Creek in fall colors and rushing stream

Autumn creek, fall colors watercolor painting

Love challenge

Many years ago, I had done some rough sketch with watercolor pencils on a 24 x 18” Arches paper. Probably in 2009 or 2010. We used to travel a lot back then. The sketch was of a creek with trees in fall colors. While the photo of step 1 is very white and light in value, the actual sketch was not. You might know that it’s not possible to erase watercolor pencil lines. I didn’t like everything in that sketch, but I love challenge. I decided let’s try to make out something of this creek in fall colors.

Techniques I used

I don’t use masking fluid, but rather prefer painting large and even huge shapes so that it’s possible to paint around whatever I need to. Good, firm and thick cold press watercolor paper allows for lifting and adjustment, as well as layering many times over the basic color. Rocks are great for application of salt. When applying salt, one has to be mindful of timing, there’s fairly narrow window when this technique works. If the rocks are really large and the entire painting is large, we can do numerous extra things.

Changing and correcting watercolor painting

The photos of painting steps of this creek in fall colors might not have the exact colors and contrast, however they give an idea of how one can change and improve watercolor painting even when initial shapes are not correct. I’m reading in Facebook groups how people describe watercolor as difficult and something one cannot correct. That’s wrong! If you paint large and on good paper, you can change and correct everything. The best colors to lift are all blue shades, even Payne’s grey can be lifted to almost white paper.

Use live art classes

I teach all painting techniques in my live art classes. I can see that online class doesn’t give one proper understanding of what and how to use, what timing should be applied, how to use paper towel, lifting and layering and what colors work and what don’t. It was a difficult picture to take photos of because of the distinct cool and very warm colors. Their use is absolutely intentional. That’s also important aspect – color temperature.

Imperfections are fine

Just like always, my photos could better, but I am going ahead and publishing the creek in fall colors. The reason I want to paint somewhat realistic watercolors, even imaginative ones is that abstracts are not challenging enough. I’m not worried also that absolutely everything isn’t perfect. When it comes to painting, I’m all for process and for challenge. If it’s easy, there are no thrills for me.

For beginners in watercolor painting

If you are a beginner and want to paint with watercolor, go big. You are not going to ever leant painting with tiny brushes on tiny paper. There’s simply no space for any effects. Also, using tutorials and watching somebody else paint isn’t going to help much. Brush and paints are important, but what matters most, is the hand that moves the brush. I would like to remind how important is value sketch in large size. Contrast and values are what make painting appear three-dimensional. To check your values, turn the painting in black and white. If it still shows the subject correctly, values are right, too.

Enjoy the art!

New painting season and art classes

Fall landscape paintings

New painting season to match changes in nature

As the seasons change and the fall makes us feel its presence, a new painting season starts. I switch from summer projects to abundance of sparkling colors and more autumnal subjects. For students who take the brush in their hands for the first time and for experienced artists, it is a great moment to submerge oneself into this fantastic experience of creation. The nostalgic feel of something going away, the thoughtfulness of nature preparing for sleep, the dance of leaves in the backyard and harvest on the table: this is an never ending inspiration for poets and artists alike.

Wide choice of medium and subject options

The new painting season is going to be rich in colors and painting subjects. All media capture fall colors well. Watercolor does it with bright washes and brilliance of pure color, like the transparent fall sky and the gold and red of leaves. Acrylic allows for numerous layers, thus polishing the painting to a perfect fall art. We can use pastel and pencil also, why not? I hope I and my current students will create something impressive. We already welcomed the new painting season with the first set of acrylic painting classes.

New season of painting classes

Painting classes have always been popular. I used to have participants who attended my painting classes every week, month after month, and so for quite a few years. That was before the online classes and tutorials started to take over the internet space. The advantage of art class as opposed to tutorial or paint night is very significant: art classes teach you to use tools, explore surfaces, many techniques, as well as painting and drawing subjects. The goal of art classes is to teach you to become independent and to be able to paint or draw anything afterwards.

The story told by trees

During this new painting season, we will allow trees to tell their story, allow the brush to dance on canvas. We will use sponge and fan brush because that’s a very fantastic way to capture fall nature. One just needs to know how to go about that and what colors and in what sequence to use. I love watercolor, I love acrylic painting, and there’s nothing wrong with color sketch or simple ink or pencil drawing. However, the new painting season will be devoted to new type of art which will shine not only through composition, color choices, but also new approaches and techniques.

Sign up for group classes

Group art classes

Sign up for private classes

Private art lessons

Check out my art

Art collections by Inese Poga

Colors of summer, colors of garden

Farden painting, acrylic painting, garden flowers, garden fence

It happens every spring and summer: my students are very interested in painting something great which involves bright colors of garden or wildflowers. Therefore, I get my canvas and demonstrate patiently once more the attractive colors of garden which we see in spring and summer, and numerous plants which we can imagine.

It’s interesting that I have finally many students in private art classes. That’s quite amazing because usually groups were filling first. Certainly, private class is different from group class, and preparation thereof is quite time-consuming. We spend on one drawing 2 to 3 art classes and on a painting at least 3, but very often – 4 classes. That means I can finalize the art within 4 weeks.

