It’s been a while, and summer just flew by. My art show was delayed for 2 years by pandemic, and now the show is finally coming up, and it will open on September 14. I have submitted the paperwork and still need to add wire on the back of quite a few paintings. I will mostly present large size art at this particular show and I hope it will look as impressive and memorable as the original art which has been created in the span of 5 years. It’s not that all art was created some years ago, but a few paintings are from 2018 and 2020 and so forth. I’m showing in total 25 artworks. I hope the wall space allows for that.
I decided to add a few green paintings, as well. Farewell to summer.

Country barn in summer meadow, 24 x 18 in or 61 x 46 cm
Garden fence, 24 x 18 in or 61 x 46 cm
Summer flower fields, abstract acrylic painting, 24 x 18 in or 61 x 46 cm
Ajax Community Centre, East wing offers better light than the previous exhibition space at Ajax Town Hall. This show is happening in cooperation with PineRidge Arts Council. I am a member of this artist association, it’s one of the few which do a lot for an artist and charge a very moderate membership fee. They have friendly staff, and especially I would like to mention Mary Cook who takes care of the web presentation.

I have taken numerous new pictures. I won’t repeat myself, but iPhone just really destroys my painting images with extreme contrast, with absolutely wrong colors and it’s unable to distinct between shades of white and grey. Grey tends to look black and all white is just white without any shades of it. To be honest, everybody who’s seen my art only on the internet, hasn’t seen it all. That’s the disadvantage of presenting images as opposed to actual artworks. Anyway, it’s the only chance for me to go global and so be it.

As you know, on this website all horizontal artworks look smaller and all vertical ones much larger. Well, I’m adding sizes, but, unfortunately, they don’t mean much if you’re viewing this blog post on your phone. I hope you will check the studio sales pages later in the week because there will be new special offers. All art I’m displaying on my blog is original art, meaning, I am selling just the only true artwork as it’s created.

Birch valley, 32 x 26 in or 81 x 66 cm
…. and Hay bales, autumn fields, 28 x 22 in or 71 x 56 cm

Many of my paintings are created on textured backgrounds. People often ask me about palette knife, and, no, I’m not using it, but I’m creating textures on canvas before I start painting the actual shapes of trees and other elements.

