Draw the line: put things in perspective

Watercolor, perspective, painting by Inese Poga

Purpose of linear perspective in painting

Perspective in art is much easier to implement than perspective in life. In fact, there is nothing much to it as far as we are aware of  how it works and what it does for a painting or drawing. Linear perspective creates depth and dimension in any drawing and painting which deals with suitable subject. Traditional linear perspective uses size, overlap of objects and their placement in composition, as well as convergence of lines.

Black pen drawing of simplified 2-point perspective building

Where to use it

If you love landscape, street scenes, rural scenes with farms and barns, simple roads, streams or rivers and so forth, you will need to implement linear and atmospheric perspective because they both contribute to dimension and volume of your painting. You will also use color values accordingly to perspective principles. If you are drawing and painting outdoors, you are most likely applying some perspective already.

Old countryside house in pen and watercolor, 18 x 12 in or 46 x 30.5 cm

Vanishing points and front view

Some people are confused: how many vanishing points to use: 1, 2 or even more? The answer is that will depend on the placement of your shapes and forms on different planes. 1-point perspective uses 1 vanishing point on the horizon or reference line. Horizon line can be called eye-level, but I like to call it reference line. You have to remember that vertical lines are parallel to the sides of your paper (if it’s straight) to make look building stand up correctly. Horizontal line creates 90 degree angle with the vertical line in front view. Horizontal lines of front view are parallel to the bottom and top of your paper. Therefore, in 1-point perspective, the straight lines at the bottom of your building and corresponding lines higher up will always create a 90 degree angle with the vertical line.

1-point perspective in landscape

Most often, we use 1-point perspective with roads, streams, tree and fence lines and buildings on both or one side of a road, that is, with views where something disappears in the distance. That creates an easy perceivable and visually attractive composition which is a breeze to create. In 1-point perspective, all lines which lead into distance, meet in the vanishing point. The front angles of the building on the respective plane are 90 degree angles. It sounds more complicated than it is when you draw it. Start with closest end of the building, drawing a rectangle. Connect the points on one vertical line (in my case the left side where I mark height of any element) to the vanishing point.

Pen and watercolor wash of barn, 16 x 12 in or 41 x 30.5 cm

2-point perspective uses respectively 2 vanishing points.

My drawing of neighbor’s house

Plein-air drawing, 2-point perspective. Photo does not show all lines correctly since camera draws the front edge closer. To draw it correctly, vanishing points on reference line are placed outside the drawing. That we do always when the  subject is large. I usually draw intuitively since I know where approximately these lines meet and where the vanishing points are. Starting out? Mark up vanishing points on each side and connect with respective points on vertical lines. I teach this all in my private classes because it is simply not easy to describe.

Pen and watercolor 2-point perspective sketch, it was mostly done outdoors, since this building is next to my studio entrance.

Many buildings in a landscape or street scene

When drawing close-ups of buildings or placing many scattered buildings in composition, we use rather 2-point (angular) perspective. We use drawing separate buildings most often 2 vanishing points. We adjust the eye level or reference line placement as needed. It can be higher or lower depending on your view. We can move it up or down, and we should use this feature in our favor. That will allow achieving plenty of depth and dimension.

3 vanishing points in one-point or two-point perspective

When some buildings are close, some distant or scattered all around, you could use 3 vanishing points. It does not mean that your drawing becomes extremely complex. It means that you will have freedom to place things in your composition wherever you want them.

Where to place rooftop?

Often, demo drawings that involve 2-point perspective do not explain that the rooftop line runs through one vanishing point. That was also the most confusing part for students since they had a problem placing the roofline where it belongs. Please enjoy the recent paintings and sketches which involve perspective. I will prepare online materials for understanding better how to create linear perspective in drawing or painting.

Perpendicular and parallel lines

The most important aspect is to understand what lines are perpendicular, what parallel, what is obtuse angle, right angle and acute angle. Remembering basics of geometry is really helpful because perspective in drawing is simply achieved once you know how to create it. I am posting some of my recent works that involve creating perspective to illustrate the concept.

Uphill, watercolor painting of rural house, size of this painting is 21.5 x 16.5 in or 54.5 x 42 cm

Outdoor painting

Many drawings, sketches and watercolor paintings are done outdoors or plein-air. Perspective is an important part of any painting, sketch or drawing which displays buildings, street views, roads, fences, bridges and similar subjects. Learning how to create perspective is not difficult or overwhelming. You really need to master perspective if you ever do a realistic painting or drawing with buildings and man-made structures.

More about this: Power of line

and how to start sketching: How to start sketching

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Art collections by Inese Poga

Where would we be without the beauty?

Watercolor painting, apple blossoms

Beauty is the most universal, self-expressing phenomenon that does not require words or language knowledge. It is present in all walks of life, but it becomes something extremely perceivable due to art.

Watercolor painting, beauty of tulips

As we rush our daily schedules and spend most of the time running, we might not notice the moment when a bud opens. The magic moment when the fragile petals unfold and when the sun and rain pour life into it. It becomes a mediator of beauty. Every smallest vein and line, every nuance of color is so unique. Beauty which breathes and is alive.

