The golden flow of fall season watercolor

Fall reflection landscape painting in watercolor

Many of my watercolor paintings are created as demonstrations, spontaneously, without much planning. It’s difficult to know what each group or student wants, so I have to switch swiftly from one subject to another, from one color palette to the next. Fall season watercolor paintings shine through the light and numerous shades of red, burnt sienna, golden ocher, warm, deep or cool yellow shades, orange, grey, purple an so forth. Fall season watercolor paintings allow using many approaches and techniques.

I am sticking this time to fall season watercolor, but we have done also many new acrylic artworks. It is a good time to be indoors and immerse oneself in bright colors. I paint in layers which means I create a map of a painting with weaker tones at first and then gradually bring it to the necessary value and color temperature. None of that is visible on my photos which look mostly yellow. There’s a reason I dislike Apple and their iPhone. No chance to get true colors. I’ve tried everything, but it’s too automated to recognize all colors at once.

Nevertheless, the actual paintings are large (24 x 18” or 61 x 46 cm) and look quite impressive, just as required for display of the fall season watercolor versatility. I’d love to let images speak for themselves, even though photos are all wrong.

The attendance at classes is fairly good and I have to repeat some observations. If you intend to learn painting, you have to go big. Postcard size images don’t allow to implement many things. I haven’t seen any student yet who learned painting using video tutorials and online courses. Quite the opposite – nobody knows anything about brushes, paper, how to use whatever they have and so on. There’s no knowledge of direction of light or values. We usually start from scratch. First purely basic techniques and then more complex matters.

This time is a fantastic for observing nature. Many people try painting trees, structures and buildings, but the first step is to look at them as they are in nature or in reality and try to remember what exactly a tree looks like. There are numerous sorts of them, but none here has wider and fatter branches than the trunk. The branches thin out rewards the top. Natural things have randomness to them and it’s important to remember that nothing in nature grows equal distance apart. Basically, your subjects are everywhere and you just have to look at them.

It’s a great season to start painting. The most gains and successes come from practice and observation. We make errors to learn from them. We learn from doing, not exactly watching. Watching gives an idea, but doing is superior to watching. Or talking, or thinking about it. Doing makes one master of the trade, so, the next step – take your brush, paints and paper and on to painting the colors of fall season!

Group art classes

Original watercolor paintings for sale

Art collections by Inese Poga

New painting season and art classes

Fall landscape paintings

New painting season to match changes in nature

As the seasons change and the fall makes us feel its presence, a new painting season starts. I switch from summer projects to abundance of sparkling colors and more autumnal subjects. For students who take the brush in their hands for the first time and for experienced artists, it is a great moment to submerge oneself into this fantastic experience of creation. The nostalgic feel of something going away, the thoughtfulness of nature preparing for sleep, the dance of leaves in the backyard and harvest on the table: this is an never ending inspiration for poets and artists alike.

Wide choice of medium and subject options

The new painting season is going to be rich in colors and painting subjects. All media capture fall colors well. Watercolor does it with bright washes and brilliance of pure color, like the transparent fall sky and the gold and red of leaves. Acrylic allows for numerous layers, thus polishing the painting to a perfect fall art. We can use pastel and pencil also, why not? I hope I and my current students will create something impressive. We already welcomed the new painting season with the first set of acrylic painting classes.

New season of painting classes

Painting classes have always been popular. I used to have participants who attended my painting classes every week, month after month, and so for quite a few years. That was before the online classes and tutorials started to take over the internet space. The advantage of art class as opposed to tutorial or paint night is very significant: art classes teach you to use tools, explore surfaces, many techniques, as well as painting and drawing subjects. The goal of art classes is to teach you to become independent and to be able to paint or draw anything afterwards.

The story told by trees

During this new painting season, we will allow trees to tell their story, allow the brush to dance on canvas. We will use sponge and fan brush because that’s a very fantastic way to capture fall nature. One just needs to know how to go about that and what colors and in what sequence to use. I love watercolor, I love acrylic painting, and there’s nothing wrong with color sketch or simple ink or pencil drawing. However, the new painting season will be devoted to new type of art which will shine not only through composition, color choices, but also new approaches and techniques.

Sign up for group classes

Group art classes

Sign up for private classes

Private art lessons

Check out my art

Art collections by Inese Poga

Create art and make your soul sing

Art classes and workshops for adults

Don’t allow routine blocking your intentions and create

We have our routine duties, we have to make our living, but how about the soul? What are we doing to feed not only the body, but also our soul? Some people express themselves playing music or dancing, some are writing poetry or stories, and some love to create. Most people never forget to devote time, money and huge efforts in order the physical body stayed young and healthy. When it comes to mind, it is a completely different picture.

