Take a moment and paint it

Moment in art, landscape

This moment is full of blossoming outdoors and still takes our breath away. Endless cloud of fragrances and all colors of the rainbow: how not to love this spring time? I think, I only live in spring. Summer brings its pleasure, too, but I’m already concerned in the fall because that means the dreadful winter is not far away. That’s just how I am, a spring and sun person.

I was so upset that my health decided to give me hard times exactly when everything just asks to be painted. Well, up to today, I didn’t get done much and kept everything to minimum, that unfortunately included posting, as well. Things seem to be easing up, so, I’m quite hopeful that the improvement will finally start. I’m using that expensive pills at the moment that I pretty much should be skipping other stuff like the daily bread.

Even though struggles were inevitable, we managed to get done something very useful in the studio. The regular Wednesday class was painting wildflowers and so did the Saturday Fun and Pleasure acrylic painting event participants.

Moment in art, spring
Behind the ben: acrylic painting of spring road is 20 x 16 in or 51 x 41 cm art on canvas

I had big difficulties with picture-taking because I don’t have filters that make a photographed acrylic or oil painting look nice, but nevertheless, I took quite a few. I will let these pictures speak for me this time. Nothing makes me happier than somebody admitting they like my paintings.

Spring birch trees, acrylic painting
Some of my paintings at the studio. Birches are sold.
Summer flower fields, acrylic painting, abstract
I hope people, who bought this painting, enjoy it!
Spring, acrylic painting
Road to spring was created during art class as a demo for group.

Thanks for reading!

Enjoy art projects in pink

Pen and watercolor illustration

Illusions and visions

There is no “undo” command in our life. This makes everything we pursue, experience or achieve absolutely irreversible. Everything is a small moment, frozen in time. As I’m typing these words or you’re reading them, the past washes this moment away and puts it in the big folder of our lifetime’s history. The cold sun rays of the disappearing day are pouring over the nearby rooftops and the highest tree branches. This creates an illusion of warmth in the air. Yet, it is an illusion. As the quiet stream of twilight starts flowing across the sky, we will find ourselves in even colder conditions, minus thirty or so. That’s why we create art projects in sunny colors.

Apple blossoms and rose watercolor

Uplifting colors for grey mood

How does this relate to pink projects? Very simple: when the environment is unfriendly, we should try doing something pleasant. For me, that is drawing and painting something which takes me far away from this cold winter day and places in surroundings where I’d love to be. This is an easy mental transformation into a feeling-better state. We actually did similar project in the classroom. The first project was all about yellow and orange, and the next one was painting flowers in pink. These projects can be done by absolutely everybody whether they have any experience or not. They are as basic as one, two, three.

Step 1

Choose the reference image and draw the main lines with pencil or do a drawing from memory.

Drawing for pen and watercolor blossoms

Step 2

Draw over the most suitable lines with a black pen. Black ink can be used, as well, if somebody has it.

Drawing for pen and watercolor blossoms

Step 3

Follow the reference image or your imagination and apply colors which seem to be most fitting the drawing. We apply color on one leaf or on one petal at a time. We start with light washes and go over some areas with more intense color. Wash out connection lines with pure water.

Pen and watercolor illustration

The result

Drawings which do not look perfect at all become extremely beautiful with this approach. We were applying washes and glazes of yellow, red, crimson red and dark red with blue. Any color was applied using various intensity. These projects took us about 3 hours in total. The rose was painted in a similar way. Since it is pure watercolor, I used only watercolor paint without black pen.

Pen and watercolor illustration

Start seeing

Just one more thing:  everybody can draw and paint and, therefore, create for themselves a beautiful rescue place where to avoid troubles and hardships. However, we have to learn seeing things in an artistic way first. This feels almost like developing a much better perception of the surrounding world. We are used to see everything just walking by and running over. Now, it is time to start noticing lines, shapes, shadows, colors, contrast and features that make this particular subject attractive. That is the moment when we can put it on paper or canvas.

Pen and watercolor illustration

Drawing and painting with watercolor is fun. Such illustrations and paintings are beautiful and look fantastic in your art portfolio, on your wall and when published.

Get inspired; Ideas

Learn how to paint: Art classes

The art of giving gifts

Gift certificate for art classes

Giving gifts: Gift certificate

Giving gifts can be tricky, especially personalized gifts. Gift certificate is a great last-minute gift and comes to rescue when it is hard to guess what exactly some person would like. In case of gift certificate for art classes or workshops, it is a long-lasting and memorable gift. Thanks to these gift certificates, many people have found their passion, hobby and had generally become much happier in their lives since these activities take away a lot of stress, give somebody his or her own time, not to mention the beautiful things we are creating.

Dress it up

Sometimes people hesitate to give gift certificates because they think it’s going to look so small. I have attached  a few pictures showing how to present a gift certificate for art classes in a great way. Watercolor beginner’s set includes block of watercolor paper, 2-3 watercolor brushes, set of student grade paints and the gift certificate.

Giving gifts; Gift certificate for art classes
It is very handy when the person who got this gift, has everything for the first class and can always use it at home, too.

