Purpose of linear perspective in painting
Perspective in art is much easier to implement than perspective in life. In fact, there is nothing much to it as far as we are aware of how it works and what it does for a painting or drawing. Linear perspective creates depth and dimension in any drawing and painting which deals with suitable subject. Traditional linear perspective uses size, overlap of objects and their placement in composition, as well as convergence of lines.

Black pen drawing of simplified 2-point perspective building
Where to use it
If you love landscape, street scenes, rural scenes with farms and barns, simple roads, streams or rivers and so forth, you will need to implement linear and atmospheric perspective because they both contribute to dimension and volume of your painting. You will also use color values accordingly to perspective principles. If you are drawing and painting outdoors, you are most likely applying some perspective already.

Old countryside house in pen and watercolor, 18 x 12 in or 46 x 30.5 cm
Vanishing points and front view
Some people are confused: how many vanishing points to use: 1, 2 or even more? The answer is that will depend on the placement of your shapes and forms on different planes. 1-point perspective uses 1 vanishing point on the horizon or reference line. Horizon line can be called eye-level, but I like to call it reference line. You have to remember that vertical lines are parallel to the sides of your paper (if it’s straight) to make look building stand up correctly. Horizontal line creates 90 degree angle with the vertical line in front view. Horizontal lines of front view are parallel to the bottom and top of your paper. Therefore, in 1-point perspective, the straight lines at the bottom of your building and corresponding lines higher up will always create a 90 degree angle with the vertical line.
1-point perspective in landscape
Most often, we use 1-point perspective with roads, streams, tree and fence lines and buildings on both or one side of a road, that is, with views where something disappears in the distance. That creates an easy perceivable and visually attractive composition which is a breeze to create. In 1-point perspective, all lines which lead into distance, meet in the vanishing point. The front angles of the building on the respective plane are 90 degree angles. It sounds more complicated than it is when you draw it. Start with closest end of the building, drawing a rectangle. Connect the points on one vertical line (in my case the left side where I mark height of any element) to the vanishing point.

Pen and watercolor wash of barn, 16 x 12 in or 41 x 30.5 cm
2-point perspective uses respectively 2 vanishing points.

My drawing of neighbor’s house
Plein-air drawing, 2-point perspective. Photo does not show all lines correctly since camera draws the front edge closer. To draw it correctly, vanishing points on reference line are placed outside the drawing. That we do always when the subject is large. I usually draw intuitively since I know where approximately these lines meet and where the vanishing points are. Starting out? Mark up vanishing points on each side and connect with respective points on vertical lines. I teach this all in my private classes because it is simply not easy to describe.

Pen and watercolor 2-point perspective sketch, it was mostly done outdoors, since this building is next to my studio entrance.
Many buildings in a landscape or street scene
When drawing close-ups of buildings or placing many scattered buildings in composition, we use rather 2-point (angular) perspective. We use drawing separate buildings most often 2 vanishing points. We adjust the eye level or reference line placement as needed. It can be higher or lower depending on your view. We can move it up or down, and we should use this feature in our favor. That will allow achieving plenty of depth and dimension.
3 vanishing points in one-point or two-point perspective
When some buildings are close, some distant or scattered all around, you could use 3 vanishing points. It does not mean that your drawing becomes extremely complex. It means that you will have freedom to place things in your composition wherever you want them.
Where to place rooftop?
Often, demo drawings that involve 2-point perspective do not explain that the rooftop line runs through one vanishing point. That was also the most confusing part for students since they had a problem placing the roofline where it belongs. Please enjoy the recent paintings and sketches which involve perspective. I will prepare online materials for understanding better how to create linear perspective in drawing or painting.

Perpendicular and parallel lines
The most important aspect is to understand what lines are perpendicular, what parallel, what is obtuse angle, right angle and acute angle. Remembering basics of geometry is really helpful because perspective in drawing is simply achieved once you know how to create it. I am posting some of my recent works that involve creating perspective to illustrate the concept.

Uphill, watercolor painting of rural house, size of this painting is 21.5 x 16.5 in or 54.5 x 42 cm
Outdoor painting
Many drawings, sketches and watercolor paintings are done outdoors or plein-air. Perspective is an important part of any painting, sketch or drawing which displays buildings, street views, roads, fences, bridges and similar subjects. Learning how to create perspective is not difficult or overwhelming. You really need to master perspective if you ever do a realistic painting or drawing with buildings and man-made structures.
More about this: Power of line
and how to start sketching: How to start sketching
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Sending love and healing to you Inese! Your work, as usual, is really beautiful! Hope this coming week finds you healthy and able to do the work you want to do. Blessings 💜
Thanks Lorrie! Well, I’m seeing the doctor soon, but it’s been a year without improvement. I hope this time I get over this issue.
Will send loving prayers for healing, Inese 💜
Thanks Lorrie! I appreciate your kindness!
Sorry that you’ve had so many difficulties getting the site you want up… I hope things get straightened out for you soon;… take care… Diane
Thanks Diane! Basically, I couldn’t get done much because I’m always exhausted. That’s from medications. The website is just work and I need time, and it’s midsummer already, such a wonderful time, and I’m still dealing with the same problems which I was a year ago. I hope to go to Europe, too, and I need to do something about it. I don’t have the flight ticket yet, they have gone up in price a lot.
Oh dear, I thought your medical issue was behind you…. If you’re too tired just do what you absolutely have to do.. and save some energy for enjoyable things… Summer is too short to not have some time to enjoy! Hope you also get your trip… Diane
Thanks Diane! Yes, it’s been so long. I should have just gone to Latvia for this surgery, they do way better job and with advanced 3D printing options now people get there any part they want printed specifically for them, skin, bones, joints, etc. The most interesting part is that this suits the persons system and is based on their own cell structure. It’s always the money issue, and I am sort of tired of all of this. Anyway, I hope to somehow (miraculously?) put this behind me. Summer is really to enjoy. I didn’t get much out of it last year, so maybe this year I can manage to make my summer so much better.
I hope so too take care Inese …Diane
Thanks! I certainly will. I’m seeing the doctor tomorrow.
Have a great summer!