Artworks, brushworks, paintworks

Golden sidewalk, fall painting in acrylic

Essential aspects of artworks

Painting isn’t just brushing around. Many different things go into a single painting. That’s why nobody can learn painting within a few hours.

Painting process includes idea, concept and composition, choosing and mixing colors or deciding on palette, paint application using different tools and brushes of all types, brushstroke, blending and creation of values, contrast and adding highlights. The painting process also includes understanding of abstracted parts and backgrounds, ability to see and understand what is more important and what should be left out of painting. Each one of these aspects involves continuous work and ongoing elaboration.

Loose isn’t sloppy

I sometimes get the impression that by liking loose painting style, it is understood that we can apply sloppy, coincidental and not targeted brushstroke (when there is a brushstroke). In fact, any part of putting paint on canvas must be targeted and have some intention behind it. Moving paint around is probably the worst habit one can have or develop. The first step is always to learn practical use of brushes and tools. That refers to painting in any medium.

Flat brush for acrylic painting

Flat brush is magic in that regard that it can carry out numerous functions. Flat brush has a few surfaces and edges. We can make it work fast and create smooth color and values transitions. We can use two different colors or shades of them on each side of the brush. We can draw thin lines using the edge of flat brush and holding it so that it is perpendicular to canvas. We can use it for easy blending with clean water and as a dump brush. We can use any edge or side of it to paint small parts. I assume a decent flat brush an essential tool for acrylic painting,

Fan brush, sponge and paper towel

Any of these tools can be used for textured prints and also for quick cover of large areas. It makes sense to learn using fan brush in a sensitive way. Most people won’t rotate fan brush and won’t use just a part or corner of it, We use in classroom fan brushes which I have specifically cut out with scissors to create more impressive prints. Such brush also controls amount of paint better. Paper towel is our best friend with any medium. It is very important to have many sheets of paper towel around the painting surface as soon as you start working.

Understanding values, contrast and direction of light

If somebody has done a lot of drawing and sketching to establish the composition, focal point and also value pattern in a painting, they will understand these aspects much easier. I find that a value sketch is probably the most useful. Once we have done a value sketch, we do not need even a photo reference. Value sketch will identify all areas which are of great importance. I know that most beginners assume ability to draw and creating value sketches in color a waste of time. Yet, I can honestly say that nothing else helps more than such sketch.

Fall sunset, acrylic painting
This painting which we did in art classes, uses contrasting colors with distinctive temperature, as well as extra simple composition.

The most important part of painting

The most important part of painting is decision making. When somebody has plenty of experience, they apply paint in an automated manner. It is predictable what each color combination, each type of paint application and each element of composition will do for our painting. Until we have gained sufficient experience, it is mostly guessing whether something will work well in your painting or not.

Acrylic painting, red country barn in fall
Red barn, maple gold, acrylic painting on canvas
Red barn, acrylic painting
Red barn, maple gold painting with small bit of background

Layer it on

Acrylic is a friendly medium. Acrylic paint can be applied (in fact, should be applied) in many layers. Each layer will bring out more or neutralize colors and values appearing underneath. If canvas fabric is visible in the final version of painting, it is clear that one has used too less paint and too few layers. That is a common beginners’ mistake: to believe that one layer of paint will do. One layer of paint is not sufficient, especially, because acrylic paint becomes flatter as it dries. We have to go over and over some part of painting for a few times until we have established the correct proportion of colors and values.

Golden sidewalk, fall acrylic painting
Golden sidewalk, acrylic on canvas. We were painting Golden sidewalk during adult acrylic painting classes. This is my demo painting, I always add more layers after class.
Golden sidewalk, fall painting with acrylic
Golden sidewalk painting got lots of attention on Facebook. I must admit it looks very good also in reality.

More about recent acrylic painting: Paintings in progress

Sign up for art classes: Art classes, schedule and registration

Thanks for reading! Enjoy!

The vertical impact

Vertical paintings

Vertical painting format

Should you paint your current subject using vertical or horizontal format? Anybody who paints and draws, will most likely say: it depends. It really depends, and especially on the subject of a painting. If it is a commission, it will depend on client’s choice and placement of art.

Attractive vertical compositions

I think, when it comes to not that large paintings, I mean, sizes 16 x 20 in up to 20 x 24 in, I really love using the vertical format. I have sometimes adjusted whatever I see or imagine for the use of vertically shaped canvas. Long vertical images are compositionally attractive. It is possible to implement tall trees or abstract background, or separate parts of an abstracted image on a long vertical canvas. I’d love that. I haven’t been to art store recently, but I will purchase a few very long canvases just for images I have on my mind.

Summer meadow, vertical painting

Summer meadow, acrylic on canvas

Summer paintings in acrylic, vertical impact

Bluebell forest, acrylic painting, original sold

Distance at dusk, vertical painting

Distant shores at dusk, acrylic on canvas, original sold

Vertical painting, White trillium blooms

Trillium forest, acrylic painting on canvas

Barn reflection, acrylic painting

Barn reflection, acrylic on canvas

Trying to arrange the new studio space

Studio move is complete. It took me more than a month, and I obviously could not paint anything new during this time. For the most part, art supplies and painting tools have been sorted out. I am able to find most things what I am looking for. Watercolor paintings and drawings are still packed in huge folders, I mean, large size folders and folders containing numerous paintings and drawings. I have no access to these at the moment. Acrylic paintings are mostly packed up still, too, but it is easier to sort through them.

Arranging art supplies

We haven’t managed to hang any paintings on walls yet, but I have also to arrange and organize 5 rooms of our personal living space, as well as 3 classrooms for my studio, my large office and a beautiful outdoor space. I planted, replanted and took care of numerous plants before and after moving, not everything is done yet, but it certainly takes time and lots and lots of work.

New intensive summer art classes

I am preparing materials for the new intensive summer classes, and I hope they will be very successful. I intend to present easy and very attractive subjects to students: they are all new subjects. That is why I need to work out painting steps and techniques for easy steps for every project. We have good light here, large spaces, both, indoors and outdoors.

You can view and shop art here: Inese Poga’s art for sale

Apply for group classes and teen art campsGroup classes for teens and adults

Private art classes: Individual painting classes

My art products on FAA: