My large sketchbook and ink drawings

Winter landscape, ink drawing

Sketchbook as collection of ink and pencil drawings

My sketchbook is large 24 x 18 inches or 61 x 46 cm. It actually feels big and heavy. The tiny pocket-size sketchbooks don’t work for me. Why? If I get a good sketch and it has potential to be turned into watercolor or acrylic painting, I just trace the outline onto the respective surface. The initial sketch serves as a fantastic reference with all shadows, perspective lines and mood, as well. Much better reference than photo. As you might know, color is secondary, and values are primary when it comes to painting. Therefore, my huge sketchbook becomes a great collection of potential large size art. Some of this art is practically a finished artwork.

Advantage of ink and pencil drawing

Drawing is relaxing and it doesn’t require proper timing which is absolutely necessary for watercolor or acrylic painting because correct timing directly affects the result. For example, you squeezed out a lot of paint in order to paint for a few hours. Something happens, and the painting session is cut short. Paint dries and cannot be rescued and you will need to paint over a few areas, but sometimes – the entire surface. With ink or pencil drawing in our sketchbook, nothing dries out, nothing needs doing over, so you just pick up where you left it before. I consider this a big advantage.

Best subjects for drawing

I’ve always loved drawing buildings. And still life. Flowers are fine, as well. My huge sketchbook has numerous drawings of these subjects. For me, it’s important that I don’t need a photo. I rather construct the subject and add whatever needs adding as I go. I call that artistic freedom. I have a complete control over what I want to be on my paper. That is why my subjects often involve only things which I see around and have in the garden or house. Simple, easy and very manageable. Buildings, still life items, landscapes, flowers: they all can be made multidimensional on a flat paper.

We can do well without devices

Since technological advance has been immense, people do manual drawing rarely. They don’t have to manually write either, so the ability to re-create our idea, vision, imagination and reality is declining. The correlation between devices and use of camera is very clear when it comes to manual drawing. The more devices somebody uses to create their art, the less of observational drawing ability they have. I suppose, our brain dismisses everything we don’t engage. Why to stress out if you don’t have to?

Maybe try it

I can make these conclusions because I’ve watched how people go about manual drawing for many decades. What are their strengths and failures, how they tackle dimension, values and shapes. Devices have advanced a lot, but humans? Humans not that much. We delegate anything we cannot do well to devices since there’s a wide choice of them. However, manual observational drawing is an extremely rewarding experience. Large drawings in a big sketchbook can become the best artistic experience.

Large size makes all the difference

It’s the most fantastic feeling. We have the blank sheet of paper. I prefer large one for many reasons. We just play around and implement whatever we feel like. Using soft lines, then moving to stronger values and lines. All of a sudden, the image emerges. Just some shades of black and grey and the white of paper. That’s all it takes. Sometimes it becomes a fantastic drawing where one can literary participate in the scene. If you want to learn drawing, trust me – go big. Use the 24 x 18-inch sketchbook. Want to advance faster, draw large images. I also used Micron archival ink pen.

I hope you enjoyed this article!

Pencil drawings and sketches, new and updated

Pencil drawing, still life

Pencil drawings and sketches

It happened so that I gave numerous drawing classes this season. People love pencil drawing and sketches, and they are excited to learn how to create such art or a value drawing for other art, like for a watercolor and acrylic painting. Therefore, I have many drawings now. I always ask my students to also use big size paper for their creations. We most often use 24 x 18 in or 61 x 46 cm paper.

Using reference image or setting up still life

I personally prefer real items in front of classroom for my pencil drawings and sketches. During summer and fall, it’s extremely easy to find something suitable. We used real items for still life, but perspective pencil drawings and sketches are simply composed and constructed from imagination. I haven’t got images yet of other drawings with personal items, shoes, jeans jackets and figures. We gradually increased complexity and went from still life and perspective drawing to pencil drawings and sketches of figures. That took about 30 private art classes. Large size paper makes a lot of sense and allows creating the best compositions and value transitions.

