How to use sketching and drawing to improve our brain fitness
Manually created sketches and drawings can really help. I will try to explain how and why we should use this approach to improve the brain fitness and cognitive abilities.
Manual sketching, drawing or painting when done from real scenes and subjects use our brain efficiently, create new neurons and signal pathways since these activities are challenging, interesting, new every time, rewarding and pleasurable. When done in a group, it also gives one chance to communicate, learn new skills and achieve real meditative state of mind which in turn relaxes and calms.
I am somebody who always reminds: use your brain, keep it flexible, well-functioning and young. Therefore, I am always inviting people to join our drawing, sketching and pen and watercolor classes. There is nothing to lose, plenty to gain.
Artificial intelligence and human brain capacity
The artificial intelligence progresses very fast. It feels there is some new gadget, device or app every day. Artificial intelligence is supposed to make our life easier and more comfortable. We are required to memorize less, to decide less, to search our personal brain storage less because everything is on the internet. We do not have any need to remember or write down things that are important, and we are actually losing the specific ability and muscle groups to use our hand for manual writing or drawing. Fine and extremely accurate movements still matter, so does our ability to perform them. However, the performance of our brain is the factor that matters most.
What happens to our own intelligence?
As somebody who works with people and teaches, I can see that the human intelligence suffers actually a lot. Just in the last 5 years while everybody has been actively using mobile devices, I have noticed significant decrease in attention span, focusing ability, memory and ability to make decisions. All these features are significant brain and cognitive function markers. It feels that AI has a huge boost, but the human intelligence cannot keep up with it. People are getting forgetful, losing focus and their decision-making skills.
Manual drawing and sketching as prevention of memory loss
One of things we still can do, do easily and everywhere is drawing and painting manually by using our own visual perception. We should try no to depend on any devices while engaging in this activity. That is recognized as one of the best ways of keeping our brain sharp and flexible and cognitive function well performing.
Potential benefits
One to two times a week drawing outdoors is beneficial in all possible ways. Who knows that better than me? Time flies and I have created something to show for while being outside and enjoying nature. Small backyard birds are also an excellent subject: lovely, friendly and always around. It might be not that easy to always catch the right view of a bird, but still, – nobody is going to judge. If it comes out great, share it, if it requires more practicing, keep it as a learning experience. And enjoy your memory boost!
It is not that everybody is going to get involved in serious and time-consuming research or high difficulty grade studies which certainly are memory boost, brain flexibility and power. Language learning is a fantastic way of making brain younger again, but it is a very lengthy process before one can really see good results. I know that, too, because I speak at a native level 4 languages. Each one requires a lot of additional work and studies. That is a life-long process.
Overcoming fear of getting involved with a new activity
Much faster and simpler, as well as much easier memory boost is drawing and sketching. Some people start keeping an art journal if they prefer small forms, and that is such an adventure on its own. That, too, will be your memory boost.
Some people worry that they need to do a lot of preparation work before they engage in either drawing or sketching. That is not true. One has to start somewhere, and that is an excellent starting point – from zero. It means actually that there is a whole lot to explore, find out and enjoy. The only thing one should be not hoping for is to become a master within a few hours or days. Years might sound just about right, but who says one has to be a master or professional in order to draw, sketch and paint? I know fellow bloggers who do it for their own pleasure or to have good time.
Some of my pen and watercolor paintings that deal with perspective lines and involve man-made structures

Buildings make a superb subject!

We start with drawing, and I intend to publish guiding materials for drawing and sketching.

Here: making the drawing more visible with washes

This pen and watercolor painting is ready!

The pencil helplines are erased, but using them makes creation of black pen drawing easy.

