Private art classes

Private and semi-private art classes for adults and teens 12+ provide with skills in drawing, pastel painting, sketching, watercolor and acrylic painting. My students get results! Just one of them won the money reward and the first prize not long ago.

Absolute beginners, as well as adults and teens with drawing and painting skills, who want to improve them, are welcome to learn everything I master – observational drawing, pastel painting, spontaneous watercolor, pure watercolor and acrylic painting.

Private art lessons provide with in-depth knowledge about the fefore listed mediums. I will share my tips and tricks which we call secrets. They are not really secrets, but skill and experience of using such mediums.

I am one of the rare instructors who teach drawing and pastel painting. Pastel painting and drawing requires a specific skill set, and 5 decades in drawing allows me to provide you with extra efficient approaches and techniques.

Students choose time, day and painting subject and medium.

See the list of subjects as you scroll down.


Have friends or relatives who would love to paint or draw the same subject, use the same medium and attend in-person classes at the same time?

Whenever possible, let’s draw and paint during the daylight hours. Please, suggest your preferred times or days, what you’d like to paint and I will let you know if I can accommodate your request. Please, use this link:

Contact Inese Poga 

See more about my skills and background here: About artist Inese Poga

Please, note: students use their own art supplies for the respective medium. Big part of painting success is based on knowledge of your tools and art supplies. Every paper is different, every brush works differently, and paints can be anything nowadays. It is important to learn how we use brushes, what each of them is for, what to use some paper for, how to create great art on canvas. Small painting secrets have huge impact.


Drawings have multiple purposes, some are just outline sketches, some are done on transparent paper for transfer onto watercolor paper, some can be used as ready artwork. My drawings are large: 24 x 20″ , 22, x 30″, and a few are just 12 x 16″. I advise you also to use at least 16 x 12″ paper.


pencil drawing (nature, floral, perspective, buildings and still life related, we use real subject and/or photo)

pastel painting (nature, floral, still life from photo)

ink pen and watercolor (plants, flowers, perspective, buildings, still life)

watercolor still life, use your preferred items, from photo or real things

watercolor floral painting and still life with flowers, from photo or real flowers

perspective, single point and angular, single subject and with multiple subjects, from photos

landscape, watercolor, sketching and drawing from photos

abstract spontaneous watercolor from photos, imagination and visual ideas

acrylic still life, from photos

acrylic floral art including gardens, especially large flowers and floral close-ups, from photos

perspective in acrylic, farms, barns, street views, etc. from photos

landscape and landscape elements in acrylic: trees, sky, water, grasses, foliage, wild flowers,, roads, paths, fences, garden and similar, from photos

If you are just starting out in painting or drawing, please, count on at least 2 classes for drawing and 3 classes for watercolor or acrylic painting. To paint like a master and mastering medium, drawing and painting tools, takes time.

Private and semi-private art class is 1.5 hours. Please let me know what subject (from the list) and medium (graphite pencil, ink pen, watercolor, watercolor and ink pen, acrylic, pastel) you are interested in, and send a message via contact page: CONTACT US

Each PRIVATE DRAWING AND PAINTING CLASS is $60, and the fee for SEMI-PRIVATE CLASS for 2 students is $65. You can share the fee with your friend or relative. Students use their own art supplies for the respective medium. I accept e-transfers and also cash up to 5 days before the class. Feel free to stop by.


Please, make sure if you applied for a class, you attend it. Start with 1 class, if you are unsure.

If you have a gift certificate for painting or drawing class, please be aware, it expires in 6 months of the purchase date. After that, no refunds are issued or missed classes rescheduled.

Art supplies for ACRYLIC painting

Art supplies for DRAWING and WATERCOLOR

Expressing oneself in art is very rewarding. While engaging in creation of art, we open the door to confidence and self-fulfillment. Once we have passed this door, there are millions of opportunities to explore, and endless dreams to turn into reality.

List of group art classes and workshops:

Group art classes

Please, review the blog page to see what I draw and paint because that is what I teach: Inese’s blog

If you have health concerns or problems, please, let me know before you purchase the class.

Everybody of us has a potential of being creative and artistic. Especially in tough times, art soothes, recharges, heals and rewards. You are just one step away from creation of your best artworks!

74 Replies to “Private art classes”

  1. I loved your blog site – I have just gotten started and don’t have as lovely a studio in which to teach (mine is in my basement) but share your enthusiasm for giving others the gift of learning to draw and paint. Great job!

    1. Thank you so much! It took lots of work to set up the art studio. I rent my studio space and every time we move to a new location, I start with setting up it again. My studio displays many paintings, unfortunately, I cannot hand them on the walls as I wish, but there are numerous artworks to enjoy, purchase and simply view.
      I really appreciate your nice comment.

  2. Do you have video lessons? I am in the Army and deployed but really want to take this time to have fun with Art. I have had everything I need shipped over here to me by mail. Now I just need some training! 🙂

    1. Hi Diana,
      I haven’t posted any video tutorials online, I simply don’t have time for creating them. However, there are huge numbers of such stuff on YouTube. Just type in “YouTube + whatever you’d like to learn”, don’t forget the right medium like pencil, watercolor, acrylic, oil, pastel, etc.

    1. I see the same qualities in your art, luminous and radiant with happiness. I’ve really enjoyed looking at all your art. You are so productive!

    2. Thanks again! I suppose I’m putting in my paintings everything which I was lacking for many years in my life. I went through real hell after a very bad accident with no hopes to survive. However, I did, and that made me understand that the only way to be is to multiply light, hope and belief in good endings.

