Celebrate in style: the best way to get into Christmas mood

Christmas mood, small paintings

Robins, cardinals, fun and Christmas mood

Christmas mood must be intentionally created. Original art has a special attraction, energy and flare to it, therefore, it really helps. I don’t think there can be too much art on any walls. I have usually some 200 works of art on display in my studio gallery, and it does not feel overwhelming or crowded. I rotate my art depending on demand and season. It feels very appropriate to have snow scenes and winter villages on display when Christmas is around the corner, and it is very obvious that spring flowers blossom around the gallery in spring.

Fantastic small bird paintings

I have a special love to small birds. I preferred them to any other creatures already as a kid. I assume that one should only paint what they know. I watch these birds during any season, and I have hundreds of sketches which I can turn into artworks later. I painted this particular painting “Robins, winter” last year. I painted 6 bird paintings. As it frequently happens, I felt I wanted to improve the color balance. So, I added a few more layers of paint to this painting. I believe it became better and birds are more bird-like, as well. The entire scene is lovely and welcoming and speaks for itself – it works very well for Christmas mood.

Robins, winter, 16 x 20 in (41 cm x 51 cm) acrylic painting on canvas, sold

Festive gift painting workshop

I  invite everybody to participate in a festive workshop at the beginning of December to try out how nice of an adventure it is to create something heart-warming and cheerful. We can choose the image, and some people usually prefer winter scenes, some illustration or wall decoration type of art, as well as some might go for birds. We also paint poinsettias almost every winter. I must admit, that is a subject which always works well on canvas and paper and looks great.

Create the mood, create the gift

The best way to get into Christmas mood is to create art that suits the season. Let us celebrate in style with original art this year! Please let me know if you like “Robins, winter” painting and whether you’d love me to ship it to you!

Art prints and other artistic products are available from Fine Art America., just click on image.

My favorite from all products with this particular painting is the spiral notebook. It looks unbelievably good! Mugs also look impressive, so do actually lots of my art products and art prints.

Here is how you get to purchase many fantastic prints and similar artsy things at very attractive prices: Art collections by Inese Poga

Celebrate in style and have a wonderful Christmas mood!

How to choose art classes

Choose art classes, watercolor painting classes

Many benefits of art classes

Many people who feel attracted to art, sign up for art and painting classes in the fall. Certainly, days are getting shorter and the weather gradually changes from very pleasant to quite nasty, rainy and chilly. I will not list all advantages of joining an art class or painting group this time because I’ve been mentioning them multiple times, and there are so many: from building your confidence and self-esteem and finding a great thing to fill up the long nights to effects similar to meditation which allow one floating away from daily troubles and problems, to mental fitness and rejuvenation of brain cells. The created art becomes just another gain along the way.

Choosing an art class that suits your preferences

When choosing an art class, you should first check out what art instructor does. What are his or her favorite subjects, style, colors, approach? If you generally do not like such art as instructor is doing, you most likely will not enjoy it. For instance, if instructor is insisting on copying photos, you most likely will not be learning how to paint abstracts; or if she or he never do portrait painting, it is unlikely the class will provide with portrait painting skills.

Size matters

Make sure the size of group somewhat works with you. I hear people complaining that they signed up for an art class and never got any attention, therefore, never learned anything. Well, if a weekly art class is 2 hours long and there are 20 or even more students in the classroom, how would you get a lot of attention? You can count on about 5 minutes of individual instruction in the best case because no instructor can run around the class while they are demonstrating technique. It is obvious that you have to choose a small art class if you require much advice or want very individual approach.

Level class is designed for

Find out what level this art class is for. If class is intended for advanced painters, , but you are just starting out, you will not be able to catch up with others. Beginner is somebody, who hasn’t done at least 200 small size paintings or 150 larger paintings.

Realistic expectations

Next thing is: be realistic in expectations. That is probably the most overlooked aspect of any art class or studies of creative things. Learning how to use tools takes time. Although, everybody has seen a painting brush and quite frequently people have tried using it, it does not mean that you know what correct brushstroke is. Any brush (they come in very many sizes, shapes and are made from all kinds of materials) can be used for very specific things and also for very general approaches. That depends also on your personal preferences, medium and subject.

Art supplies

Materials are an extremely important thing for an art class, so, the best results will definitely be achieved using good quality materials straight from the beginning. I have heard this often: I’m just learning, so I will use the cheapest materials for now. Well, that might not work at all because using bad materials can easily become a torture and nuisance. Sometimes students struggle with bad watercolor paper and they think they are doing something wrong, but, in fact, it is the paper which prevents from getting acceptable results.

Your own art supplies

Equally important is also having your own materials. It might seem: what’s the difference? The answer is: there is a huge difference between paints, brushes, canvas, papers, pencils and even erasers, not to mention that is one of the most important aspects of learning. Tools matter, surface matters, paints and brands matter. There is no other way to become familiar with some materials in particular as using them.

