November needs more color and sunflowers

Sunflower painting, watercolor by artist Inese Poga

Sunflowers, the sunny flowers

Sun plus flowers equals sunflowers. It is also an excellent painting subject when it gets darker in October and November. We switched from bright fall colors to rainy and snowy start of November. Warmth of sunflower color fills up the entire studio. Gentle, soft flow of light yellow and burnt sienna tones among the strong earthy greens and burnt umber is a very attractive color combination. I am a good example of how artist’s taste and feel for the subject changes over time during a few decades. I was painting a similar image years ago, and my color choices were completely different then.

My painting style

Specifics of my painting style include spontaneous and intuitive use of color and improvisation on the spot. I don’t use masking fluid much, especially, for paintings which are done as a demo for an art class. There’s simply no time for that. Ability to improvise helps with demonstration. Many unexpected  and interesting things can happen painting intuitively! Since I have been painting and teaching for many years, I can act and react very promptly, including change of subject if necessary. I love freedom in my own art. I do teach others to treat their painting like that, too. This particular sunflower painting is 20 x 16 in or 51 x 41 cm.

Red barn in fall

Subject of the following painting is a red country barn which I also painted in acrylic. My watercolor painting is larger than the acrylic one. Its size is 18 x 14 in (46 x 36 cm). Size means a lot in live presentation, but unfortunately not online. This painting relies on combination of saturated fall colors, tree shape and barn. Barn is placed strategically to increase the perspective and feeling of depth. I am trying to take pictures of my art with background in order size of paintings would be more visible. However, it’s not always possible. I love bold colors as much as simple grey and saturated brown tones. This particular image shines because of colors and diagonal use of composition elements.

Barn and golden maple tree

This is a barn which was painted a while ago. I love painting buildings, because of organized and completed lines and perspective. My mom had saved some drawings which were done when I was 12 and 13. That’s like half a century ago. These were my drawings of buildings and plants which I had done looking at the actual subject. We didn’t have internet or cameras then. I always loved drawing what’s around me. This painting is also quite big, it shows a country barn and side building as I saw them. Oranges and reds are also super energizing colors. The same goes for painting: vivid colors help.

I hope you love my sunflowers and other paintings! It was great pleasure to paint the recent sunflowers, and this painting is the newest addition to my watercolor collection also.

Enjoy, be inspired and paint! I do appreciate visitors to my sale pages, here is Original watercolors page, it gets updated quite frequently:

Original watercolor paintings for sale

I was also chosen to be a Spotlight Artist in Fine Art America’s traditional still life group with the pumpkin still life which I published before. That is nice!

All prints from Fine Art America:

Art collections by Inese Poga

Copyright notice: Copyright of displayed paintings, drawings, images of work in progress and images of finished paintings belong to artist Inese Poga. Please, respect my copyright. The use of my images is prohibited if I have not issued a written permission. That includes no pinning on Pinterest.

Artworks, brushworks, paintworks

Golden sidewalk, fall painting in acrylic

Essential aspects of artworks

Painting isn’t just brushing around. Many different things go into a single painting. That’s why nobody can learn painting within a few hours.

Painting process includes idea, concept and composition, choosing and mixing colors or deciding on palette, paint application using different tools and brushes of all types, brushstroke, blending and creation of values, contrast and adding highlights. The painting process also includes understanding of abstracted parts and backgrounds, ability to see and understand what is more important and what should be left out of painting. Each one of these aspects involves continuous work and ongoing elaboration.

Loose isn’t sloppy

I sometimes get the impression that by liking loose painting style, it is understood that we can apply sloppy, coincidental and not targeted brushstroke (when there is a brushstroke). In fact, any part of putting paint on canvas must be targeted and have some intention behind it. Moving paint around is probably the worst habit one can have or develop. The first step is always to learn practical use of brushes and tools. That refers to painting in any medium.

