Moving, starting fresh and being happy with my art

When I look at my art as if from a distance before moving it, I can see that I have reached a place in art where I want to be. Every painting is a story. Every piece of art offers something beyond the directly visible lines and brushstrokes. I am at the point now when I can agree that my art has become impressive and interesting, worth looking at, worth experiencing and loving.

I had huge intentions for this summer. Then I received the news that I have to move. That was a very sudden and unexpected notice.

The best part of summer flew by unnoticed. It was a lot of paperwork and endless packing and sorting things.

I was so much looking forward to posting watercolor art (which I have in abundance) during the world watercolor month. Unfortunately, it didn’t happen. One person can only do that much. Packing took me 3 weeks every single day so far. It is the last day of packing, and we move tomorrow.

It felt somewhat sad to take off paintings from all walls, and there were so many walls. I discovered that many paintings on a wall make the room look much bigger. Once I took off art, it felt the room shrank in size. Interesting. When we see regular residential houses, there are just 1 or 2 paintings on a wall. Why so few? There is no excuse for that.  Art ads huge flavor to any room. Many paintings make any particular room look much larger and create big impact. I’d say the strongest impact. Fake leather sofas do not come close to that.

It does not feel sad leaving this neighborhood. I have spent more than 8 years here, and I do not feel I am going to miss this place. This location seemed to be perfect at first, but it turned out to be not that great. Most people in residential  medium class areas are not much interested in arts, simply this part of town was somewhat unsuitable for an art gallery or art school. Most people who attended my art classes or bought my art found me on the internet, so, it is worth to continue pursuing this avenue.

Schedule for fall art classes is published and registration is open.

Art classes

The new location is South Ajax. I believe the location is great. I will be next door to Southwood Park Public School. That might be a disaster or a plus.

I am turning 60 this weekend. It’s not a big deal, I would say. I haven’t changed my size since I was 21, I still look fine and younger tan the age number suggests, and there are no huge health concerns or problems. The only problem is getting my products out there, but I’m managing it to some extent.

What else can I say?

As soon as I publish this article and a short post on my lifeschool blog, I will turn off my computer, and I am not sure when we will have internet in the new place. After a few days, I am flying over to Latvia to meet my family and friends. I will be there for a while. Therefore, do not be angry if I cannot check all comments and return likes. I will deal with that maybe in Latvia if I get some time or after I return home in September.

I recorded a few small videos in rush just to remember how great everything looked at my gallery.

I also received numerous great comments in Facebook groups, and one man said he believes he had never seen better art. That was great.

See you when I am done with messes of moving and have started enjoying the new beginning!

32 Replies to “Moving, starting fresh and being happy with my art”

    1. Thanks! I moved and left a complete mess at home, and apart from the airline losing my luggage I arrived safely, just with huge delays.

  1. Well you won’t read this for awhile… I so hope this move brings more options for you… so that many more people will be able to see your art. And I also hope this year finds you in better health. You surely have had your challenges this last couple of years.
    Anyway take care Inese ! Diane

    1. Thanks Diane! The move wasn’t good to be honest, I just left everything as is. Since I could not find what I needed for the trip, I just packed whatever and they managed to lose the luggage. I got it after 4 days wearing exactly the same what on plane. It was very nerve-wracking. Finally we got the luggage, and yes, I can see I am missing a lot of things, but bought some.

  2. Happy belated birthday Inese! It must be so strange to see all of your creativity stacked up in piles, ready to be moved. Enjoy your new space and your time in Latvia.

    1. Thanks! Well, there was no time to celebrate this year, I hardly made it to the airport. There were huge delays in Europe, very unpleasant sitting already on the plane and then the flight was delayed one more time, so, I arrived 7 hours later than they expected me and they had lost my luggage, so, it took 4 days to get to the point where I got it. I think this was the most nightmarish trip I ever had. the continuation will be probably better, but I never expected this to be in such a bad way. I already lost hope seeing my big red bag again.

