Drawing for everybody: brain fitness at our fingertips

Drawing for brain fitness

Drawing ability is in our DNA

Everybody can draw. And everybody should draw; if not at artistic level, so, for pure pleasure and healthy brain. I hope you are not one of those parents who make remarks like this: stop playing around with pencils, do your math assignment! While we all need literacy skills and math, there is something unique about drawing. We can draw before we can even speak or write, or count.

Path to artistic freedom

We can actually do it successfully without any regard to any rules which people have imposed on creative expressions and art. We can very well express ourselves until somebody says: that doesn’t look like a cat! That’s when the kid who loved to draw starts to wonder: really? Am I doing something wrong? That’s where the artistic freedom ends and rules start. Art is categorized as not that important compared to coding, IT, math, chemistry, physics, history and essay writing.

Drawing and painting for brain fitness 

We have so much evidence nowadays that drawing and painting actually has the power to activate our brain to a huge extent and keep it flexible. Focus, memory, attention to detail, decision-making, imagination: these features are so important for anything we do in our life, and they are developed and perfected while we are just drawing and painting. In addition, this activity means a lot of pleasure, it is also rewarding.

Requirements for brain flexibility boosting tasks

In order a task or activity would boost brain flexibility and our memory, it should be:

challenging task;

new task every time;

task that involves decision-making, observation, focus and attention;

task that prompts to come up with solution;

pleasurable task and activity;

rewarding task and activity;

activity or task which enables socializing and exchange of opinions.

If you can write, you can draw

People, who think they cannot draw, have been simply using a wrong approach or have convinced themselves that drawing is something they’d never manage. They might believe drawing is something they don’t like or would never need. They might be addicted to devices and screens and they might see no point in using their brain and hand. However, fine motor movements are extremely important.  Everybody, who is able to manually write, can also draw.

Manual drawing is not that common

I am obviously checking out what other instructors and classes offer, and I must say there’s not that much. First of all, if instruction starts with: take a picture, that is not going to be a lesson how to learn drawing. That instruction will tell you how to reproduce photography and sometimes advice to just trace the image and take credits for a great drawing. Why do we always need to focus on the final product? The process of creation is very exciting, and this process is well worth experiencing.

Seeing is the key to drawing

Drawing is not about copying or measuring. Drawing is about seeing, activating the brain-hand communication and creating an image of an object, person or view on a flat surface, at the same time trying to show the emotional impact we are experiencing. Before we can draw, we have to learn seeing. Most people are convinced they see everything, in fact, they see just a non-specific image, and they don’t pay attention to any details.

Practical advice for these who start drawing

When I’m watching people drawing, I have noticed the following: they rarely look at the object they are drawing or painting, hardly ever. Some follow my drawing, some look at the paper all the time and erase everything and start from new quite a few times and erase again.

Practical drawing

In fact, we have to focus on the subject we are drawing and just rarely take a look at how lines and shapes are forming on our paper. We have to draw the subject 2, 3, 4 times bigger than in reality. Also, memorize the subject for 3-5 seconds; explore the shape and values, look at paper for 1 second. That happens on its own after a while.

Forget eraser

I would like to take away the eraser, too. Eraser just disturbs during the initial drawing stages. Therefore, try not to erase everything. Focus on outlines and shapes, as well as size, scale and proportions with the first attempt. Start with light approximate lines, define them as you go.

Drawing for brain fitness
Drawing has many purposes: this is outline drawing on watercolor paper. It is extra light, hardly visible.
Rough sketch for painting
Only reality shows the correct proportions

The starting point and reference area

We have to visually perceive the subject or scene, find the reference area or spot and start out with very light general lines. With every next line, we are building up the subject or anything within the drawing. We should also stick to what there is and what we can see not converting it into an animated, simplified shape of what we know this object might be like. We should not omit and take away all specific features our subject has in reality.

Drawing for brain fitness
The purpose of these outline drawings is to serve as a base for watercolor painting because some plants, vegetables or flowers don’t last long enough
Drawing for brain fitness
Leaving only good lines and going over with black pen

Good subject for starting out

All apples are not the same; all cups are not the same, not to mention trees and flowers or faces. Still life is a very good starting point, and I’d usually pile up more simple things in order we could observe their relationships. Therefore, learn seeing, develop visual perception and visual memory.

