. All of this I had bought some 15 or more years ago. I love the pure colors of Conte pencils and subdued tones of my Faber Castell pencils. Gallery provides with pastel sticks in different sizes and numerous very attractive colors.

Layering for values and contrast

My process of using pastel pencils is exactly the same what for other medium. Dark surface, quick sketch, stronger values and darker tones first, after that I layer in lighter colors defining the shapes at the same time. The more layers, the more beautiful and saturated the pastel painting looks. Vegetable still life painting is a wonderful subject. Choose whatever you prefer and in whatever color or shape. We don’t have to limit ourselves with just peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers, there are lots of attractive shapes out there in the most wonderful colors.

Choice of subject

Still life paintings in pastel look gorgeous whatever items we use. The giving hands of nature was combined during the class since my student needed to paint hands and so we just filled them in with stuff from a magazine cover. Well, we just used it for inspiration, but added different colors and shapes. The herbal teacup was a nightmare to take picture of. iPhone camera changed the perspective so that it looked all wrong. The actual paintings are fantastic, and as you know no photo can ever compare to the original painting.

Summer subjects

Still life paintings in pastel are one the greatest summer subjects also. I cannot travel much because of the chronic pain which has worsened during the last year notably. Therefore, I use what I see around and paint in all kinds of combinations which are endless. I disagree that still life is boring. It’s the best way to teach about the multiple aspects and principles of painting also. These principles are all the same whether you paint buildings, faces, figures, flowers or landscapes.

Still life paintings which matter

I hope you will love my still life paintings, as well as the Giving hands of nature. It was almost impossible to take pictures of them. Well, at least the idea will be visible. Hands painting is huge, very hard to take pictures of. Each week I will feature one painting which goes for a lot less than usually. It will be available on Special offers page:

Learn pastel painting in private art classes:

Private art lessons

Also, still life paintings are most frequently sold as prints: Still life paintings available as prints

I hope your summer is fantastic!