Gifts of experience and art

Studio Ajax, Ontario

Gifts of experience can be the perfect choice

It can be hard to find a gift for someone, who has everything, or for somebody, who will not be fine with stuff which is presented just for the sake of giving gift. Gifts of experience are great option. First of all, most people rarely take or use time for their own well-being. They’d do gym, yoga, other exercise or a meeting with friends at the best. There is so much more! That is why experiencing great things is actually better than being happy for a few moments because gift of experience can last.

Need for self-care and relaxation

Adults need relaxing self-care time even more than teens and kids. Most people just rush and run through their day, and they believe that is the only way to live. Everybody needs their chance of simply engaging in an activity which is rewarding, relaxing and life-improving. Drawing and painting regularly increase focus, decision making ability, not to mention memory improvement. The trial in brain flexibility and memory-associated issues proved that drawing and painting 3 hours a week improved memory and created new brain neurons, as well as longer signaling pathways 75% compared to start-up condition. People, who draw and paint, have better reaction time and keep focus longer.

Participants of art classes report life improvements

I have had numerous talented, committed and diligent students over more than a decade of teaching art in Canada. They created fairly large paintings to decorate their living and work space, as well as took part in juried shows and contests after completion of art classes.  All participants told they gained a great experience in painting and also became better people, who had no more signs of depression and troubled mind. Some recovered from anxiety. Art classes always work as meditation with color and shape since creativity takes over our mind and cleans it. Creating literally swipes your mind clean from disastrous and damaging thoughts, helps with grief and allows overcoming tough life situations.

Available art classesArt classes

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When you retire, you won’t do everything

My art classes always bring together people of all ages and all walks of life. We are experiencing the miracle of creative makeover every time when we have an art class. It can be so that potential students put off drawing and painting until retirement. Some people wait for many decades to get started in art while they know for sure they’d love doing that. Life can present unpleasant situations as we get older and sometimes the dream just won’t be fulfilled because of some bad health condition. Therefore, I am suggesting making time now: today, tomorrow.

Studio snapshots

Spending time at art studio will be your best experience during all dull winter months. Just try it and you will be extremely happy you did!

Art studio is ta wonderful place where pleasure and happiness live, and it comes with your Gift certificate as gift of experience.

Art for kids and art for fun, including decorative holiday art, these paintings could be on your walls!

Gift of art

Art gifts are timeless. They do not have expiry date. Do you really need just a snow or holiday-related art during holiday season? It depends on preferences. Most people collect art which involves certain subject, theme, color or is created by a particular artist. Original and handmade art always looks classier and more elegant than prints. The special flare of personal touch makes it unique. Buying directly from artist means at least 50% lower price than gallery price, which includes even online galleries selling original art. Gallery markup usually ranges around 50%, plus, shipping is done by artist.

New birch painting

New birch painting, goes with chickadees , birch painting is 20 x 16 in or 51 x 41 cm

They are very lovely! chickadees, each 12 x 12 in or 31 x 31 cm

Chickadee with golden branch, 1

Chickadee with golden branch, 1

Chickadee with golden branch, 2

Chickadee with golden branch, 2

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Wrap up nicely what you’ve got and add some more if something is still missing!

Supplies for watercolor painting, sketching and drawing

Less is more efficient!

I have always students who believe that having everything is a guarantee of good result. That is not true! Until you have found your favorite brush, your favorite watercolor paper or your favorite watercolor paint brand, use whatever you already have, and get only things which are necessary.

Graphite pencil drawing 

You can use Bristol drawing paper by Strathmore, the small size is 14 x 17 in, 300 Series. The large size is 19 x 24 in which is a great size. Also 300 Series. This paper is fairly smooth and suits drawing well. It makes erasing easy. Other option is using CANSON XL cold press, 140 lb watercolor paper. Size 12 x 18 in. If you rather keep your drawing at a sketch level, you can use CANSON Universal Sketch paper in size 18 x 24 in. That is a perfect size.

Pencils can be just regular pencils from 2H, including HB and up to 3B. Softer pencils leave too much graphite on the paper. You will most often use just HB pencil because it’s not too hard and not too soft. For eraser, please, get the artist grade soft eraser which absorbs graphite. You buy it at the art store. If you feel you have hard times keeping long lines straight, please, take with you a ruler. Paper towel under hand helps not smudging paper on which drawing is created.

Pen and watercolor sketch or color sketch

For sketch without paint, you can use CANSON Universal sketch paper, 65 lb. For pen and watercolor sketch, you can use CANSON XL cold press, 140 lb watercolor paper. Please, note! It will not work for watercolor painting or painting in layers! It is too thin and doesn’t absorb paint or water sufficiently. It can be used for drawing only and with watercolor pencils. Strathmore 300 series paper will work well for pen and watercolor wash.

We use simple graphite pencil, H and HB, they work well because we shouldn’t have too strong pencil lines.

For pen, you can use any black pen which does not bleed with application of water, but I am using MICRON from 02-05. You can test pen before buying it and see which one you like.

We use only the soft, flexible, artist’s grade eraser. It is very important to have such eraser.

Watercolor painting supplies

We use in watercolor painting classes the following art supplies.

Watercolor paper 

Strathmore 140 lb, cold press watercolor paper, 400 Series. 400 series paper is thick watercolor paper which is important. I use it in size 18 x 24″ for all demonstrations You can cut the paper sheet in half, and you get 12 x 18 inch paper. Perfect size for beginners!

Strathmore sells also 12 x 18 inch paper blocks, cold press. It works well for starting out with watercolor painting. However, if you’d like the best, you could use Arches 140 lb, cold press watercolor paper. It comes in sheets and blocks and is expensive.

Please, make sure your paper is at least 12 x 16 inches in size or larger.

We cannot create anything meaningful on a tiny size paper.  Saunders-Waterford is also an option, but bright white is not always available, but it is a cotton paper, therefore, results are better than using watercolor paper for beginners. For this purpose, Canson, Fluid or similar papers do not work. Never have paper lighter than 140 lb. It will warp, buckle and there are many things you simply cannot do on thin paper.


We need 2 round brushes with fine tips for watercolor painting (soft, synthetic), size 12-14 and size 4-6. Some brushes don’t bounce back, so they won’t do what you need. Especially, lifting. It’s best to test. Synthetic brushes work very well and are very suitable for watercolor painting. Just make sure it is not oil brush with stiff and rough bristles, but the tapered drop-like watercolor brush.

Watercolor paints

If you have paints in tubes, you will need palette. It must have a decent size mixing area. Small kids’ palettes do not work well because they have too tiny mixing wells.

Essential watercolor paint colors

Cold yellow, like Hansa yellow or Lemon yellow

Warm yellow, such as Brilliant yellow or Cadmium medium yellow,

Burnt Sienna,

Payne’s Grey,

Quinacridone Crimson,

Carmine Lake or similar red,

Cerulean blue,

Cobalt blue

and Prussian blue

It’s possible to mix absolutely any other colors from these ones. Primary colors are yellow, red and blue. Any secondary color is already a mix and can be got.

Yellow or Gold Ochre is optional, as well as more red colors. If you can have only 1 blue, get Cobalt blue.

Set of watercolor paints

Sets of ready to use watercolor paints are fantastic for beginners.

You can use them easier than tube paints, and you most likely will have all basic colors in a set (12 color set, for instance). You can get started faster also. Which brand you choose, probably depends on how much you intend to spend on paints. Please, do not use chalky kids’ or craft watercolor paints, they do not have the specific pigments which we use and they do not have the ability to create good washes. That would be all sets which do not list name of a particular paint. Half-pans are popular, but painting is very difficult. They are too close together, and there’s too little paint.

Pencil and eraser

You will need graphite pencil. HB pencil works well. We do not want too much graphite on watercolor paper, therefore, avoid using soft and very soft pencils. We use only the soft, flexible, artist’s grade eraser which is sold in art stores. It is very important to have this eraser which absorbs graphite, not damages paper.


We need quite a lot of paper towels.

Paper towel has many functions with watercolor painting, so, definitely do not forget that, 6-10 sheets per class. You will learn how essential paper towel is with spontaneous watercolor and watercolor washes, as well correcting some areas. Finally, attach your watercolor paper to a firm, light base, thick cardboard or similar with painter’s (green) tape. Having paper for testing colors helps.

You will eventually find your brand and your most favorite brushes, paints, pencils and papers. The better quality your watercolor paper, brushes and paints are, the easier it is to paint and create good art.

I hope seeing you in my art classes: Sign up for art classes

Private art classes: One-on-one class

Check out the other benefits of drawing and watercolor art:  Drawing for ageless brain

Acrylic painting supplies for art classes

Painting supplies for acrylic painting classes

We do not need a lot of acrylic painting supplies to start painting, so, keep the list short and get things you do not have yet as you go.


1 flat brush, soft, synthetic for either watercolor or acrylic painting, ¾ inch wide; or about the same size Filbert brush (it is flat with rounded corners). 1 small soft watercolor or acrylic brush, size 4-6 round, fan brush for oil painting (rough bristles). If fan brush with rough bristles is not available, get simple wall/window painting brush, 1-1.5 inch wide. We will cut it out with scissors, so that it can do more. I will show how.  We can use Filbert brushes (slightly rounded edges) in small to medium sizes also.


We use 16 x 20” canvas for regular classes and 16 x 12″ canvas for 1 day workshops. If you believe you are rather slow with brushing paint, the smallest size is 12 x 16 in. However, painting larger is easier. You will need to paint your canvas in medium dark grey or brown color before you come to class. The edges of canvas need to be covered with one layer of paint as well. That helps creating better art much faster.

Acrylic paints

The best acrylic paints for beginners are AMSTERDAM students’ grade or Liquitex Basics students’ grade paints. Artist’s Loft (Michael’s brand) will work, as well, but it doesn’t mix well with paints of other brands (curdles).

The best is to get a professional grade Titanium white and two yellow colors: one lemon yellow and the other cadmium medium yellow or similar warm yellow. White and yellow are very weak colors in any students’ grade paints. I’d not advise to get a paint set, but rather separate tubes because we use white and yellow much more than other colors. You do not need any green color..

Short list of acrylic paint colors:

You will need 6 basic colors to get started:

White: Titanium white, required more than other colors

Black: Lamp black, Mars black

Red: 1 warm red (more orange red) and 1 cold red (more purple)

Cadmium medium red, Primary magenta, Crimson pyrrole, Carmine red, Crimson lake, Carmine lake, Naphthol red medium or similar, whatever red the brand you want to use has.

Yellow: 1 cold yellow (greenish shade), 1 warm yellow (more orange shade)

Hansa or Lemon yellow (cold yellow) and Cadmium yellow medium, Brilliant yellow, Azo yellow medium (warm yellow)., 2 yellow shades are important for color mixing. If you have just one, please, choose medium yellow (warmer).

Blue: Brilliant blue, Prussian blue and/or Cobalt blue, having at least 1 blue is very important

Artist grade paints have more pigment and less fillers and binders. If you would like to use artist’s grade paints, I would advise Liquitex heavy body, Graham (satisfactory quality, not that great tubes) or Golden (also tough to open tubes).

Additional acrylic paint colors:

You can get them gradually when you know what you need more.

Ocher: yellow ocher or golden ocher

Red-brown: Burnt sienna

Warm dark brown: Burnt umber

Blue: Ultramarine blue, Cerulean blue

Dark grey: Payne’s grey

Additional supplies: white plastic disposable plates (it is important plate is white). Do not use mixing papers or tiny palettes which are not suitable for mixing wet paint. I will not accept them for art classes. Mixing paper does not work with many acrylic paint applications, especially fan brush and sponge.

At least 10 sheets of paper towel per class. It is very important you use paper towel, it is not possible to paint without cleaning your brush frequently.

We use pre-painted canvas so that painting is much easier.

Additional supplies for easing the painting process

Plastic knife

Seaweed sponge or silk sponge

Slow-drying medium and blending medium, as well as modeling paste are useful, but we use them only for certain projects and get by with water. I have my own blending medium which I create from 3 components, I will show how.

It is better to have fewer acrylic painting supplies and better quality supplies. It is recommended to get paints at the art store. Artisan liquid paints from the Dollarama absolutely do not work.

Schedule:  Art classes, schedule and registration

Giving up is not a solution, acrylic painting tips

Tips for acrylic painting

I’d love to share some acrylic painting tips. I hope these painting tips allow to achieve more and paint better.

Giving up before seeing potential

I feel sad when some students discontinue classes just after one month. I can see the potential in attempts, but people with little experience in drawing and art usually don’t.  All it takes is usually adding a few dark and light spots, adjustment of edges and straightening out a few shapes. In fact, any acrylic painting can be whatever the artist expects it to be if we keep working on it and don’t stop prematurely.

If you know how to, you can improve anything

I’ve said that before: nobody becomes master within a few hours. Nobody. I also do not want students comparing their first attempts in art: this makes absolutely no sense. There was a reason artists used to cover up their art with a cloth and show it to nobody until the artwork was considered ready and finished. There are easy adjustments which can change the painted image to a great extent. We add tiny bit of sparkling light, sharp edge of very deep dark area, and everything improves.

Patience and ability to take risks

Patience and ability to take risks are two very necessary features for anybody who’d like to enjoy creating visual art. I have told this before: time-lapse demos make people believe that this is exactly the way one paints: one, two, three and here we go. In reality, we sometimes need to go over and over one spot for many times. With acrylic paint, there are no limitations of adding layers. We need to apply many layers to achieve volume and visually attractive effect.

Painting tips for acrylic painting
Once you know what principles are applied to creating a painting, just follow the steps and use layers and painting comes to life.

Applying color versus building it up

Smearing on paint in one color is not the same as building it up. I have quite often seen transparent trees and flat buildings, not to mention flowers without any volume. That means, there was no dark color blocked in underneath and the light color was used only in 2 tones. That cannot make a structure or subject look like it is having dimensions.

Think layers

Many people have difficulties thinking in layers: the most distant, underneath it all layer, the middle value layer, the defining layer and the highlighting and detailing layer. It is in the human nature to try getting it right away. I’ve observed how students sometimes start with details which should be implemented at the end. This approach is fairly essential in acrylic painting because we have to work from dark to light and from distant to close: that’s how the image evolves.

Painting tips, Garden, demo painting
Demo painting for garden landscape, basic layers

Keep the color on 

The other problematic issue is holding color on the spot we need it to be. We are practicing painting on a spot techniques. Quite often artist gets carried away and keeps blending and moving paint around until it results in everything being the same color. It is very important to learn using brush for painting on a spot which is like running on a spot: brush it on, but don’t move all around the canvas.

Brush must be clean

Finally, as I’m washing brushes after classes, I can immediately tell which brushes were used by me and which by students. My brushes are almost clean or have the last color in it. Students’ brushes are usually full of many colors, quite often dark colors which we applied at the beginning of the class. That means, the brush wasn’t cleaned during painting. That results in muddy and dirty colors which don’t shine and lack brilliance. We must clean our brushes frequently!

Tips for acrylic painting
We go layer by layer until the painting takes shape

Painting is easy and extremely rewarding

We must have patience and allow for some time to get where we want to be. It depends also on what our goal is. Any painting is nice and great if we do not expect it to become a top art just after a few classes or painting attempts. We can notice fear and indecisiveness in brush strokes which lack confidence. Therefore, taking risks and experimenting is very important, especially,  in visual art. We have to be persistent and even stubborn. I hope my painting tips help you!
