Snow paintings for Christmas delight

Snow paintings, village and countryside

Bright snow paintings for Christmas

Shadows in my tea-cup, darkness behind the window and soft warmth from the small outdoor lights. That is the calming scene which surrounds me at the moment. The scent of a live fir-tree is absent, but I can certainly imagine that, too.  As the year is fast approaching its end, my hopes and expectations get smaller and smaller until they will fade away completely. I paint bright snow paintings to lift my mood.

Feeling better after cold

What a terrible thing that is to get sick straight before Christmas! I did exactly that, I worked very hard for about a month and then my body told: that’s it, I need to shut down for a while and get some rest. Well, I missed all the potential sales opportunities since I couldn’t even move my arm, not to mention do show preparations, final touches on art or crafts, and I did not post any ads. I even did not turn on the “Open” sign.  It’s the first day now when I am a bit better. I can see the computer screen at least. What a relief!

Large snow landscape painting in acrylic, 24 x 30 inches or 61 x 76 cm

Why not spend something on art?

When I hear the big numbers about what people are spending during Christmas and holidays, I get even sicker. Is that even possible? Most likely it is. I wish some of that would come my way, too. I think, this is the right time to buy art, and it doesn’t have to be even winter art since prices are set to sell. I know many people, who would really love receiving artistic gifts. I usually give something free with every purchase. as a sign of appreciation. It can be a box of watercolor paints or a framed sketch.

Winter creek, 24 x 18 inches or 61 x 46 cm, snow art at its best

Taking art photos, adding light

I took some pictures of the recent works with my phone. It’s so dark, that trying to take a picture with my camera is out of question. Oh, and like all people who are born under the Leo sign, I love warmth, sun and light. I have actually painted so much art which brings more light into any space. The current weather isn’t good news for me so far. My potential sales aren’t either because nobody even knows I worked a lot to make this pre-holiday sale happen, but broke down straight before the finishing line.

Winter creek sunset, 20 x 16 inches or 51 x 41 cm

Christmas traditions

I don’t put up a Christmas tree or decorations in November. I do not do the Christmas shopping until the last-minute also. Therefore, I am only catching up when others are way ahead of me. My Christmas means to put up the tree in the morning, decorate it around lunch time, and then cook a nice meal to have it at night. That’s how it always was since I can remember. My dad and I went even to the forest to get a tree early on the Christmas morning sometimes. If I have everything ready month before this day, I am losing all the Christmas spirit. Songs, flavors, candle lights and sparkles on the Christmas tree is all I need.

Fir cones under guarding snow, 20 x 20 in or 51 x 51 cm

Hopes, hopes, hopes

Since there is still a full week until Christmas, I hope that my bank account will miraculously turn from red into black. That might be also the only occasion when black is a nice color. I could supply myself completely with all the medications before the pharmacy’s shut-down period. I sincerely hope there might be a person who wishes to see some of my original paintings on their wall or believes my art is the right thing to be presented as a gift. Despite the poor odds, I won’t panic just yet. Everything goes on with or without fireworks.

Village sunset painting, acrylic 24 x 20 in or 61 51 cm

Art  class was painting this winter scene along with me. We are doing some winter painting every December. Snow paintings allow creating stunning paintings with using all shades of white. That might be not always easy in acrylic, but if you use artist grade paint, it will be less problematic. Good luck!

The Life school blog talks about memories which are beautiful, but can be painful, as well:

For art prints and other art products, please, go to:

Art collections by Inese Poga

Art loaded with uplifting and positive energy

Positive energy art

Just good and positive energy

Positive energy is a big part of my art. We all probably used to have sense of energy and its vibrations, just like animals and birds still do. There are energy-sensitive people, people who do not feel or recognize any energy flow, but experience it subconsciously, and people, who are unable to perceive any energy at all, even though, they are just like everybody else affected by it.

With good thoughts

I paint implementing lots of positive energy in my creations, it’s not only because I cannot make myself draw or paint gruesome, terrifying or evil subjects and scenes, but mainly because that is who I am: a medium for converting the great energy from the impressive nature scenes, flowers, still life subjects into the sensitively perceivable feeling of good vibrations. I doubt this could be felt through the internet images or prints since these are copies of copies. I know that people, who look physically at my paintings in person can experience such strong, good impact.

Red poppies, positive energy

Red as energy carrier

I have painted numerous red flowers as commissions – poppies, wild roses and similar floral paintings on request of people, who can sense energy and are able to recognize it. Some of them have placed my paintings in the entrance hall to prevent bad luck and bad energy from entering their personal living space. I know a couple, who hang a flower painting of mine at the upper staircase overlooking the entire stair, and they told everything became much better and better in their life since that.