Make it a set

Most receivers of this gift, especially teens love getting started right away. It’s nice they can try out their brushes, paints or papers before the first class, so this gift certificate can be packed together with a basic set of watercolor paints, small size watercolor paper block and 1 or 2 brushes. It is not expensive, but a very impressive gift which usually makes people who love creativity very happy.

Giving gifts: Gift certificate for art classes
Including art supply set with the gift certificate

For complete happiness

For those who have got a gift certificate for acrylic painting classes, it’s great to put in the box small canvas, 5 paint tubes in basic colors (black, white, red, blue and yellow) and 1 or 2 brushes. Anybody can add whatever they wish, but these 5 colors are enough to start out. People are really excited receiving such gifts. How do I know? They send me the first email and all of them are saying: I cannot wait to get started, I’m feeling so happy.

Only a gift certificate

If you would like to give only a gift certificate, I’m offering the framed version. Looks so beautiful, and it can still be wrapped up together with something else.

Giving gifts; Gift certificate for art classes
Gift certificate goes great with a pack of healthy herbal tea or coffee.

Giving gifts; Gift certificate for art classes
It looks amazing with a good book.

Great presentation is half of success

Whatever way you give your gift, do it generously and from the bottom of your heart. When giving a teen, adult or senior such gift certificate, we are actually giving them a whole new world: to explore, to fall in love with art and creativity and to enjoy as long as they live. It’s definitely not a small gift.

My rainy day sketches and paintings sparkle with light, and we have finally summer weather

Sketching in watercolor what is the advantage

Sketches sparkle with light probably because the weather has been no fun. The Latvian weather has been very unpredictable. Since I am always drawing and painting mostly from life and using real objects, that was quite upsetting. I did not get all depressed, but moved on as much as I could.

For time saving purposes, I am sometimes outlining and drawing with black pen. I do not have to use glasses that way which is great because glasses can destroy proportions and distort the visual perception.

Be curious, be creative

I love cheerful colors!

We were doing parrots in the Exotic birds drawing workshop. Everybody loved them!

Sketches sparkle with light
Parrot trio

Sketches sparkle with light
Apples were growing in the sister’s garden, so were the red currants.

I was very happy also that I finally obtained the St. Petersburg watercolor set. I wanted these paints ever since I was a small kid when I saw one artist painting with them. I got them now at the age of 55, actually my birthday is just some weeks away, so it’s a nice birthday gift for myself. These paints are said to be the best in the world just because they are made of the purest and best really natural ingredients. I love these watercolor paints: they have excellent transparency,  brightness and they are very pure.

Be curious, be creative

The sun is beating down today, so we are having some Mexico weather this week. Isn’t that crazy how I was freezing in my leather coat just a week ago, and it is advisable to wear nothing more than a swimming suit at the moment? Too bad, no swimming pool anywhere here, but I suppose, I can survive that, too!

Sketching in watercolor what is the advantage

I am a child of the sun, my horoscope sign is leo, and this immediately changes my inner settings. I don’t care how hot it gets, whenever it is sunny, I am happy.

I would love to express the hugest THANK YOU to all those fellow bloggers, friends and students who did not stop encouraging me during the bad weather period and are still following my trip to Europe, Latvia.

Accomplishment: the meaningful measuring unit of time

Spring orchard, sold, acrylic painting on canvas

Idleness makes hours pass slowly and years swiftly. Activity makes the hours short and the years long.

/Cesare Pavese “This business Of Living”, 1938/

Accomplishments as measuring unit

Time flies: are we going to stand by and watch it disappear? I’m using accomplishment to mark the days, months, years. Most of us have some daily duties, jobs, schedules, routine, obligations and problems. Fewer of us have big achievements, satisfaction, passion, happiness and things that make this life a pleasurable experience.

Private art lessons for 12 years plus
One of my youngest art students with her creation

Be passionate

I have noticed people who are passionate about something are simply better off. They are better off in many ways, not only because they don’t know what boredom or wasted time is, but they have something more than just routine, duties and obligations. Time really flies, and there are so many reasons to interact with life.  My accomplishments don’t have to be always important things, but “accomplished” things. Watching TV, for instance is wasted time. Watering plants is an “accomplished” thing. Calling mom is an “accomplished” thing. Painting or sketching is an “accomplished” thing for sure.

Giving art class as accomplishment

I am happy that my art classes allow other people achieving something good, as well. That can be even to make a dream come true. I am obviously happy that spots for the fall art classes are already taken in spring. I hope we will be able to arrange an exhibition of my students and my demo artworks either in October or December.

Spring orchard, sold, acrylic painting on canvas
Everybody loved following steps on spring orchard painting.

Rich in inspiration

Not all art which I am putting on this blog is finished works, but it is easy to understand: we all are unique and our creative ways are distinctive. The passion for art and creation is a common feature of all my students. The inspiration is so vibrant in this studio that it is simply impossible not to paint, draw, sketch or create.

Virtual art marketplace paintings
The blossoming road, acrylic painting done during art classes as a demo.

Thanks for reading! It’s time to start painting.