I love birds and Natural Awakenings feature my painting on cover

When I started to paint and draw  birds, I unexpectedly discovered a new interesting set of subjects. There was so much to explore! My first paintings of birds were very approximate, animated. I tried to give them some character without getting too much into detail. I’m paying more attention now to arrangement of colors on wings and other feathers and to their external anatomy.

I like most birds, and I really need to love or somewhat like the subject which I am going to draw or paint. That was pretty much the reason I had stopped painting human portraits.

Bird paintings, mounted on wood panels, all watercolors on Arches watercolor paper

Mostly blue background for these lovely birds

They look very attractive, and all paintings are ready to hang without extra frame or glass

Nature has the most wonderful variety of everything, from small to huge, from simple to complicated. I suppose, I will keep studying birds for a while. I do get tired of similar images, though, that’s why the next paintings are three-dimensional landscapes.

Talking about landscapes, my painting “Overlooking the Meadow” will be on the cover of Natural Awakenings Magazine.

Overlooking the meadow, is a large 18 x 24 in or 46 x 61 cm watercolor

Natural Awakenings is a free publication about healthy and natural living that is available in over 90 cities in the US and Puerto Rico, with a readership of over three million. I had my market scene on their cover in 2012, and immediately after that I sold some paintings. Well, if you happen to see this magazine, pick it up for free. They write about useful things there. I also find amazing that they contacted me already 2 times.


28 Replies to “I love birds and Natural Awakenings feature my painting on cover”

  1. These are really lovely. Well done! I love birds, too. I wrote a children’s chapter book on birds — swallows, swifts, robins, etc.

    1. Thanks so much for all your “likes”! I returned from a small shopping trip since I have to go to Europe for a while, and it was so nice to see all these notifications. I have no doubts that’s a great chapter because birds can make an excellent subject for anything.

    2. Yes, exactly! I wish I had your painting talent. I would love to illustrate one of my stories myself.

    3. Adding illustrations always helps to give more character the story. I started to draw and paint very early. Nobody taught me or told how to. I was about 6, I used to draw portraits of my sister and anything around our place. I just thought later, how amazing is that I also used to write quite a lot, just in my native language, in Latvian. One what people liked a lot was Christmas fairy tale. I’m still writing poems and essays. Latvian magazine editors asked for more, but I’m so short of time.

    4. Thanks, it is a great place. Fantastic people, nature, food and culture. Extremely ancient nation, deep roots. The capital city Riga was founded in 1201. I will be there next week. Haven’t decided about laptop yet, but my eyesight is too bad for ipad.

    1. Thanks, I appreciate that. I’m glad somebody can perceive the positive vibrations even through the Internet. Honestly, I’m trying to put in my paintings lots of positive energy.

  2. Thank you for sharing your lovely landscape painting from the Natural Awakenings magazine cover. Your bird paintings are beautiful as well. I’m pleased you are following my blog and I’ll visit yours too from now on.

  3. I’m so sad someone would steal your paintings and pass them off as theirs. I hope you can get them to stop without a lot of expense!

    1. She was stopped. Well, she had there an entire collection of stolen paintings, thus, many artists were involved. Somebody noticed and wrote me, I had no idea. That’s thankfully in the past. I get messages time to time that some of my paintings were on some online sales places, not by me obviously. I deleted the flickr account for starters, and I’m going to be more cautious with any site; as we could see, watermark at the bottom didn’t help since it can be cut off.

    2. Wow, I guess being a really great artist makes you a target, but that is so sad. I’d rather be mediocre and putting up my own work than steal the work of another.

    3. She had there quite a collection: all stolen. She was putting her signature instead of the respective artist’s. I don’t know what one thinks by doing so.
      Exactly, it’s way better to have what you have since sooner or later the owners become aware of such actions. Along with the nice ones, lots of weird people out there, too.
      I have 2 classes today, have to start preparing. Thanks for commenting and have a nice day!

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