Celebrate in style: art that suits any taste, first featured painting

Celebrate in style

Celebrate in style

Celebrate in style includes my creations which I will post as frequently as I can taking into account that every painting takes between 6-8 hours a day. I also create decorations for display at store front. Plenty of very attractive three-dimensional paintings and gift paintings are available every holiday season from my art studio.

Celebrate in style

Winter trees under snow: great subject

Such art can be a great gift or a fantastic decoration. Winter trees are so adorable, and when the first snow is falling  getting into the holiday and Christmas spirit is easy. Having this simple, yet beautiful tree on a wall is also a pleasure. I finished painting this tree image set and I could not stop enjoying and looking at it.

Celebrate in style

Idea and its implementation

The idea comes from the internet. I saw somebody had painted simple outlines and text on the wood, and I really liked the idea of creating such beautiful look. I just had to figure out how to achieve this without wood. I simply did not have any, especially suitable pieces. Well, I usually create what I do not have. The wood textures are painted on a regular canvas panel. This painting has  touchable and visible texture, it even feels like wood.

Celebrate in style

December painting workshops

We will have workshop on December 9th. If you are not that far and reside in Durham region, Ontario, you certainly could take part and paint something similar for your own pleasure. Please apply here:  Art classes

Rustic and cozy style

This time, I am featuring a rustic Christmas tree painting that goes well with rustic style. This painting is acrylic and texture medium on 20 x 16 in canvas (or 51 x 41 cm). The background imitates wood, and it is also painted around the edges, so it does not need any frame. Extra textured tree with beautiful snowflakes, I hope you love it!

Celebrate in style

Let us celebrate in style this year! It is nice to have something original on the wall. It is absolutely ok to create something when we cannot buy it. Enjoy and let me know if I can ship this wonderful rustic tree painting to you!

Summer flower watercolor paintings

Flower watercolor paintings

What happened to all good themes on WordPress.org?

I’ve been sitting at computer for too long. As I told before, I don’t have a better theme on my website right now for a very silly reason: I just can’t find a suitable one, it seems almost impossible. All of them look great as demos. Once I start to adapt them to what I need, I end up seeing that one page themes don’t work; themes overloaded with all kinds of fancy stuff don’t work. Also,  completely plain and flat themes don’t work, and so on. I tried 8 themes, lost money on one, and here I am: with the same Twenty seventeen.

No change is better than bad change

I decided to leave it as is because while I was doing my theme adjustments, I worked as a slave for two weeks, 14 hours a day. That was affecting my life and everything else I had to do. It’s summer after all, and one is not supposed to spend it at computer. I am going to Latvia soon, but prospects of traveling without cash are not very attractive. I will just have to make some.

Purple variety, delicious apples’ painting

Local sales

Once again, I will try to do something also locally which is very unlikely to be a successful thing because this neighborhood is quite dead in summer. I will try to sell something also over the internet from this same site.

Painting with background

Taking pictures of art

My biggest problem has been inability to capture the art images. This problem has persisted for many years. I don’t think it’s only mine problem. Camera looks at painting differently, and the color balance depends on colors in painting. Blue, grey and blue green colors look better on pictures. Red, orange and yellow colors are problematic. I have paintings which have a lot of red, and I cannot show them online because there’s shine on it, It is usually impossible to bring back the color balance with editing.

Watercolor paintings by Inese Poga
Summer watercolor paintings

Taking pictures of art in context and with background

I have noticed that watercolor artists take pictures of their paintings using contextual background. I started to take such pictures of my art intuitively, some 8 years ago or so. I noticed very soon that everything with background looked fine. I mean, paintings regained their natural colors.

Size is not visible on internet display

That also gives some idea about the size because it is quite annoying to see how my very large art is displayed smaller than my small art on some sites. Just placing something next to painting or having surroundings show behind painting or when art is on the wall results in a photo which has well balanced colors.

Model and painting

Taking pictures of art and displaying online

This particular theme does not allow also displaying everything as I would love to. The featured image becomes too large. I tried to add my own css when doing theme adjustments. I made the blog posts page larger size, but decreasing the widget area resulted in losing the number of followers. I will have to live with this display for a while because too much editing the style caused all content text disappearing completely. I have real fun here!