Well, maybe some of you will stop at Ajax, Ontario in the future when traveling to Toronto and, thus, see how my art looks in reality. Meanwhile, buy art from my art studio also because numerous paintings won’t get into the show display. Certainly, attend the live show if you are in the Greater Toronto Area. It is the show time finally!
My summer was somewhat painful and I was off for about 6 weeks. I’m not one of people who snap pictures at emergency rooms and treatment clinics, so I had nothing much I was willing to share until I recently started feeling a bit better. Just in time, I’d say because I have only 1 week to finalize all art which goes into the art show.
All the best and have a good, colorful September!
Best wishes for your show, Ines. The paintings are gorgeous even if not correctly colorized. Always disappointing when the colors aren’t true, and the textures can’t be appreciated. Still, there is joy in the images.
Thank you very much!
I do hope I will be able to stay more active now. I intended to add 2 more large-size artworks, but that might not happen. I have too many paintings anyway, so I hope my show gets some attention. It isn’t a gallery, this town doesn’t have one, therefore, it’s a space which the local Arts Council uses. It’s better to have a show than not, and I’m glad the time has come.
I will slowly try to catch up on everything since I’ve missed so much from your blog, from all others. I haven’t posted a single thing anywhere for at least 6 weeks. My belief is I will recover completely by the end of September if not sooner.
All the best to you also!
Beautiful creations Inese. I’m so happy your work will be seen after all this wait. Congratulations on the upcoming show. I know you have a lot to do to prepare and I hope you continue to feel better each day. Wishing you a successful release.
Thanks very much Tania Marie!
Feeling better enabled me to finally start doing something. I was scared to see days passing by and at the same time I couldn’t even sit at the easel, not to mention to paint.
Well, all is better and better, the pain decreases. That’s a good start.
The show will be very visible, lots of people attend that centre. Whether something sells, who knows, hence people will see the art, but the financial situation for many isn’t that good right now. At least, I will have more students, that’s for sure.
I will catch up on your blog some day, but right now I’m just doing minimum of everything and saving energy for the opening date which is Sept 14.
I hope everything is good and your September doesn’t disappoint! All the best Tania Marie!
Beautiful work, as always! I especially LOVE that “Birch Valley” painting!! Prayers for your continued healing and for a greatly successful show!
Thank you very much for stopping by and leaving this nice comment!
Birch valley is the largest and has some direct red in it. The other pictures are simply too yellow, too green and too blue and that’s all I can get from iphone. I’d say the real paintings are way more balanced. There’s no black spots in Birch valley, but photo shows them, so on.
I get time to time paintings from which I simply cannot get a decent photo, like the grey barn. The photo only shows strong black and small bit of white, but nothing like the actual painting. The textured small birch painting always results in bad picture because it has a lot of textures and the higher spots simply reflect light.
Still, if I didn’t have a chance to post painting images somewhere, lots of people wouldn’t even know what I do.
It’s no surprise, my art always sells much better in person. Size matters, too, and the sizes are messed up online because all vertical images are much bigger.
Well, I do not allow limitations of online presentation stop me, but I have been in a very bad mood every time when I download photos to computer. I do wonder how something great and perfectly straight becomes so distorted and so wrong on iphone. I’m never getting another one.
Pain is still quite strong, so I spend just some moments online. Dealing with priorities.
All the best to you!
Congratulations, Inese! Your work is as beautiful as ever and the fact that you will have a show to be able to share it in person (after all these years!) is wonderful!! I hope you share about it.
And I have to read further back, but I send healing energy as it seems you may have had some health issues this summer. As always…sending love and light <3
Thanks Lorrie!
It is good to finally get to show something, and I believe pandemic won’t interrupt my show this time.
Ajax where I reside at the moment doesn’t have an art gallery. So, the Arts Council uses the space in a community centre. As you can imagine, the wall space isn’t perfect there, and light is what it is. The other thing is that people who go there, don’t do that with an intention of buying or viewing art. The art is like a decorative element there. While it is better to have a chance to show something than not show at all, I’m fairly concerned about sizes and how many paintings I can get in there. Well, I am still working on title cards and wires and some extra paperwork, etc.
It will be good to remind people that I still exist. After being absent for more than 6 weeks, that’s helpful. The cause of my sickness was an accidental issue which caused major injuries.
Have a good weekend!
I’m sos orry to hear of your accident, Inese. And I pray that you are well on your way to perfect health. Life is precious and so very fragile. Things can change in a moment…my son had a horrible accident also and it was so very scary! He is dealing with the after effects, but it could have been so much worse.
I hope you are pleasantly surprises by your show. I think people will be happy to view your art and I think you will make sales!!! 😊
Hope to hear how it goes…and hope you continue to heal 💜
I’d love to be pleasantly surprised! It’s about time I think.
Making some sale would be great, so much needed, too, after this long period of nothing good happening.
I’m sorry to hear your son had an accident, too. Well, the aftereffects and pain, in my case a lot of pain, they are present for a while. I can walk shorter distances now and sit at computer for a small bit.
All the best to you, Lorrie!
Thanks, Inese. Yes, the healing process can take a while. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers and send beautiful healing energy. My son is surprised, I think, as he has always been healthy and never really had much pain. It is a process. Take good care of yourself…and good luck with the show! 💜
Well, the setting up of show was rather difficult, and all the paperwork. I thought I’d feel relieved that everything is set and ready, but all I feel is totally exhausted. I will be more energetic tomorrow, I hope, but for now, I’m just drained.
Thanks and all the best!
Happy to hear you are feeling better after your bout in the hospital. Hope the show went well! Sending best wishes for the autumn season.
Comparatively, feeling better all the time and I will be fine eventually.
The show is still on until October 25. I haven’t heard how it’s doing, but it should be ok. Nothing has sold so far I guess, but I’m not sure how the Arts Council notifies about that.
All the best to you!
Lovely paintings Inese.. and I hope your Art show was a huge success… It deserved to be with the talent you have… I do hope you are fully recovered from your spell of bad health Inese … And yes sadly the colours never seem to come out the same when we take photos etc and the Light in the room I find affects it immensely..
Sending well wishes as you begin again in a new location my friend…
Lots of love your way <3 Sue x
Thank you very much Sue!
I haven’t heard anything back from the show yet. It is on until October 24. You have to take into account that Ajax doesn’t have an art gallery. Not a single one, that alone tells you how important art here is. It’s a Community Centre, the light is what it is. It’s better to have a show than not, but other than that, there’s rarely anything sold. I suppose it will be visible later how it went.
I had to delete Shopify recently, it became too much dealing with scam and problems, so my own pages aren’t done for the moment, too.
Well, health is better.
I’m trying to find a place for plants indoors, trying to find a space which there isn’t. I don’t know yet where I can place them all. It’s getting very cold outdoors. So, today, I will just deal with throwing things out and putting some in. It’s very tight here, unfortunately. That’s indoors. Outdoors, I have my own park, but not much of a garden. There’s no usable soil practically.
Thanks for good wishes!
All the best to you!
Sorry you have had so many problems Inese… And hope you can rescue some of your plants I know your growing window over there is very short as it is….
Sounds like your art could breathe some much needed creativity into the area… I was saddened when I asked my 11 yr old granddaughter if she had painted recently… She and I used to paint alot together and she was showing great promise… Unfortunately they swop paint brushes for mobile phones and get glued to them…. Which is what seems to have happened during the lockdown phase of life this last two years..
On a brighter note, glad to hear you are better health wise… Sending LOVE <3
Most problems are caused by moving so often. Between 2018 and 2022, we moved 3 times. Can you imagine the work of trying to adjust to all these spaces? This one is the smallest so far and that’s is the most pressing issue. I try to arrange and re-arrange everything, but rooms don’t get larger. We will probably be here during the next year, too, after that, I don’t know.
The garden I made in the previous place was spectacular, good soil, enough planting space. I have had some plants for many years, 7-8 and even longer. I feel upset that it might be impossible to keep all my blooming plants. I won’t even mention the paintings and art supplies.
Moving is the most difficult part of all this. They said yesterday, the average home price in Greater Toronto Area is 1.35 million at the moment. Not that rent is low. And so it goes.
Scared to think about paintings I bring back from the show. I will need to re-arrange everything again. If you have enough space for the most important things, I think it’s fantastic.
Manual art creation is difficult, takes effort, thinking, decision making, some confidence, finding time. Phone is effortless, exciting for many, provides with everything they feel is crucial. It’s regretful, certainly. The mental issues start right there: using devices and staring at screens. There’s always somebody better out there, and the impact on a young person is huge.
Well, we cannot change how the world works right now, and the masses are in favor of devices and phones.
To be honest and not to sound old-fashioned, but life was much easier around 1990-2000, not to mention 50-s and 60-s. Not everything was splendid, it never is, but there was more real pleasure and enjoyment. All real, all in person.
Have a great day Sue!
I am with you on all points… We were never born with mobile devices in our hands and people today are addicted to them.. We are of that generation where there was a life before a cell phone lol… 🙂
Hope you manage to somehow juggle things into your smaller space.. And I feel for you with the love your nurture your plants, it would be really sad to lose them. <3 Sending love your way too <3
And I am very happy we knew a different way of living. So, at some point it’s tough to accept everything which has no personal touch.
It’s so easy to hide behind the screen and even email.
Doing that all day, taking out some things, organizing and moving stuff around. Need help, though, with all heavy items. I cannot get it right now, it’s just me, but maybe later over the weekend.
I will try not to lose anything, so I keep piling up.
Have a good weekend!