Flat brush for acrylic painting

Flat brush is magic in that regard that it can carry out numerous functions. Flat brush has a few surfaces and edges. We can make it work fast and create smooth color and values transitions. We can use two different colors or shades of them on each side of the brush. We can draw thin lines using the edge of flat brush and holding it so that it is perpendicular to canvas. We can use it for easy blending with clean water and as a dump brush. We can use any edge or side of it to paint small parts. I assume a decent flat brush an essential tool for acrylic painting,

Fan brush, sponge and paper towel

Any of these tools can be used for textured prints and also for quick cover of large areas. It makes sense to learn using fan brush in a sensitive way. Most people won’t rotate fan brush and won’t use just a part or corner of it, We use in classroom fan brushes which I have specifically cut out with scissors to create more impressive prints. Such brush also controls amount of paint better. Paper towel is our best friend with any medium. It is very important to have many sheets of paper towel around the painting surface as soon as you start working.

Understanding values, contrast and direction of light

If somebody has done a lot of drawing and sketching to establish the composition, focal point and also value pattern in a painting, they will understand these aspects much easier. I find that a value sketch is probably the most useful. Once we have done a value sketch, we do not need even a photo reference. Value sketch will identify all areas which are of great importance. I know that most beginners assume ability to draw and creating value sketches in color a waste of time. Yet, I can honestly say that nothing else helps more than such sketch.

Fall sunset, acrylic painting
This painting which we did in art classes, uses contrasting colors with distinctive temperature, as well as extra simple composition.

The most important part of painting

The most important part of painting is decision making. When somebody has plenty of experience, they apply paint in an automated manner. It is predictable what each color combination, each type of paint application and each element of composition will do for our painting. Until we have gained sufficient experience, it is mostly guessing whether something will work well in your painting or not.

Acrylic painting, red country barn in fall
Red barn, maple gold, acrylic painting on canvas
Red barn, acrylic painting
Red barn, maple gold painting with small bit of background

Layer it on

Acrylic is a friendly medium. Acrylic paint can be applied (in fact, should be applied) in many layers. Each layer will bring out more or neutralize colors and values appearing underneath. If canvas fabric is visible in the final version of painting, it is clear that one has used too less paint and too few layers. That is a common beginners’ mistake: to believe that one layer of paint will do. One layer of paint is not sufficient, especially, because acrylic paint becomes flatter as it dries. We have to go over and over some part of painting for a few times until we have established the correct proportion of colors and values.

Golden sidewalk, fall acrylic painting
Golden sidewalk, acrylic on canvas. We were painting Golden sidewalk during adult acrylic painting classes. This is my demo painting, I always add more layers after class.
Golden sidewalk, fall painting with acrylic
Golden sidewalk painting got lots of attention on Facebook. I must admit it looks very good also in reality.

More about recent acrylic painting: Paintings in progress

Sign up for art classes: Art classes, schedule and registration

Thanks for reading! Enjoy!

How and why to use watercolor for spring flowers

Floral art by Inese Poga

Watercolor paints: easy to take with you, easy to use

I love watercolor paints because they are compact, light and easy to apply whether painting outdoors or indoors, while traveling or working at a comfortable desk. When traveling, I do not use paint in tubes, but rather in tiny containers or pans. Therefore, I can make use of my watercolor paint set which I am taking with me everywhere, just in case some attractive subject happens to be around. The same goes for a few small (approximately 11 x 14 in) sheets of firm, quite heavy Arches or Saunders-Waterford watercolor paper. It is archival quality cotton paper.

Spring in nature and in art

Spring is a moody season in Latvia where I spent this month. Snow mixes with rain drops, but hopefully, the white cover will melt soon. The forecast says: by the weekend. I had not planned to travel this early, but that was what I had to do. From what I saw on the current news, spring does not want to arrive in Southern Canada either: temperatures might be not that low, but we will have to wait for some time until grass turns green and buds on trees are ready to pop.