Nothing compares to real painting

Most art looks better in reality. It can be so annoying at times that after taking about 30 pictures of a painting not even one is good enough to post.

Flowers and fruit: summer compositions

I appreciate your interest

Anyway, have a look at my art and I will also post more exercises for those, who love painting with watercolor and are learning and experimenting with sketching and watercolor. Maybe I should make a specific Facebook page for that? We’ll see how it goes. I believe pictures of paintings look better in context and with background. Some are above and below.

Good luck!

Some of my paintings for sale: Shop art

Art prints and art products on FAA

White and pink flowers – enjoy spring

White orchids, acrylic painting, orchid painting

The best part of being able to create is probably that we only depend on our intentions and goals. There are no limitations in subjects or ways to create something. It is almost an absolute freedom, and pretty much nothing but only our personal situation can set us back.

Freedom in creation means doing what one wants and prefers.  If it is technique that doesn’t work for you yet, you will just have to practice more.

Acrylic painting, spring magnolia
Pink spring magnolia blossoms is an acrylic painting on 20 x 16 in or 51 x 41 cm canvas, Spring mood, light colors and feeling.

I meet sometimes people who think creating a painting is extremely easy. Most likely, instructions that say: paint like a master in one hour or time-lapse demos where a few hours of work are squeezed in just 1 minute make one believe that a decent size art takes only a few minutes. Well, try to paint just a wall or better start with smaller surfaces like a door. Even that takes time, not to mention creating art layer upon layer with targeted and fine-tuned brushstroke.

Creation takes time and efforts. When somebody looks at painting they sometimes doubt how that can possibly take 2 or 3 weeks working every day for about 6 hours. It depends on medium, definitely. Acrylic is much slower medium than watercolor. Whenever some part is dry, it is almost as if starting everything from new. Acrylic is much slower than oils also. That is why it takes a lot of layers and building up color and value.

Acrylic painting, white magnolia
White magnolia flower is an acrylic painting on 20 x 16 in or 51 x 41 cm canvas. Bright, soft and gentle.

When somebody tries painting on their own, they can feel how everything takes work. Some believe that the messy first layers are a sign of a hopeless art. That is simply wrong. I sometimes demonstrate how we layer, change and improve any painting by just adding dark colors and highlights, or modifying perspective and number of details or elements. In that regard, acrylic is very forgiving and very user-friendly. The only limitation is time we spend on painting and time we are willing to spend on it. Our personal attitude and preferences change over time, as well. It’s no surprise that we might not like subject we adored a while ago or we like colors we hated before.

That is normal. That is progress or another direction.

Studio view: these paintings look amazing! Artist Inese Poga
Studio view: these paintings look amazing!

Having flower paintings all around makes one feel fantastic. Even when my health is giving glitches, it’s a pleasure to be in the gallery and enjoy the elegant lines and uplifting colors.

Acrylic painting, Spring tulips
Pink spring tulips is an acrylic painting on 24 x 20 in or 61 x 51 cm.

If you never tried to create any art, it is a wonderful time to start. The sketching season will be on soon, and that is just a pure pleasure being outdoors and literally absorbing the surrounding life, nature and beauty.

White orchids, acrylic painting
White orchids is an acrylic painting on 24 x 20 in or 61 x 51 cm canvas.

I hope to get some followers back since I lost of all of them while migrating the blog. I don’t think I have set up even all buttons yet, so, everything will come, just give it some time.

Thanks for reading!

Dreaming goes on because art is timeless

Christmas gifts art sale, floral and nature paintings

Art is the most timeless thing I can imagine

Art is timeless, and for a reason. To remind us not to waste our time, but rather create. These, who do not create, can still support creativity by buying art and giving art as gift.

Dreaming goes on
Many paintings to choose from
Art is timeless, Inese's studio
Camera changed perspective, but art is visible
Art gallery of artist Inese Poga
Looks beautiful and inviting

Taking break from teaching during holidays

It’s good to wrap up things and have the feeling of “I have done everything I could, and it is what it is”. It would be certainly even better to finish the year in more elevated mood, like “Was this ever fantastic!” It’s also good not to have any classes for a while because that allows getting back to my own preferences, not only classwork. Giving classes is a big responsibility and it takes a lot of energy, as well as time-consuming preparation work.