Apple blossoms and rose painting

The biggest advantage of being able to create, draw and paint is the feeling of being a creator. We can do anything with the sheet of white paper in front of us. It’s our choice what goes on it. I choose the never-ending, personality enriching and mood uplifting divine features of the nature. It is a cheerful activity on its own. It is more than meditation, it is much more than immersion in oneself, it is the imperative life-continuing reveal of the underlying essence of life, and the essence of life is beauty.

Pen and watercolor illustration

Enjoy! Happy Mother’s Day! I know my mom will love these paintings.

The best way to start painting with watercolors

How to start painting with watercolor

The best way to start painting with watercolor is using pen and watercolor wash. We all want our art to be great and impressive. However, if you are new to some medium or absolutely new to drawing and painting, you have to bear in mind: nothing happens right away and with the first brushstroke. I have had absolute beginners who were somewhat disappointed that their first piece of art wasn’t exhibition quality. Well, that is normal.


Every skill takes time, efforts and work. Creation of drawing or painting involves lots and lots of information. Some people are courageous by nature and love to experiment, and that is very beneficial. Some people are perfectionists and they believe everything they do must be either perfect or they are ready to give it up: don’t use this approach.

Focus on potential

My personal attitude towards something new in painting: different subject, medium, tools or technique never focuses on perfection. I focus on potential. Something might work out and something might not. There will be easy parts and probably difficult parts. That way. I call this attitude: let us see what happens. Progress is usually gradual. That is why we start with simple things and move to more complicated things.

Pen and watercolor

Pen and watercolor wash is a great technique for beginning  watercolor artists. Some like it so much that they stick to this technique and turn it into their personal style. If you are insecure about drawing lines with pen, sketch them using pencil. You can draw over with pen and delete everything else. We have now clean drawing in black ink, and the white paper is not damaged.

Any subject will do

Anything can serve as a subject: from your morning coffee cup to flowers in a vase or at the fence, from a bird at your window to sprouting vegetables in a garden. Any scene with some object is good, but flowers look extremely nice when done in pen and watercolor.

Everybody can draw

When somebody says they cannot draw, I don’t believe that. Most often that means they tried 1 or 2 drawings and these drawings were not splendid. So, they conclude that they cannot draw. Talk to me after 100 drawings. That is a decent start. It is also much easier to point out what else one should do in order to create better art when they have engaged in more than just a few attempts.

Pen and watercolor flowers and spring scenes

Spring daffodils, watercolor painting
Pen and watercolor, Spring daffodils painting 12 x 12 in or 30.5 x 30.5 cm
Watercolor and pen, rose painting
Stylish and simple spring rose, all done with black pen lines and watercolor wash
Watercolor painting, apple blossoms
Apple blooms in pen and watercolor: great starting subject
Watercolor painting, apple blossoms
Pen and watercolor apple blossoms, the finished painting
Watercolor painting, pansies
Smiley purple pansy faces, pen and watercolor wash
Watercolor painting, butterflies and spring
Spring mood with apple blossoms, butterflies and beautiful colors

Pen and watercolor wash is easy

Why to start with pen and watercolor? It is forgiving, it is easy and fast, and it allows learning watercolor application more effortlessly. The pen lines provide additional support. It is a flattering technique since practically any painting or drawing looks good regardless of how sufficient one is with watercolor. I have done numerous pen and watercolor paintings over years, just because it is fun, it is easy and looks fantastic.

Copyright notice: Copyright of displayed paintings, drawings, images of work in progress and images of finished paintings belong to artist Inese Poga. The use of painting and drawing images is prohibited if I have not given a written permission. That includes no pinning on Pinterest.

Creating is learning and living more intense

Apples, Purple variety, watercolor painting

Creativity is personal

Any creation involves saying something about ourselves. That is how we are telling others what our point of view is. True creativity is never copying and reproducing, but taking an idea that lives or is just born in our imagination and bringing it to life.

The use of color and technique

The use of color is also a very personal feature. To mix up a color which we find unique and love, we have to learn the process of color mixing. It is important not to stick with paint colors out of tube. Composition can be explained as good layout of the painted subject on a particular size paper, canvas or other surface material. There are generally applicable principles, and we should know them. Specific take on composition is a personal feature of an artist, and we should rather develop our own preferred compositions.

Choice of painting subject

Choice of painting subject is always important, and it is also a very personal feature. We should remember that it is much more useful to learn principles of drawing or painting without reproducing subjects somebody else is already painting in a very specific manner. You like it because they are painting it great. Nevertheless, we should not copy this style and painting subject.

Choice of technique and style

How and what we draw and paint always depends on us. As we progress, we study the many ways of achieving the desired result. Learning is an ongoing activity, and it’s erroneous to assume somebody knows everything. Experiment is the best teacher of all. Try for yourself and you will see whether it works or not.