    2. Well, I just arrived, so I do not want to think yet about traveling again, but, nevertheless, in a few weeks I will fly back. I will pack bags differently now because I could not imagine how difficult it is to live without the most necessary things for quite a while. I need a lot of medical supplies that’s why I had not much in my carry-on bag.
      Maybe that was related to one company being on a strike, but it was a chaos at a few airports. It was quite a nice trip usually, these huge delays and problems with luggage were totally unexpected.
      I am still recovering from jet lag, not feeling my best. I wish I had heard from back home in Canada, but I have no messages. It wasn’t a good time to take this long trip, but once again, the necessity to move was absolutely unexpected and sudden and I had already booked this trip. I was considering just skipping it, but since I do not have trip cancellation insurance that would mean simply losing everything for nothing.
      I need to update website and lots of other things, but I have no energy at the moment.
      Thanks for comments! I did not get back to nobody this time because everything was simply avalanching over my head, I will have to follow up on many things.

    1. Thanks Robby! I finally got to read my e-mails and check the blogs. You can read the other comments. It was a nightmare with lots of long delays and lost luggage. I will definitely put in more things in my carry-on bag this time because it was very difficult to wait for 4 days to have at least some very needed items. It’s needless to say I was very nervous all the time. I am starting to calm down, but I had a real panic attack last night, I never had them before. It seems it was way too much for me altogether. I am not worried about being 60, and I do not think it changes anything. I intend to write a post on my lifeschool blog about how one can go through hell within 2 months and recover from it. I think not having chance to draw or paint does not allow me to recover faster. Ok, I should do a lot of things, just getting over jet lag still.

    2. I am so sorry you had such a nightmarish journey!
      Panic attacks are very, very scary-especially the first time.
      Writing about your experiences might help someone, and will probably help you a lot, too.
      I hope things are much calmer for you now.
      I know art, and other creative endeavors, can be very therapeutic.
      Don’t work too hard!

    3. Thanks! Things are much calmer. It was very frustrating to guess whether I will see my bag again or not. I mean, one dreams changing from the flight outfit into something comfortable, also, I did not have much onboard, so, I had to live without any basics for 4 days. I have learned now that it makes sense to take into carry-on baggage as much as possible, just in case.
      Well, the move was really bad, the helpers disappointed me totally, I did not know what to think seeing the huge pile of mess. My heart was breaking taking off the art gallery, and it broke again seeing that everything which I labelled made no sense because these people were unprofessional, without any knowledge of moving. I did not choose them, husband did and then fired one 20 minutes later. Dear Robby, I do not have an idea when this all will be straightened out.
      I am very confused at the moment. I will take a herbal antistress pill and try sleeping. Jet lag and all worries, I hope regaining some energy. The sooner, the better. I wished to do so much, and I cannot even move a hand or leg from tiredness at the moment. Ok, I hope I feel better when the jet lag is over, and I would love to have good news, for a change.

    4. Oh, Inese my heart hurts for you. I am so sorry!
      I know from personal experience how frustrating and tiring a move can be, then to add the stress of incompetent movers…well, I know that feeling, too and it is not good!
      I am glad your bags were found, though I am sure not having essentials was very annoying!
      I’m am sorry about your studio and your art! So many stress facors for you right now! I hope the pill and rest help you tremendously.
      Blessings to you, my friend~

    5. Thanks Robby! I am ok, I always am whatever happens. It has been a really difficult time. I think sensitive people experience mess in a deeper way than they should, and I am naturally extra organized perfectionist.
      I could sleep in a more normal manner without getting up in the middle of night and sleeping through the day. I believe the day/night rhythm has started to stabilize, yet my glucose and insulin interaction was badly affected since that happened based on the 7 hours earlier time zone pattern.
      I am concerned about my mom right now, it’s not really that I arrived to enjoy the nature, I have to find some long-term solutions for her since she is 88 this fall. I do not know what doctors think about here, I am genuinely angry. I will try to see mom’s doctor to discuss how came to so much drugging her. I think it isn’t good to know so much about medicine and drugs and the way they affect people, it would be easier to just be dumb in that regard. It isn’t simple or easy, some things become very dangerous at old age. I will see how it goes.
      I need to update everything, I already updated Google My business, just need to wait to verify the business address, so that I keep being on Google maps.
      I still wish I had more energy. It hopefully returns when everything is settled (which is impossible).

    6. I am glad to here you are doing relatively well.
      I know what you mean about your mom. I had that happen with my Dad, they put him on so many medicines! If he took all they prescribed it would have cost over 10,000 dollars, ten thousand!! Who can afford to pay that much. Then the Dr tries to make you feel guilty when you can’t afford it and tell you that you HAVE to take it.
      I hope updating and all is going well.
      Hopefully your sleep patterns have finally stablized enough that your insulin is straightened out by now.

    7. Thanks!
      I am definitely out of jet lag which is fantastic.
      It took me 11 days to normalize the blood glucose levels since it was acting in accordance with Canadian day and night time, it really took a while. It usually goes a bit faster once I return home to Canada.
      I am treating mom myself, I believe condition has improved because I am way more sensitive doctor than just somebody who has a quick look and prescribes something which she does not even need. I had to put her on mild antibiotics because there were leg issues.
      Other than that, I need to make some cash, problems with luggage caused me to spend whatever I had with me.
      Too bad people who owed me some money did not think 40 days after invoice is long time enough.
      I have to set up everything for the new season of classes because otherwise it will be too late, I hope I can quickly publish something.
      I am also waiting for Google verification code so that my studio returns onto Google maps.
      I would say I am just sitting at home here in this tiny town. I walked to the store today, it isn’t easy, about 3 km each direction, but with product bags it is tough. My leg feels it, but it looks it will stay in a good condition.
      I wish I could get to painting or drawing something, but I did not manage it yet. Unbelievable, I have been here for 2 weeks already. It is not a pleasure trip, unfortunately, and I have to deal with just daily chores like cooking, washing dishes, cleaning and treating mom. I don’t have friends left in this town, it would be nice to at least talk to somebody or so.

    8. WOW, 11 days!
      I’m glad you are able to help your mom. It seems like no one has the respect for older people that they once had.
      I have never understood why people drag their feet when they receive an invoice. I hated that when I was working a bookkeeping job!
      Sorry your leg bothered you, sounds like you had a bit of a hike. Hopefully, your leg will feel better soon.
      So you are working at housekeeping, never much fun!
      Perhaps you’ll make a friend or an acquaintance soon.

    9. It seems my mom will be better. My grandson was with her during the entire summer vacation. Everybody is wondering now who is going to stay with her once I leave which is pretty soon.
      Days just disappear. I am a bit sorry that I am so tired that I have no chance to do any drawing or painting. It takes me about 2 hours to walk to the store and back. Then laundry, cooking, washing dishes, changing mom’s dressing, making sure she takes medications. I have to water the garden also, but we have all kinds of vegetables, apples, pears and berries.
      It happens sometimes that I struggle to get the ticket (Visa told it will take me 38 years to pay back using minimum payments, isn’t that a rip-off?), but I do not get to see anything in Latvia, not even the seaside or Riga where my daughter lives. We got to pick mushrooms last year, but it is way too dry and hot this year.
      I hoped to stop by in some old, ancient small town to sketch or paint something, it seems that won’t happen this year. Well, I cannot start feeling sorry for myself, it is what it is and mom is old and she needs help. I am worried who will stay with her later, it is totally impossible to find here somebody who would do that.
      I was reading at night and that was pretty much my best entertainment.