    3. I’ve also been through a very bad accident and was the sole survivor. I also believe in adding to the natural radiance around us, because life is too short to spend it all embracing dark thoughts.

    4. Thanks, exactly. Once we learn how fast it is possible to loose everything, we get intense desire to contribute to the “natural radiance around us”. Your meaningful comments are much appreciated, have a great weekend!

  3. I am impressed not only are your talented but so is your teaching, and your students. I love how well the students paint… and all of them seem happy doing it too.

    1. Thanks Eli! I thought I’d never be a teacher when I was young because I didn’t want that. It happened so that I have been and still am teaching all my life long. Well, you never know. Students love these classes, some groups are like small families. Some of them said, they could give up everything else, but the art class is what they need for sure. One lady told she’d be in a very depressed state if she did not have this opportunity to attend art classes. They love the atmosphere and instruction! So do I. Thank you so much for stopping by! I enjoyed reading your blog and found it very interesting!

  4. Love how you put it, that we can turn endless dreams into reality. The paintings are amazing. I love the trees/paths in the center, esp. Lush. I can smell the air. It’s funny: your like came in when I’d been thinking of you. =)

    1. Thanks so much! Telepathic sensitivity is not that rare, especially among those who are used to listen to their feelings. Well, and what can be more amazing than to create something on blank canvas or white sheet of paper? Because we can put there anything we want.

    1. Thanks Carol! I’m proud that many good artists have done their first paintings in my classes. She may have been even 10 years old, and we were drawing and painting from real flowers. That probably explains why these paintings are so unique, and everyone has some personal touch at such an early stage.

  5. seeing your cheerful studio and students make me long for the days I ran a teaching studio! Good luck, your work is lovely:)

    1. Thanks! I know it is a great way to interact with other people. It’s also nice people like these classes and many of them have become a real part of my life. Good luck with your projects, too!

    1. Students find these art classes very inspiring! It is great to have a welcoming and friendly environment for such an activity. I am following other blogs which I find interesting and I hope they follow me back! I suppose, it’s always the mutual interaction which matters!

  6. Your art is truly beautiful. I lack talent such as yours in any sense of the word, but I do so admire and appreciate. The work of your students is exceptional as well – which also speaks very highly of you! I very much look forward to your future posts.

    1. Oh thank you Tammi! I suppose, we need more people who appreciate art, that is also a gift to understand and value art and artistic creations! I have been very lucky to have many talented students so far, and their number is just growing day after day! Thanks for stopping by!

    1. It sure is, and most importantly, people who created this art will have no problem with decorating their spaces, homes and offices and they will always have that special feel for any artistic creation whether done by themselves or other artists.

    1. Thank you! Yes, everybody loves creating art, and it sure is something good to give others the chance to experience a bit of happiness and beauty while being able to express oneself in a very pleasing way!

    1. Thanks Anne! I have to say that, too: some of my students art is ready for show or gallery. We also have to remember that many of these students are beginners or have never painted before. Many of students are very talented and dedicated, plus I really have been teaching for more than 30 years. I have worked out steps, approaches and techniques which theoretically allow everybody to create good art as long as they are willing to follow my advise and tips. Thanks for your kind comment!

    1. Thanks! The works shown in this post are mine demos (no color, just brown-grey and white) and mine textured works of autumn series. The students works will follow after some week or two since most of them either started this painting last week or will start next week. Our painting sessions are a lot of fun, but sometimes we need to work, as well. I appreciate you stopped by!

  7. Thank you for visiting my blog! We do have a lot in common, I think! Good luck to you and your students. Art is an amazingly therapeutic way to find our way through the challenges of life. Putting color into someone’s life is a real blessing. Good luck to you and your amazing students. The work is beautiful!

    1. Paldies, Jāni! Laimīgu Jauno gadu arī Tev!
      Thanks for stopping by and all the best for you in the New Year, too! I’ll have a look at your FB page since I’m on FB, as well.

    1. Thanks for visiting and taking your time to comment! It’s actually a page to provide some insight to people who are considering attending classes. All artwork on this page is done by students, I have not included here my own art. I believe my students have achieved a lot in a short period of time. Thanks again!

    1. Thanks! I usually follow blogs which might possibly follow back because there’s something in common. I have taken large numbers of pictures over years, but I’m used to quickly edit, re-size and watermark them, so pictures are no problem. With an art blog, problem is having painted or drawn something new, as well as showing steps because that can be tricky and take a lot of time. Painting can take up to half a year to paint, especially very large ones. Thanks again and have a great Sunday!

  8. I have been painting but my shades just run together or dull feel like throwing them awsy but everyone loves them i have not took art self taught. I will try you’re class later love results

    1. Thanks Anita! Well, there is always room for improvement. I suppose, we should listen to our own heart and senses when it comes to art we create. We set some goal and we try to achieve it, whether that is some color scheme, new type of composition, new subject and similar. We are always on the way, always working on something new, always setting the bar higher. I hope seeing you in classes. You could find out about a distinctive approach or a new technique, etc.

  9. How do you have your students begin a drawing… by sketching themselves a scene that you provide… on paper first small in size… and then the canvas… larger in size… and then the paint? Diane

    1. Well, I’m always making them to draw and paint big right away. Painting small, and especially very small is much more difficult. It usually takes time until they know how to handle brush. Therefore, going bigger is easier and has more impact, too. Some people want only drawing and watercolor, and some want to do only acrylic. Drawing and sketching is good and beneficial for everybody because painting is drawing with a brush. The knowledge we get while drawing helps hugely when painting.

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