My rainy day sketches and paintings sparkle with light, and we have finally summer weather

Sketching in watercolor what is the advantage

Sketches sparkle with light probably because the weather has been no fun. The Latvian weather has been very unpredictable. Since I am always drawing and painting mostly from life and using real objects, that was quite upsetting. I did not get all depressed, but moved on as much as I could.

For time saving purposes, I am sometimes outlining and drawing with black pen. I do not have to use glasses that way which is great because glasses can destroy proportions and distort the visual perception.

I love cheerful colors!

We were doing parrots in the Exotic birds drawing workshop. Everybody loved them!

I was very happy also that I finally obtained the St. Petersburg watercolor set. I wanted these paints ever since I was a small kid when I saw one artist painting with them. I got them now at the age of 55, actually my birthday is just some weeks away, so it’s a nice birthday gift for myself. These paints are said to be the best in the world just because they are made of the purest and best really natural ingredients. I love these watercolor paints: they have excellent transparency,  brightness and they are very pure.

The sun is beating down today, so we are having some Mexico weather this week. Isn’t that crazy how I was freezing in my leather coat just a week ago, and it is advisable to wear nothing more than a swimming suit at the moment? Too bad, no swimming pool anywhere here, but I suppose, I can survive that, too!

I am a child of the sun, my horoscope sign is leo, and this immediately changes my inner settings. I don’t care how hot it gets, whenever it is sunny, I am happy.

I would love to express the hugest THANK YOU to all those fellow bloggers, friends and students who did not stop encouraging me during the bad weather period and are still following my trip to Europe, Latvia.

Accomplishment: the meaningful measuring unit of time

Spring orchard, sold, acrylic painting on canvas

Idleness makes hours pass slowly and years swiftly. Activity makes the hours short and the years long.

/Cesare Pavese “This business Of Living”, 1938/

Accomplishments as measuring unit

Time flies: are we going to stand by and watch it disappear? I’m using accomplishment to mark the days, months, years. Most of us have some daily duties, jobs, schedules, routine, obligations and problems. Fewer of us have big achievements, satisfaction, passion, happiness and things that make this life a pleasurable experience.

One of my youngest art students with her creation

Be passionate

I have noticed people who are passionate about something are simply better off. They are better off in many ways, not only because they don’t know what boredom or wasted time is, but they have something more than just routine, duties and obligations. Time really flies, and there are so many reasons to interact with life.  My accomplishments don’t have to be always important things, but “accomplished” things. Watching TV, for instance is wasted time. Watering plants is an “accomplished” thing. Calling mom is an “accomplished” thing. Painting or sketching is an “accomplished” thing for sure.

Giving art class as accomplishment

I am happy that my art classes allow other people achieving something good, as well. That can be even to make a dream come true. I am obviously happy that spots for the fall art classes are already taken in spring. I hope we will be able to arrange an exhibition of my students and my demo artworks either in October or December.

Everybody loved following steps on spring orchard painting.

Rich in inspiration

Not all art which I am putting on this blog is finished works, but it is easy to understand: we all are unique and our creative ways are distinctive. The passion for art and creation is a common feature of all my students. The inspiration is so vibrant in this studio that it is simply impossible not to paint, draw, sketch or create.

The blossoming road, acrylic painting done during art classes as a demo.

Thanks for reading! It’s time to start painting.

Uniqueness of emerging painting styles and the seeming simplicity of winter scene

Creek, winter, trees, acrylic painting

Winter ends in the art studio around half January. That’s just how impatient we are: once Christmas is over, we’ve got to start preparing for Valentine’s Day, Easter and, most importantly, for spring. We use this time period to define our painting styles.

While winter may seem to be long, boring and unpleasant to many people, we are using the best part of it. The picturesque beauty of snow-covered fields makes a good scene for painting, especially when contrasted with frozen or silently running dark streams to which the majestic attraction of trees under the snow is added.

Our vision and perception of any subject are absolutely unique. There are no two persons who can see one thing in exactly the same way. That’s how nature has taken care of our individual features. That’s also how one image becomes a reflection of many personal interpretations and allows to create many distinctive paintings.