Be motivated

The most important part is to sign up for something that you feel interested in. One should also be prepared to learn, practice and memorize things, be spontaneous, courageous, daring and fearless, as well as have enough personal time for not feeling rushed.

Fall nature and still life

I always work harder on pictures than actual paintings.

Colors in context images are much more like in reality.

I loved them, I hope it becomes a source of pleasure for you, too.

This is the updated painting

Clear white apples, available

Art classes, schedule and registration

Private art lessons


Different approach to art class: focus on relaxing and stress-free creativity

Watercolor paints

Creativity for an art class

As the fall of 2017 is approaching, my new art class focus on stress-free environment and creative techniques. Students can learn, paint and relax letting all concerns and problems go. The key to creativity is being relaxed and not expecting miracles, but creating them: one small miracle at a time. I noticed that some students were taking art classes way too seriously, and being worried does not allow achieving great results.

Forget concerns and technical perfection

I want this to be a welcoming stress-free environment for creation so that purely technical goals become secondary. Traditional art instruction pays too much attention to the technical execution leaving the emotional and mental side neglected. That is why some artists go for big lengths: trace and copy photos, repaint everything which is in digitally adjusted photo. What about creativity? Going for photographic perfection frequently lacks the emotional aspect. I’d like to emphasize: the creative process is the most valuable part of the artistic journey.

Don’t limit yourself

Perfection in art is not the best goal because it simply prevents from unfolding our creative potential and limits the range of tools and techniques we apply. I hear this quite frequently: I’m not touching this painting anymore because I do not want to damage it. Well, leaving work unfinished isn’t good either. Limitless creativity takes us much further. You will learn effortless and, thus, stress-free techniques to avoid leaving work unfinished in my art class.

Live versus online art class

I also wanted to make an art class which is impossible to replicate online. The content of this art class rests on the presence and the interaction between me, group and everybody as an individual. The live art class allows me seeing and noticing why something does not work and why students cannot achieve the result they are looking for.

Artistic experience

I will gear everything towards a great, interesting, amazing and positive experience. That means learning about oneself and art, and learning to be creative without the annoying pressure which some teaching venues want to impose on somebody who is looking for a new skill and ability.

Painted images diary

We will use blocks of paper, so that at the end of this  positive painting session  everybody will have an image diary and will be able to continue adding creations. Inspiration and immersion in calm, creative environment is what one can find engaging in art.

Emotional satisfaction

I believe, this type of art class where experience and activity flow together creating emotional satisfaction, thus, being stress-free and providing with a new perspective on the bothersome issues in one’s life, will be appreciated. It’s interesting that I was away and did not do any advertising so far, but people were applying already, in fact, a lot of people. That included the new daytime watercolor painting class.

Wash paintings without drawing

I am adding as illustration brushstroke and wash only painting. We use only watercolor paint and water, and we watch what happens and how our thoughts and ideas look on paper. Watercolor paintings without drawing:  it is fun, relaxing brushing and interesting flow of pigment:

Choose your own subject

Participants will have a lot of choice: they can draw, they can use pen or they can also do very abstract or semi-abstract art for their image diary. That’s why it’s called: stress relief with color and line. Art classes are for everybody because we will be using only our personal preferences with colors, subjects and the way they look.

Sign up here: Art classes

Find out more: Inese’s blog

The best way to start painting with watercolors

Spring watercolor art

How to start painting with watercolor

The best way to start painting with watercolor is using pen and watercolor wash. We all want our art to be great and impressive. However, if you are new to some medium or absolutely new to drawing and painting, you have to bear in mind: nothing happens right away and with the first brushstroke. I have had absolute beginners who were somewhat disappointed that their first piece of art wasn’t exhibition quality. Well, that is normal.


Every skill takes time, efforts and work. Creation of drawing or painting involves lots and lots of information. Some people are courageous by nature and love to experiment, and that is very beneficial. Some people are perfectionists and they believe everything they do must be either perfect or they are ready to give it up: don’t use this approach.

Focus on potential

My personal attitude towards something new in painting: different subject, medium, tools or technique never focuses on perfection. I focus on potential. Something might work out and something might not. There will be easy parts and probably difficult parts. That way. I call this attitude: let us see what happens. Progress is usually gradual. That is why we start with simple things and move to more complicated things.

Pen and watercolor

Pen and watercolor wash is a great technique for beginning  watercolor artists. Some like it so much that they stick to this technique and turn it into their personal style. If you are insecure about drawing lines with pen, sketch them using pencil. You can draw over with pen and delete everything else. We have now clean drawing in black ink, and the white paper is not damaged.

Any subject will do

Anything can serve as a subject: from your morning coffee cup to flowers in a vase or at the fence, from a bird at your window to sprouting vegetables in a garden. Any scene with some object is good, but flowers look extremely nice when done in pen and watercolor.

Everybody can draw

When somebody says they cannot draw, I don’t believe that. Most often that means they tried 1 or 2 drawings and these drawings were not splendid. So, they conclude that they cannot draw. Talk to me after 100 drawings. That is a decent start. It is also much easier to point out what else one should do in order to create better art when they have engaged in more than just a few attempts.

Pen and watercolor flowers and spring scenes

Spring daffodils, watercolor painting
Pen and watercolor, Spring daffodils painting 12 x 12 in or 30.5 x 30.5 cm
Watercolor and pen, rose painting
Stylish and simple spring rose, all done with black pen lines and watercolor wash
Watercolor painting, apple blossoms
Apple blooms in pen and watercolor: great starting subject
Watercolor painting, apple blossoms
Pen and watercolor apple blossoms, the finished painting
Watercolor painting, pansies
Smiley purple pansy faces, pen and watercolor wash
Watercolor painting, butterflies and spring
Spring mood with apple blossoms, butterflies and beautiful colors

Pen and watercolor wash is easy

Why to start with pen and watercolor? It is forgiving, it is easy and fast, and it allows learning watercolor application more effortlessly. The pen lines provide additional support. It is a flattering technique since practically any painting or drawing looks good regardless of how sufficient one is with watercolor. I have done numerous pen and watercolor paintings over years, just because it is fun, it is easy and looks fantastic.

Copyright notice: Copyright of displayed paintings, drawings, images of work in progress and images of finished paintings belong to artist Inese Poga. The use of painting and drawing images is prohibited if I have not given a written permission. That includes no pinning on Pinterest.

Stick to your plan and pay attention to reference

Acrylic painting, flowers

Having a plan, sticking to it

Sticking to a plan is a key also in painting. Whatever we are doing, we need some kind of a draft in our head or some plan which we keep in mind. However, it is easier said than done. That especially refers to beginners in art. I have noticed that most people want to draw or paint without any plan and without any thinking.

Elements of a painting

Perhaps, when starting out, it is hard to know what parts or matters we should pay most attention to. There are lots of simple things which make the subject look multi-dimensional. By far, those are not only darker and stronger values. Strongly emphasized edges or absence thereof, strong dark areas behind the lighter ones also contribute significantly to the spatial perception, not to mention color if it is used.

Things to do and not to do

I was told that the darkest dark should meet the lightest light when I started painting about 50 years ago. It can be tough to implement, especially without real reference, when we have only a photography or a sketch. I am personally not excited about patterns which repeat in a regular rhythm such as petals or trees along the path, blooms on a branch and similar things which we unintentionally place on our canvas when there is no firm plan or sketch.

Acrylic painting, spring magnolia
Pink spring magnolia blossoms is an acrylic painting on 20 x 16 in or 51 x 41 cm canvas, Spring mood, light colors and feeling.

Reference is a guide

Why am I saying: pay attention to reference? Because most people don’t do that. When we are just beginning the painting, they would have a look at the reference image or set-up. After a while, I notice nobody looks any more at the reference. You have to! The only exception is when it is a completely abstract work which has been drafted in one’s imagination or when we paint from memory.

Painting or drawing from memory

Painting from memory takes practice, and beginning artists cannot handle that too well. Reference or value drawing (if you have created such) has all the answers: where to use dark color, where to make strong edge, where to wash out edges to lose them, where to place highlights and what exactly the shape of something is.

Preferred brushes

Knowing what values go where is extremely important, much more important than what brush to use. However, talking about brushes: always use the ones which you feel comfortable with and which suit the size of the area you are working on. Very simple. We can use no brush at all, but sponge or palette knife, that is a matter of preference and choice.

Try no rules, but use principles

I know how some art instructors want to make rules about everything. There are no rules in the use of tools. It is very obvious that using a very wide brush for tiny spot is simply difficult and vice versa. I know a lot of artists who create the entire painting with just one brush. I do that sometimes, too.

Acrylic painting, pink rose
Pink rose, acrylic painting on canvas, 20 x 16 in or 51 x 41 cm, this painting is also a demonstration artwork for art class.

Real versus photo

So, the conclusion is: do not change things around dramatically or completely when the work is halfway through and always keep an eye on the reference. If something does not work at all, it is better to start over again. That’s why it is so rewarding to paint from real subjects, live is live and photo is just a photo. Live comes with smell, touch, very visible shape and very noticeable values.

Purple pansies, acrylic painting
Lovely purple pansy faces, acrylic painting on 20 x 16 in canvas. Bold color, large flowers

No pressure

Do not put pressure on yourself and painting: there are moments when we need to stop and make a decision about the next step. Paintings and drawings really hate when they are not treated with due respect. It is much better to allow everything to develop in a natural way. For illustration, I have attached the recent flower paintings. There are many more, but they just need finalizing touches. You know: painting is never done, right?