Mother’s Day flowers, great art for this special day
It doesn’t feel like it in Ontario, but it’s Mother’s Day. We have February weather, but we are keeping our hearts warm and we celebrate Mother’s Day. I do not celebrate in particular, however, my daughter sent me be-well-have-a-happy-Mother’s-Day card early in the morning. We have to admit, whatever the situation, our mother always deserves the best, respect, love and recognition. I assume it’s a fantastic occasion to post great floral art.
Late with posting, happy with outcome
I am a bit late with publishing the brand-new floral paintings because they certainly suit the occasion and the purpose. I might sell them next year or next season. I am happy how these paintings came out. I love white color and strong contrast, too. Floral paintings allow implementing exactly that, especially when painting white flowers.

Mothers love floral art
If my mom were still around, she’d definitely love these paintings. I do know that acrylic paint isn’t oil paint, and every step which takes a few minutes in oils, can take hours painting with acrylic. Daffodil charm painting took 4 full workdays and the White magnolia elegance took almost 3 full days. That is because of layers and need to allow painting to dry naturally between layers.
Enjoy, paint your own or purchase
I noticed that my paintings work really well together. It’s almost as if any painting goes with any other painting. That refers to many years ago painted art and the new art which was painted just recently. I have step-by-step images for daffodils and magnolia. I intend to post them later on project’s page which is in progress. Please, let me know, if you would be interested.
Enjoy and purchase if you love flower paintings.
Shop original acrylic paintings
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Please, observe copyright and do not pin any of my images.
A wonderful collection – spring, Mother’s Day, everyday – you give beauty to our world.
Thanks very much!
I am happy how the daffodils and magnolia came out.
I was just thing about all this: blogging, posting, etc. I’ve had this blog since 2011, website since 2015, and basically it’s not much what I have achieved. I will definitely need way more representation.
Space is decreasing, number of paintings increasing. I will have to do something about that.
I really appreciate your nice comment.
There are many voices out in the “blogosphere” and it seems that there is a lot of noise. You provide a sense of calm, or respite. But one thing I know – even with your busy schedule, you have achieved much.
Thanks very much, I’m happy to hear that. I just need to put myself out more, realistically, it’s just very few sites where my art is presented.
It is great you find this art calming. I would so much love it were possibly for people to see this art in reality.
When light is better, i will make some videos. I cannot include the entire process since it takes at least a week, but some part.
Looking forward to every one of posts! Great idea on the videos!
I’ve had this idea for a very long time. I have posted a few watercolor time lapse videos on some posts already. However, I do not have sufficient light equipment, and that makes my videos look not professional. Secondly, it’s only me, there is nobody to ask to video record something with me in view. Thirdly, I’m short of art supplies. The long time with zero income from art (some 3 months now) and lockdown have taken their toll. Paints simply end and the waiting for online deliveries is extremely long.
The major issue might be my style because my normal paintings take at least a week, painting every day for about 6 hours.
Why I am justifying not doing the online classes, etc.? I don’t like them. I like live art classes when I can see clearly what students are doing. You cannot see that in a video: how much water they add, how they pick up paint, how they blend it, numerous things. Brushstroke is a very important thing and beginners just don’t have that, it takes physically teach one’s hand to move.
I suppose, I haven’t done this too much so far is that I simply don’t like. I will have to teach myself to like it more, but it’s difficult. Reality shows there are very tiny results from online learning.
You have a very thoughtful perspective. We have entered a different world now and must somehow bring forward what we know from the past into this transition. We are just at the beginning of this story. I believe that we must listen to our intuition and respond in the context of our personal value systems. As humans, we need to have connection. Technology helps but it does not replace “in person” instruction and communication. Take care – I enjoy our conversations.
Thank you very much. That’s exactly which has to be noted: technology helps, but does not replace human touch ever.
That is so true in any regard.
I do adore young people, who just put out any work whether good or bad. The high standards I’m used to and which were always required have died off.
In fact, when you look at YouTube, for instance, it is visible how very mediocre and quite frequently wrong demos have gotten lots of attention. There are also excellent artists, and it is noticeable that they have less followers and less views. I think it’s easy reproducibility and simplicity as opposed to elaborate and effort-consuming which attracts.
Unfortunately, nobody can do things they simply cannot accept.
There are certainly more ways to adapt which I will do as long as I do not have to sacrifice my principles and values.
Happy Mother’s Day, Inese!
Thank you! I didn’t celebrate much, but still connected with daughter and sister across the ocean in Latvia. What else can one wish for? Everybody in good health and good shape.
These paintings are beautiful, Inese . I was interested in what you said about acrylic compared to oil paint . I’ve never used oil and I agree that to achieve subtle effects with acrylic paint it takes time and many layers . I would be interested in your step by step showing of the painting process. I am looking forward to seeing it .
Thank you Margareth! That’s exactly what I wanted to find out. I think many people just click on like under the post, but I am really looking forward to people, who are interested for real. The difference between oil paints and acrylic paints is huge. Oil paints stay blendable and move around for quite a while, up to couple of weeks. Obviously, the painting also takes much longer to dry compared to acrylic paint which can dry instantaneously when its dry and when we have heating indoors.
I would love to use oil paints, I was using them some 30-40 years ago, but I became very allergic to them, and they started to cause all kinds of sensitivity issues from terrible pain to rash,etc. It’s interesting that the only thing I’m allergic to is oil paints. I just feel the smell in distance, and I get nauseated already. I hoped for water-soluble oils, but either the brand I tried was horrible or they just simply don’t live up to expectations, I stopped trying to use them. They didn’t sell in Ontario the better brands, but even the bad ones were very expensive. The painting stayed wet for half year, the working time was not much longer than with acrylic. Paint didn’t appear cleaner or brighter, white was just as dull as with acrylic, so, I just don’t think it is worth the expense.
For some flower paintings, it’s going to be just photos of steps.
I’m still waiting for paints, I’m out of them, I will have to switch to watercolor and drawing for a while.
Belated Mother’s day best wishes.
Unfortunately Sunday it’s the only day I go out of home during these virus days, my son picks me up and then we go relax at a quite place with no people on the outskirts of town, we take lunch with us, and then in the evening we do shop at markets for food stock, for the week, then at home I cook diner for both of us.
Beautiful paintings Inese. 🙂
Thank you very much!
I think it’s great you go out with your son and have lunch outdoors. Sounds very good to me. It’s great to also get everything at the market. Definitely, no need to walk around every day, stocking up is fine.
I’m just here all the time, I do not go out at all, except backyard. I actually haven’t been out for probably 3 or 4 months, might be even 5.
Crazy as it is, I still make it work.
Have a good week!
Well when you are busy time flies away, the days just are gone, since the quarantine, I only go out a day a week, except for visiting friends on Sunday, my life has not changed much, thank you Inese you too have a nice week. 🙂
I agree time flies regardless of what is happening. I think it’s warm where you are. We got extended winter this year, so, no big loss of not going places.
Working is great! Thanks very much.
they are beautiful single or together 🙂 delightful
Thanks very much!
They came out very good. In good light, the white shades play very well.
I’ve run out of paints.
Now, stores are reopening, but I’m still waiting for delivery.
I cannot express how much I dislike the online shopping.
It’s so good we can now just drop in and get whatever we need again. Too bad, money is tied up in that purchase and artist grade paints are really expensive. I will just keep waiting. They described their difficulties before, but I just would like to finally receive these paints.
I was creating kind of series and the continuation would be very suitable.
Oh man! Hope the deliveries arrive soon and that the orders are right – 🌹😊🙏
I hope so, too. I still did not receive my paints, and obviously I cannot paint anything without them. Definitely, never again DeSErres which is a Canadian store.
You paint very beautifully. The details are there and the colors are perfect. its wonderful.
Thank you. These paintings look great, however, the way anything looks on the internet will always depend on device one is using, the settings and display abilities of that device and so forth. My biggest issues has been taking pictures of paintings throughout the years. I current use Iphone 11 Pro Max, and it is better than previous Iphones, yet, the contrast can be very strong and this phone also requires the right light.
Nevertheless, white flowers are definitely a great subject. I am out of white paint currently, thus, cannot use acrylic for a moment.
I agree. Previously I was using Motorola phone which photo quality was not so good. And now I use iPhone x, and after using it I never thought of having an actual camera because the quality is so nice.
I still think Iphone makes painting images too bright and gives them too much contrast, but it’s quick. I’ve been using all Iphones whichever came out, and camera is more hassle and more work, but I have it, too, a good one. Files are very big, and since I have thousands and thousands of them, I agree that using Iphone shortens the image processing time. I just received paints, after 5 weeks. Well, it’s better than never. The weather is too nice today, so, I’m working in the garden all day. I will do some painting when it’s raining or overcast outdoors.
Well, here we can only order essential things online because of corona virus. My white gouache is finished. I also need to order some watercolor paper. I will try ordering them tomorrow. I hope I can.
I hope your deliveries won’t take 5 weeks like mine did. We have actually art stores open since a few days. One wears a mask, gloves and goes shopping. There is specified number of people who enter the store and also physical distancing must be observed. I haven’t gone out anywhere yet. I’m past 60 and I have some things I need to monitor carefully.
Oh of course you have to take care. I hope you and your family are doing fine.
Definitely. Have a good weekend!
Very beautiful painting.
How long did it take to paint?
I’m not sure which painting. Magnolia took about 3 days, daffodils some 10 days because they needed a lot of layers. My paintings usually take a few days at least and sometimes even a few months. For acrylic, it’s important for paint to settle. While wet, even a few layer paintings look good, but once the paint has settled down, the brilliance is gone and, therefore, more layers are required. Nowadays, we can see many unfinished works online and also paintings which clearly lack paint. They are streaky without any distinction in color, that’s too less paint. Even when it is an abstract, decent amount of paint is required or there is no impact whatsoever.