Drawing for brain fitness
We add now watercolor to lines and get a nice painting!

The positive impacts of drawing occur especially when we are employing the entire brain which is as in observational drawing. It also makes us completely independent from computers, cameras, phones, printers and other devices because all we need to start out is paper and pencil or pen. Good luck!

Enjoy art projects in pink

Pen and watercolor illustration

Illusions and visions

There is no “undo” command in our life. This makes everything we pursue, experience or achieve absolutely irreversible. Everything is a small moment, frozen in time. As I’m typing these words or you’re reading them, the past washes this moment away and puts it in the big folder of our lifetime’s history. The cold sun rays of the disappearing day are pouring over the nearby rooftops and the highest tree branches. This creates an illusion of warmth in the air. Yet, it is an illusion. As the quiet stream of twilight starts flowing across the sky, we will find ourselves in even colder conditions, minus thirty or so. That’s why we create art projects in sunny colors.

Apple blossoms and rose watercolor

Uplifting colors for grey mood

How does this relate to pink projects? Very simple: when the environment is unfriendly, we should try doing something pleasant. For me, that is drawing and painting something which takes me far away from this cold winter day and places in surroundings where I’d love to be. This is an easy mental transformation into a feeling-better state. We actually did similar project in the classroom. The first project was all about yellow and orange, and the next one was painting flowers in pink. These projects can be done by absolutely everybody whether they have any experience or not. They are as basic as one, two, three.

Step 1

Choose the reference image and draw the main lines with pencil or do a drawing from memory.

Drawing for pen and watercolor blossoms

Step 2

Draw over the most suitable lines with a black pen. Black ink can be used, as well, if somebody has it.

Drawing for pen and watercolor blossoms

Step 3

Follow the reference image or your imagination and apply colors which seem to be most fitting the drawing. We apply color on one leaf or on one petal at a time. We start with light washes and go over some areas with more intense color. Wash out connection lines with pure water.

Pen and watercolor illustration

The result

Drawings which do not look perfect at all become extremely beautiful with this approach. We were applying washes and glazes of yellow, red, crimson red and dark red with blue. Any color was applied using various intensity. These projects took us about 3 hours in total. The rose was painted in a similar way. Since it is pure watercolor, I used only watercolor paint without black pen.

Pen and watercolor illustration

Start seeing

Just one more thing:  everybody can draw and paint and, therefore, create for themselves a beautiful rescue place where to avoid troubles and hardships. However, we have to learn seeing things in an artistic way first. This feels almost like developing a much better perception of the surrounding world. We are used to see everything just walking by and running over. Now, it is time to start noticing lines, shapes, shadows, colors, contrast and features that make this particular subject attractive. That is the moment when we can put it on paper or canvas.

Pen and watercolor illustration

Drawing and painting with watercolor is fun. Such illustrations and paintings are beautiful and look fantastic in your art portfolio, on your wall and when published.

Get inspired; Ideas

Learn how to paint: Art classes

Advantage of sketching in watercolor

Sketching in watercolor what is the advantage

Reality of sketching

I’m usually advising my students: if you ever would like to learn drawing free-hand and manually, do not use photos, grids and other tools, but only your eyes in addition to paper and pencil. That gives us huge artistic freedom and allows not to depend on camera, printer, computer and photo editing software. That also saves a lot of time. It is more difficult for some people to draw and paint from a real subject initially, but it is like everything else: once you’ve understood how it’s done, the improvement is continuous.

Creating without devices

I grew up and learned painting without any cameras and photos. There was no internet, there were no computers. I suppose, that’s why the number of artists was noticeably smaller, too. In order to paint or draw something, you simply had to use your visual abilities and imagination. I am disagreeing with those who are trying to convince us that everybody was using some kind of camera obscura in the past in order to capture accurate details, proportions and perspective. It’s believed, that mostly amateur artists were using it since they did not have the knowledge and capability of producing good drawings. I know, everybody has heard about Canaletto whose drawings were created that way. Well, there were others, too. Some people can draw and capture everything flawlessly. I am one of them.