More watercolor washes, here and there, and the painting is ready

My advice is: just do it! Along with creating art, it will serve as memory boost. After a while, you might have a new attitude towards many things, as well as see how well this is working for you. Good luck!
Link to drawing: Engage in drawing and watercolor
Link to art classes: Application for art classes
“Artificial intelligence is supposed to make our life easier and more comfortable.” Ironically, however, we seem to lead ever more disjointed lives. I love too how sketching allows for more intense observation and a laser focus on details one might otherwise miss. It is as wonderful as learning a new language in exercising the brain muscles.
Thanks so much! It definitely is. I would personally advise sketching and drawing to everybody, even those who thought they’d never do art.
Beautiful pictures!
Praying you are doing well.
<3 <3
Thanks! We are running around and looking for a new place. The landlord is selling all properties to developer, so, we have to move, too. It isn’t easy to find a good place because Canadian rental prices are very high. 2500 a month and more for what I would need. Surgery coming up, too. Lots of uncertainties.
I’m so sorry, Inese!
I will continue to pray for you!
Thanks Robbie! However, things that do not depend on us, simply do not. It’s unfortunate that my plans went down the pipe, but there is nothing much I can do about it except get ready for surgery and look for a new place. The biggest issue is affordability. Eventually, everything comes down to money.
I know what you mean, Inese! Prices are skyrocketing everywhere, with housing being out of reach in some cases!!
Exactly, and I have been working with abnormal losses for all 8 years while I have been here. I am trying to make more money with medical writing, but that’s not enough at all. I do need sales, just not getting them with all this stuff, and after May 23 there won’t be anything happening for a while again. The only problem I have is money. That is stopping me from doing so many things, like even painting what I want because I cannot frame these works right away, so, there is not point in doing that because they will get damaged without a frame. Absurd.
I’m so sorry. I know it must be very frustrating for you.
I will continue to pray!
It’s simply disappointing. I have been working extremely hard all my life, and I cannot afford absolutely nothing at the age of 60. I’m still working a lot. I damaged my eyes typing 100 page highly complex medical texts in 4 days, I have cramps in wrists from holding the brush and sometimes even pen or pencil, yet, this hasn’t resulted in anything so far. I do realize that moving across the ocean when I was already 46 was risky. I did not imagine that it is extremely tough to make some income here. With all the Master’s degrees and huge insight I have in lots of things, I’m still getting nowhere. I used to sew a lot, I don’t have a count of wedding dresses, jackets, coats and suits I have sewn back there in Latvia. Numerous. I would design them and people were really happy with that. I used to publish quite a lot of my poetry. In Latvian, obviously, since that is my native language. While I am good in English, it does not compare to richness of language tools one has in a native language. Finally, I was teaching at colleges and high schools for 15 years. I cannot do that here also because of papers. To get the clearance for similar work is extremely expensive. I don’t know, maybe I am in a wrong place at a wrong time. That could be true. While I quite like living in Canada, I find the living costs absurdly high here. You can add at least 1/3 for everything to what it is in the States. We traveled quite a lot up to 2013. It was fun, and the American prices seemed to be very attractive. Inflation is everywhere, but I do not think any other place gets such a bad quality stuff for such an abnormally high price.
Oh, Inese, I am sorry. It must be so disheartening for you to have learned, taught and done all you have, and then have no way to provide as you would like.
My husband and I have been facing more and more challenges monetarily, too as we get older. I think one problem is that more and more countries are not respecting older generations like thay used to so things become way more difficult.
I hope you get to feeling better soon.
I am feeling fine. It is simply scary to think about the next month and the next year. I really wanted to see my mom after I am done with the surgery. It is the terrible uncertainty when nothing is known. Not the date, not where to move, not what else I am gong to do. I cannot buy the flight ticket either. So many unknown things.
Having little money at old age isn’t great, however, having a place to live is a must. Once one has that, everything else should be fine. Well, health, that requires attention. I don’t know what to do. I really do not. If it wasn’t for moving, I’d be planting. What is the point now? I would love to win some 10 million soon, so, that I can finally relax of everything. Well, I’m not buying lottery tickets because they aren’t cheap, too.
I am glad you are doing well. I can imagine that it is and would be scary!
Having a place to live is very important, I pray you find (or have found) somewhere affordable and comfortable, too!
I know what you mean about the lottery tickets, it is tempting sometimes, though!
Thanks! I will have a place. I need something that is suitable to display art also.
Other than that, I’m getting ready for the next Wednesday.
I think I should buy one ticket this Thursday.
I’m glad you are feeling optimistic!
Maybe you should buy a ticket, LOL!
Thanks! I am actually scared and I am afraid of anxiety attacks. The first time in 2016 it was really bad. I hope to suppress it somehow this time.
We are looking for places, so far we have seen 1 more or less suitable place. I feel really sorry that they will take down the beautiful trees, demolish the 3 buildings and place a big box instead. There are so many plants: lilac is about to blossom, lily of the valley, paper-whites, irises, peonies, wild apple tree that is in bloom and looks like a pink cloud, some other blossoming shrubs and trees for which I do not have a name; you know it was such a miracle to be downtown and at the same time feel as if in a park or forest. It is rare when you can see such an insanely huge lot with all kinds of old trees. The building itself was more than 150 years old and not that convenient. It sure made a nice art gallery. That is the part that is tough to get over.
Oh, Inese, anxiety attacks are horrible. I pray you will have peace and comfort so you don’t have an attack, I know they are very scary.