Art is special

I don’t think anything compares with the wonderful feeling when I have a white blank canvas or sheet of watercolor paper in front of me, and I’m about to put down the first lines or brush strokes. Creation is straight the opposite to consumption, and I really have deep respect for people who love to create and give something to others instead of just taking and using. Create art: it is a rewarding way of self-expression. It takes away from our daily troubles and routines, and this time is never wasted.

Need for self-care and relaxation 

Adults need relaxing self-care time even more than teens and kids. My art classes always bring together people of all ages and all walks of life who create something for themselves. We are experiencing the miracle of creative makeover every time when we have an art class. Participants come with all kinds of mental and physical conditions sometimes, but all of them report feeling better after an artistic workout.

Art classes and painting workshops for adults

We had busy October and November. I met many interesting people,  who definitely were amazed by my art and wanted to learn doing something artistic for themselves, they all love new things and create them. I gave many adult and teen art classes, and my November workshop was also successful.

Article about me in women’s life style magazine

We were discussing the magazine article which will be published in Laura’s online site devoted to making lives of women richer and more satisfying. This article will describe my personal and art concepts, I will also share my experience living in Europe and in Canada. It is very important to provide women with their personal space and breathing space because women are frequently the ones who have never a moment specifically for themselves.

Participants of art classes report life improvements

I had extremely talented and diligent students. They created fairly large paintings to decorate their living and dining rooms along with small nature scenes. All participants told they gained a great experience regards painting and especially acrylic painting and also became better people who had no more signs of depression and troubled mind. Some recovered from anxiety. Art classes always work as meditation with color and shape since creativity takes over our mind and cleans it.

Decorate with your own art

We spent approximately 6 hours doing large decorative floral paintings. No doubt, these paintings will make every space look more attractive and inviting.

Art workshops: one time painting events

I am running workshops once or twice a month. This time, we decided to paint winter landscape, and we think the flower painting would be a great subject for the next workshop. Workshop takes 2 hours in average, and we got done the entire painting during these hours. I’m providing with template to speed up the drawing and planning part. We have more time for application of paint when using a template.

Age doesn’t matter

We had one younger participant, but she left a bit earlier because she already had done two winter and spruce tree paintings with watercolor. Watercolor is a faster medium, especially when painting winter and snow, many areas can be left white. Winter creek is a fantastic subject for any beginning artist.

Please, join us for live art classes and workshops: Sign up here

Moving to a new studio space: Moving to a new art studio

How to become an artist: 5 stages you can count on

Studio and art gallery: Art for sale

Finally, you can stay in touch easily, finding my studio on Facebook: Inese Poga’s art studio

Fall Art Festival at Camp Samac: Friday

Camp Samac art show

I always plan ahead, but I often find myself balancing on knife-edge to meet all deadlines and to make all things happen. Generally speaking, I cannot avoid some rush with whatever I’m trying to do. Getting ready for art shows always involves some frantic adding of last brush strokes to earlier created paintings, a sudden new painting idea just the night before the show; and, yes, that’s me typing the art sales sheets and printing labels just half an hour before I leave to set up the show. This time, Fall Art Festival at Camp Samac.

Setting up show space

This is such a happy moment when the provided space is set up. It seems like nothing to it, and I really have to wonder, how could it take so incredibly much time and efforts? I decided to paint mostly trees this year, and when I stopped by, I found out that 3 paintings were already sold. Great news.

Sold tree paintings

Why trees? I find them extremely human, having so much of character which people are often lacking. I don’t think there can be ever painted too many trees or flowers, these silent guards of our living space.

Lovely white birch and maples

Birches are stubbornly maintaining their white coats regardless of seasons. It’s not surprising they have found reflection in so many poems, paintings and stories. How to stay white is the lesson they teach. We can respect maples for knowing how to lose their beauty in such a gracious and marvelous way, there are no regrets, just sadness for rapidly disappearing magnificence.

Sold today

Maple road, sold

This maple road painting was done in my rich acrylic texture technique. Paintings of this type change colors as the surrounding light does, and depending on the viewing angle, foliage feels almost touchable at some moments. This painting was also sold straight after I put it out. These paintings exist only as single originals since no prints or similar reproductions can be made, and that’s what I like about them.