    10. I’m glad your mom is doing better. It’s nice your son was able to spend time with her. I’m sorry it is difficult to find someone to stay with her, or check on her.
      Wow, it sounds like you have a wonderful garden there. My mom and dad had a wonderful garden and lots of fruit tress when they were living. In addition to obviously missing them, I have missed that now that they have both passed away.
      I agree, credit cards are a HUGE rip-off. I am sorry you can’t go anywhere, even to see your daughter. Hopefully, things will get better soon!
      I think reading is some of the best entertainment there is available. We got rid of TV years and years ago-haven’t missed it at all, except for the occasional news but I get that on the computer.
      Enjoy your time left!

    11. Thanks! My so-called vacation is ending soon. Isn’t that funny I wanted to only paint and sketch, but I have been doing shopping, laundry, dishes, cleaning and cooking? I wanted a break from all chores, but probably did not wish too hard.
      I think I will leave the blank papers here since they are heavy.
      The weather is getting colder; unfortunately, I have no idea how to heat the place. I used wood to make some hot water, actually only twice during 3 weeks because it was really difficult. They do not have hot water here and some other things are quite tricky, too.
      September 1st is the first school day in Latvia. I used to work in high schools up to 2002, that was fascinating.
      We also have a complete silence, just some birds singing here and there when the weather is good. Well, I think it is time to go home and work there because the amount of work I have to do is huge. I did not straighten out the place yet, I just got on plane and left.
      I have only a daughter and 2 grandsons. One is 20 and the other is 16.
      I am not sure how I imagined my stay, more interesting, I’ d say. I hope I can at least stop by at the art store in the capital city before I fly back to Canada.

  3. Sorry to hear about your mishaps, of moving, and on your trip, but the good thing it’s you are home enjoying your loved ones, and your home country.

    Awesome videos of your art. 🙂

    1. Thanks! I think I got a bit too much on my plate. I have no idea how everything looks at home, probably the same mess since I had to leave in a hurry. I could not find some things I needed, and then they lost whatever I had. Thankfully, after 4 days or a bit longer, I finally got to my clothes and other items I desperately needed.
      I believe the jet lag is over, I do not wake up at 3 am and I do not go to sleep at 8 in the morning, so, everything has normalized. I am staying with my mom, I haven’t been anywhere yet, and most likely, I won’t be going anywhere much. I have to take good care of her because her health is kind of shaky. Therefore, I’m doctor again, treating her leg which does not look good, cooking, cleaning, that sort of thing. I have not gotten to even take out my watercolor paper yet, but I will make time for that maybe next week when I have done all laundry and I also need a lot of supplies. It is extremely quiet here, tiny town, just sleeping, eating and not much more. Food is very good in Latvia, just outstanding compared to Canada. Too bad the store is far and I cannot take that far walk every day. Everything is also very expensive. The weather is brilliant, so, sitting in the garden here and there.

    2. Well, the good thing you are there, with your Mom, and taking care of her, naturally will take some time for you too be able to paint, but you can use your camera, and later on work on painting helped by whatever you see inspiring ( I ignore what method you follow to paint, each person has his/her ways) but I am sure you will find your stride.

      In the meantime enjoy all the good things Latvia has to offer you, and have a great time, fill to the brim, and soak yourself with the home country experience, so you will be energized later with good memories.

      Best wishes. 🙂

    3. Thanks! I usually paint from real things, not photos. I know it doesn’t always look like that, but that is my strength as opposed to North American artists who need a photo. I really prefer whenever possible the real thing to photo.
      It is boring because she sleeps a lot, but you are right, enjoy the silence and nature and the good food.

  4. I send you a comment, but do not know if it got lost, basically told you to take it easy, and enjoy your stay there, to the fullest, so you would have nice memories that would last you until the next trip.

    Best wishes. 🙂

    1. Thanks! I receive everything, it is just so that I cannot reply and like back, etc. everything. It’s not at all like sitting at a computer at home. I rarely look at it when I am not dead tired (for the most part I am), and if I have energy enough I respond. I will catch up with everything. Thanks for standing by my side and helping with encouragement! So far I have noticed about 8 good friends who did not forget what the situation is and who still are here with support! I definitely appreciate that, I just do not feel like I am able to follow up on everything right now.

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