Tutorial won’t do that

Tutorials usually teach something one: style or technique of a particular artist, one subject or one feature of it, and that doesn’t always mean your tutorial will include explanation or clear understanding why to choose exactly this one style, feature or part of subject. Demonstrations are frequently done on small sheets of paper. I’ve mentioned this numerous times before: if you can draw, you can draw anything without any limitations. You won’t need photos, printouts, grids and similar things. If you can draw, you just observe, pay attention and allow pencil to do its job. Which I always do! I hope you love seeing these drawings and sketches! I have to post many at a time because there are way too many.

Private art lessons

Art collections by Inese Poga

Spring edition, moving art studio

Moving art studio

My art studio is moving again, indeed, it has happened so many times during the recent years. I’ve moved three times since 2018 and now I have to do that again. While it sounds quite simple, it actually isn’t. The toughest part is finding a place and qualify for it. That requires mountains of paperwork, numerous hours of printing, scanning, signing, sending documents and so forth. That is the reason I hardly looked at the internet, any social media or blog sites. There wasn’t enough time in a day to cope with all that, and nothing was left for painting, unfortunately.

The Amsterdam paint tubes are added for color balance in photos, I use Liquitex for painting.

I did try to catch up with the artistic side, I sure did. However, that mostly resulted in wasted paint and a bit of frustration. As soon as I squeezed out acrylic paint and got in the mood for painting, the phone rang or I received a message, we have to go: to see a place, to meet somebody, to do whatever, and there was no other way around it. As you know, acrylic paint dries very fast, and even when preserving some in a tight container, it doesn’t work quite well as the fresh one.

I’m really hooked on the moment when nature awakes. The most fantastic view for me can be a tiny sprout breaking through the soil and greeting the sunshine. The first wild flowers are such a welcome sight! Strength to overcome the freeze and courage to break through impossible obstacles: that is what grasses and wild flowers have. I cannot resist, I return to wildflowers in spring settings every year.

One of my most favorite color combinations involves earthy tones, many shades of green as in sprouts, young leaves and grasses, blue patches of sky, as well as bright white, blue and pink of the wildflowers. According to such palette, I paint some knew dreamscape which I most often have seen only in imagination or which is stored in my memory chambers.

My art studio in this big house had to be adjusted and the actual painting space was sparse. As you might know from my previous posts, I usually paint only by daylight. There have been times when I have to add evenings, but I try to avoid painting at night when artificial light is required. It could be my eyesight which dictates that, but I am very sure that for true color match we need the daylight.

So, the art studio is on the move again, and I have started to pack up a few things. Very large and small paintings will be moved first, as well as part of my countless brushes and art supplies. I would love to sell a few more paintings, but I don’t have much time for advertising at the moment. We will be moving 9 large rooms into 5 rooms, only one of which is large. My art studio is going to be arranged there, in the largest room. Daylight will be much better in the new place, however. It’s an older building with large windows, lots of character and huge backyard. That is such a luxury nowadays!

My best guess is everything will be ready around April 15, and that’s when I can start with my own paintings and art classes. Until then, – I go through moving troubles, packing and unpackaging, sorting, cleaning and being busy with all kinds of things which are not necessarily art related. There will be moment when we won’t have internet yet, and when I am all set up, I will come up with my newest discoveries in painting. You can still scroll through my blog which documents all art studio moves, gives lots of advice for new and established artists and offers excellent quality art at great prices. Stay well! I’d love to hear from you!

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Original watercolor paintings for sale

Shop original acrylic paintings

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Art collections by Inese Poga

Fall landscape, dazzling colors

Fall landscape, fall trees, acrylic painting

Fall landscape is especially attractive painting subject when days shrink and it gets pitch dark already around 5 pm. The added bonus is bright color palette and the options of mixing colors are endless.

I’ve been painting away, but since the daylight is sparse and ends soon, the hours I can work on a painting are short, too. If you have ever done acrylic or oil painting, you probably know how wet paint is reflected in artificial light. To the extent that it becomes impossible to paint.