Paint spring before it arrives

This is the time when we can have what we are longing for by simply painting it. Imagined spring or spring around you: there is always something great to draw or paint. One more great feature of watercolor is its ability to cover paper fast. I use lots of water to create soft color transitions. Small landscape can be done in half an hour. Still life or floral painting will take longer, but not the entire day.

Early spring flowers: your best subjects

Around March, I would be happy if there were already the first snowdrops, crocuses and similar early bloomers showing above the tiny grass stems and sprouts. I’ve seen that happening, but not too often.

My art is based on drawings. I am too good with drawing and always have been, therefore, I don’t think I will ever switch to completely abstract painting. Watercolor requires some planning, therefore, value sketch in the actual size is the absolutely best reference.

Drawing for watercolor painting

If you are new to watercolor, you should know that drawing can and most often should be done on some other paper. I use for that purpose the transparent transfer paper which is attached to a thick white sheet of firm paper. To transfer drawing onto watercolor paper, I use simply daylight. That way, I have hardly visible, accurate pencil lines, but initial drawing serves me as a value drawing. That helps deciding where to apply whatever color.

Spring tulips in many colors, watercolor painting which I completed while in Latvia

Painting in layers

I paint in layers starting of with mapping my painting and leaving marks wherever I decide it is helpful. I know people who paint one segment start to finish and then move to the next one. I prefer going all over the painting with first, second, third and more layers if necessary. That is the way I like it.

Ready to create painting of spring flowers?

Are you in mood for some creativity and relaxing moment with paints? Do it in watercolor and don’t be afraid of water! If it won’t work out perfect, no problem. Start over and don’t put any limitations and pressure on yourself. Spring flowers and landscapes will make you feel happy. The well flowing watercolor paints can capture softness of flowers beautifully.

For art classes, please sign up here: Registration for art classes

To decorate for spring, you might check out my art prints which come at a reasonable price from Fine Art America.

Art collections by Inese Poga


How does it feel to become a rose?

Acrylic painting, wild pink roses

Rose is a wonderful subject for an acrylic painting. Especially, pink rose.

I always prefer and I always advice others to use real objects, real scenes and live models for their paintings. It’s not only because camera does not see things as a human eye does, but also because of immediate presence.

When somebody aims only for technically great achievements in arts, they certainly stick with photos because we quite cannot distinguish between tiny details when looking at something with just our eyes. I’m not painting or drawing anything I cannot see or which is too small to see. I prefer to go bolder and not to use any magnifying glass.

It can be tough painting flowers sometimes, especially in winter, and real flowers generally do not last as long as painting takes. Anyway, whenever possible using real things has its advantages. They have emotional impact, cause admiration, attraction. This is also something we are trying to implement in our paintings. Technical ability is great, but technically perfect and emotionally cold art isn’t speaking to me. I’m not saying that I always keep working until I have achieved absolutely everything. There is something great about unfinished paintings, too. For instance, a chance to add imaginative characteristics or continue with one’s thoughts. When painting is small, 16 x 20 inches (40.5 cm x 51 cm) inches or so, it doesn’t feel right to spend a year painting it. I sometimes return to a painting after 2-3 years.

Bright red rose, acrylic painting

Bright red rose, it was so beautiful that I sold it right after finishing this painting, 20 x 16 in

Therefore, it feels great becoming a rose. As we paint any petal, we build it and grow it to our liking. Although, it’s just a rose, it has it all: some hidden attraction, some mystery and some color combinations that do not always find reflection in a photo of the painting, but they do become visible when looking at the artwork in person.

Bright wild roses, sold This painting inspired to paint another one in lighter colors

There are lots and lots of objects which can be painted not even leaving our room. People sometimes say: I don’t want to paint still life, it’s boring. That’s totally wrong. That is the best exercise in painting there can be found. People who can paint or draw can paint anything and draw anything from apple to face. Still life is the shortest way to explore values, edges, color transitions and the ways we can create them. It’s the best tool to learn underpainting, sketching and blocking in the main shapes. It’s also the easiest way to learn about lines and their relationships, as well as all kinds of shadows. Therefore, we should never underestimate still life as subject, genre or way of expression.