Why you can’t draw yet

I find that most people are unable to draw not because they have problems handling pencil and creating the image, but because they don’t know what to look for when they would like to recreate the subject on a paper or canvas. That takes practice and work, that’s all. I love doing drawings or sketches just for the sake of pleasure. It’s so great to see something evolving on a sheet of blank paper. Nothing really compares to this fantastic feeling! That always excites me, and I can spend hours drawing alone while other people are watching TV, for instance. As a kid, I was drawing my garden, street views, buildings and similar simple things. I used to draw portraits of my sister, other kids and later my daughter and my group-mates at the University.

Painting and sketching the easy way

Paintings are sometimes very labor-consuming, especially the large and very large ones. It is simply a lot of work. It can be hard physical work, as well, when handling huge canvas. Sketching with pencil, watercolor and pen is a quick way of capturing the desired view or subject. I do not draw anything tiny because I am trying not to use glasses. Glasses, just like camera can distort the image, and I wouldn’t like that to happen. These sketches were created while travelling, and sizes are between 10 x 12 to 12 x 16 in (25 x 30 and 30 x 41 cm). They were done in about 2 hours.

Sketching in watercolor what is the advantage

Advantages of using pen with watercolor

There are many advantages of sketching with pencil, watercolor and pen. First of all, sketching allows to stay focused. It’s like a daily exercise which keeps us in good shape. Our senses stay sharp and fresh, and it’s easier to get back to larger artwork after a break. It is also a great tool to overcome artistic blocks. Just start sketching without worrying about results. We allow our creativity to unfold and follow our imagination and inspiration.

Sketching in watercolor what is the advantage

Sketching is the quick way of capturing reality

Sketching does not take much time, it is very relaxing. Many artists and people, who are doing art for pleasure, know that. Lack of time is an ongoing problem. Not everybody is willing to sacrifice their free time only to drawing and painting, but they should. Doing painting and sketching regularly is already an achievement and it will certainly result in better skills. Sketching is very suitable to experience a new subject or style. There are millions of different ways of sketching, and that means: there is something for everybody.

Become a master in drawing

Finally, sketching is crucial for those, who want to master free-hand drawing from live subjects, or to capture a plein-air view. We can learn writing by reading a lot; we can learn many things by just watching how others do them, but drawing is a skill which we can  learn only by doing it. The more we draw, the more we sketch, the more artistic and skillful we become. We might get a new approach this way. We also might find a completely new style which works for us. I have always something on my studio desks: flowers, cups, jugs, brushes, paint tubes and similar items. Jars and cups are my favorite still life subjects. I have a large collection of them. I’m already looking forward to spring impatiently because that’s when the true sketching starts. Nature wakes up and takes us outdoors.

Framed sketch: why not?

It is also possible to frame sketches and use them as beautiful art for decorating your space. Sketches can make great illustrations and they sometimes serve as a standalone artwork.

Sketching in watercolor what is the advantage

Happy sketching! Please share your experiences with different media and subjects if you have time.

Link to sketching:  https://inesepogagallery.com/2018/05/02/how-to-bring-art-in-your-life-start-sketching-and-drawing/

Sign up for art classes: Sign up for art classes

Learn in private: Private art classes

My art prints:

Art classes: a worthwhile activity

Art classes for adults, still life

Participating in art classes way to express yourself

What is the best way to never feel bored again?

How to give one’s life a new meaning?

How to make long winter nights shorter not wasting time in front of TV?

It is very simple, indeed: by doing something pleasurable and rewarding.

Art classes and painting lessons fit in this type of activities just perfectly. Not everybody feels like dancing or exercising every weeknight. Not everybody has a good company on his/her own. That’s where I come in with my art classes for beginners and people who simply enjoy colors, shapes and images.

Acrylic painting secrets

Art classes can lead to a new career or lovely hobby

Some students will continue painting, some will have art only as a hobby, and some students will enjoy time spent in a nice atmosphere. Whatever way it is done, it is worth it. It is amazing to hear after a class how surprised and satisfied students are that they were able to create something on their own, not to mention the value of art created in these art classes.