Experiment and error

Learning process always involves mistakes and errors. Only people who do nothing never make mistakes. Try not being a perfectionist, at least at early stages of learning how to draw and paint. Perfectionism lives inside many minds, but it is restrictive and limiting. Art which is less than perfect is still art and provides you with improvement value.

Take the path of discovery

I personally always think: let’s see what happens. Everybody who is painting or drawing has thrown out lots of paper and damaged quite a lot of canvas. There is nothing bad about that. I had a girl who once said: I do not want to throw away this expensive paper just because I started the painting wrong. Don’t do that! When something cannot be corrected, throw it out without any regret.

Start over

It is much more difficult to correct wrong lines and colors than start a fresh using the new knowledge you just discovered. I believe that every task adds something to our knowledge and skills.

Sunflower drawing
Sunflower drawing
Sunflower watercolor
Sunflower watercolor

Creating on the go

I am not at home at the moment, but visiting my closest family in Latvia. I had a few sheets of paper and student grade paints in  too few colors. Such paints don’t have the transparency or flow ability of good quality paints. However, I could not resist when I saw this bloom and these apples, because I do not have these painting subjects in Canada. I always prefer drawing from real subject. It was more difficult because I didn’t have the right tools and brushes, but I did not allow that stopping me. I can reuse the same drawings with decent paints and better size paper or canvas at home.

Apples in apple tree drawing
Drawing for apple watercolor
Apples watercolor, unfinished
First layers of watercolor
Apples, Purple variety, watercolor painting
I finished the painting after I returned home, Purple variety

More about drawing: Drawing and watercolor

Inspiration to take art classes: Get started

My art prints:

Art collections by Inese Poga

My life school blog

My life school blog deals with GREEN LIVING and importance of changing our perception in order the Earth was living and livable longer. Links to 3 recent posts which continue the same conversation about green living.


The magic attraction of drawing and watercolor

Sketching and drawing for ageless brain and memory

Pencil and paint become magic tools

Drawing and watercolor painting take time, and I was recently short of it. However, we created sketches from real fruits in our watercolor class. We did also a large-scale reference drawing for our still life painting, and we are about to finish the chickadees and birch painting in the evening class.  Creating pencil sketches is the best you can do to make painting easier.

Drawing therapy

I paint and create drawings even when I cannot do anything else. I paint and do drawing when I feel desperate, disappointed with the reality of life and when I am having mood swings because of the strong medications. It can be a bit difficult to get started, bet when I overcome the resistance, it is a pleasure. I don’t always care how great the painting or drawing will be or how perfect the color combinations will come out. Art is so therapeutic that I cannot compare it with anything else.

Creating still life drawing
One set-up of still life which resulted in reference drawing to be used for creation of a painting

Advantage of live classes

When we compare online, over-the-internet and live art classes, I must say nothing can replace the live interaction and face-to-face learning. Why? Because I can see right away what’s causing some problem: too much water, too dry paper, too less paint, too much paint, bad quality paper, brush or paint.

Large still life drawing
Any of these drawings might become paintings, this one is  22 x 29 inches ( 56 x 74 cm)

When it comes to watercolors, everything matters, yet, the quality of paper is the most important part. I always use the same paper that I give my students which is quite large size, approximately 16 x 18 in or 41 x 46 cm. This time it was 18 x 24 inches or 46 x 61 cm. Big practice painting is much more beneficial.

Fruit sketch
Drawing still life: pen and watercolor sketch
Transferring drawing for watercolor
First step in still life painting is sketch: we did a very light line drawing and began to apply some paint
Watercolor layers
This is just the start, but we will finish this painting during the next class


First we create the drawing and value sketch with all shadows and halftones. You can do that in pencil, using pen or even pen and ink. We transfer the drawing onto watercolor paper using very light lines. Once paper is wet, we cannot erase anything. We do the first washes and add layers and more layers until our paintings looks completed.

Sketching and drawing for ageless brain and memory

Don’t go tiny, experiment with large sizes

I have seen over the years how tiny and small paper prevents one from creating good art. If paper is too small, it will be definitely too difficult to apply paint on it. If you are watching somebody paint online and you do not have a very thick, heavy and good quality paper, you can kill yourself, but you simply won’t achieve what they are showing you. Saving on paper is a mistake because thin paper won’t allow to use multiple washes. With bad paints, you won’t have great results and transparency also, so, it’s best to have the decent ones.

Drawing real things

I love drawing, therefore, I’m also teaching students to draw from real life, not photos whenever possible. I believe that drawing from real  subjects results in the best art because it gives one absolute freedom of interpretation. I find drawing easy because I was learning drawing not from photos, but from real subjects and set-ups. I am simply good at it and it is very helpful not to have to use computer for editing.

Enjoy the benefits of creativity

I hope that more people will pick up pencils and brushes following my advice and get started with drawing and painting. There is simply nothing like it. It doesn’t demand one to be in good shape or to be dressed up or look perfect, it doesn’t even require being in a good mood. That comes as an additional benefit along the way. I’m also seeing art as a tool to cure addictions and prevent from falling back into them. Creativity is  a powerful tool which we all can make use of.