Finalizing steps, bits and pieces

I would like to move to my personal subjects and my personal visions in art, but unfinished paintings are standing in the way. You look at some, and it begs: hey, just add a few brushstrokes, just wash in more background. I end up spending a lot of time on finishing steps, It’s difficult to return to painting which was started many years ago. I have moved on, and it feels like catching up on some long time ago forgotten thought or idea.

Trying to be more disciplined

I will try to be more disciplined and not start that many new paintings, but then again, when I didn’t do demos on canvas, I suddenly painted a few great paintings … on messed up cardboard. The wavy texture shines through, and these paintings are not any good for display. It’s even impossible to take any picture of them. You never know with painting: something good can appear where we don’t expect it, and everything can go wrong when we have high expectations. There are so many forces and energies involved that it isn’t by far as simple as “just do it right or according to your plan”.

Prep work for art classes

Classes also put a lot of pressure on any teacher because teaching is also not that simple. I usually think and plan and sketch until I find the right image for a particular group. I also have to think about simplified ways how to put it on canvas or paper.


Red poppies by Inese Poga, sold
Red poppies, both are sold

Unfortunately, I don’t have any better picture of these red poppies, they were sold right away

Inese Poga's art gallery
Look at my gallery wall, most paintings are sold
Barn reflection
Beautiful barn reflection
Sunset on lake, sold
Sunset over shore, sold

My solo shows at my own gallery

I had put up a beautiful show, those who came were really impressed, but I believe, my timing was a bit off. I will start to prepare the next show “Blooms and Leaves” fairly soon, and that might be ready by the end of April or by May. Anyway, there is not such a thing as lack of paintings for sale at my gallery. It’s always open and available to anybody over the internet. Just ask and you’ll make my day with a purchase.

Before you leave this site, please, spend a short moment with my other blog which  has my fairy-tale about Christmas: https://inesepogalifeschool.com/2016/12/22/christmas-fairy-tale-going-home/

Merry Christmas to these who celebrate it, and fantastic holidays to those who have other celebrations!

Red and gold for Christmas and holidays

Red and golden paintings

Red and gold

Red and gold is a fantastic color combination for the festive Christmas season! I thought it would be great to have a good show this year since the summer was slow. It feels the bad years are over, and I can start fresh. much better, at much higher level, much more efficient and more skillful. That is not hard to do when my health has returned.

Late with posting on blog

I have been very busy creating the show paintings, I promise to post articles and poems more often when I get over Christmas. The theme of this year is red and gold for Christmas as I mentioned. Red is such a warm and energizing color, we need it in winter. We need it especially when it’s cold and nasty outside. I was spending the day trying to get pictures for my show. The light was bad, but I tried, tried and tried until it worked.

Small bird paintings

Red cardinal and golden robin paintings make a very beautiful gift. I also invite everybody to join the art classes and paint some gifts on your own, red and golden birds or a festive holiday scene. That can be painted in a comparatively short time when using primed canvas. Primed canvas has a coat already on it, therefore, painting is easier.

Red and gold

Red and golden-red cardinals, silver-golden robin with beautiful decorations, they are sold now

Red and gold for Christmas

Red and gold colors increase the festive mood

Christmas Red poinsettia

Red and gold, and red is as in poinsettia, Poinsettia painting measures 20 x 16 in or 51 x 41 cm

Red and gold

Red and gold as in burning candles, this is Christmas still life, 20 x 16 in or 51 x 41 cm

Red and gold Christmas art

Red and gold, and gold as in sparkling decorations

Red and gold Holiday season art

Red and golden colors make any space festive and elegant.

Christmas show

If you prefer to paint your own art, join the art classes.

Art classes at Inese Poga’s art studio

Keeping gifting in moderate range

I hope you are not overdoing with gifts, but choosing soul-warming, mood-lifting and energy-giving things, like a painting. Why not? If you would love to see what deals are on, please check out and follow my Facebook page which is about this art studio, my art, art sales and art classes:
