Love and memories stay with us forever

Rose for my mom, watercolor

I have accepted the inevitable.  It took my entire strength. 4 days without my mom. 4 days, so full of pain and feeling of  irreplaceable loss.

I have certainly been everywhere in my thoughts. I have visited every spot where we used to live, where we used to go, where we used to be happy.

My mom always adored all of my art; she adored the idea of creating beauty because she was a person who made admiration of beauty a big part of her life. She loved nature, and especially flowers and plants. She had seeded, planted and grown so many of them.

I had a chance to still show her the most recent pink flower collection and my mom was very delighted by it, but I have published it in all 3 previous posts.

I am posting the mom’s most favorite paintings this time. Some of them she kept very close to her.

Roses for my mom, will she them? In the heaven?

The spring orchard painting was always in mom’s room. Love stays with us forever.

This painting forever belongs to my mom.

The path we take, it ends at some point. Sometimes unexpedly so.

Blue spring anemones which my mom won’t see this spring, never again.

This rose was painted for my mom a few years ago. She loved it and I sent a card with this painting, too.

This sad time will pass, as well.

Please, no more sorry messages and condolences. I know it feels the right thing to do, but when I will look at this post and at the post in lifeschool blog, I hope I will be in the future already. I am very thankful for numerous support messages on my Facebook profile. I appreciate them a lot. Thank you all!

I want to take with me to the future only the good memories and memories about  the pleasant things we once had.

I will be traveling to Europe for quite many hours and then there will be the really important last things to do, and I hope I can check out the responses sometime later.

Facebook: FB profile, please scroll down

Lifeschool blog: Flowers for my mom

It is amazing how things always survive people. That’s so unfair, actually.

Drawing, watercolor, inspiration

Drawing is important skill

Learn drawing to create original art

Drawing is probably one of the most important skills to learn if you want to sufficiently use pencil, brush and any paints, not to mention pastel painting. It is almost like writing: we start with letters, and we finish up creating breathtaking poems and meaningful stories. Being skilled in manual drawing also allows not to depend on any devices, any editing, any tracing.

Drawing still life

Once you manage your lines, you manage your brush strokes, composition and values, as well as contrasts. Drawing still life or simple things around us is a good start. People sometimes say: I do not feel like drawing vegetables or fruits. However, that is the shortest way to make one’s eyes perceive the multi-dimensional reality and recreate it on a flat paper or canvas. We draw and create volume and dimensions. Becoming good with still life subjects is a base for more complex subjects.

Painting is drawing with a brush

Drawing teaches us about shadows and light, light direction, values and contrasts. It teaches us very fast how to create a powerful composition. We generally need to become familiar with a good brush stroke. I have noticed that most beginners apply paint as if painting a wall: back and force, to the left and right. Painting requires using elegant, long or short, soft or powerful brush strokes which make our subject more impressive. That also helps with blending, composition and values.

Realistic art is based on drawing

Even people, who love painting abstracts need to create a map of the intended painting in their mind.  In order to move paint somewhere, we need to rely on composition elements. That sure does not apply to bad abstract art which is present all over the internet. Therefore, sketching out our plan, helps achieving good results faster.

Pen and watercolor: beautiful art without struggles

I have mentioned in my previous articles that using pen and watercolor is a perfect way to obtain basic watercolor painting skills. Why? It contains all the most important parts which one needs to be aware of in order to paint and create art. It is much faster than, for instance, acrylic or pastel, therefore, it makes a lot of sense when testing our ideas.

Pen and watercolor paintings:

Take it easy, go outside

Fall season offers us colors and shapes and subjects without limitation. They are not only beautiful, but they also allow practicing all kinds of shades and color mixes.Take it easy, go outside or watch nature through your window. We can place beautiful fall bounties on our desk: that is all we need. Fall is rich and generous, we simply shouldn’t be lazy, but take advantage of all the natural inspiration around us. Remember: drawing and sketching will take you anywhere in art.

New studio

Although, I have not completed arranging my new studio yet, and there are still unpacked boxes, not to mention, boxed in hundreds of paintings, I managed to get something new done over the last two days, and I hope you can get inspired by these artworks which I will most likely post separately at a later time point.

Original watercolor paintings for sale

Art instruction: online versus real, myths versus reality

Painting winter birch

Art instruction in abundance

Art instruction can be found in abundance everywhere: there are numerous online classes, numerous websites that will give an idea of creating art and also countless real life events. 100% of students who attend my art classes have been watching YouTube art instruction videos, demos and suggestions. One would think they have learned a lot. In fact, it isn’t the case.

Birch painting in watercolor


What is the gain?

Most people after spending a lot of time with online art instruction videos haven’t learned anything. That sounds strange, but it is a fact. Most people who have been watching YouTube tutorials and demos do not know how to use the brush with acrylic, how to blend paint and how to mix the correct color they want. Most people who were learning drawing and watercolor painting using online video tutorials are afraid of water; they do not know how to apply watercolor paint, how much water to use, how to time the painting process and how to avoid muddy colors.  Most people, who were learning how to draw online, cannot draw anything on their own or using real set-up compositions. They can only trace a photo or use an outline printout for their drawing.

Reasons and causes

Why would that be? Why haven’t they become skilled after spending numerous hours at the screen? The main reason might be the one-sidedness. If one has a lot of artistic experience and knowledge of painting techniques and understanding of paint properties, they will benefit from such online art instruction videos. These, who have zero experience, most likely will not. I believe these art instruction videos are good for inspiration and issue solving. If you do not have experience, you will rather get confused and disappointed.

Two-way communication

In real and live class, I can see how somebody understood the demo or painting tip. You’d be surprised seeing what levels of moisture are applied when I am saying: make your paper wet. That ranges from flooded paper with puddles of water to slightly seeing shine on it. Graded wash is understood in very different ways: from thick layer of paint to no paint at all. Not to mention a wet paint application on wet paper and a dry paint application on wet or dry paper.


Timing is a very important part of painting with either watercolor, or acrylic. By not observing timing and making good use of it, the potential artist will definitely get frustrated. There are things which are easy to do when the timing is right and impossible to do at all if the timing is wrong.

On your own and on one side of screen

When you are sitting on one side of screen, nobody can check or see how exactly you are applying advice or tip. In a live class, I can see right away whether the paint is too wet, too dry, if there is too little of it or way too much of it. I can see right away who understood the technique and who is struggling with it. I am able to notice the weaknesses and the strengths right away, as well, and do that for each particular student.

Brushing techniques

Brushing techniques are probably the most important part of acrylic painting. Most people have absolutely no idea about these techniques. It is understood that it does not matter how you put the acrylic paint on canvas. Well, that makes the painting experience either pleasant or results in frustration when one cannot achieve what they want to.

Using watercolor paint

Most people do not know how wet or how dry watercolor paint should be, and I have seen how some would try applying it without any water at all. Sounds crazy? Yes, it is weird because we call it watercolor because it is used with water. Pigment in watercolor paint is activated using water, otherwise it won’t work. Without doing this properly, there is no watercolor painting, but we create a streaky smear.

Quality of art supplies

There is a principle which is always true when it comes to art supplies: the better quality art supplies are, the easier it is to apply them; and vice versa: the worse quality art supplies are, the more skills one will need to use them properly and to achieve good results.

How to or how not to

While many art instruction demos and videos are called “How to paint ….” they should be called, in fact, “How I paint ….” because there are lots of ways to interpret one and the same subject and one and the same theme. Many of demos also instead of “How to paint …” fall in the category “How not to paint …”. That’s just how wrong the demo or art instruction advice can be. With the widespread accessibility of internet and opportunity to share and post anything, we cannot be always sure if the advice we are given is correct or if it will ever work for us in particular. We have to approach everything selectively. That refers not only to art instruction, but also to any advice for any situation in life.

Teaching without skills? That happens

We have seen by now how art instruction is given by people who do not have the slightest teaching or art experience, as well. Art instruction has become an area where everybody is an expert. Would anybody teach and give music lessons? Piano or guitar lessons, for instance? No, they would not. Would anybody without any knowledge and skill teach foreign language, math or chemistry? No, they would not because that means misleading the student and pretending that one has what they do not. When it comes to drawing and painting, it is assumed that having no experience is not an issue. Just teach it and everything will be fine. Isn’t that a bit absurd?

Learn faster

I would say if you want to see fast results and create decent and interesting art, you definitely have to start with real and live art instruction. Let the art instructor see how and what you are doing because that is the only way to find out why some things do not work and what you should be doing to make this experience rewarding and uplifting. Realistically, the things one needs to learn are the main principles of drawing and painting, not the style and techniques of artist X, Y or Z.

Finding out what you can do

Once you have learned the basics and have established the foundation, you will be able to create anything, draw and paint anything in your personal style and develop a personal approach to any subject. That won’t limit you to being able to only paint one particular scene and subject. It will feel like: I can draw and paint any scene, any still life and floral composition. I can draw and paint anything. That’s why starting with techniques, values, color theory and composition is important. Practically, that means finding out what your brush, paint and pencil can do once you know how to use them.

Winter birch painting by Inese Poga
Painting which we created during recent art class

From simple to complex

Therefore, I would suggest, we start with basics and go from simple subjects to very complex ones. Along with becoming skilled in art, drawing and painting are the absolutely best things to devote our free time and leisure hours to. This means also exploring ourselves, becoming smarter, better with decision-making and invisibly growing new brain cells, as well, extending the lifetime of the existing brain cells. That means a better memory and an improved cognitive function.

Suggestions on how to choose art classes:

Registration for art classes: Art classes

And some of our previous experiences:

Art is created in a different dimension

Watercolor painting, peppers

Art is even more than meditation. It transfers us to a different place, it happens in a different dimension and it results in a completely different experience. Just like most of us, I need to shut off the world here and there: to recharge, regain energy and clean my internal vision.

Painting takes away from any troubles and transfers us into the work we are creating, into another dimension. It is totally possible to forget to eat, to forget what the weather outdoors is; what day it is and whether there are some urgent chores to be done. The funny thing is that everybody can get into it. I certainly would advise to experience a moment when everything else disappears, but art is all that matters.

“Love veggies” painting is available from studio and this website

Many subjects are available outdoors.

Ash berries or rowan berries, watercolor

Sunflower sketch

I also got better pictures of sunflower sketch and ash berries. I am in the middle of a creative uplifting swing. I hope it takes me somewhere to higher grounds. Thanks for reading!

Different approach to art class: focus on relaxing and stress-free creativity

Watercolor paints

Creativity for an art class

As the fall of 2017 is approaching, my new art class focus on stress-free environment and creative techniques. Students can learn, paint and relax letting all concerns and problems go. The key to creativity is being relaxed and not expecting miracles, but creating them: one small miracle at a time. I noticed that some students were taking art classes way too seriously, and being worried does not allow achieving great results.

Forget concerns and technical perfection

I want this to be a welcoming stress-free environment for creation so that purely technical goals become secondary. Traditional art instruction pays too much attention to the technical execution leaving the emotional and mental side neglected. That is why some artists go for big lengths: trace and copy photos, repaint everything which is in digitally adjusted photo. What about creativity? Going for photographic perfection frequently lacks the emotional aspect. I’d like to emphasize: the creative process is the most valuable part of the artistic journey.

Don’t limit yourself

Perfection in art is not the best goal because it simply prevents from unfolding our creative potential and limits the range of tools and techniques we apply. I hear this quite frequently: I’m not touching this painting anymore because I do not want to damage it. Well, leaving work unfinished isn’t good either. Limitless creativity takes us much further. You will learn effortless and, thus, stress-free techniques to avoid leaving work unfinished in my art class.

Live versus online art class

I also wanted to make an art class which is impossible to replicate online. The content of this art class rests on the presence and the interaction between me, group and everybody as an individual. The live art class allows me seeing and noticing why something does not work and why students cannot achieve the result they are looking for.

Artistic experience

I will gear everything towards a great, interesting, amazing and positive experience. That means learning about oneself and art, and learning to be creative without the annoying pressure which some teaching venues want to impose on somebody who is looking for a new skill and ability.

Painted images diary

We will use blocks of paper, so that at the end of this  positive painting session  everybody will have an image diary and will be able to continue adding creations. Inspiration and immersion in calm, creative environment is what one can find engaging in art.

Emotional satisfaction

I believe, this type of art class where experience and activity flow together creating emotional satisfaction, thus, being stress-free and providing with a new perspective on the bothersome issues in one’s life, will be appreciated. It’s interesting that I was away and did not do any advertising so far, but people were applying already, in fact, a lot of people. That included the new daytime watercolor painting class.

Wash paintings without drawing

I am adding as illustration brushstroke and wash only painting. We use only watercolor paint and water, and we watch what happens and how our thoughts and ideas look on paper. Watercolor paintings without drawing:  it is fun, relaxing brushing and interesting flow of pigment:

Choose your own subject

Participants will have a lot of choice: they can draw, they can use pen or they can also do very abstract or semi-abstract art for their image diary. That’s why it’s called: stress relief with color and line. Art classes are for everybody because we will be using only our personal preferences with colors, subjects and the way they look.

Sign up here: Art classes

Find out more: Inese’s blog