It’s been an excruciating and exhausting stretch of time. These tough 5 weeks also seemed to last forever. I posted the previous article when I had started to pack, that was more than a month ago. My art studio wasn’t doing anything for quite a while. Now, after about 40 days of packing, moving, unpacking and sorting, I can say my art studio has started getting in shape, and I mean by that – in a great shape. Well, not everything has found its place yet, that is certainly a task for a few more months. The positive aspect of all these immense efforts is being able to set up my living and painting space finally.

I didn’t have internet for quite a while and my work station wasn’t set up either. Just yesterday, I got to my most important art supplies. They are lined up now and ready to use. It is painful not to paint for a long time. It really is. I hope picking up my brushes over the weekend already. That brings me to the issue of selling more art, or rather selling any art. I pretty much know where any particular painting is, therefore I will edit the sale pages.

Art classes are about to resume at full pace at my art studio, as well. I would like to keep the ages between 13 and any age adults. The type of instruction I provide with requires some life experience and some knowledge of basic matters. I intend to focus on three main directions in teaching.

The observational and realistic drawing I teach is suitable only for private classes. I’ve written many times how one can learn drawing, and that’s not done by copying or tracing a photo or mimicking a tutorial. Drawing is a very individual skill and it can be developed properly only in individual settings. Private classes can start as soon as April 6.
Acrylic painting can be taught in groups and individually, but it is always best when the potential student has practiced brushing techniques. That’s the most important thing with any painting, but especially acrylic since it dries fast. Small group acrylic painting classes will start I believe on April 20. Initially all classes will be daytime.
Small group watercolor painting classes will start on April 19. Currently, only daytime also. I intend to stick to large size practice paintings, like 18 x 24 in. Using watercolor is amazing. Every wash creates art on its own, however, size really matters. The larger the watercolor application space, the better results can be achieved painting traditionally: leaving white of paper for white and using practically no masking medium. I personally dislike using it and prefer pure watercolor.

If you ever wanted to purchase a painting of mine or art print, now is the right time. As we all know moving is a costly, and the time spent on moving doesn’t involve any business activities or even website updates. Unfortunately, shipping is what Canada Post charges me. Art on paper and 12 x 12 in paintings are not heavy, therefore, the shipping is mostly for size.

I still have lots to do, numerous adjustments and figuring out the best was of making every aspect of art studio easily accessible. Art studio has specific requirements when it comes to space. Thankfully, natural light is very good here, that’s a huge plus, luxury even. My art studio is overloaded with plants at the moment, but many of them go outdoors for spring, summer and fall, and by the next winter, I will know better where and how I can accommodate my plants.
I am so satisfied; the move is over and the worst is past me. Such a relief.
Original watercolor paintings for sale
Shop original acrylic paintings
I hope seeing some of you in my art classes, and I also hope there might be somebody who purchases at least an art print. I’m sorry, I was absent from blogging, but that is changing now. Thanks for reading! Enjoy pics of my not-yet-completely-set-up art studio. You are seeing just one end of it because it’s the mostly organized. Have a blessed spring!
So glad you got moved to your new place; I’m sure it’s a relief to have that part over. Moving is always nerve-racking. The place looks beautiful! Lots of light in the art studio also, which is fabulous. The wood is lovely. Hope you feel better soon – warmer weather is just around the corner!
Thanks very much!
Lots of work still, and I have hard times finding place for two more desks, cannot fit them in yet.
I hope, too, the weather becomes nicer. Today feeling completely sick again. Well, it started with mild issues and became worth over time. When I’m more or less set up here, I will have to see a doctor and do some tests.
I wish things straightened out sooner, it’s been a very long time not painting.
Have a good weekend!
I admire your resilience and efforts to get the new space up and running. Love the new stone fireplace. Best of luck with the new location. Don’t forget to build in some downtime for relaxation.
Thanks Jo-Anne!
Well, there was no other option, but to get this space organized and suitable for studio. I’m still far from done and ready, but it’s coming along.
Downtime I have, some days more than I’d like.
We are not allowed to use the fireplace, they probably haven’t cleaned the chimney. I wish the corporation which owns the place wouldn’t be so abnormally cheap. There’s no air conditioning and all appliances seem to be from junkyard. Dryer doesn’t work at all and within 6 weeks they haven’t replaced it yet. Fridge, stove and washer, all do not work as they should, they are simply outdated and old.
On the positive side, the private park I have now is huge. Old trees create quite a landscape. I can go for a walk just right there, in my own park.
Nobody had bothered with garden before, I’m not sure yet whether I can do something about it. It would require tons of new soil.
The place has character and sort of suits my art well. Paintings look good here, except the wall space could be larger.
It takes time to figure out where I can squeeze in all necessary items.
It’s a relief to have found a place so soon. Work it will take and plenty of it to get this place adjusted for my needs.
Have a good weekend!
What beautiful artwork and studio Inese. It looks like a lovely and peaceful place to create. I am sorry about all the hassles though.
Thanks Cindy!
It is a good place to create and display art.
Hassles are definitely many and they don’t seem to end. All appliances are not working or broken. We will probably buy a new fridge. They replaced the dryer, and it’s old, checked on Facebook Marketplace, they go for 50 bucks, just a bit better. So, the landlord is abnormally cheap and there’s no point to hope that she’s going to do anything.
Other than that, the park is gorgeous and painting space is excellent with great daylight. I will make it work, although it might not be that easy as it seemed.
Love your pictures and how you capture all the globe. Have a good weekend!
Congratulations on your reopen! Wishing you the very best as you tackle all your new challenges.
Thanks very much!
Challenges have no ended yet. It is very difficult to find a suitable place for everything, there’s simply not enough storage space and practically no place for numerous paintings. That is the biggest challenge.
I also need to place some desks and so far I don’t have a good solution for that.
I’m working on everything still, but especially on display.
Have a good week!
Well, Inese, if anything your new place in Pickering Village, looks lovely, and how much your beautiful paintings enhance the place, the pictures on your post are great, enjoy your new home, I know you are thinking about a new garden, I am sure, but take it easy if you can help it, being sick its easy when you are tired, and overworked. Take one thing at a time, and try to have a small rest, before you start a new.
Blessing to you dear Inese! ❤️
Thank you very much!
I still work and unpack and search for something every single day. I need some more shelves, otherwise it doesn’t seem I can arrange supplies so that they are within reach.
The place looks nice, but how neglected and unattended it has been! We will need way more adjustments.
I was thinking about planting something. The problem I have: there isn’t any soil. I have a big park, all to myself, in the middle of town, but it is like forest soil. I would need a few big truckloads of soil to do anything. Like you are saying, I probably won’t go overboard this year. I damaged myself with carrying heavy items and hauling big boxes, and that will require repair.
I might just take your advise and go extra slowly with the garden idea.
The current closest goal is to put up art for sale and possibly get a few students. Or get to painting which I haven’t managed yet.
Thank you very much for the fantastic comment! I was just so drained sitting around, couldn’t even move, and then I read this comment and immediately felt better.
I hope things at your end are good or at least good enough. Pleasure to hear from you! All the best!
Well, unfortunately getting to be too old, to be carrying, and arrange boxes full of heavy books, can cause lower back pain, as a part of a title to my latest post, so of lately I have the project of searching a box of books at a time, per day, to save myself from injury, but the problem has no easy solution, since most of the boxes contain a variety of books chosen for their size, and not for their content, and as you know, books come on many sizes, and different themes, and that’s the main problem, how to organize them on a coherent form, and by subject, with easy access, easier to say, than to be done, with so many uneven books, by size, weight, and subjects, with no help, but my own, just few words, a hard task, and physically exhausting, for my age..!😫
Well, truck loading back there and unloading here was done by people who can do that. I cannot and I didn’t try.
My books are all because of content. I also gave away about 100 or a bit more because I got tired packing them, and I only kept books which I intend to read possibly once or twice more. I have all my books organized by author and theme, so they are also 3 sizes: paperback, medium and large.
Books were this time the least of my trouble. Paintings and art supplies are more difficult, plants and clothes, too. When you have very many, they are a problem.
Moving in winter when there’s snow, snowstorm and sleet is tough. The amount of mud indoors was just horrible, and salt, too.
In my opinion, moving is always a horrible thing, and I have never had smart people to help. Never. I have people who pack up old fliers and junk mail or wrap in ten layers metal frying pan.
I won’t even try next time. Back pain is not my problem, but I have others.
Bottom line moving it’s a big nuisance, period.
Friday my son spent his free day to help me organize my mess since I moved in October last year here, we did some progress, but still more remain, unfortunately, but I will take care of it, slowly, so far I wa able to recover a lot of stuff, and books I had no idea in what box they where, we did some progress, I guess…Will see how much I can do by myself. Not an easy thing, at my age.
Thanks very much! I hope organizing the mess goes well. Finding some things is like receiving a gift.
This wasn’t a new post, I simply clicked on ” like” as I needed to edit the content of previous posts.
Other than that, newer updates will follow, and there’s one already.
All the best!