I published good, very large drawings in the previous post, and it looks like they didn’t attract too many viewers and I didn’t hear the gasps which follow when somebody looks at the actual drawing.

While there’s often no other way, presenting art on the internet is boring and it never causes the same reaction as when looking at art in reality. I’d say, closeness and experiencing size of art really matter, and – to a huge extent. I usually do identify sizes of paintings online, but what you see on your screen is the size you experience. On the phone, the size becomes tiny. Needless to add that everything is extra bright on the phone and that might not always suit the painting. I do miss the chance to meet people in person, to share the thoughts behind each drawing or painting and steps of its creation.

I’ve been still working on putting together our house and starting a new garden almost in a forest, quite literally, and to me, this seems a never-ending task, at least for now. Therefore, I’ve posted hardly anything anywhere. You might think: what’s a big deal about giving a class, but for me it is a time-consuming preparation process and major input of energy into the actual teaching. I take teaching very seriously, just like I take seriously everything that matters to me.

Colors of garden, acrylic painting on canvas, 24 x 18 in or 61 x 46 cm. The size of this painting is 24 x 18 inches or 61 x 46 cm. I always start a painting on pre-painted or color-primed canvas. It’s easier to paint like that for everybody.

I don’t want to disappear completely from the internet space, so I am posting at least one new, just finished painting. I do adjust myself to requirements of the demo, and this particular subject is strong, bright and very present, and so are the colors of garden. Colors of garden in any case can be breathtaking.

I hope you like the pictures scattered around this post, and I’d love nothing more than to sell something from my art collections. It’s been a long time since I had a live show, but one is coming up this fall. It was cancelled due to pandemic.

Original watercolor paintings for sale

Shop original acrylic paintings

Art collections by Inese Poga

I hope you have a good time at your place and enjoy the recent painting and other artworks!

How to remove creative blocks

Acrylic painting supplies

Since the new fall semester is starting soon at my studio and people are signing up for fall semester art classes, I would like to point out a few creative blocks that prevent us from unfolding our creative potential to full extent. We are all very different and we come with our good and bad habits. We have great and not that great qualities, but there are some things we need to leave at home when starting an art class.


Students sometimes describe their first drawing and painting attempts as bad, unsuccessful or failure. This can mean a few things. There are people who apply strict critical attitude to themselves. They might not love themselves or they might be afraid that if they do not say that first, somebody else will. In other cases self-criticism can mean just asking for a compliment, to be certain that whatever you do is fine. When somebody is just starting out to explore what drawing or painting is, they have to relax and stop programming themselves for inability to do anything.

Programming oneself for failure

Saying that you cannot do one thing or another creates strong internal resistance to experiencing new abilities and skills. If you have come to an art class, stop criticizing yourself and what you do: most likely, you wanted to learn. That’s what learning process is: going from not that great result to achieving everything you wanted. We must devote time and do some work in order to see how much and how far we can go. Please, leave the strict inner critic at home; don’t allow it to follow you into the classroom!

Flower painting class for adults

Expecting immediate results

Learning anything is a process, a journey and a discovery. Learning is a gradual process. We go from simple to complex, from general to specific, from mediocre to outstanding. Sky is the limit or rather, the only limitations are these which we put ourselves within.

Have you ever heard that somebody learned playing an instrument within a few hours? It is unlikely, isn’t it? Have you ever seen an Olympic champion who just picked up their sport a few days ago? Do you know about any writer who won global attention with the first line they ever wrote?

Time, practice and effort

Any new skill takes time, work, practice and effort. When it comes to drawing and painting, for some unknown reason, many people are convinced that they just go to an art class and become skilled within 2 hours. It might be because watching YouTube videos has made an impression that it is extra easy and fast. That applies especially to time-lapse and speed videos. You see quite many hours of work squeezed in a few minutes.

Lack of confidence and insecurity

We can distinct 3 main types when it comes to confidence and insecurity: some people are way too confident that they know everything, some keep a healthy balance, but some others doubt every breath they take.

The value of an art class is that it teaches confidence and how to become confident and forget all insecurities what one had. That is a valuable quality for any person, not only for the creative type. Lack of confidence is easy to detect in art. Most often we get rid of this disturbing feature by courageously going with our feelings about the particular subject. We have to also stop worrying about mistakes. They happen; they are a normal part of any learning process and creativity.


I have been writing about this issue numerous times. It is your paper, it is your canvas. You can put on it anything you feel like. If you do not take small artistic risks, progress will be slow. There is no point in trying to avoid mistakes or errors. Don’t be quick to describe your learning process as a failure.

Paper, canvas, brushes and pencil do not bite. There are no known health threats when using good quality, safe paints.

Mastery doesn’t happen immediately

Nobody has ever become a master within a few hours, nobody. Fear usually arises from comparing oneself to either the best images on the internet or to other students. Students sometimes say they have no experience only to try looking better in the context of the group. It is not a competition. It is a class. Class is a learning process.

Fear paralyzes our creative resources. Drawing and painting is seeing at first and then allowing the signal from our brain to travel to the hand with brush or pencil.