Pink magnolias, positive energy

Take it from subject

Some people wanted red flowers for their living rooms and some for bedrooms as an energy carrier for passion and love. I believe any appropriate place is good, and these paintings work well because I have puts lots of positive energy into them. I take it from the beauty of objects to be painted, and these paintings become a shield to stop the flow of disturbing energy.

Purple pansies, acrylic painting

Let energy flow

When it comes to positive energy, its flow in a room or in any space matters a lot. Color matters and the subject is important also. Therefore, I’d advise to use for personal space only such paintings, art and items that enable the flow of positive energy, not block it.

There’s nothing which makes a room look more cozy than good art. If you want to take the easy path, certainly you can go with color splash and abstract art or no color at all. However, since I always have many paintings in just one room, I can tell that the colors do not disturb and art which displays recognizable subject looks fantastic. It might take more time to decide what exactly to hang on your walls, but there’s no limitation of choices.

Blue bells and white birch

Art which releases positive energy and good vibes is usually sold. My art sells the best when people can experience its impact in person. Many of paintings which you see in this post are sold. It makes me happy that somebody else find my art so appealing that they wish to have it in their homes.

Acrylic painting, summer painting

Finally, a very large painting from 2014: the Nostalgia gardens. It was sold also. There are definitely more and new paintings to enjoy, to purchase and have the positive energy always with you.

I hope you enjoyed! I would appreciate a lot if you stopped by at the art studio in downtown Whitby, Ontario to have a look at original paintings and at FFA online site to check out all  art products.

Art collections by Inese Poga

Is fear preventing you from getting started?

Floral art by Inese Poga

How to start painting?

I’ve noticed that too much preparation can result in never getting started with anything. That is especially true when trying to know everything will prevent one from ever getting started, for instance, with painting.  That will cause insecurity and feeling of always missing something. Many people mention also fear, the fact that they are scared to draw on white paper or paint on blank canvas.

Children do it right

Children usually are very successful with new things. They don’t try to prepare for everything which might or might not happen. They also don’t try to collect all possible and imaginable tools and references in order to get started. That is an issue I have observed during my very long teaching career. It was the same when I was teaching German language and literature, English or Latvian, design, drawing and art.

Information flood can affect our readiness to get started

We are flooded with huge amounts of information. When we turn on TV, when we are scrolling through computer screen, and when we are checking out our phone, there is huge amount of information. This information can be related or totally unrelated, true or false, meaningless or crucial to whatever we are doing, and we are normally absorbing at least some of it. Should we? To some extent, we obviously should be aware of what’s going on and do research when we are exploring matters that are important for us, However, with so many sources and with such infinite amounts of advice, we most likely will feel rather lost.

We don’t ever know everything

This refers very directly to drawing, painting and any other creative activity. I know people who would not start drawing or painting because they assume they don’t know everything about it. They are trying to get ready for this activity by exploring techniques, mediums, tools, paint characteristics, types of brushes and features of colors and any other related matters. Many of them never get to any drawing or painting because they don’t feel they know enough and they don’t believe they have all necessary art supplies.

Choose smartly

There are millions of different techniques, styles and ways to create art. Since internet has controversial advice and sometimes even misleading suggestions, it is very hard to distinct between true help and silly recommendations. How is it possible to find out whether painting is what you want to do? It is extremely simple: just give it a try. Nobody knows everything about everything. We can follow hundreds of websites, we can watch thousands of “how to” videos and read endless articles or books about painting. There’s plenty of advice out there, and some of that is useful for us, but most of it will not help one starting out in art. Why not? We have to start doing things before we can decide if we like them or not. Only these, who dare to try, can hope to get something done.

Jumping on it without any fear

Other good thing about students who don’t have too much knowledge is that they have no fear. They are not afraid to damage paper or canvas, and they fearlessly apply courageous brushstrokes  or put down lines on paper. That results in a good or satisfactory first painting. They do not think it is some kind of superb masterpiece, but realistically evaluate it. Therefore, they can keep improving their abilities when doing the next painting. The knowledge comes through doing, and that is the only way to gain experience.

Experience is an excellent building block of mastery

This is how hands-on activities are contributing to fast development of any skill: you see it happening and you try it immediately. If something went wrong, try it again. Watching other people can give us an idea about how we should proceed, but until we haven’t tried it out for ourselves, we will never know how exactly it is done. We can learn all kinds of compositions and color theories, but when the paint dries out fast and when the brush is moving quickly, there’s no time to recall all of it.

Our personal color theory

The way we can create our own color theory is to mix colors, to use color swatches, to test multiple colors in a mix and to apply paint accordingly to how we feel about it. This might take some time until the brain remembers what hands were doing and how this was suiting our creative intentions. Eventually, we will have our own color and painting theory. That will become the base of your personal style.

Never stop at the first failure

The first steps are the most difficult. These, who are afraid to get wet, won’t ever learn swimming. It is interesting to compare the first art you ever created with the most recent drawings or paintings. There is always a progress. Improvement is visible immediately. Every piece of art we create allows seeing better where we want to go with our creations and what we eventually want to achieve.

Good luck and check out links for inspiration!

Art classes: Art classes

Flower paintings: FAA flower paintings

Autumn silver and gold: large textured acrylic painting

Gold and silver of fall, large acrylic painting by Inese Poga

Textured autumn silver and gold painting

I finally got time to finish a very large (48 in x 32 in or 1 meter 22 cm x 81 cm) semi-abstract very textured autumn scene. It is  Autumn silver and gold acrylic painting. I applied very visible textures at first and built layers of acrylic paint on top of textured background. This painting will be exhibited at my gallery entrance greeting all visitors and students.

Autumn silver and gold, a very large (48 in x 32″ or 1 meter 22 cm x 81 cm) acrylic painting with textured layers under paint

The other texture-rich painting is smaller: 24 x 20 inches, but it also looks great on the wall. I kept colors quiet and subtle.

However, such painting technique is very time-consuming. I’d love to do many more acrylic paintings using rich texture since it adds to the impression tremendously, but it’;s a fairly slow process. The painting must be left to dry between each step until the final brushstrokes can be applied. The look is very three-dimensional. Colors shift and change also depending on the light source.

The smaller fall and maple leave paintings are sold.

Art is the most space enhancing feature which there only can be. Just removing a few paintings from the wall, makes it look virtually empty, and my personal experience shows that there simply cannot be too much art around us. Seasonal art is the best decoration.

Shop here: Original paintings by Inese Poga

I love textures, and I have created numerous large paintings in this technique.

Art prints: Art collections by Inese Poga

Paintings in progress: experimenting with medium and surfaces

Pastel painting in progress, still life painting in pastel

Experimenting with subjects and medium

Experimenting is the force behind creation of new art. I love experimenting.  I think most artists try new materials and challenge themselves time to time. We cannot just paint one and the same subject in the same way all life. Life is too short not to find out what else is out there. In order to create these paintings, I have to try different medium options.

Experimenting with surfaces

I just found out that watercolor canvas is not my preferred surface because paint comes off much easier than it goes on, but it was interesting to try painting on this surface. It was quite a struggle to cheat the paint onto watercolor canvas. I had to wait until the first layer is completely dry and then try adding more paint. See how gorgeous it actually came out: Sunny still life, finished years later

Experimenting with medium

I’m combining acrylic ground, watercolor, pastel fixative and pastels in order to draw with pastels on a stretched canvas. While it is a multi-step process, the small canvas looks really good.

Disadvantage of using glass

I’m also stretching watercolor paper on bars, and I’m doing this because I don’t like how paintings look behind the glass. Frame contributes to perception of an image, but glass reflections definitely disturb it. I have watercolor paintings under museum quality glass, and there is still present reflection. It feels as if color and image are not directly approachable as with acrylic paintings.

First layers of acrylic paint in amaryllis painting

Challenges with any medium

I don’t think, there is any absolutely flawless medium. Pastels leave a lot of dust and cause respiratory problems. They need to be preserved immediately. Acrylic paintings are easy to store and hang, but paint dries out almost immediately, and any correction requires to go over a big area. Watercolor paintings on paper need to be preserved and framed. Glass, mat board and frame increase the selling price a lot.

My set-up is visible in the background

Avoiding necessity to frame art

My goal is to paint on any surface combining any mediums so that I don’t have to frame my paintings. To be honest, good frames look fantastic. However, framing many hundreds of paintings is very expensive and time-consuming. It is almost impossible at this point since there are too many paintings. Art buyers actually like paintings without frames. That allows them framing or not framing later, and using frames they prefer to.

Such art doesn’t require frame and can be used without it

Paintings in progress

None of these paintings is finished yet, but I like how they are coming out. I’m experimenting so far, but I will see soon what works the best. It’s also fun to use watercolor pencils, pastel pencils, pastel sticks, watercolor on canvas, on paper, on board and just take a risk. The result might be unpredictable, but I don’t think it’s going to be unacceptable. Painting from real set-up is also the way I like it. Update: please, see newer articles for all finished paintings.