Spending time with spring nature
Spring is already here. Art studio is a place which is always in bloom. Art studio has all seasons at once, and spring is presented to a high degree. Spring also means, one can take a canvas or sheet of paper and head out to be closer to the big awakening. Spring nature is an excellent subject! How much time do we really spend in nature and with it? Only with nature, without checking your phone or texting, or listening to music instead of bird songs? The research finds that it is a very insignificant amount of time compared to what we spend in a car and indoors. So, head out!
Outdoor drawing and painting
Outdoor drawing allows not only being close to the nature, but also experiencing a great presence of our subject. Many people use plants, flowers, leaves, blooms, trees, and other live natural subjects in their art. Being able to create a good reference drawing comes from observation. Outdoors is the best place to observe all growing and blossoming things and to understand how they change along with seasons.
Being close to the painting subject
Outdoor painting teaches us how to use fewer art supplies, but use them more effectively. Being in a close distance to our painting subject and having a chance to observe it is an extreme bonus. All tracing and photo editing software can never compare with direct observation. It is because of the presence. Any painting you do using real things and looking at the real painting subject will look more convincing. We can definitely feel the presence of painting subject or lack of it in the finalized art.
Direct observation and drawing
I feel that my duty is to teach other people enjoying things which are not costly, but rather a true source of happiness, pleasure and satisfaction. It would be tough going through life without art and beauty.
Daily drawing practice
We can keep our brain flexible and our cognitive function in great condition by simply drawing and sketching every single day. Just like you go to the gym, you need to engage your brain to its capacity with pleasurable things like art even when out of work and school. Observational drawing and painting is number one brain booster.

The best medication for mental issues
Drawing and painting are the best medication for any trouble, but especially mental issues, such as depression, grief, persistent, obtrusive thoughts and anxiety. We shouldn’t ignore the importance of new and challenging activities as brain fitness exercise. While one paints, they also completely forget about things they are addicted to: food, snacks, alcohol, drugs, smoking and devices, as well as phone. This gives us the much-deserved break from mind pollution.

The immediate result of painting is not the ultimate goal
It is often assumed that the only goal of drawing and painting should be the immediate result. We should not forget that here is so much to gain from the process. If you stop being concerned about the result, you will find out how rewarding the process is. Everybody achieves good results if they practice and keep painting, but certainly the process of creation is the one that deserves to be finally acknowledged and considered the main part of creativity. Along with feeling relaxed, trouble-free and happy, you will also create art that becomes better and better over time.
Picture taking
I tried to take pictures side by side, just to keep colors more relevant. My phone camera has too much contrast and my pictures come out extra bright. They have strong dark contrast which is not present in art. The real paintings are well-balanced. That is a good reason to make a trip to my art studio.
It’s not only color which is not true on photos, it’s also contrast, but especially the size. Size makes a big difference, but it is impossible to see that on the internet. Everything from very large to very small art will seem to be the same size.

Spring, barn Nostalgia series, 24 x 20 inches, or 61 x 51 cm, acrylic on canvas
Anyway, enjoy the new art, and you are welcome to attend my popular art classes.
My art products and prints of paintings on Fine Art America:
Nice spring drawings. I really like your Trillium’s. I saw some coming up today out in the woods. They are not in bloom for a few more weeks. But they are definitely growing. I am looking forward to doing some Plien Aire Drawing soon.
Thanks Shawn! We painted these during Wednesday night classes. I love trillium blooms, too. Spring is slow here and only the first blooms are up. I also would love to just get outside sooner and paint.
Very little is blooming here either. It is still very early spring. My Daffodils are in bloom though.
My daffodils have big buds, they will open any day now. I love them, too!
yeah. You get weird breezes off of Lake Ontario in Oshawa and Toronto which delays the Spring. My Grandparents lived in Cobourg, and I am quite familiar with that North Shore of the lake.
That is true. We have quite cold day now. Well, it looks like daffodils will be in full bloom soon!
Thanks so much!
These are truly beautiful Inese. I love all that you share here, especially about process and how enriching that is – so much more so than the end goal. There truly is more to receive during that journey that unfolds and reveals or deepens our connection to feelings and insights through the process. It can be fun and offer opportunity to explore and be inventive as well. Thank you for sharing your love of creativity and for supporting its enriching qualities for others to value.
Thanks Tania Marie!
Well, I’ve been teaching art for almost 40 years. I simply cannot avoid noticing that there are lots of people who believe that painting paints itself once one comes to a class. That is why I have to remind the most important thing: once you learn how to draw and paint, there are no limitations. The videos that show how to paint something in particular, are not intended to teach the main principles and methods of creating art. Secondly, there is a lot to learn, and any part of drawing and painting takes time.
I do attribute that to the fact that lots of art instruction is not aimed at teaching, but showing how to quickly smear on some paint in order to get an image of whatever. There is a big difference between teaching and entertaining with brush and paint, and that causes confusion.
I have been always in arts, ever since I can remember and since I am 61 this year, that means, it is half a century at least spent with pencils, images, brushes and so on.
Thanks again for your nice comment!
I so love and honor your passion for creativity, the arts, and the true gift of cultivating boundless potentials that moves one beyond simple principles and into the heart of true expression. Thank you so much for all that you are sharing <3
I hope there are more people like you who appreciate that. I am grateful for your very thoughtful comments!
I hold that same hope in my heart Inese. Always believing <3
Artistic souls think alike.
Any of your paintings is beautiful..I love how you manage with the colour value. I love the thema nostalgic, some romantic.i can watching few times and back again and again. BEST regards..Ala
Thanks, Ala! I appreciate your comment. It is great that you can see all of that in photos of paintings. I believe you’d definitely love the real paintings, I have so many of them. I have a studio where I display a small part of my art. It has been very many years, and I started out more than 50 years ago when I was just drawing. I think since all of my art is based on drawing, either drawing with the brush or pencil, or pastel stick, the subject shows well. I have a reason to believe I had always the feeling of composition, colors and values. When I look at my early childhood drawings (I’m 61 this August), I can see that I had the understanding about perspective, value and contrast right from the beginning.
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Thanks again for stopping by!
Beautiful trilliums! I’ve been out drawing them as well as they don’t last long!
Thanks, Karen! It’s too bad, any of these flowers last a very short time. It is unfair that it all happens at once and it is difficult to catch up on everything.
You’re so right Inese, we must exercise the brain. And what better way than out in nature – it’s a win-win! Love the barn image, great tonal values. And a very good size too, for some reason I thought they were all smaller. You’re right, hard to tell the size online unless they are in-situ. Glad you are feeling somewhat better after your loss. I know the beautiful blooms and colors of spring time elevates my spirits, such a welcome relief after a long winter. Cheers to you my friend, sorry I’ve not been here in a while, if I’ve missed seeing your beautiful work. You inspire me to get out and paint plein air 🎨
Thanks! Not sure who sent this great message, but I appreciate it.
I suppose, grief never ends, it just changes and become a permanent feeling of some void.
I do not let any bad emotions run my life, so, I am fine.
I appreciate the nice words about painting.
Size is totally misleading on internet displays, and when you see it on screen, especially small screen, it does not ever look the same as in reality. Thanks again!
You’re so right Inese, we must exercise the brain. And what better way than out in nature – it’s a win-win! Love the barn image, great tonal values. And a very good size too, for some reason I thought they were all smaller. You’re right, hard to tell the size online unless they are in-situ. Glad you are feeling somewhat better after your loss. I know the beautiful blooms and colors of spring time elevates my spirits, such a welcome relief after a long winter. Cheers to you my friend, sorry I’ve not been here in a while, if I’ve missed seeing your beautiful work. You inspire me to get out and paint plein air 🎨
Now I get it! Thanks so much Deb! I thought that was somebody who knew me! Everything great!I will retun the visit to your blog at some moment!
No, no worries, I’ve been too busy to post anything in awhile. Just wanted to stop by and say hi and catch-up with what and how, you’ve been doing 😊😘
Which is very nice from you. Well, I think I have recovered from everything completely and my universe theory about sending things we deserve because we already have them in our subconscious mind is working. I posted today small bit on the other blog, too. It takes time to get back. I just want to be over with move and everything will be fine.
I’ve seen your things on FB, but I rarely have time apart from classes announcements and similar. I simply dislike Facebook a lot on many levels. I think I am not on instagram because Facebook owns it. Blogging is much nicer, although, very time-consuming.
I will catch up too at some point.
So nice to hear from you!
Lovely writing. Thanks a lot
Thanks! How about art? I do enjoy writing about it, too, however, the main thing on this site is art.
Sorry, I didn’t mention the arts. But i was really enjoying your writing with your arts
Thanks, Robert, that certainly makes me happy. I am sorry to point out arts in such a way. My goal actually is to widen understanding about art. It isn’t just for artists, but for everybody who wants to keep their brain young. Have a great week!
No problem. I also love arts. Good luck with your upcoming arts. Will wait for the next one