Winter creek, acrylic painting, it’s sold. I painted it as a demo for class

Painting as a process is a very individual activity regardless of how much of experience or knowledge we are implementing in this process. The art we are creating from scratch will always carry our own features, as well.

From psychological point of view, it is possible to associate certain types of lines, composition, application of paint, colors, amount of detail or lack of it with particular human features. I find this fantastic because that’s one more way how our uniqueness manifests.

Winter creek paintings by my students

The emerging painting style is like handwriting: once we have perfected it, it’s completely ours. Does it make sense to repeat somebody else’s writing? Probably not, not even in these cases when you are told your writing is hard to read. The most beautiful hand-writings are actually all complicated and hard to read.


Art classes: a worthwhile activity

Art classes for adults, still life

Participating in art classes way to express yourself

What is the best way to never feel bored again?

How to give one’s life a new meaning?

How to make long winter nights shorter not wasting time in front of TV?

It is very simple, indeed: by doing something pleasurable and rewarding.

Art classes and painting lessons fit in this type of activities just perfectly. Not everybody feels like dancing or exercising every weeknight. Not everybody has a good company on his/her own. That’s where I come in with my art classes for beginners and people who simply enjoy colors, shapes and images.

Art classes can lead to a new career or lovely hobby

Some students will continue painting, some will have art only as a hobby, and some students will enjoy time spent in a nice atmosphere. Whatever way it is done, it is worth it. It is amazing to hear after a class how surprised and satisfied students are that they were able to create something on their own, not to mention the value of art created in these art classes.

Wednesday acrylic painting group started to work on fall maple images

Just get started, everything will happen

Many of potential students are asking if they need to be good at drawing or painting before enrolling in art classes. The answer is no, they do not. It is enough that somebody has found time, and this is a good way to spend it. You can enjoy art classes whether you are willing to purchase your own supplies (in that case you can keep working at home, as well), or you just want to use the provided art supplies for the moment.

The new art activity resolves problems

People who feel they depend on their mobile devices, phones, laptops and computers should give this some consideration, as well. We are learning how not to use any devices, printouts or digital references. Once you learn live without a device, even though it is just a few hours, you will see that it is possible and you will learn how to take a break from devices.

Art cures

Art is a fantastic cure for any addiction since it takes us away from troublesome thoughts and cravings. Challenging our brain and drawing or painting new subject every time will improve the cognitive function, memory and brain flexibility.

Thursday acrylic painting class for adults enjoyed drawing, sketching and painting still life. The first part is done, and results look very promising.

Real subject, individualized art

If you use a real subject and do not trace photo, you will get to your personal style much faster. Drawing and painting style is your individual handwriting, and as you improve and develop it, you enjoy a very individualized approach to any part of painting.

Drawing and painting is done observing and re-creating objects on canvas or paper. It may be challenging at first, but this approach is the most natural one and provides with real artistic freedom.

Sign up for art classes: Application for art classes

Pear still life and fall art classes

Art studio, still life with pears

Still life, – classic or modern, abstract, or realistic, – I adore this subject in any form it’s created. I took my time this summer and painted a good size watercolor on heavy Arches paper. For this particular still life, I used real pears and a cloth next to the window. My intention was using bright and sunny colors as you can see in the resulting painting.

Golden pears still life on my easel, just finished

It is more my personalized realism painting than pure realism. I chose the placement of fruit and light reflection so that the entire painting shines through flow of colors and shapes.

Watercolor painting, Golden pears, still life. It is 24 x 18 in or 61 x 46 cm in size

In the upcoming art classes, I am teaching still life, floral painting and landscapes.  My goal is to teach students so that they can discover the excitement of drawing and painting real fruits, vegetables, flowers, street scenes, nature scenes without reproducing photos, computer printouts and similar aid. We learn creating a genuinely original art since it originates in our imagination and perception.

Most students are beginners or have very limited experience, but everyone has shown remarkable results so far. There is also usually a group of students with previous experience in painting and drawing. They will also learn numerous new techniques and discover new ideas.

Classes are designed for children 12+ years, youth and adults.

Register here: Sign up for art classes