If you favor walks in the nature and you are just like I am – always enjoying the play of colors in the sunlight or cloud shapes when it’s rainy and overcast, – you will probably like this painting with its vivid colors and the nature-related subject. The fall landscape is something I paint always around this time, but I am going to focus more on fragments of landscape in the future, unless it is a huge canvas.

It took very many layers of paint and going over and over some areas because it’s no secret acrylic paint is more and more lacking quality and saturation with pigment.

Fall landscape is a great subject for reflecting our love to color. To facilitate brightness and strong tones, I let the painting dry every night and return to it when the daylight is acceptable. Therefore, the process extends over a few weeks, but I am fine with it now. It already received lots of great feedback. The size is again 24 x 18 in or 61 x 46 cm. I started this painted for the class, but certainly, getting it done took many more hours.

My paintings are very color-sensitive. While the picture will show only what camera with automated settings can capture, the actual painting always has more of everything, but definitely great balance between dark and light, as well as cold and warm. These particular pictures are more on the warmer side. Just like always, I took many of them and chose to publish the ones which are the closest to the original.

Other acrylic paintings, page will be updated: Shop original acrylic paintings

Learn everything the best way: Private art lessons

Currently available art prints and other art products: Art collections by Inese Poga

The blooming time, transition time

Blooming wildflower fields, summer landscape

Blooming meadows series

It feels like summer

Like every year, we get from winter into summer heat in Ontario. I’ve noticed there’s nothing in the middle quite often. It was cold even until the first weeks of May, and then suddenly, we got high heat. That means plants and flowers bloom over in a few days, and everything at once. It is difficult not to take part in all breathtaking blooming and return to life of nature, therefore, I am feeling as if in summer in my art already. The old story: creation must be done in advance of any seasons, celebrations and festivities.

Not only for shows

It’s not so that I am creating only complex art for competing in shows and simple art for teaching art classes. One of the other categories would be plainly decorative art, and we are seeing lots of it recently. Just some splash of color, some shapes or basic subject on white or abstract background. Nothing extreme, nothing mysterious or hiding deep meanings, just art for covering wall space and keeping the creative hand sensitive. This is the routine art which doesn’t reach ceiling of mastery and doesn’t strongly affect our mind or soul. Art that is often described as “lovely, nice, cute”. These are, besides, the worst compliments when it comes to creativity and creation. They say practically nothing, they are empty words. They leave one unaffected like water drop rolling down a leaf leaving no trace as it evaporates.

Summer cottage

Technical side versus emotional aspect in painting

t’s understandable that with overload of images the internet viewer is attacked with in a split second, nothing gets more than a quick glance. Rarely, somebody will notice elegance of lines, flowing or strong brushstrokes, shifts of warm color into cool shades, perspective, mood, the way the subject reveals itself, I mean, all things which exceed just purely technical approach of painting. Technical approach dominates because lots of art on the internet is done by beginners and emotional level is left out when the main focus goes to the technical side of using art supplies and creating the subject.

Mastery in art

The most adorable category is art as discovery, art as secret, art as mystery and soul touching art. Not every artwork becomes a masterwork, far from that. Even well-known artists have uneven level of mastery in their works, and that is just a very human feature. Nobody can be at the top of their creative juices and riding the wave of inspiration 24/7. Any human has ups and downs, divine moments and dark alleys where they get lost. It is a good personal goal to have more of good art which has lasting effect on the viewer. Every artist tries to achieve that, and in the best artworks, mastery comes to expression.

Show continues

The virtual art show continues, and since the lead post was helping a little, but I need to add new art, I am including in this post variety of available images, the brand-new blooming meadows paintings and some other art. I know how nobody wants to see more sales and so on, but I simply need to turn visitors’ attention to the fact that these are show artworks and they are currently sold at their best prices. I will probably change the content after a while, but for now, please enjoy, and you might possibly like to purchase some art.

Original acrylic paintings:  See what’s added

Original watercolor paintings: Amazing watercolor art

I am looking forward to summer, which could be possibly better than the previous one. Thanks for reading!

Just like always, here’s link to my art collections and available art prints:

Art collections by Inese Poga