I am sad, like you, that they are tearing down the beautiful place you describe. We have had a lot of old buildings and land not far from us torn and cut down, it is so very sad. I bet it provided you with a beautiful art gallery.
I hope the place you find makes you happy, too.
Yes, they are horrible. The one last time did not allow the surgeon to start. I am trying to stay calm, but that usually lasts until the procedure starts. I am type I diabetic, so, I am always also afraid of blood glucose level drops. That has happened before.
The first days are not that great, I hope to be over that soon.
The next place won’t have a gallery. I am not sure whether I can give classes. I simply cannot afford a commercially zoned place any more, prices are absurdly high. It’s not that my art makes enough money for living or paying rent, it’s just minor expense coverage, like for art supplies, sometimes medications. That other place would requite to make 100K a year. I find that way too high. Plus, the place wasn’t even large or very clean, but location was good.
I have no idea what is going to happen or be. It is very confusing and very frustrating at the moment.
I have seen no online art sales for about 2 years, I do not know if that is possible. The truth is that nothing looks like in reality on a photo, the size matters a lot and online everything looks the same size.
Too bad I didn’t manage much while I was here.
I just found this comment.
I am sorry things are so difficult for you currently.
Wow, 100K a year does sound high!
I know what you mean about photos, things don’t have perspective, so it is hard to tell sizes.
Prayers and blessings~
Thanks Robby! Well, I am trying to get back to normal. I will need to publish some new materials, so much behind everything.
Inese, I hope you are able to get caught up soon. I’m so far behind, I just gave up and am just doing what I can as I can.
I hope so, too. Basically, I also have to start packing. I am trying to sell some art to cover the plain ticket. Isn’t it hilarious that I would need to sell minimum 10 large paintings to buy 1 plane ticket? I do not really care at this point because all my surgeries are holding me back. It is tricky: to recover, to move and I need to see my mom in Latvia, she is 87. That is something I simply have to do. People think I am going on a vacation, but usually that is more work. I would meet also my daughter, she is getting close to 40 now. Oh well, we do not get younger. I am glad, I do not look my age at least. Nobody sees the pain, right? I need to start doing something. I wish I had some energy right now. We have a heat wave. That took out 3 days. This place does not have central air. At some point, it is good to move. Squirrels also are destroying the small bit I planted before the surgery. Nasty tiny creatures! I like them, I feed them, too, but they still manage to cause some damage.
Anyway, I do just like you what I can, the rest will have to wait. I will post on Facebook probably that moving sale goes on.
Oh, I don’t like packing! I hope it goes well.
Wow, 10 paintings for 1 ticket!! The price of things is out of control anymore!
How wonderful for you that you can see your mom! Mine passed away almost 10 years ago, and even though our relationship wasn’t the best (she was extremely abusive when I was a child), I still miss her and my dad.
I bet the heat wave was difficult with all you have going on.
Squirrels can be very cute and very irritating, too!
Do the best you can, rest frequently. You have to take care of yourself.
I hope everything falls into place for you soon. Enjoy your visits! 🙂
Prices do not compare for work that goes into something or its value.
I am quite ok, just painful.
I’m also a bit worried if it looks like it is healing.
Inese, that is so true!
Sorry, it’s painful.
Well, just moving on!
Inese, I wrote you a long answer and then accidentally deleted it, I guess, so this one is much shorter!
I’m sorry prices are so high, it seems everything is way overpriced anymore.
I am glad you will get to see your mom and your daughter. I know what you mean about more work!
I can imagine a heat wave without central air would wear you out.
Inese, just do what you can and take rest breaks, your health is the most important thing.
Thanks! I couldn’t do too much even if I wanted. Just lifting the leg while typing, but it still hurts a lot. Well, I am trying to organize and boost the sale.
I am sorry, I did not respond timely. It is the first day I really posted something, but I won’t be able to like back nothing because otherwise it becomes intolerable. Small steps, one at a time.
Inese, don’t worry if you can’t respond. I understand completely. I’ve had enough major surgeries to know even as you are healing and look fine, you can still be in lots of pain. Just rest and get well. Baby steps are the most important thing right now, not trying to do everything.
I am taking things easy. However, I posted some stuff on Facebook yesterday and also on this website and lifeschool blog. I cannot disappear completely since I need to make some more sales happen before I shut this gallery and studio down. Finding a new place is a whole new story. Unfortunately, everything happens at the same time, and I have to deal with that. I believe it is better this time.
That’s great!
Sorry, it all happens at once. Rest as much as you can! <3
You are welcome!
You’re so creative. Keep the good work.
Thanks! I certainly will as soon as everything is more or less straighten out, especially I will need to spend a lot of time finding a new place and setting it up. Starting all over again.
Yes, electronics is making everything so much easier but making us less useful. We want things done instantly without much effort from us.
Yes, we pay the price for comfort and everything readily available by becoming not that efficient. I would say attention span, focus and memory have really suffered. It comes from no need to remember nothing and, therefore, less attention is paid to anything. I have noticed that when I send an e-mail, most people read just a few first words or the first line. We are also reminded to make very short blog posts because nobody reads them. I appreciate there are people who do read posts and articles. For instance, you! Thanks for that!
I really like your drawings; you are really good.
Thanks a lot! I love drawing and painting, and I have been doing this for a long time.
It’s so true.. all these electronic devices even inhibits communicating ‘in person’ to people…. I still have to do some sketching outside… I’ll make sure this summer to somehow take time to do it… Diane
Definitely, it’s so much worth it! When I compare anything that was done from real things or outdoors, these are much better paintings and sketches than any which were done from photos. There is so much more life in them, the live natural component.