Summer painting tips
Some painting tips, especially for beginners in acrylic painting can be always useful! Many people have time and opportunity to do something about their creative intentions during the summer vacation. I will also answer some frequently asked questions. I have attached the demo art from a few recent art classes and workshops.
The favorite brush
Always use the brush which feels comfortable for the part of painting you are working on. It is difficult to draw fine lines with a huge brush and vice versa: it takes too long to cover large are with a tiny brush. Over time, every artist develops some kind of attraction to a certain brush whether flat, fan brush or round. It is very possible to paint the entire medium size acrylic painting with one medium size flat brush from start to finish.
No pressure
We should never try to put pressure on ourselves or canvas if some painting step doesn’t happen. As with all water-based mediums, timing is an important part of acrylic painting. We should always use large loose brushstrokes for the first layers and keep the textured impasto approach for the most important areas and for the end. exception is when you are using the texture medium or modelling paste at first, then the sequence will be slightly different.
Cleaning brush
Whenever we move from one color to another, we have to rinse the brush and swipe it on a paper towel. It is important not to have too much water on a brush before you get the paint. You need just a small bit of water. Acrylic paint darkens as it dries, therefore, the values might appear not as they are while the paint is wet.
Keeping acrylic paint workable
Extenders and flow medium can extend the working time, however, working with sticky paint may be not suitable for all areas. It is better to work on segments and use mix of medium and tiny bit of water for re-wetting large areas. Too much water can damage acrylic paint. Brushes must always stay submerged in water while we paint. We can rinse them under running warm water and wash with soap afterwards.
Create monochromatic base image
If the object or scene is very complex, it is great to paint the main parts just in one color: create a monochromatic base image. Changing and adding color is very easy, the most difficult part is achieving the right values, color intensity, proportion between light and dark colors.

Expectations and real painting
It can happen that participants have very high expectations when they come to the 3-hour painting workshop. In general, one has to be a realist to some extent. If the participant has never painted before or has done a little bit of painting 20 or more years ago, the first painting will be an interesting exercise. That helps understanding what it means to paint with a brush and to try mixing colors. I would not advise to expect it to be a perfection and best art ever created. Who gets better when just starting to paint? People, who are able to take risks, to experiment and who dare stepping out of their comfort zone.

You will have to learn and paint it
Signing up for a painting class does not mean that painting will paint itself. The art instructor is not a magician, but somebody who can explain, show, demonstrate and correct if something goes completely wrong. Live classes are much better than any online classes because I can see right away what is causing a problem: too much paint, too less paint, too dry or wet brush and so on. We are painting not only with brushstroke, palette knives and sponges, but also with hand pressure, heavy or light movement of the hand, arm or wrist. Application of paint is a big deal and that is something which is best done in the presence of an instructor. I usually explain why the particular image or composition is good or isn’t, why the particular choice of color works or doesn’t.

Some tips for beginning artists:
Whenever you have time and chance, pre-paint your canvas in light cardboard color using burnt sienna, yellow ocher and white. Instead of white, we can use gesso, as well. Acrylic gesso is acrylic primer, it seals the pores on canvas or any other material, that includes wood panels, plastic and similar materials. It allows using less paint and it is easier to apply it on previously primed surface.

Think layers
Think in layers, separate in your imagination the part which is behind and underneath, in order to avoid working on small details right away. I’m often seeing how everybody tends to move to fine details way too fast and well before the entire scene is blocked in. We always start from the back and with the background. Unless there is a large very light part, we have to start with dark and medium dark colors. That seems to be the most difficult part for beginners. We do not use the final color at the beginning, but we build it up layer upon layer.

Applying color or building it up
There is a big difference between applying color and building it up. The further we are in the painting the closer we move to the front part. That is a bit different with separate objects like in still life or floral painting. However, we always start with more general things and just afterwards move to particular parts and details. In oil or acrylic, we always go from dark to light and finish up with small areas of highlights. If we have lost the dark parts, we have to paint them back in.
Start over
If you think that some painting is not good enough and it is not worth trying to make it right, you can cover the entire canvas (previous painting) with a mix of gesso and some colors and start a new painting. The small imprints from old painting lines will add more texture, they most often look interesting, and you can build up a thicker layer above the basic layers.
Correct everything
It takes a lot of effort to damage an acrylic painting completely since you can paint it over for as many times as you wish and have time for (or patience). Being afraid to do something wrong in acrylic painting has no reason – you can correct practically anything. It will take more work, time and paint, that’s all.
Happy summer painting! I hope you enjoy the summer painting tips!
For prints: