Wishing you joy, love and peace!
Please remember: love never ends!

Merry Christmas and happy holidays!
Just good and positive energy
Positive energy is a big part of my art. We all probably used to have sense of energy and its vibrations, just like animals and birds still do. There are energy-sensitive people, people who do not feel or recognize any energy flow, but experience it subconsciously, and people, who are unable to perceive any energy at all, even though, they are just like everybody else affected by it.
With good thoughts
I paint implementing lots of positive energy in my creations, it’s not only because I cannot make myself draw or paint gruesome, terrifying or evil subjects and scenes, but mainly because that is who I am: a medium for converting the great energy from the impressive nature scenes, flowers, still life subjects into the sensitively perceivable feeling of good vibrations. I doubt this could be felt through the internet images or prints since these are copies of copies. I know that people, who look physically at my paintings in person can experience such strong, good impact.
Red as energy carrier
I have painted numerous red flowers as commissions – poppies, wild roses and similar floral paintings on request of people, who can sense energy and are able to recognize it. Some of them have placed my paintings in the entrance hall to prevent bad luck and bad energy from entering their personal living space. I know a couple, who hang a flower painting of mine at the upper staircase overlooking the entire stair, and they told everything became much better and better in their life since that.
Take it from subject
Some people wanted red flowers for their living rooms and some for bedrooms as an energy carrier for passion and love. I believe any appropriate place is good, and these paintings work well because I have puts lots of positive energy into them. I take it from the beauty of objects to be painted, and these paintings become a shield to stop the flow of disturbing energy.
Let energy flow
When it comes to positive energy, its flow in a room or in any space matters a lot. Color matters and the subject is important also. Therefore, I’d advise to use for personal space only such paintings, art and items that enable the flow of positive energy, not block it.
There’s nothing which makes a room look more cozy than good art. If you want to take the easy path, certainly you can go with color splash and abstract art or no color at all. However, since I always have many paintings in just one room, I can tell that the colors do not disturb and art which displays recognizable subject looks fantastic. It might take more time to decide what exactly to hang on your walls, but there’s no limitation of choices.
Art which releases positive energy and good vibes is usually sold. My art sells the best when people can experience its impact in person. Many of paintings which you see in this post are sold. It makes me happy that somebody else find my art so appealing that they wish to have it in their homes.
Finally, a very large painting from 2014: the Nostalgia gardens. It was sold also. There are definitely more and new paintings to enjoy, to purchase and have the positive energy always with you.
I hope you enjoyed! I would appreciate a lot if you stopped by at the art studio in downtown Whitby, Ontario to have a look at original paintings and at FFA online site to check out all art products.
Stagnation and routine, and divine inspiration
Routine and stagnation go hand in hand. I also believe that talk solves nothing. I am deeply convinced that too many “everything is fine” statements can actually cause harm. When our intentions remain only as to-do-lists, there is no result. There is huge gap between the real action and intent. Therefore, we need the divine inspiration to interrupt our routine.
Life is fair, humans – not always
We often hear that life is not fair. Well, life as such is fair and fine. It is us, humans, who make things unfair and unfavorable for others. We should know: if we win, somebody else loses. When we are at loss, somebody has won the big prize. Therefore, I wish there was much less pretending that everything is fine and much more doing in order it was like that. While total equality isn’t possible for very many reasons, we can at least try to measure up to the ones at the top.
What is the divine in our daily life?
For me, praising the divine does not mean unstoppably talking about it. That means bringing the beauty to people and making them understand how little, in fact, we need to experience the most valuable things on this Earth. There would be much less suffering if one day we had opened our eyes and started calling things their correct names. Becoming realistic is not a bad start. making regular things divine is something we all can do.
Losing time due to routine
The daily routine is absorbing plenty of time and taking away lots of energy. People who are not rich have to deal with chores whether they are happy with that or not. Even though, I could do so many useful and exciting things instead of cleaning up and washing dishes or cooking, that is not going to change. I am efficient, and I have prevention system in place: to avoid general cleaning, I do not allow any dirt or messes to accumulate. I spend 12 hours or more a day quite often on medical writing. That is the job I make my living with. but I hope earning my living with art at some point.
Love to divine within simple things
I have inherited love to the nature and all Gods creations from my great grandparents, grandparents and my parents. I strongly believe that family either makes one creative and resourceful or completely ignores this necessity by not appreciating the great experiences and benefits creativity has to offer, although, this does not always mean any financial benefits. I am genuinely thankful I have all skills and knowledge to dress myself, design my clothes and outfits, to grow my own garden plants , flowers and vegetables, to cook fantastic meals with little efforts, to decorate my living space and create all necessary items for that and so on and so forth.
Necessity to be active
This is all because of my family. Somebody might call me workaholic, but I hate simply sitting around and doing nothing. I cannot recall any single episode of my childhood or earlier years when I had to admit I was bored. I was always busy. Trying to make something from nothing. That is a great way to, a great way to live since I am seeing some opportunity just about everywhere.
Flowers: the divine aspect in daily life
I am sending flowers to my mom every time whenever there is some important day or some celebration because I know she appreciates and loves them. We are far away, the Ocean is between us, but we can talk on Skype. My husband gives me flowers on every occasion, not only when there’s a celebration or birthday, but just for pleasure, as well. I have always fresh flowers around me, many are potted. I believe he does this because he knows how I am talking to plants and how much I enjoy them. They respond with adorable blooms and never-ending beauty.
Teaching is a duty
I feel that my duty is to teach other people to enjoy things which are not that costly, but rather a true source of happiness, pleasure and satisfaction. It would be tough going through life without art and beauty. The importance of brain fitness is completely ignored, but I am trying to make everybody aware how this can be achieved with simple sketching and drawing on a daily basis. If one can escape the age related dementia and loss of brain functionality just doing some visual art exercises, why don’t they do that? That’s a good question because physical body is always put first and mental and spiritual well-being is supposed to occur automatically which is absolutely and totally wrong.
New greeting card images
I hope I’m doing my part and creating art you enjoy. To me, this means praising the divine every single moment not only in words, but with doing.
Enjoy and possibly purchase!
Giving gifts: Gift certificate
Giving gifts can be tricky, especially personalized gifts. Gift certificate is a great last-minute gift and comes to rescue when it is hard to guess what exactly some person would like. In case of gift certificate for art classes or workshops, it is a long-lasting and memorable gift. Thanks to these gift certificates, many people have found their passion, hobby and had generally become much happier in their lives since these activities take away a lot of stress, give somebody his or her own time, not to mention the beautiful things we are creating.
Dress it up
Sometimes people hesitate to give gift certificates because they think it’s going to look so small. I have attached a few pictures showing how to present a gift certificate for art classes in a great way. Watercolor beginner’s set includes block of watercolor paper, 2-3 watercolor brushes, set of student grade paints and the gift certificate.
It is very handy when the person who got this gift, has everything for the first class and can always use it at home, too.
Make it a set
Most receivers of this gift, especially teens love getting started right away. It’s nice they can try out their brushes, paints or papers before the first class, so this gift certificate can be packed together with a basic set of watercolor paints, small size watercolor paper block and 1 or 2 brushes. It is not expensive, but a very impressive gift which usually makes people who love creativity very happy.
Including art supply set with the gift certificate
For complete happiness
For those who have got a gift certificate for acrylic painting classes, it’s great to put in the box small canvas, 5 paint tubes in basic colors (black, white, red, blue and yellow) and 1 or 2 brushes. Anybody can add whatever they wish, but these 5 colors are enough to start out. People are really excited receiving such gifts. How do I know? They send me the first email and all of them are saying: I cannot wait to get started, I’m feeling so happy.
Only a gift certificate
If you would like to give only a gift certificate, I’m offering the framed version. Looks so beautiful, and it can still be wrapped up together with something else.
Gift certificate goes great with a pack of healthy herbal tea or coffee.
It looks amazing with a good book.
Great presentation is half of success
Whatever way you give your gift, do it generously and from the bottom of your heart. When giving a teen, adult or senior such gift certificate, we are actually giving them a whole new world: to explore, to fall in love with art and creativity and to enjoy as long as they live. It’s definitely not a small gift.