Pink rose, elegance, acrylic painting

Pink rose, acrylic painting 20 x 16 in. The background colors work very well

Learn drawing and painting: Group art classes

Shop original acrylic paintings

Nothing compares to summer painting outdoors

Watercolor painting, summer watercolor

I wish summer stayed with us longer

Summer days are running away so fast that it is pretty clear: this summer is almost gone. It is certainly the best time to grab our paint box, some paper, pencil or brush and go outside. The weather isn’t too friendly in Ontario this year. I cannot recall so many heat waves and so many days without a drop of rain while I have been living in Canada. My mornings are spent at a clinic, afternoons – trying to get back in shape, but painting helps staying well.

What to start with?

When people ask me what they should start painting or drawing with, my answer is very simple: draw and paint anything around you. There is nothing better than drawing from real subjects and real places. Once you get used to it, you will notice how everything is more vibrant and more realistic when we paint from life.

Use real reference materials whenever possible

Lots of instructions start with: take a picture. I would love to say, however, do not take any pictures, but set up a still life or do a reference sketch. If it is a large work and you are afraid you’d forget the scene, you might also take a reference picture. The problem is that most people want to copy their reference photo instead of just using it. I might sound like an old vinyl, but it’s so silly to copy the photo and then pretend you painted it from scratch.

Chickadee in summer shade, watercolor, 12 x 16 inches or 30.5 x 41 cm

If you can draw, you can draw anything

The next thing which matters is this: once you learn drawing, you are able to draw anything. This happens because you have perfected your visual perception, developed eye-hand coordination and your hand starts perceiving impulses from your brain. Drawing happens as if on its own, and all we have to do is relax and observe.

The backyard, 12 x 16 inches or 30.5 x 41 cm

Create your personal color palette

Is it important to stick with colors which somebody else is using? Not at all. It is much better to explore and develop your personal color combinations. I also find that paints of different brands act very differently. My favorite watercolor paints are St. Petersburg artist grade paints. I haven’t seen any other paints which have such transparency and allow mixing colors easy. The secret is the natural and pure pigments they use as opposed to many paint manufacturers which cheat and replace pigments with fillers and binders. That means chemicals which do not enhance color or its purity.

Important art supplies

I usually use just one large round size 12-14 brush and one size 6 round brush for any up to 20 x 24 in watercolor painting. Along with paints and brushes, an extremely important part for watercolor painting is paper. When I am asking my students, why they are using this really thin and bad paper, they’d normally answer: they are just learning and it’s not worth to spend money on a good thick paper. This is a wrong assumption. Every paper acts differently. The thinner and lighter papers do not even absorb paint. It floats on the surface and creates ugly marks. It is also quite easy to lift paint, but not that easy to add more. My favorite paper is Arches. However, paint keeps traveling through layers of paper even quite a while after paint application. I am using other heavy, cold press papers also.

Blue reflexion, summer watercolor painting

Use good art supplies for practice

If you practice on a bad paper, you won’t know how much easier it is to paint on a good paper. Watercolor paper is definitely the most important part of all supplies for watercolor painting. I haven’t done much recently because I am trying to recover. It’s already a month after surgery, but it seems like I will need more time.

Support is always much appreciated

I would appreciate a purchase of any of my original paintings. After such a long period of being out of work, any support would mean a lot. I can certainly offer very good deals on originals; but prints and other products on Fine Art America site are inexpensive anyway. Since people rarely read these posts, this might go unnoticed, but anyway, I hope I can get something sold. Big thank you goes to 3 ladies, who bought 5 watercolor paintings!

My art prints and artistic products on Fine Art America:

Art collections by Inese Poga