Extreme sensitivity

Being emotionally very sensitive can frequently involve anxiety and unjustified stresses. You must understand that nobody comes to an art class to judge what you paint or draw because all students want to learn or develop their beginner skills more. Art class is not a show or competition. If you do not want others to see what you have painted, say so. I do sometimes wonder why somebody would want to compare unfinished project, color swaps or draft sketches? You have all rights to keep your work private. If you do not want the teacher or art instructor to correct any of your lines, colors or show brushstrokes, just say so. It is sometimes better to simply show some technique, but if it makes some person feel not right, that’s ok.

Watercolor painting class

Emotional barrier

All of the above can create an emotional barrier which prevents you from either improving your skills or getting started with the new activity. You might feel uncomfortable with new things; however, it is so much excitement once you get out of the box where you have put yourself in! There are so many options to pursue and so many ways to develop any of your abilities. Taking the first step and diving into the unknown shouldn’t stop you from trying. It is way worth it.

Quitting before you even started

Art class is no different from any other class: there are fast learners, slow learners, the ones who grasp everything immediately and these ones who always doubt whether they should be even doing this class.

If you are not giving yourself a chance to experience what the new pursuit is about, you most likely will not be satisfied with it.

The truth is that every art, drawing and painting project takes time to elaborate. It also requires practicing some certain techniques and approaches. Acrylic, for instance, is such a medium that it does not look great at early stages. It can even look like a mess and that is great because you have a good base to build the subject on. Some steps might take longer and some are quick. Details and highlights add a special flare to any art, but that comes at later stages. Quitting after the first class will prevent you from seeing what you could have achieved, and especially, after a longer time.

Rose painting workshop

Unrealistic expectations

If you know what your level at the current activity is, and most likely, you do, expect normal progress, not pure miracles. Miracles happen, but only to these who dare.

Going from zero skills to good skills will definitely take time and practice. You will enjoy faster progress if you repeat at home everything you learned at class, but this time on your own. That will indicate which are the weak aspects and you might want to find out more about them during the next class.

Any teacher or instructor may seem like a magician during a demo, but they cannot make you move your hand, make decisions and apply recommendations. You will have to focus, be attentive and observant and also courageous enough to apply what you just learned. Should you expect a masterwork from just the first lines and brushstrokes? You shouldn’t, but during the learning semester that might happen.

Teen students, watercolor painting class

Lack of commitment

Some students are surprised that drawing and painting take work, efforts, a lot of thinking, decision making and even physical strength. For instance, covering quite large canvas takes also physical effort because it needs to be done quite fast to prevent drying and blend some areas seamlessly. We have to act sometimes very fast with large watercolor washes, too.

Creating something requires our input. The drawing or painting will be exactly as you create it. There is no point in saying: “I don’t like it!” Instead, try saying: “What do I like about this and what needs to be changed or improved as I proceed?”

Learning as an ongoing process

Attending any classes takes commitment. Skipping one class might be fine, but you will need to still catch up with others because it is an ongoing process. People, who are convinced that good work pays off, always achieve more and better results. Learning is a serious process. It will require your focus and attention. It is a fantastic, pleasurable and rewarding process, but if you think that it is just play and fun, you might be disappointed. Artists, who want to achieve great results, spend many years learning and never stop doing so.

Fall painting workshop for beginners

Sign up for art classes: Group art classes

Sign up for private art classes: Private art classes

My art on Fine Art America:  

Art collections by Inese Poga

I hope seeing you in the fall semester art classes!

Mastering watercolor painting

Mastering watercolor painting, art classes

Mastering watercolor: it is a journey

You can expect a lot of learning; a lot of practicing and you will definitely find out something which you did not know before if you would like to paint with me. I take a lot of pride in boosting one’s creativity as opposed to mechanical copying and using paint without any knowledge. Along with nature watercolor and acrylic painting, fall art classes will be an ongoing journey into creativity, and hopefully result in some students mastering watercolor.

Nature art: a wonderful opportunity

Our eyes best notice what is around us if we focus, pay attention and observe. Fall colors are intense and make any composition look impressive. We have created numerous fall watercolors before, and they always came out nice. Acrylic definitely is a very suitable medium for depicting fall scenes, especially with grey and blue colors of sky.

Democratic nature of art

This season, fall art classes are designed to better suit teens 13+ years, and the evening group is for any age adults and youth. Art is very democratic: one works on their own canvas or paper, and nobody cares whether you have experience or not. Art classes are for learning. If you have never painted before, allow this skill some time to develop.

Online versus live art classes

When you are sitting on one side of screen, nobody can check or see how exactly you are applying the advice or tip. In a live art class, the instructor can see right away whether the paint is too wet, too dry, student uses too little of paint or there is way too much of it. The instructor can see right away who understood the technique and who is struggling with it.

Inese’s Art Studio has new location

Inese’s Art Studio has moved to Ajax at the beginning of August. It is a beautiful place with indoor and outdoor painting opportunities. Its location is perfect since it is quite central, but offers fantastic nature all around. I hope you will sign up and enjoy our fall art classes.

Schedule, registration and more info about art classes: Sign up here