Worthiness of participating in art classes
Wednesday acrylic painting group started to work on fall maple images

Just get started, everything will happen

Many of potential students are asking if they need to be good at drawing or painting before enrolling in art classes. The answer is no, they do not. It is enough that somebody has found time, and this is a good way to spend it. You can enjoy art classes whether you are willing to purchase your own supplies (in that case you can keep working at home, as well), or you just want to use the provided art supplies for the moment.

The new art activity resolves problems

People who feel they depend on their mobile devices, phones, laptops and computers should give this some consideration, as well. We are learning how not to use any devices, printouts or digital references. Once you learn live without a device, even though it is just a few hours, you will see that it is possible and you will learn how to take a break from devices.

Art cures

Art is a fantastic cure for any addiction since it takes us away from troublesome thoughts and cravings. Challenging our brain and drawing or painting new subject every time will improve the cognitive function, memory and brain flexibility.

Adult acrylic painting classes for beginners, valuable activity
Thursday acrylic painting class for adults enjoyed drawing, sketching and painting still life. The first part is done, and results look very promising.

Real subject, individualized art

If you use a real subject and do not trace photo, you will get to your personal style much faster. Drawing and painting style is your individual handwriting, and as you improve and develop it, you enjoy a very individualized approach to any part of painting.

Drawing and painting is done observing and re-creating objects on canvas or paper. It may be challenging at first, but this approach is the most natural one and provides with real artistic freedom.

Sign up for art classes: Application for art classes

Paintings in progress: experimenting with medium and surfaces

Pastel painting in progress, still life painting in pastel

Experimenting with subjects and medium

Experimenting is the force behind creation of new art. I love experimenting.  I think most artists try new materials and challenge themselves time to time. We cannot just paint one and the same subject in the same way all life. Life is too short not to find out what else is out there. In order to create these paintings, I have to try different medium options.

Experimenting with surfaces

I just found out that watercolor canvas is not my preferred surface because paint comes off much easier than it goes on, but it was interesting to try painting on this surface. It was quite a struggle to cheat the paint onto watercolor canvas. I had to wait until the first layer is completely dry and then try adding more paint. See how gorgeous it actually came out: Sunny still life, finished years later

Experimenting with medium

I’m combining acrylic ground, watercolor, pastel fixative and pastels in order to draw with pastels on a stretched canvas. While it is a multi-step process, the small canvas looks really good.

Pastel painting

Disadvantage of using glass

I’m also stretching watercolor paper on bars, and I’m doing this because I don’t like how paintings look behind the glass. Frame contributes to perception of an image, but glass reflections definitely disturb it. I have watercolor paintings under museum quality glass, and there is still present reflection. It feels as if color and image are not directly approachable as with acrylic paintings.

paintings in progress: amaryllis acrylic painting
First layers of acrylic paint in amaryllis painting

Challenges with any medium

I don’t think, there is any absolutely flawless medium. Pastels leave a lot of dust and cause respiratory problems. They need to be preserved immediately. Acrylic paintings are easy to store and hang, but paint dries out almost immediately, and any correction requires to go over a big area. Watercolor paintings on paper need to be preserved and framed. Glass, mat board and frame increase the selling price a lot.

Creating a still life
My set-up is visible in the background

Avoiding necessity to frame art

My goal is to paint on any surface combining any mediums so that I don’t have to frame my paintings. To be honest, good frames look fantastic. However, framing many hundreds of paintings is very expensive and time-consuming. It is almost impossible at this point since there are too many paintings. Art buyers actually like paintings without frames. That allows them framing or not framing later, and using frames they prefer to.

combining pastel and watercolor on canvas
Such art doesn’t require frame and can be used without it

Paintings in progress

None of these paintings is finished yet, but I like how they are coming out. I’m experimenting so far, but I will see soon what works the best. It’s also fun to use watercolor pencils, pastel pencils, pastel sticks, watercolor on canvas, on paper, on board and just take a risk. The result might be unpredictable, but I don’t think it’s going to be unacceptable. Painting from real set-up is also the way I like it. Update: please, see newer articles for all finished paintings.